The best methods for lifting drooping corners of the lips - how to remove the “stamp of despondency” from the face

A beautiful mouth shape is every girl’s dream. We’ll talk about how to achieve your goal without beauty injections or surgery in this article. We will talk about special gymnastics. Lip exercises have a versatile effect on the appearance of the lower part of the face, help get rid of nasolabial wrinkles, increase the volume of the lips, change their contour, and lift the drooping corners of the mouth.

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Brief anatomy of facial muscles

The shape of the lips and their positioning depend mainly on several groups of facial muscles.
You need to know the principle of their anatomy in order to correctly imagine how to raise the corners of your lips. In the thickness of the lips there are fibers of the circular muscle that border the oral cavity. It does not have bone fixation points, and therefore is especially mobile. In this regard, the tone and contractions of the orbicularis muscle are reflected in the others, the main of which are:

  • The levator anguli oris, which, fixed to the bone under the orbit in the area of ​​the “canine fossa,” is directed downward, where its fibers are woven into the orbicularis muscle and the skin of the corners of the mouth. When it contracts, the latter rise upward.
  • Depressing the angle of the lips - has a wide base, which is fixed along the anterior surface of the lower jaw, slightly below the mental foramen, is directed upward in the form of a triangle and, having reached the corner of the mouth, is divided into bundles. One part of them is woven into the muscle that lifts the corner of the mouth and into the upper lip, the other into the skin of the corner of the mouth. When these muscles contract, the corners of the mouth are drawn down, giving the face a sad expression, and the nasolabial fold becomes straight.
  • The laughter muscle (not present in everyone) - one part of its fibers begins from the fascia of the masticatory muscle and the skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold. Bundles of its fibers are directed towards the midline and are woven into the upper lip, a muscle that raises the angle and the skin in the same area. In addition to the fact that the muscle stretches the mouth during laughter, its contraction forms a dimple in the corner of the mouth.
  • Incisive muscle - starts from the upper dental sockets, “goes” downwards and attaches to the circular muscle and the skin of the corner. When it contracts, the latter moves upward and inward.

The structure of the muscles of the perioral region

How to correct an aesthetic defect? Understanding the anatomical principles is especially important in cases where gymnastics is performed for the drooping corners of the mouth. Mimic muscles of unidirectional action have a common resultant force. Gradually, the tone of one group prevails over the tone of the other and does not correspond to what is necessary.

Due to the uneven tone of individual muscle groups and impaired biomechanics of contractions, microcirculation deteriorates and blood redistribution occurs. This leads to even greater spasm of some muscle fibers and relaxation of others, as a result of which disturbances in the position and coloring of the lips and the formation of wrinkles develop and become increasingly intensified.

As you know, the face has a large number of facial muscles. The shape of the mouth depends on the tone of the muscle fibers around it.

The name of the muscles that are located in the oral cavity area:

  1. Orbicularis muscle;
  2. Large malar. It is she who is responsible for the position of the corners of the mouth;
  3. Zygomatic minor muscle;
  4. Buccal muscle;
  5. The muscle that lifts the corners of the mouth upward;
  6. The muscle that lowers the corners of the mouth;
  7. Laughter muscle;
  8. Mental muscle.

How exactly does the drug for lifting areas near the mouth work?

Due to its consistency, the filler is distributed in the space under the folds of the perioral cavity, replenishing the volume and filling the voids, thereby lifting the areas under the corners of the lips.

Fillers are divided into two types:

  1. natural;
  2. synthetic.

Let's look at each type in detail.

Natural types

Natural types of fillers are closer in composition to the skin and pose less of a risk of allergies to them. Such fillers have their own validity period - they stay in the skin from about three months to two years. If the result of the correction procedure is not satisfactory, the natural look is much easier to remove from the skin than synthetics .
Natural lip fillers are divided into several subtypes:

  • Hyaluronic (used to correct lips and correct small wrinkles. Lasts from 4-5 months to a year).
  • Biosynthetics and fillers based on poly-L-lactic acid (introduced to correct wrinkles around the mouth. Lasts up to two years.).
  • Collagen (used to increase lip volume, as well as to fill facial wrinkles. Lasts from two to five months.).

It is also possible to use your own fat after liposuction. This procedure is called lipofilling, and is the transplantation of fat from one place to another to correct the contours of the body. It is worth noting that this procedure is unreliable and gives only short-term results.


Synthetic types of fillers, which are not absorbable, are substances made on the basis of paraffin, silicone and polyacrylamide.

These types have one big advantage - they do not dissolve after a certain time, they stay under the skin constantly. Accordingly, they can only be removed from the body surgically. In addition, synthetic fillers are more allergenic to the skin and can cause inflammation. Also, this type of filler can be distributed unevenly under the skin, which spoils the aesthetics of the appearance.

We invite you to watch a video about what types of fillers there are:

Causes of cracks in the corners of the lips

As a rule, cracks in the corners of the lips are a symptom of a lack of important elements in the body, for example, vitamin deficiency, dysbacteriosis, etc. In such cases, a person feels weak, looks pale and tired, gets tired quickly, his skin dries and peels, and his hair falls out.

It is worth considering the main causes of cracks in the corners of the mouth.

AvitaminosisDeficiency of vitamins, and in particular vitamin B2, is a common cause of seizures, which are also called angular cheilitis.
Vitamin deficiency can occur when the absorption of the vitamin is impaired (if the patient has intestinal or stomach diseases) or when it is insufficiently supplied to the body. A lack of vitamins is very often accompanied by the appearance of cracks. Symptoms: first, the corners of the mouth turn red and then crack, swelling of the lips occurs, inflammation of the tongue, burning in the eyes and conjunctivitis may begin.
InjuriesIf a person has a permanent injury to the corners of the mouth, the sore is often accompanied by the presence of bacteria in the body.
In children, the same germs can cause cracked lips due to unwashed hands, sand getting into the mouth, etc. Symptoms: erosion in the corner of the lips becomes crusty, constantly bleeds, and does not heal. As a rule, this applies not only to the corners of the mouth, but also to the lips, chin, etc.
InfectionsZaeda can be caused by only two types of infections: fungi and streptococci.
They provoke the development of an inflammatory process in the upper layers of the skin. Both microbes are part of the pathogenic sphere that exists on the skin of all people, so in order for them to become active and form cracks, certain conditions are necessary. Symptoms: redness of the corners of the mouth, cracking, slow healing.
HerpesAnother cause of cracks is the filtering herpes simplex virus.
Most often, children as young as two or three years old can become infected with it. The reasons for relapse are a sharp deterioration of immunity associated with stress, frustration, overwork, hypothermia, etc. Symptoms: in addition to cracks - blisters on the lips, tingling, soreness, crust formation on the ulcer.
Fungal infectionsAnother common cause of cracks is candidiasis of the corners of the lips, otherwise known as yeast star.
Pathogenic fungi multiply due to recent colds, various diseases such as diabetes, blood diseases, stomach, intestinal diseases, etc., taking medications with hormones, drugs that suppress the immune system, antibacterial drugs, etc. Symptoms: a whitish coating on the ulcer, which can be removed quite easily.
AllergiesThe most common allergic reaction to personal care products or cosmetics, extreme heat or severe frost can cause chapped lips.
Symptoms: peeling of the skin around cracks, which appears immediately after exposure to adverse weather or contact with an allergen.
Environmental exposureSevere cold or wind can cause angulitis.
Symptoms: cracks appear immediately after exposure to bad weather conditions.
Bad habitsSeizures appear due to the presence of bad habits in a person, such as smoking, frequent licking of lips, presence of any objects in the mouth, and constant consumption of alcoholic beverages. The first three habits described affect the skin in the corners of the mouth through many factors.
Frequently holding the tip of a writing utensil in the mouth leads to infection with pathogenic microbes. Drinking alcohol weakens the human body and contributes to the greater development of existing diseases.

Symptoms: cracks in the corners of the lips, which disappear after eliminating the described habits.

Diseases of the lips (cheilitis in the photo)
  • If a child has constantly inflamed corners of his mouth, and his parents had this problem at the same age, the diagnosis will be atopic cheilitis. This disease is provoked by allergens, hormonal changes, problems in the nervous system, etc.

Symptoms: dry facial skin, reddened corners of the lips, cracks, swelling and dryness of the lips, small scales on them.

  • A crack with relapses appears as a consequence of general diseases, pathologies of blood vessels and the nervous system. Such traumas can also accompany mental and emotional disorders.

Symptoms: bloody crust on the ulcer, the ulcer itself is soft but painful.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tractEating may indicate diseases of the stomach or intestines caused by an excess of toxin-producing E. coli in the body. Cracks are precisely an allergy to the stick.
Bite featuresCracked corners of a person's mouth may indicate an incorrect bite.
If one jaw protrudes more than the other, the lips become irritated.
TuberculosisPatients with tuberculosis often suffer from tuberculosis seizures in serious condition.
Symptoms: sharp pain of erosion, undermined edges of cracks, poor general condition of the patient.
SyphilisA common crack may appear to be a chancre, which is a sign of primary syphilis.
If left untreated, the type will become secondary. Symptoms: a gray-whitish coating on the crack, pain only when opening the mouth and talking, with a hard base, if it is stretched, it becomes rounded.

DETAILS: Sign of a pimple on the lip: upper, lower; above and below the lip

How to cut your lip until it bleeds

From a cut or broken lip, blood can flow in a real stream. When the wound is small, you can try to do it yourself. In case of large cuts, you need to provide first aid, direct efforts to stop the bleeding, and consult a doctor.

What is needed to treat a wound?

frozen food or ice;

clean plastic bag.

If bleeding cannot be controlled

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Why lips crack and bleed and how to stop the bleeding

The problem of how to stop bleeding from the lip often faces people with weak blood vessels or those located close to the surface of the skin. It can also be difficult for those who have cut or broken their lip completely by accident - this is due, first of all, to the abundance of bleeding.

Stopping them is quite a difficult matter; blood from the lip can flow for quite a long time.

First aid

First aid when bleeding from the lip begins includes the following measures:

  1. It is necessary to reassure the victim, especially if the bleeding is caused by some kind of stressful situation, such as a fight.
  2. Provide free access of air.
  3. Ask the patient to take deep breaths.

After this, you can proceed directly to treating the abrasion on the lip.

For this you will need:

  • sterile bandage (gauze will also work);
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • something cold (ice, frozen meat);
  • plastic bag (in winter).

All these items are not always needed. Usually it is enough to simply hold a tampon folded from a bandage pressed against the abrasion. A few minutes will be enough to stop the bleeding.

The problem of how to stop bleeding from the lip if the abrasion is contaminated can be easily solved with the help of hydrogen peroxide, after which the bleeding is stopped in exactly the same way as in the previous case.

Another way to stop bleeding is to apply something cold to the abrasion. A swab dipped in ice water or a bag of snow can also be used.

This is especially effective due to the constriction of blood vessels, which provokes cold.

Causes and prevention of frequent bleeding from the lips

There are different reasons why lips bleed.

  • Mechanical injuries.
  • Herpes.
  • Impacts of the external environment (when lips crack from frost, for example).
  • Proximity of blood vessels to the surface of the skin.
  • Vitamin deficiency (especially lack of vitamins C, B, A).
  • Bad habits associated with constant irritation of the surface of the lips (licking, biting).

Injuries are not a big deal. If the wounds received are minor, bleeding stops quite easily and does not recur unless secondary damage occurs. All other cases involve regular recurrence of the problem.

The first thing to do in this case is to determine the cause. If your lips often begin to crack or peel, then perhaps it is due to insufficient protection from external factors, weak blood vessels, or vitamin deficiency. This problem can be solved by using hygienic lipstick and taking vitamin complexes.

You can easily understand what to do with lips that are peeling from regular irritation - you just need to monitor this habit and give it up.

The blood doesn't stop

If, despite all efforts to stop it, blood still comes from the lips and the level does not decrease, this is a reason to consult a doctor. You should not expect a decline longer than ten minutes; this can be fraught with serious blood loss.

As a rule, such situations arise in case of serious injuries, when it is necessary to call an ambulance. You can also go to the emergency room, where a stitch will be placed on the cut lip.

This will stop the bleeding and help avoid the consequences associated with blood loss.

After bleeding caused by injury, the lips always swell. This also happens in some other cases, especially if the appearance of blood is caused by bad habits associated with irritation of the skin of the lips.

You can avoid this by using:

  • applying something cold (the sooner this is done, the better);
  • use of medications prescribed by a doctor.

If you do nothing, the swelling will subside on its own over time. For some time after this, you should be careful with the skin of your lips.

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How to stop lip bleeding

Those people whose blood vessels are located too close to the surface of the skin often suffer from bleeding lips. If the lip is broken or cut, the blood flows very heavily.

If the damage is minor, you can stop the bleeding from your lip at home on your own. If the cut is too deep, it is better to consult a doctor, as stitches will be needed.

It is recommended to learn more about how to stop bleeding from your lip.

We provide first aid

How to stop bleeding on lips at home? If your lip is bleeding, you need to take the following measures:

  1. First, the victim must be calmed down. This is important, especially if the causes of bleeding lie in a negative psycho-emotional event, for example, an accident or a fight.
  2. It is important to ensure free access of air.
  3. Have the patient take deep breaths.

After the victim has calmed down, measures must be taken to stop the bleeding on the lips. You will need the following supplies: bandage or gauze, preferably sterile, hydrogen peroxide, cold (ice, frozen meat). If your lips are bleeding, applying a cotton swab to the area for a few minutes is usually enough. Such manipulations will help stop the bleeding.

If dirt particles get into the wound, it is recommended to wash it with hydrogen peroxide or any other antiseptic. After treating the wound, apply cold to it. This will prevent swelling. Normally, if the wound is small and the blood clots normally, the bleeding usually stops after a few minutes.

Why does the problem occur?

In addition to injuries, there are other reasons why blood comes from the area around the mouth.

These include: the development of herpes, the influence of unfavorable climatic conditions (strong wind, frost), blood vessels located too close to the surface of the skin, deficiency of vitamin substances (in this case, blood can often flow after sleep), frequent biting or licking the skin (such habits are irritating). for the epidermis and for the mucous membrane, after which the skin tightens, peels, microcracks and bleeding may appear).

First you need to find out what caused this problem. If your lips are not sufficiently protected, it is recommended to lubricate them with hygienic lipsticks or balm before going outside.

In case of vitamin deficiency, the lack of vitamin substances in the body should be replenished. To do this, include a large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet or take a course of taking multivitamins.

You should also give up the bad habit of licking or biting the skin.

If you can't stop

If the blood does not stop within 10 minutes, and it flows as intensely as immediately after the skin injury, do not hesitate, it is better to visit the emergency room. Otherwise, serious blood loss may occur. This usually happens in a situation of serious injury (cut or severe bruise).

In this case, it is better to call emergency services, which will take you to a medical facility. In the emergency room, the surgeon usually applies stitches; this procedure helps stop the bleeding and prevent massive blood loss.

Next, the doctor prescribes the application of cold to prevent swelling, rinsing with antiseptics, herbal lotions and compresses.

If all medical recommendations are followed, swelling disappears two to three days after the injury.

During this period, you should be careful, eat only liquid or pureed foods, try to talk, laugh and smile as little as possible so that the stitches do not come apart.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are often prescribed, in particular, quartz treatment of the damaged area. After stitching, the doctor also prescribes antibacterial drugs, which can prevent the development of an infectious process in the wound.

Application of cold

Using cold is effective for bleeding lips. It is recommended to apply an ice pack wrapped in a towel to the site of the bruise or injury (to avoid cold burns), frozen foods wrapped in a clean plastic bag.

If you don’t have ice or frozen food on hand, you can simply soak a bandage or cotton wool in cold water and apply it to the damaged epidermis for a few minutes. If the injury occurred in winter, you can collect snow in a clean plastic bag and apply a compress to the injured area. Thanks to the cold, the blood vessels quickly constrict and the bleeding stops.

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Bleeding from the lip: how to stop

From a cut or broken lip, blood can flow in a real stream. When the wound is small, you can try to do it yourself. In case of large cuts, you need to provide first aid, direct efforts to stop the bleeding, and consult a doctor.

Bleeding from the lip: how to stop

First aid measures

Try to calm the victim. This is important because under stress, blood pressure rises and the heart rate increases, which can increase blood loss. Unbutton the collar, open the window, and force the victim to breathe deeply. This will help increase blood circulation and increase blood clotting.

What is needed to treat a wound?

  • sterile gauze or bandage;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • frozen food or ice;
  • clean plastic bag.

It should be

It should be

If a small wound appears and there is good blood clotting, the bleeding should stop on its own within a few minutes. You need to apply a sterile gauze swab to the damaged area, press and hold for ten minutes.

When the wound is dirty

A contaminated wound most often occurs when you fall onto dirty asphalt, for example from a bicycle. In this case, you need to wash the wound with three percent hydrogen peroxide. You will have to hold a sterile bandage or gauze for several minutes and press it against the wound - this will help stop the bleeding quickly enough.

Shown cold

Cold can also help stop bleeding as quickly as possible. You need to apply frozen foods to the wound, which are packaged in a clean plastic bag or ice pack.

When you don’t have either the first or the second at hand, you should moisten the bandage with as cold water as possible and apply it to the cut or broken lip. In winter, you need to place the snow in a plastic bag and apply it to the damaged area.

Cold helps to constrict blood vessels in a short period of time and quickly stop bleeding.

If bleeding cannot be controlled

Often the damage to the lip is so significant that it is impossible to stop the bleeding on your own. If the bleeding cannot be controlled within ten minutes, you should immediately take the victim to the traumatology department or call an ambulance. In an emergency room, a traumatologist will be able to suture the wound, which will help stop the bleeding.

How to relieve swelling

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Is it possible to remove drooping corners of the mouth?

This aesthetic defect can be corrected in various ways. The main ones:

  1. Massage and exercises (recommended as a preventive measure and for minor changes).
  2. Injection techniques (introduction of hyaluronic acid fillers and botulinum toxin-based drugs).
  3. Plastic surgery methods.

The procedures can be carried out separately, but it is advisable to combine them by performing a massage before starting the exercises. For greater effect, in order to relax spasmodic muscles, increase the tone of relaxed muscles and improve blood circulation in them, it is necessary to take a steam bath for the face for 10 minutes or apply a hot compress. 5 minutes before the massage, apply moisturizer or vegetable oil.

Using the pads of the thumbs, placed perpendicular to the skin slightly above the corners of the lips, painless pressure (acupressure) is applied for 3 to 7 seconds. You can also massage in a circular motion from the sides of the mouth down to the lower jaw (7 times).

Another massage exercise - with the middle and ring fingers of both hands, with light pressure, hold the tissue in the middle of the chin for 3 seconds, then, without releasing the pressure, slowly move your fingers around the lips and connect them in the center of the upper lip (7-10 times ). After the massage, a superficial warm-up is carried out, which consists of lightly closing the lips and opening them during a short exhalation, as when pronouncing the sound “p” (up to 5-10 times).


There are many different exercises recommended for this problem. All of them are based on the same principle and pursue the goal of normalizing the tone of the “interested” muscles.

An example of a set of such exercises:

  1. Smile, but only from the corners. Pull them up and at the same time to the sides, feeling their displacement to the infraorbital zone. In this case, the middle area should be relaxed (10 times).
  2. Using the pads of four fingers, except the first, fix the nasolabial area along the nasolabial fold - from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth. Move the latter upwards, exerting resistance with your fingers. You can open your lips a little so that their middle sections are not tense. Do the exercises slowly several times at first to feel the muscle contraction, and then gradually increase the pace. Repeat the exercise 30 times, making a short static delay on the last count, then relax, exhaling like a “horse snort.”
  3. Exercise in the horizontal direction. To do this, the index and ring fingers, closed together, are placed “edge” on the corners of the mouth (the index finger is adjacent to the skin), slightly pressing them. Only with them make a thin long smile, offering resistance with the installed fingers, then move the latter with a rolling motion to the middle so that the ring finger is on the skin, preventing the corners from moving, and return the fingers to their original position in the same way (repeat the exercise 10 times).
  4. Work in a vertical position. Place the brushes horizontally at the sides of the cheeks, place the pads of the outstretched index and ring fingers, lightly pressing the tissues, on the upper and lower lips (respectively) in the corner area. Collect the latter into “lumps” and try to lift them upward, and then release them, removing the pressure of the corresponding finger (upper and lower alternately in time with the movements). Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  5. Place the index and ring fingers on the upper and lower lips on both sides, closing the fingers of the same name in the center. After this, lightly press on the tissue so that the lips turn outward slightly, and move your fingers in a slow sliding motion from the middle to the top and to the sides towards the temporal region. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Contour plastic

With more pronounced changes, drooping corners of the mouth can be tightened using a cosmetic injection technique, for which fillers based on hyaluronic acid are used. The effect of the procedure lasts for 6 months. up to 1 year. For this purpose, the tissues in the problem area are slightly collected with two fingers to reveal a fold directed towards the lower jaw.

DETAILS: How to hide herpes on your lip

A hyaluronic acid filler is injected into it, into the area of ​​several (2-3) horizontal lines perpendicular to the fold and directed from it to the center, as well as into the area of ​​the arc connecting the upper and lower lips in the form of a bracket and passing through the corner. This injection technique is called the “Mona Lisa Smile.” Additionally, the drug is injected into the area of ​​the nasolabial fold.

Exercises to lift the corners of the lips

Many people with constantly drooping corners of their lips consider this condition a disadvantage, and some exercises have even been invented for them to lift the corners of their lips.

To do this, you need to mentally imagine that the corners of your lips are drawn to your lips and tense. This tense state must be maintained throughout the entire exercise. Touch your index fingers to the corners of your lips. However, this needs to be done gently, and your fingers should barely touch the corners, you just need to feel some additional load. At this time, you need to remember that only the corners are constantly moving up and down. Help yourself with your fingers - up and down, but your fingers should not slide over the skin, but simply be very close to it, and heat will be transferred from them to the corners of your mouth. And during this movement, imagine how the corners are pulled behind your fingers. This exercise should be performed until you feel slightly tired up to . Following this, you should imagine that the corners of your lips are glued to your fingers. Pull your index fingers up and in parallel mentally pull the corners up and even higher. Mentally hold the corners at the top level and count to sixty, or maybe more. Then you can relax.


Mandatory stages of diagnosis are visual examination and testing.
An examination for suspected angulitis includes the following steps:

  • visual inspection;
  • taking a smear to determine the type of pathogen and prescribe the correct treatment.

The following comprehensive diagnostic methods may be prescribed as additional measures:

  • blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Ultrasound;
  • consultation with a specialist doctor: dentist, otolaryngologist, endocrinologist, etc.

If cracks in the area of ​​the corners of the lips bother you constantly, take a long time to heal, and treatment at home does not have an effect, you should consult a dentist. The examination procedure will be as follows:

  • Questioning: you need to tell what is bothering you - dryness, burning, pain, and so on, inform about the presence of concomitant diseases, allergic reactions, occupational hazards, bad habits, remember when the crack appeared, under what circumstances, how often it occurs.
  • Examination: the doctor assesses the condition of the skin, lips, oral cavity, teeth, gums, and palpates the lymph nodes.
  • Bacteriological and cytological examination of the crack: necessary to determine the cause of erosion (yeast, streptococci, syphilis, leukoplakia, and so on).
  • Immunological and serological studies: to exclude HIV infection, syphilis and others.
  • Consultations with other specialists: endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, and so on.

How to avoid drooping corners as you age

To prevent problems from occurring, it is recommended to regularly monitor muscle tone. Can be increased using:

  • massage;
  • exercises;
  • contrast washes;
  • rubbing your face with an ice cube.

To look good, you should drink a lot of water, lead an active lifestyle, and ensure that your body receives the required amount of vitamins and nutrients.

A positive attitude towards life is important in preventing the formation of drooping corners. Nervousness and depression provoke their appearance; you need to smile more often and have a calm, positive attitude.

The corners of the mouth are of great importance. They give a certain expression to the human face. By changing it, you can express any emotion - sarcasm, joy, sadness, satisfaction. The characteristic curve of the corner of the mouth made the Mona Lisa smile popular throughout the world. There are many ways to correct it, regardless of the cause of drooping corners of the mouth.

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by the editors

As you age, the contour and shape of your mouth may change. The tone of muscle tissue becomes imbalanced, deforming facial features. Blocks in the muscles affect the skin, which, in turn, loses its elasticity and firmness. As a result of such deformations, the most common problem occurs in the area of ​​the lower part of the face - the corners of the lips are drawn down, the cheeks and skin on the chin sag. The face becomes dissatisfied and sad. The outline is no longer clear.

Features of treatment for adults

Nutrition during treatment should be as balanced as possible, with a high content of vitamins, the deficiency of which often causes cracks in the corners of the lips.

During therapy, it is recommended to avoid spicy and salty foods, which irritate the affected areas and prevent the wound from healing. It is worth including red meat and offal dishes in your diet.

For better absorption of such foods, you should also eat foods rich in vitamins C or E, for example, as many fresh vegetables as possible or olive oil.

It is important to determine what exactly is deficient in the child’s body.

After this, special children's vitamin complexes are prescribed.

Correction of nutrition is required, adding dairy products, eggs, beef, liver, fish, cereals and brewer's yeast to the menu.

What do the dropped corners mean?

Drooping corners of the mouth most often appear after 30 years and are a manifestation of age-related changes. If a person often experiences negative emotions, the muscles are constantly in tension, including the lowering corners of the mouth, which begin to point downward.

A woman’s desire to remain beautiful is understandable. But with age, the elasticity and freshness of the skin are lost, it begins to wither, and the contours of the face change. The problem is the formation of drooping corners of the mouth. Their position is controlled by the triangular muscle, which is attached to the most mobile muscle in the facial part - the circular muscle.

When you are in a bad mood, crying or negative emotions, nerve endings send an impulse to the facial muscle corset. When you smile and laugh, your muscles become stronger and tightened. Another reason lies in age-related changes. Upon reaching a certain age, depending on lifestyle, the muscle network weakens, the elasticity of the skin is lost and the edges of the mouth droop down.

Physiognomists regard a lip line with drooping corners as a consequence of pessimism and negative reactions. Such people rarely laugh and often cry, are dissatisfied, and have increased demands on life. As a result, they are often disappointed.

The problem can be caused by hereditary factors and appear at a young age. Due to the structure of the muscles and their natural tone. You can correct the situation yourself by systematically performing a set of home procedures.

Traditional methods

When a seizure appears, many decide not to use pharmaceutical drugs, preferring traditional medicine. Its adherents recommend products that can be used to smear cracks in the corners of the lips:

  • cucumber juice;
  • compress of crushed plantain leaves;
  • application to erosion of a clove of garlic cut in half;
  • washing with soda solution;
  • rinsing with strong tea leaves;
  • propolis ointment. One hundred grams of butter is mixed with ten grams of propolis, heated in a water bath, and then used as an ointment for seizures.


Don't forget chapsticks in cold weather!
Preventive measures consist of maintaining a normal water balance in the body, which will help avoid drying out the skin of the lips and the formation of cracks.

It is necessary to drink enough liquid, and in cold weather use greasy lipstick. During periods of vitamin deficiency, it is mandatory to take multivitamin complexes.

Only a competent and clear approach to the problem can help to establish their origin and quickly get rid of them. There is no need to stop halfway when eliminating cracks in the corners of your lips. It is better for a specialist to conduct a basic examination that will prevent relapses.

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The so-called hollow between the upper lip and nose indicates the presence of many positive qualities. The longer the groove, as the physiognomy of the lips states, the better. Such people are aimed at success, which they achieve in any business. They have a lot of vitality and strength. If you look at the faces of prominent actors, businessmen and other personalities, most of them have an elongated philtrum.

People with a short cleavage often have a low level of intelligence and lack basic education standards.

Exercises for wrinkles around the mouth

Simple manipulations and salon procedures will help you change and raise the line of your mouth.

Exercises and massage

There are many ways to lift the corners of your lips, the main one being exercises. Face forming is facial gymnastics that allows you to relax tense muscles and strengthen them in case of hypotonia. Thanks to regular work you can:

  • change the shape of the mouth;
  • tighten the drooping corners of the lips;
  • remove double chin;
  • smooth out wrinkles.

Exercises to lift the corners of the lips:

  1. Pat your lips like you would after applying lipstick.
  2. Smile, lifting the edges of your mouth.
  3. Add resistance to the exercise in the form of fixing the nasolabial fold with your fingers (from the wings of the nose to the edges of the mouth).
  4. Cover your mouth with your teeth and try to smile broadly.
  5. Pull them forward, open and close your mouth (works the orbicularis muscle).
  6. Draw the number 8 in the air with elongated, closed lips (the exercise is useful for the muscles that support the cheekbones and cheeks);
  7. Smooth the inner surface of the mouth with the tongue, focusing on the corner area;
  8. Blow air through a closed mouth (imitating horse breathing). Creates vibration and allows you to relax your muscles. The exercise is the final one in the complex.

The training must be done daily, 2-3 sets of 10 times. Before gymnastics, it is recommended to do a massage to prepare the muscle tissue. Oil or moisturizer should be applied. Massage movements are performed in the following sequence:

  • knead the skin, pressing lightly with your fingertips;
  • Continue kneading in a circular motion from the edges towards the center and down;
  • soft pats;
  • kneading the upper and lower lips separately;
  • Finally, you need to close your lips, as with the sound “p”.

How to lift the corners of your lips up with exercises

Also, against drooping corners of the mouth, any exercises with resistance are needed, for example:

  • Using your palms, press on the skin around the mouth. We try to lift the corners of our lips upward, depicting a smile.
  • We fix our index fingers along the nasolabial folds and press down. We pull the corners up.
  • We pull the lips in and press them to the teeth. We try to stress them out as much as possible.
  • It is necessary to pronounce the letter “o” by straining your mouth very hard. Tension is replaced by complete relaxation.
  • Place your index fingers on the corners of your lips and move inward. That is, the fingers are trying to bring the corners to the center. At the same time resistance is performed with the lips.
  • First you need to open your mouth, drawing an oval shape. After this, the upper lip is pressed against the lower teeth. You should try to portray a smile with the corners. It is recommended to repeat until you feel a burning sensation.
  • Fold the sponges into a tube. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. The lips must be pressed together as tightly as possible.
  • To begin with, the mouth is drawn out into a tube. You need to hold your chin with your palm so that it does not move. Mouth movements are performed that resemble those of a fish. Upper lip up, lower lip down, chin in place. The exercise is performed for 2-3 minutes.
  • The most difficult exercise on this list. It's called "eight". You need to draw a figure eight with your mouth extended into a tube in the air.
  • Do not forget that the deformation of the shape of the mouth is caused by spasmed muscles in this area, so the main and best exercise for raising the corners of the mouth should be an exercise to relax the muscle that lowers the corners of the mouth from the Revitonics course:

Photo from the book by N.B. Osminina “The World of the Face and Its Secrets”


  • Place your index fingers on the corners of your mouth, place your thumbs on the jaw arch where the triangular muscles attach to it (see picture).
  • Pull your fingers slightly towards each other. Take your time, wait until the skin is moisturized and moves freely. When the skin becomes moisturized, it will mean that the muscles have relaxed.
  • Next, work on each corner of your mouth in turn.

For techniques from the face-building course for lips, watch the video from a famous trainer:

With these simple lip exercises you can achieve good results. The main thing is to perform the complex every day (or at least 4-5 times) for 15-20 minutes and then the effect will not be long in coming.

Tags: gymnastics, Facial gymnastics, how to fix it

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