What is herpes: causes and treatment

The main causes of colds on the lips

The main cause of colds is primary infection, or weakening of the body's protective functions.

Relapses occur due to:

  • intoxication of the body;
  • overwork;
  • stress;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • ARVI;
  • flu;
  • diabetes mellitus

Depending on the individual characteristics, a cold can occur in case of overheating, hypothermia, or after drinking strong coffee.

Most often, colds occur in those who frequently consume alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.

Types of herpes virus

Herpes is a whole group of diseases that manifest themselves in the form of lesions of the skin, nerve tissue, and mucous membranes. In rare cases, damage to internal organs may occur.

Types of herpes virus

There are several types of herpes:

  • Downtime of the first type is the most common type. Localized on the lips and nasolabial triangle. Possible eye damage, which manifests itself as conjunctivitis.
  • Simple type 2 – affects the genitals. It is transmitted sexually and provokes the development of various gynecological diseases that negatively affect reproductive function.
  • Herpes of the third type - enters the body by airborne droplets and causes chickenpox.

After this, it is localized in the nervous system forever, and with a severe decrease in immunity, it can manifest itself as herpes zoster.

  • Herpes of the fourth type - affects the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and lymph nodes. Accompanied by high fever and pain.
  • Herpes type 5 is rare and develops against a background of weakened immunity. The symptoms are similar to colds.
  • Herpes type six – provokes the development of multiple sclerosis. Diagnosed in people over twenty years of age. Without medical intervention, it can lead to disability.
  • Herpes type seven can cause chronic fatigue and the development of cancer. Accompanied by insomnia, irritability and enlarged lymph nodes.
  • The eighth type of herpes is the most dangerous. It is activated due to the effects of radiation therapy and provokes the development of cancer.

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Doctors have established that the causative agent of herpes simplex is the virus of the same name “Herpes simplex”.

Figure No. 1. Herpes simplex virus under the “sight” of an electron microscope

what does the herpes virus look like

It penetrates the body through microscopic cracks in the skin, overcomes tissue barriers, penetrates into biological fluids and is carried with them to the internal organs.

Penetration into the body can also occur through microcracks in the mucous membrane. This means that the viral agent is transmitted:

  • contact (for example, when kissing);
  • household (with contaminated dishes, toys);
  • during sexual intercourse.

The virus penetrates nerve endings and integrates into genes. The immune system resists by producing antibodies, but cannot completely destroy the virus; it only suppresses its activity. Once it enters the body, the virus persists or stays in the body for life. Clinical symptoms begin to fully manifest when the patient's immunity is reduced. There are also known cases of asymptomatic virus carriage.

Why is the virus dangerous?

The herpes virus is not fatal, but it is incurable. Once it penetrates the body, it remains forever. In case of weakened immunity, relapses of the disease occur, which affect the quality of life.

The activity of the virus is dangerous during pregnancy. It negatively affects the development of the fetus, provokes various pathologies and premature birth.

Often recurrent herpes creates favorable conditions for the development of:

  • cervical erosion;
  • infertility;
  • prostatitis;
  • urethritis;
  • vesiculitis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • boils.

Herpes during pregnancy

Infection of a woman with herpesvirus during pregnancy requires a separate explanation.

When the virus enters the human body, it is kept in a latent state by the immune system, which produces the necessary antibodies. During pregnancy, a woman’s immunity is weakened and with primary infection with a herpes virus there is a risk of its dangerous effect on the body of the expectant mother and fetus.

The absence of antiherpes antibodies allows the virus to freely penetrate the fetus, which provokes the development of defects and even miscarriages.

Herpes occurs more easily in pregnant women with repeated manifestations. The defense system is already familiar with the virus and is ready to resist it. The infection does not reach the fetus and the child can be infected only at the time of birth. Statistics show that if the mother has genital herpes, the chance of infecting the child at the time of birth is more than forty percent. Every fifth child will get herpes.

Therefore, herpes in pregnant women is a dangerous disease that requires a prompt therapeutic response. It is difficult for the expectant mother’s body to resist the virus and cannot do without full-fledged drug treatment.

Ways of transmission of the disease

Primary infection with the herpes virus can occur in several ways:

  1. By airborne droplets.
  2. Contact and household.
  3. If sterility is not maintained during surgery.
  4. At birth from the mother.

Most often, you can become infected with the virus through contact with a carrier. This could be a simple touch, a kiss, or unprotected sexual intercourse.

Carefully! You can become infected with type 1 herpes simply by touching a surface that an infected person has touched. Therefore, contact with pieces of furniture in crowded places should be minimized.

Herpes is resistant to drying and sunlight. It remains on dishes, towels, and clothes for a long time. Therefore, it is strongly recommended not to share these items with anyone.

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Prevention of herpes

Preventing the manifestation of herpes is an interesting event, taking into account the fact that most people on the planet are carriers of the herpes virus. The main task of disease prevention is not to prevent infection, but to prevent the development of diseases that it provokes. In particular, herpes.

A strong immune system copes with this task. To maintain it in this condition, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • to refuse from bad habits,
  • eat well,
  • alternate loads and rest in reasonable proportions,
  • avoid stress,
  • Avoid overheating and hypothermia.

Preventing infection with herpesvirus, according to many experts, is a futile task. It cannot be said that certain actions will avoid infection. But even taking into account this opinion, the basic rules of hygiene cannot be neglected:

  • hand hygiene after each visit to public places;
  • use only individual personal hygiene products;
  • use of contraceptives during casual sexual intercourse.

Vaccination against herpesvirus

At the moment, there is no preventive vaccine against herpes viruses. There is a therapeutic vaccine that prevents relapses of herpes. It was created by Soviet scientists back in the last century. But it did not become widespread due to the fact that it can only be used according to strict indications.

Now work on the creation of a preventive vaccine against herpesvirus is being carried out in many countries. From time to time information appears about successes in this work, but no one has yet achieved the final result.

Scientists predict that a preventive vaccine can be created in the next decade, and then the fight against herpes will become effective both in terms of stopping the disease and preventing infection.


Treatment methods for cold sores

Many people are concerned about the question: how to get rid of a cold on the lip quickly. But you should understand that it is impossible to completely get rid of the disease, but there are many methods that suppress its development and relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Detection of the disease at an early stage makes it possible to suppress its development even before external manifestations.

Diet is of great importance. Food should contain as many useful microelements and vitamins as possible. You should avoid eating too fatty, salty and spicy foods.

It is necessary to saturate your diet with fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, and herbs. The vitamins they contain improve immunity.

Symptoms of the disease

According to statistics, people most often encounter type 1 herpes simplex, that is, a cold on the lips or in the face.

Figure No. 2. What does a herpes rash look like?

herpes rash elements

Clinical symptoms of herpes simplex include:

  • Accumulation of small, transparent bubbles in one place (on the face, near the lips, eyes, genitals);
  • Itching;
  • Burning in the inflamed area;
  • General loss of strength;
  • Chills.

It is noteworthy that if a person is an asymptomatic carrier of the virus, then the following factors can cause clinical signs (relapse):

  • Excessive exposure to open sunlight;
  • Exhaustion of the body (during diets);
  • Beginning of menstruation;
  • Getting injured;
  • Severe stress;
  • Lack of sleep and overwork;
  • Infection with viral or bacterial infections (such as colds);
  • Severe hypothermia;
  • Development of tumors.
  • Use of immunosuppressants

All factors that reduce the activity of nonspecific (cellular, tissue) immunity allow the virus to begin a “new life” and cause an exacerbation of herpes.

Figure No. 3. Herpes simplex

herpes simplex, appearance of rashes

How to apply lipstick at home

At home, you can effectively overcome the manifestation of the virus using folk recipes. But they can only be used after consulting a doctor.

Tea tree oil has antiseptic properties and dries out skin inflammation. It should be applied neat to the affected areas. After some time, you can apply moisturizer.

Celandine - acts on herpes like antibiotics. The sore spot should be treated with celandine juice without touching healthy skin, otherwise a burn may form. This must be done until a thick crust appears.

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