How to remove traces of herpes infection

Why do lips become crusty and dry?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to identify any one main reason that would cause this problem. It all depends on different circumstances and even on the individual characteristics of the body. Let's look at the most common reasons:

  1. Climatic conditions This problem most often occurs in winter or summer. It is at this time that the skin on our face is most exposed to the environment. If we are talking about winter, then it is cold, frost, icy wind. Delicate skin cannot withstand such stress and, as a result, lips become dry.
  2. The same thing happens in the summer, especially if you relax on the seashore or ocean. Salty sea water is not the best skin care, and add wind and ultraviolet rays from the sun! That is why during these two seasons it is extremely important to care for the skin of the face and lips and protect it from harmful effects.
  3. Dehydration of the body If you drink little water and are often in a dry room, then you are probably familiar with the problem of dry lips firsthand. Here it is important to maintain a drinking regime during the day and drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day. A humidifier will help solve the problem of dry air.
  4. Vitamin deficiency It is extremely important to maintain a proper and healthy diet. A lack of vitamins and minerals leads not only to various diseases, but also to dry lips. Make sure your diet is balanced and healthy. Eat more fruits, vegetables and healthy fats. Be sure to include sea fish, olive oil, and avocado in your diet. These products are rich in beneficial Omega 3 acids, which perfectly nourish the skin from the inside. In winter, it is useful to take a course of vitamins and minerals. Please note that very often, when there is a deficiency of vitamins, the corners of the lips become dry and cracked, this indicates a lack of vitamin B in the body.
  5. Allergies Allergy to decorative or skin care cosmetics should not be ruled out. It usually starts with mild flaking, which then develops into severe dryness. Use already proven cosmetics and study the composition before purchasing. Very often, extra-fixation cosmetics cause such a reaction due to the high content of harmful ingredients in their composition.
  6. Stress or anxiety If you find yourself constantly licking and biting your lips when you're stressed or anxious, you shouldn't be surprised if your skin becomes dry. Very often, many are not even aware of such mechanical movements, which become so habitual that they stop even paying attention to them. Check yourself for such habits.
  7. Lack of proper care Not everyone understands that the skin of the lips needs complete care, cleansing and moisturizing. After all, there are no sebaceous glands, which means that this area of ​​​​the skin is even more susceptible to the influence of weather. Be sure to take care of this area of ​​the skin - make masks, use scrubs and moisturize with creams and balms.

Why do cracks appear in the corners of my lips?

lips are dry and cracked

The first signs of pathology

Quite a lot of people are faced with the problem of dry lips and the appearance of crusts and cracks on them. But few people know that this kind of manifestation can be a symptom of a problem called cheilitis on the lips. This inflammation often occurs due to the influence of external negative factors, and some of its forms can provoke the development of serious complications.

The name of the problem comes from the Greek word “choilos”, which translates as “lip”, so inflammation that affects the mucous layer, the red border and the adjacent skin is called cheilitis. In exceptional cases, unpleasant symptoms can affect not only the upper or lower lip, but also the oral cavity, surrounding areas of the epithelium, as well as the membranes lining them from the inside. Cheilitis is characterized by a long course and is often combined with stomatitis or dyskeratosis (abnormal thickening and roughening of the skin near the mouth).

Why does inflammation appear on the lips?

There are many varieties of cheilitis, which differ in their manifestations and are provoked by different reasons. Let's take a closer look at these factors.

Crusts on a child's lips

Children often suffer from streptococcal angulitis. It begins with bubbles in the corner of the mouth, which are closely adjacent to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and include serous contents. They burst and erosions form, which are visually perceived as cracks. Under their crust there is a moist red dermis. It dries quickly with the formation of new crusts.

Angulitis of a candidal nature looks like erosions covered with a white coating. There are no deep cracks in the skin. The jams are visible only when the child opens his mouth - this is the main difference between the candida form. It usually takes a chronic course, accompanied by glossitis and candidal stomatitis.

The shape and type of jam are determined visually, but their origin is confirmed after testing. There are seizures of mixed etiology, which are both bacterial and fungal in nature. It is necessary to differentiate the pathology from papules in syphilis, although this is usually not necessary in childhood.

A healthy child does not experience seizures. Their appearance provokes problems in the functioning of the body. In their development they go through several stages. Initially, single bubbles filled with cloudy liquid may appear in the corners of the mouth. When they are damaged, wounds form and become inflamed. Soon the process spreads further, ulcers appear covered with a flaky crust. At the same time, it is difficult and painful for the child to open his mouth, it is difficult to speak, and problems arise while eating.

The main signs of seizures in children (as in the photo):

  • redness in the corners of the mouth;
  • crusts;
  • plaque;
  • cracks;
  • itching of the affected areas.

Open sores in the corners of the mouth are a path for secondary infection. This provokes an exacerbation of negative symptoms, which is why the little patient’s suffering increases. In addition, therapy for secondary infection is longer and more serious.

Dry lips are a sign of what diseases?

Various diseases, which are often characterized by dry lips, should not be discounted.

Dry lips during pregnancy

Although pregnancy is not a disease, this symptom is very common during this period. But you don’t have to worry, because this is all explained by the usual lack of vitamins, which is why doctors recommend during this period not only to eat right, but also to receive a vitamin complex.

Intoxication of the body

Very often, when the body is intoxicated, people complain of severe thirst, dry mouth and dry lips. During this period, our body requires a large amount of fluid to remove harmful substances from the body.


If you suffer from this disease, then you probably know the problem of dry lips. During sleep, you begin to breathe through your mouth and as a result of the passage of dry air through the mucous membrane of your lips, the skin begins to give off additional moisture and dries.


People with similar diseases often suffer from dry lips. The skin becomes rough, its elasticity decreases and peeling begins throughout the skin.

Skin diseases

This symptom is very often observed in various skin diseases. One of the most common is ichthyosis. This disease is genetic and is expressed in increased keratinization of the skin. People with this disease suffer from the appearance of scales on the skin. Such peeling also occurs with seborrhea, a disorder of the sebaceous glands.

Kidney diseases

Very often, with various kidney diseases, dryness of the mucous membrane of the lips, peeling and crust formation are noted. In some cases, the lips even turn pale and take on a bluish color.

High blood pressure

With very high blood pressure, symptoms such as dizziness and dry lips sometimes appear.

It is important to remember that if for a long time you cannot solve the problem of dry lips, then this is an indicator that you should consult a doctor to identify the problem at an early stage of development.

How do sores appear after herpes?

Ulcer on lip
It is not entirely true that ulcers appear after herpes. On the contrary, this is the most dangerous, contagious stage of the disease, of which there are only four.

  1. In the first phase, unobtrusive tingling is physically felt in the place where the outbreak will soon develop. Then the itching gradually intensifies and painful sensations appear. By promptly and correctly diagnosing the symptoms, you can prevent the development of pathology so that ulcers do not appear at all. Antiviral medications like Aciclovir can be used at this stage. Such drugs can stop the development of herpes at the inception stage. If the lesions begin to itch terribly, regular aspirin will help ease the pain.
  2. If the pathology is not diagnosed in the first phase and treated on time, then it will be impossible to avoid the appearance of ulcers. The second phase is inflammatory. Small bubbles begin to appear. First one, then several more. These blisters are very hard, filled with cloudy liquid, and are pathogenic. They increase in size, increasing the pain.
  3. At the third stage, viral ulcers are formed. Bubbles that reach their maximum size burst. At this stage, the patient is most contagious, as the fluid from the blisters releases millions of herpes viral bacteria, spreading into the surrounding area.
  4. In the 4th phase, the healing process begins, the ulcers become covered with a crust. You should be especially careful when handling the affected area at this stage, as damage to the healing surface may cause bleeding and the healing process may be delayed.

sad girl
It takes about 7-10 days to complete all stages. During this time, with proper treatment and hygiene, the vesicular lichen goes away. If this does not happen, the treatment may have been insufficient or incorrect. This is the most innocent reason.

Herpes ulcers that do not heal for a long time can cause more serious and dangerous infections in the body.

If you have to be treated for herpes simplex for more than a month, you should consult a specialist and conduct a serious examination for the presence of cancer and even HIV infection. In people with immunosuppression, treatment takes longer, is more difficult, and the ulcers leave behind scars on the skin.

Lip ointment for cracks and dryness

If conventional cosmetics cannot cope with dry lips, then you can resort to proven medical ointments and creams:

  • Sea buckthorn healing ointment. This is an excellent tool that will help you quickly fix this problem. Thanks to natural ingredients, this ointment perfectly treats wounds and cracks and eliminates dryness.
  • Bepanten. Many have already heard about this salvation from problematic skin, especially in winter. This ointment perfectly helps to cope with peeling lips and heal small wounds and cracks. This pharmaceutical product can also be applied as a prophylaxis.
  • Rescuer. This ointment is universal and helps with various skin lesions, as well as with dryness, burns and insect bites. The ointment contains natural ingredients that perfectly nourish and soothe the skin.
  • Hydrocortisone ointment 1%. This drug is used if it is necessary to eliminate the inflammatory process or eliminate an allergic reaction. Long-term use of this drug is undesirable, as it is hormonal. Treatment is usually prescribed on the recommendation of a doctor.
  • Zinc ointment. This remedy is good because it has both anti-inflammatory and healing effects. This medication also provides protection against ultraviolet rays.
  • Solcoseryl. This ointment has a regenerating effect and promotes rapid healing of cracks and wounds.

how to treat a cracked lip

How to treat a cracked lip in the middle

Very often, the consequence of dry lips is a cracked lip. Usually this trouble occurs in winter and the lower lip suffers the most from this. This partly occurs not only from the negative impact of natural conditions and insufficient care. It is the lower lip that we most often bite and lick. Therefore, it is best to get rid of this habit.

So, if you have a cracked lip, then you should not delay treatment. First of all, be sure to moisturize the skin of your lips, make a nourishing mask so that the skin does not crack further. Be sure to use a healing cream. Sea buckthorn cream, solcoseryl or bepanthen are suitable. Apply the cream to your lips several times a day. Before going outside, be sure to use a protective balm.

If an infection is added to the crack on the lower lip, then you can’t do without hydrocortisone ointment. It should be applied twice a day. Aevit vitamins will provide additional skin nutrition: break the capsule and spread the contents onto the skin twice a day.

For prevention purposes, do not forget to use lip balm before every time you go outside!

How to get rid of dry lips

If you don't like resorting to store-bought products, but really want to keep your skin hydrated, then natural products and oils will help you get rid of dry lips.

  • Natural oils. While at home, periodically lubricate your lips with any vegetable oil. This will help prevent dryness and keep your skin hydrated and supple.
  • Aloe juice. This is an excellent product that moisturizes the skin. Just apply aloe pulp to your skin for 10-15 minutes. You can also wet a cotton pad with aloe juice and apply it to your lips.
  • Honey. Honey has a nutritional effect. Simply apply a thick layer of honey on your skin and leave it on for a couple of minutes. Carefully remove the remains with a napkin.
  • Cream or butter. If you have heavy homemade cream on hand, it can also be used as nourishment for the skin of the lips. You can add a little fat cottage cheese to them. Apply to lips and leave for 10 minutes. You can also apply a layer of thick butter to your lips.
  • Fat. It helps to cope well with the problem of dryness and dry fat. It can be applied to the skin either in its pure form or mixed with honey.

Folk remedies

The fastest treatment regimens based on pharmaceutical drugs usually produce results in 2-3 days. Sometimes the positive effect is noticed later. In cases where it is necessary to cure and completely remove the crust from herpes in 1-2 days, you should consider home remedies. If pharmaceutical drugs have not done this in a short period, folk recipes will help:

  • A mixture of soda and salt. The ingredients are taken in equal parts, a pinch of each is enough. The mixture can be slightly moistened so that it does not crumble and cures herpes. A small amount of the finished medicine is applied to the site of inflammation. As a result, the healing process will accelerate, and the disease will not spread to healthy tissue.
  • Toothpaste without auxiliary ingredients. It is applied at the initial stage of the disease, when blisters have not yet formed on the skin. Toothpaste dries and disinfects well for herpes virus infection.
  • Tea tree oil, and also almond, sea buckthorn or fir oil. If you are deciding how to treat herpes at the initial stage and quickly get results, you should treat the source of inflammation with an oil medicine.
  • Propolis and products based on it have a healing effect. This medicine should not be used if you are allergic to bee products.
  • Plant juice: aspen, aloe, Kalanchoe. You can use lemon juice. This product should be used to lubricate the areas of inflammation, but you should be prepared for a burning sensation to occur during the procedure. Skin defects with herpes are treated with fresh juice.
  • Garlic and honey. You only need 1 tooth, cut it into 2 parts and lubricate the source of inflammation. To avoid having to deal with another problem (unpleasant odor), the procedure should be carried out in the evening, before going to bed. After treating pimples, you can apply a little honey.
  • Aloe based compress. A small part of the leaf is peeled on one side, then applied to herpetic rashes. The compress is fixed with a bandage. The medicine should be left for 20 minutes.
  • A mixture based on honey, garlic and ash. Take honey in the amount of ½ tbsp. l., 1 tbsp. l. ash obtained by burning a sheet of paper. You will need 2 cloves of garlic, they need to be chopped. The components are mixed, after which the medicine is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin.

Immunostimulating agents for herpes
Since herpes is an infectious disease, the basis of its treatment is to strengthen weakened immunity with the help of immunomodulatory agents.

It is important to remember that aggressive agents (garlic, salt) should not be used to treat herpes on the genitals due to the discomfort that may arise. During treatment, you need to follow some rules to prevent the spread of infection. So, you should not squeeze out herpetic rashes. Hands should be washed more often, especially before performing a treatment procedure. It is important to periodically wash your face with clean water, and this should be done carefully so as not to damage the affected skin.


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More on this topic:

  • How is oxolinic ointment used for herpes?
  • Vaginal and rectal suppositories for herpes
  • Use of antibiotics for herpes
  • Review of the effectiveness of herpes drugs for adults

The best lipsticks for dry lips

To avoid dry lips, it is best to regularly use a special lipstick that will gently moisturize the skin and protect it from the harmful effects of the weather. When purchasing such lipstick, it is best to give preference to those products that contain natural ingredients, oils and vitamins. Here is a list of cosmetics that are worth paying attention to:

  • Belweder Stick Levres Protecteur aux Huiles protective and regenerating with aloe extract
  • Avanta Sea Buckthorn
  • Avanta Panthenol
  • Spivak Vanilla or Mojito
  • Uriage stick levres
  • Michel Fruit Kiss

Remember that the best way to combat dry lips is prevention, which means you can’t do without careful and careful care! Moisturize and nourish your skin and be sure to use protective products!

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