How to use teeth whitening gel

How to use teeth whitening gels?

The method of using the gel is described in detail in the instructions supplied with it.

  • As a rule, in the evening before going to bed, the gel is carefully applied to the trays, after which they are put on the teeth and left until the morning.
  • To whiten teeth several shades, it is necessary to carry out from five to fourteen procedures.
  • The duration of the whitening effect is often up to six months.

The easiest way to use whitening gel is to apply it to the surface of the enamel with a regular toothbrush and leave it for a while. Instead of a brush, you can use a special brush.

Mouthguards provide the most effective results. Sometimes the set with whitening gel includes transparent caps - trays. These “attachments” are designed to hold the drug on the teeth for some time.

To save money, you can purchase standard mouthguards. But if you need maximum effect, then it is better to order an individual impression from your dentist. With it, the enamel lightening process will be faster and safer.

How to use teeth whitening gel

Before the procedure, a bleaching agent is placed inside the trays, and the caps are secured to the upper and lower jaws. The stages and duration of the “treatment” depend on what is indicated in the instructions for the gel.

It is recommended to carry out from 6 to 14 procedures depending on the concentration of the active substance. Basically, mouthguards are worn at night, but other options are possible. The results from such procedures last for 5-6 months.

Is it safe to use the gel?

Teeth whitening with a mouth guard

The main active ingredient in all whitening products is concentrated hydrogen peroxide.

  • With its help, it is possible to remove stains from coffee, tea, tobacco, red wine, etc. from the surface of teeth.
  • After the first procedure of using the gel, you can already notice positive results.
  • And as a result of several procedures, you can whiten your teeth several shades.
  • It is important to consider that in home whitening products the concentration of hydrogen peroxide can vary significantly and range from 4% to 7.5%. Therefore, the time of exposure to teeth is individual for each drug.
  • If the gel contains carbamide peroxide (10-15%) as a whitening component, then this product is less active and safer for tooth enamel. The principle of action of hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide is the same. When the product comes into contact with tooth enamel, active oxygen is released and, as a result, the enamel whitens.
  • The presence of abrasive substances (for example soda) in the composition of the drug can lead to thinning of the enamel.
  • The acids contained in the whitening gel can have a negative effect on tooth enamel. As a result, tooth sensitivity may increase.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with What is a light seal?
Differences from a regular chemical filling Before whitening your teeth with a gel, it is important to consult with your dentist. Only a doctor can correctly assess the condition of tooth enamel.

Effect of gels

The main active substance, which is included in almost every gel composition, is saturated hydrogen peroxide. It allows you to effectively remove yellow plaque and stains that remain from coffee, tobacco, tea and various coloring substances contained in food. Already from the first use of the composition, you will notice the difference. Several procedures give excellent results, allowing you to achieve the desired whiteness of the enamel.

In gels intended for at-home whitening, the percentage of hydrogen peroxide may vary. This determines how long and often you can use them. Typically, gels contain from 4 to 7.5% of the active substance.

In addition, there are compositions based on 10-15% carbamide peroxide. This substance acts more slowly and produces a gentle effect; many experts consider it safer for tooth enamel.

Bleaching products may also contain various abrasives, such as soda. It must be taken into account that their solid particles can injure and thin the enamel. Gels containing acids also negatively affect dental health. Their use makes teeth sensitive to various irritants. Eating hot and cold food begins to bring noticeable discomfort.

You need to understand that any whitening products affect the health of the enamel. How much depends on the specific composition and characteristics of your teeth, so if you decide that you need a snow-white smile, consult your doctor. Remember that a healthy smile has a yellowish tint, and you can always restore the natural color of your teeth through professional cleaning. This procedure is absolutely harmless.

The whole secret of whitening lies in the action of the active component. In gels it is either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. They are contained in small quantities, from 5 to 15%. The fewer there are, the more gentle the teeth whitening gel will have. Global White, for example, contains 3% or 6% hydrogen peroxide.

What is the operating principle? The active component penetrates the tooth enamel, after which oxygen is released and oxidation occurs. This process destroys the foreign deposits that appear from cigarette smoke and products with coloring pigments. Peroxides remove them from the enamel, and the teeth become snow-white again.

The whitening base of any gel is hydrogen or carbamide peroxide. When the active components of the product come into contact with the enamel, oxygen is released, which removes pigmented particles from the surface.

The percentage of hydrogen peroxide in the gels ranges from 4 – 7.5%, and urea peroxide – 10 – 15%. The increased concentration of carbamide peroxide is due to the gentle effect of the substance on the enamel. As a result, to obtain the desired effect, products based on this component must be used longer.

In addition to the main brightening agent, the gels may include:

  • strengthening components (calcium, fluorine);
  • abrasives (sodium bicarbonate);
  • acids.

Strengthening and protecting enamel components are present in each product. They prevent dentin from deteriorating and serve to prevent sensitivity. But you need to be careful with abrasive elements and acids. Mechanical impact enhances the whitening effect, but can cause abrasion of the enamel.

Before purchasing the product, you should carefully study the composition of the gel, storage conditions and use.

Most gels contain hydrogen peroxide, which is the main active ingredient. It washes away dirt from the enamel resulting from smoking or excessive consumption of coffee, tea and other coloring liquids.

After the first use of the drug, teeth become lighter, and several regular procedures will quickly achieve maximum whiteness. The effect of the gel depends on the concentration of hydrogen peroxide, which ranges from 4.5 to 7%.

Products based on carbamide peroxide are less active. They have a more gentle effect on the enamel, despite the similar principle of action: during contact with tooth tissue, contamination is knocked out due to the release of oxygen.

Gels with abrasives, soda and various acids should be used with caution, as they can harm the enamel. Therefore, when choosing the appropriate drug, you should consult a dentist.

Is teeth whitening gel safe for use?

If you are wondering how to whiten your teeth at home, you can rest assured that there is a special product for self-use.
This is an easy to use gel. The home teeth whitening kit also includes clear trays.

To achieve the most effective result and protect the enamel, it is better to order mouth guards from a dentist - he selects them individually for each person, depending on what problem needs to be solved and what can be used for the patient.

The main active ingredient in all preparations intended for whitening is concentrated hydrogen peroxide. Facts on the use and safety of the products:

  1. Using gels, you can remove clearly visible yellow stains from tea, tobacco, coffee, and many others from the surface of your teeth.
  2. After several procedures, the enamel will whiten by several shades, and positive results are visible after the first application.
  3. If there are abrasive substances in the composition, for example, soda, the enamel will thin out faster.
  4. The concentration of the active substance may differ in different bottles - from 4% to 7%. For each drug, the exposure time is not the same; you need to calculate it for yourself individually, looking at the recommendations in the instructions.
  5. If the active component is carbamide peroxide, such a substance will not be very active, but will be more gentle on tooth enamel. The principles of action of peroxides are identical - when they come into contact with teeth, they provoke the release of oxygen, which gives the desired result.
  6. The acids contained in the teeth whitening gel can have negative effects on enamel. As a result, the sensitivity of bone organs increases.
  7. Before whitening your teeth at home, be sure to consult with your dentist, because only a doctor can correctly determine the condition of your teeth and recommend the appropriate drug.

There are several of the most common methods for home smile whitening. They all vary in price, so you can choose one that suits a wide range of users. Options:

  • Whitening paste. This is the simplest method, but, unfortunately, only plaque is removed with it, and the color of the dental bone remains the same.
  • Activated carbon. The tablet should be crushed and applied to the brush. Then brush your teeth with the powder for a minute. Abrasive particles will help remove plaque and slightly change the shade of the enamel. However, you should not press too hard on the brush when brushing because it may scratch the enamel.
  • Lemon and baking soda. procedures: lemon peels are rubbed into the enamel, and baking soda is applied with a gauze cloth.
  • Special gel. It must be said that this product is the most effective for home whitening. The developed substances help to achieve quick results on your own - in a short period of time.

Review of whitening products

Thanks to the fact that technology has come a long way, home procedures provide no less effect than whitening in a dental clinic. At the same time, they require less time. Since the concentration of active substances is much lower than that of the gels used by doctors, the composition can be left overnight. And this will save significant time. In addition, you can choose products that give results in a few minutes.

Another advantage of home remedies is that they allow you to maintain the results of professional whitening. They can be used some time after you have used laser or other popular ways to brighten your smile.

Such gels help minimize the effect of coloring pigments, which are present in a large number of products that we consume.

Remember that whitening is a serious dental procedure that is not suitable for everyone and not always. The procedures are contraindicated for children under 16 years of age and pregnant women, as well as those who suffer from periodontal disease or wear braces. If you have sensitive enamel, you should also treat whitening with caution. Be sure to consult your doctor before starting whitening.

In order to maintain your health and avoid unpleasant consequences, you must comply with the following conditions:

  • it is important that there are no chips or scratches on the enamel;
  • It is first necessary to clean and cure caries;
  • It is very important to carefully fill the trays with gel and make sure that the gel does not get on the gums, otherwise it may cause irritation of the mucous membrane.
  • carefully study the composition of the gel to eliminate the risk of an allergic reaction to individual substances that it contains.

Most of the disadvantages of such compositions are associated with errors in their use and inattentive reading of the instructions, due to which they arise. Do not ignore contraindications - this can lead to serious health problems. Be careful not to use the gel on damaged teeth, as this will make them very sensitive. Read the ingredients carefully to be sure that the gel will not cause allergic reactions.

To this day, companies strive to invent the most effective and safe composition for teeth whitening, so the forms and methods of application are improved every year. To date, many effective means have been developed:

  • One of the most effective gels is ExpertWhitening. The brand's products have different concentration levels of the active substance, it can reach up to 44%.
  • Smile4You is one of the most expensive gels, but its cost is worth it, since one package is enough for 200 uses and special mouth guards are usually included.
  • Opalescence gels are the most popular among dentists. They are used for both in-office and home whitening. The choice depends on the intensity of whitening and the characteristics of the teeth.
  • Pola Day cost about the same as the previous ones, their advantages are that they contain antibacterial substances that protect the enamel from plaque.
  • Lumibrite is one of the most inexpensive options; 14 procedures of 3 minutes each will make your teeth significantly whiter and eliminate stains from veneers.
  • Day White Excel ACP works at a good speed; in order to start the procedure, you will need to stir the composition yourself. Effect and cost depend on concentration.

DETAILS: Whitening one tooth 1 session

How to use teeth whitening gel

Gels greatly thin the enamel of teeth. If you need a softer method, use ASEPTA PLUS Gentle Whitening Paste. It lightens teeth to a natural enamel tone, while being safe and does not make teeth more sensitive.

  • You can achieve high-quality teeth whitening in a short time. The tray can be left overnight, which will save time during the procedure.
  • There are gels whose effect on teeth lasts only a few minutes.

Whitening gels for use at home can be divided into 3 types according to the method of application:

  • products that need to be distributed using a toothbrush;
  • gels with a special brush;
  • gels for caps

In order to understand the nuances and features of the bottom bleaching method, read the points below very carefully. Without understanding these 9 points, it is better not to practice gel whitening.

  1. Products that need to be applied using a toothbrush have one advantage - ease of use. But such gels are considered the most dangerous - they can cause damage to the gums and mucous membranes. In addition, hard bristles can scratch dentin.
  2. Products that need to be distributed with a brush are gentler. This eliminates mechanical impact.
  3. Most often, dentists recommend using the gel at home together with mouth guards. You can purchase teeth whitening gel with standard plates. But due to individual anatomical features, the mouthguards may not fit tightly on the teeth, which can result in gel leakage. It is better to give preference to mouth guards made from a dental impression.
  4. It is recommended that you visit your dentist before purchasing a whitening product. He will assess the condition of the enamel and give recommendations on choosing a gel.
  5. You may not even realize that there are microcracks and scratches on the surface of your teeth. Some damage can only be seen by a specialist. Self-prescription of the product and improper implementation of the whitening procedure can lead to caries, increased tooth sensitivity and further destruction of the enamel. The dentist will not only make an impression, but will also monitor that the whitening process at home is safe for dental health.
  6. The exposure time of the gel when using trays can be several hours. Some mouth guards need to be worn all night. Sometimes whitening requires about 14 procedures, but the result can last up to six months.
  7. Smoker's plaque is more difficult to lighten than discoloration of enamel due to coffee, tea or wine. In advanced cases, a course of whitening at home can last up to several months.
  8. It is allowed to use whitening gel to prevent plaque formation after professional teeth cleaning.
  9. It is better to choose a gel with minimal procedure time.

The undeniable advantages of using whitening gels are:

  • speed of results. Positive changes are noticeable after the first application; the entire course of treatment takes little time;
  • huge selection. The modern dental market offers a wide range. It is possible to choose a suitable product with the desired composition and concentration of active substances;
  • high efficiency of gels. Some manufacturers promise to lighten teeth up to 5 shades;
  • Possibility of carrying out at home without special devices. You can apply the product half an hour before going outside, for example, before an important date or meeting;
  • relatively low cost compared to a professional teeth enamel whitening procedure.

The disadvantages of the method include:

  • there is a possibility of enamel damage due to inappropriate concentrations of active substances or the presence of microdamages on the tooth surface;
  • accidental contact of the gel with the gum tissue provokes a burn or an allergic reaction;
  • the flow of gel into the pharynx area provokes irritation of the mucous membranes and damage to the esophagus.

Note! Compliance with safety rules reduces the risk of adverse reactions. Before use, be sure to carefully read the instructions for the whitening product.

Take the choice of a specific product seriously, take into account useful recommendations, and carefully read the label. It is difficult for the average person to choose the right product; choose from the most popular, time-tested gels:

  • Brilliant from Lornamead. The product is intended for sensitive teeth and does not contain an aggressive component - hydrogen peroxide. Before using the main substance, apply the preparatory component (included in the kit). Upon completion of the manipulations, the oral cavity is treated with a special paste. The price of one tube of the drug starts from 500 rubles.
  • Colgate Simply White from Colgate. The process using the product lasts two weeks, positive changes are visible after just a few applications. The substance gently whitens the enamel by 4 tones, takes care of the surface of the teeth without causing allergic reactions or other negative reactions. Due to its high efficiency, the price of the gel starts from 2500 rubles.
  • Plus White 5 Minute Bleach Whitening Gel from Whitening. The whitening product is inexpensive (400 rubles), contains hydrogen peroxide, and is supplemented with special polymers that enhance the effect of the main component. The course lasts two weeks, but the positive effect is noticeable after the first application (only five minutes).
  • Day White Excel by ACP. The high concentration of active components makes it impossible to use the product for more than 9 days. The gel is classified as a premium product, the pricing policy is from 1200 per unit.
  • Pola Day by SDI. The drug is distinguished by the presence of components that help prevent the appearance of plaque after using the product. The manufacturer has taken care of all types of enamel; the average cost of one tube is 1,200 rubles.
  • Lumibrite from the company of the same name. The drug has earned recognition due to its effective effect on teeth (only 3 minutes). The active components of the product do an excellent job of removing marks from braces and tetracycline enamel. The price for one package is about 1000 rubles.
  • Smile4You UltimateWhitening Gel from Smile4You. The effective gel is extremely popular due to its large volume (enough for 150 procedures) and rapid achievement of the desired result. The average cost of the product is 2000 rubles.

The variety of gels makes customers dizzy; choose a product with a minimum period of use. These products are notable for their high cost and high efficiency. Do not skimp on teeth whitening preparations; cheap products are fraught with the development of negative reactions in the body after their use: the appearance of allergies, damage to the enamel.

Carefully study the composition of the products you purchase and strictly follow the instructions. By following simple rules, your smile will always be snow-white and your teeth healthy!

DETAILS: Recommendations after teeth whitening

Advantages and disadvantages

The undeniable advantages of using whitening gels are:

  • speed of results. Positive changes are noticeable after the first application; the entire course of treatment takes little time;
  • huge selection. The modern dental market offers a wide range. It is possible to choose a suitable product with the desired composition and concentration of active substances;
  • high efficiency of gels. Some manufacturers promise to lighten teeth up to 5 shades;
  • Possibility of carrying out at home without special devices. You can apply the product half an hour before going outside, for example, before an important date or meeting;
  • relatively low cost compared to a professional teeth enamel whitening procedure.

The disadvantages of the method include:

  • there is a possibility of enamel damage due to inappropriate concentrations of active substances or the presence of microdamages on the tooth surface;
  • accidental contact of the gel with the gum tissue provokes a burn or an allergic reaction;
  • the flow of gel into the pharynx area provokes irritation of the mucous membranes and damage to the esophagus.

Note! Compliance with safety rules reduces the risk of adverse reactions. Before use, be sure to carefully read the instructions for the whitening product.

Product Features

The indisputable advantage of gels is the ability to apply the product not only to the front teeth, but also to the back and sides. This way you can achieve uniform whitening of the entire enamel. The duration of the procedure varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Some gels can be applied at night without sacrificing daytime for the procedure.

Manufacturers offer several methods for using the gel.

1. Placement in trays. This method is similar to wearing whitening strips. The gel is applied inside trays, caps for teeth, which are usually worn at night and removed in the morning. Each manufacturer has its own wearing time - from 8 hours to half an hour. You can often find several disadvantages of the method in reviews. The whitening gel leaks from the reservoirs, the trays cause discomfort, and the procedure is too long compared to other methods.

2. Application with a brush. The gel tool is already included in the kit. This is the best option if a gentle effect is needed. With this method, the product is left for 5-10 minutes.

3. Distribution with a toothbrush. The gel is applied according to the principle of usual cleaning. That is, the drug is used in the morning and evening while washing. Among the disadvantages, consumers note a burning sensation in the gums when the composition gets on them. There is also a high risk of damage to the enamel if the bristles are too hard.

4. Application with a special pencil. Many manufacturers produce the gel in this form. It is very convenient and simple, which is why some buyers prefer a pencil. The product is applied to the enamel (with optimal dosage), and after a few minutes you need to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with a special solution.

Ready-to-use whitening gels are extremely popular among people of different backgrounds and ages. The products are easy to use, and positive results are noticeable after just a couple of applications. Another important advantage is the relatively low cost (compared to a professional whitening procedure).

Each individual gel acts differently, all thanks to the individual composition of the product. Before purchasing, carefully study the gel label; in addition to additional components, the product must contain an active ingredient - carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide.

Both components, when they come into contact with the teeth, interact with the air and begin to produce oxygen. It is this substance that is able to penetrate into the deep layers of enamel and eliminate plaque. Oxygen can remove even deeply ingrained stains that cannot be removed with a brush or paste.

The main differences between substances are their intensity. Hydrogen peroxide is considered the most aggressive. At home, it is allowed to be used in small concentrations (4–9%). The effect of using gels based on it occurs faster, but the likelihood of damaging the enamel is higher.

Cases of increased tooth sensitivity and bleeding gums have been recorded. Based on this, products based on carbamide peroxide are gaining great popularity. The result after their use comes later, but the risk of undesirable consequences drops several times. The permissible level of carbamide peroxide content is 12–15%. In addition to the main ingredients, pay attention to other components:

  • abrasive substances. Soda is often used; this ingredient increases the aggressive effect on enamel. If possible, do not buy a product with soda, there is a high risk of complications;
  • calcium, fluoride The substances minimize the negative effects of the main components;
  • acids. The most dangerous substances are classified as undesirable. Avoid products containing them. Acids not only corrode enamel, they have a detrimental effect on the entire body as a whole.

Important! Consult your dentist before using any whitening gel.

Manufacturers of teeth lightening products have not reached a unanimous conclusion on exactly how to use the product. Gels are produced in different packages, each product is used differently:

  • the principle of regular tooth brushing. A brush with soft bristles is required; gel is applied to it, gently brushing the teeth. The procedure increases the risk of damage to the enamel; the patient does not always choose the right brush or calculate the amount of the drug;
  • combination with mouth guards. The devices are special strips that fit perfectly to the dentition. A bleaching agent is poured into them and left in place for a long period of time (from 30 minutes to 8 hours). Mouthguards can cause discomfort when worn; imperfectly fitting devices allow gel to pass through, which causes irritation of the mucous membranes;
  • application with a brush. The optimal method, gentle on the enamel, giving a positive result. The less time indicated on the package, the better the product.

The latter option is very popular among the population. Mouthguards are used in extreme cases, when the dentition is heavily soiled. Using pastes, whitening products are applied extremely rarely, due to the high risk of damage to the enamel and inconvenience in use.

Useful tips

A few expert tips will help you use teeth whitening gels correctly and avoid getting into an awkward situation:

  • Consult your dentist before use. You cannot simply subject your oral cavity to such tests at will. Only a qualified specialist will accurately determine the condition of the dentition, identify existing damage, and suggest the correct way out of the situation. Applying an aggressive substance to damaged teeth is fraught with pain and rapid spread of existing carious cavities;
  • Get your teeth professionally cleaned by your dentist. If the characteristic yellowish tint of the teeth periodically returns due to bad habits or other unfavorable factors, apply a whitening gel to maintain a positive result.

Features of the impact

To understand why different products provide different effects, you need to carefully study the composition of the products. The basis of each of them is hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide.

Both substances act in the same way: when they get on the teeth and react with air, they begin to actively produce oxygen. It, in turn, eliminates visible plaque on the surface of the enamel, and also penetrates into its deeper layers.

This property allows you to get rid of pigmentation that is deeply ingrained into the enamel and cannot be removed with a regular toothbrush or even cleaning with mechanical abrasives (whitening toothpastes).

The differences in the effects of hydrogen peroxides and urea lie in their intensity. Hydrogen peroxide is the most aggressive; it is included in products for home use in a volume of 4 to 9% (in professional dentistry, products containing up to 44% can be used). The speed of its impact is correspondingly higher.

But the development of reactions, such as tooth sensitivity or gum inflammation, occurs more often. Carbamide peroxide acts more slowly, so you won’t be able to whiten your teeth with this gel in one go. Its content reaches 12-15%, its gentle action reduces the intensity of the effect on the enamel, so reactions in the form of tooth sensitivity are observed less frequently.

When purchasing a teeth whitening gel at a pharmacy, you need to check other components in its composition:

  • xylitols, calcium, fluorine are useful ingredients that minimize the harm to the enamel;
  • abrasive substances, for example, sodium bicarbonate (soda) - increase the aggressive effect on the enamel, which leads to its thinning and the development of negative reactions;
  • acids - avoid purchasing such teeth whitening gel. Reviews of these compounds allow us to classify them as particularly dangerous to your health, since they actively stimulate the destruction of enamel.

Indications and contraindications

Doctors recommend using whitening gels at home for the following problems:

  • change in enamel color under the influence of external factors (nicotine resins, coloring drinks);
  • natural tooth color with a yellowish tint;
  • darkening of the enamel due to taking certain medications during a protracted illness.

It is prohibited to use teeth lightening products:

  • children under 16 years of age;
  • during pregnancy, while carrying a baby;
  • in severe stages of periodontal disease;
  • hypersensitivity of teeth;
  • the presence of carious cavities;
  • individual intolerance to individual components;
  • noticeable defects in the dentition (cracks, chips, etc.);
  • the presence of large fillings in visible areas of the dentition, the presence of braces and other permanent structures that cover a significant part of the enamel.

Most cases of allergic reactions and other side effects are caused by non-compliance with the rules for using the bleaching agent.

The use of gel whitening is advisable in the following cases:

  • Darkening of tooth enamel after drinking coffee, red wine or smoking.
  • Changes in tooth color under the influence of medications (antibiotics, fluoride preparations).
  • Natural yellowish or gray tint of enamel.

Gel whitening is most effective when using a special tray

Due to the active elements included in the product, the gel can be dangerous both for the enamel and for the body as a whole. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions, do not abuse the time of the procedure and the number of whitening sessions, and also ensure that the substance does not enter the gastrointestinal tract.

It is necessary to refrain from using bleaching gel at home in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • when breastfeeding a child;
  • children and adolescents under 16 years of age;
  • for inflammation and diseases of the gums and oral mucosa;
  • in the presence of carious teeth;
  • while wearing braces;
  • if you are allergic to the drug.

DETAILS: Dental LED teeth whitening lamp D9GG. Buy teeth whitening lamps in the online store.

Chips, poor-quality fillings, destroyed restorations, gum disease. Only whole teeth should be whitened. If the bleaching agent gets into open carious areas or other defects, at a minimum it will cause pain. Maximum – the tooth will be destroyed by the bleaching agent.

Another contraindication is individual intolerance. If it is psychologically unpleasant to feel the teeth whitening gel and tray in your mouth, it is recommended to use alternative whitening methods.

Disadvantages of use

  • If there are enamel defects, tooth sensitivity may increase.
  • If the gel gets on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, it can cause irritation and even burns.
  • If you have an individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug, an allergy may occur.

Useful tips

Despite the huge number of advantages, such as the simplicity of the technique, its accessibility and quick effect, whitening with a gel also has some disadvantages:

  • Possibility of additional destruction of enamel if it gets into unclosed carious cavities, microcracks and wedge-shaped defects in the teeth.
  • The risk of developing irritation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity due to careless application of the gel or its leakage.
  • If the drug is accidentally swallowed, a burn to the mucous membrane of the pharynx and esophagus is possible.
  • Allergic reactions may develop to the components of the whitening gel.

But if the whitening technology and precautions are strictly followed, the use of gels is absolutely safe.

Gel whitening result: before and after photos

Whichever manufacturer you prefer, it is worth remembering one important rule. Lightening agents can only be applied to healthy teeth, even if the composition gently cleanses the enamel. Caries, chips and other diseases of the oral cavity must first be cured and only then think about a snow-white smile. Mostly, unpleasant sensations and side effects occur in people who did not take care of sanitation.

It is also important not to overdo it with the application of the drug. If you have doubts about the dosage, it is better to take just a little bit of whitening gel. Excessive amounts of it can simply thin out the enamel and ruin even healthy teeth.

You cannot use gels while wearing braces. The composition can get under the structure, and its untimely removal can lead to tooth destruction. And even after removing braces, you can see that the whitening effect will be uneven. The same goes for dentures and fillings. Their material is artificial and cannot be dyed.

Reviews of lightening gels prove their effectiveness and confirm that they are worthy of attention. Of course, you need to follow the recommendations and instructions provided by the manufacturer himself. But before purchasing the product, do not forget to visit your dentist to avoid complications.

Plus White "5 minutes"

Also not inferior, judging by the reviews, is the Global teeth whitening gel, which is designed specifically for home use. The composition is based on hydrogen peroxide, but additionally there are protective components that actually prevent the formation of stones on the enamel. The gel is very easy to use.

Customers like to apply the product to their brush along with their usual toothpaste and brush their teeth. Just need to do this for at least three minutes and not be lazy, then the lightening will be noticeable after several applications. In addition to whitening, the gel gives your breath a special freshness. The result lasts for several months.

Teeth whitening

It differs from its brother in lower hydrogen peroxide content, so this gel is more gentle. The result is visible after a couple of weeks, but lasts up to one year. For some, the drug helps after just a few uses. You can apply the whitening gel after cleaning with a special brush, cotton swabs or together with mouth guards.

Those who have already tried this remedy try not to use the latter method, because sometimes the gums burn. On sale you can find a set that includes the gel itself, a mouth guard and a rinse aid. Reviews confirm the manufacturer's slogan (five minutes a day - and your teeth will become whiter), if you do not overdo it with the dosage and do not strive for the best result.

Whitens teeth in just three days. And after the full course (this is two weeks), the enamel becomes four shades lighter. The result lasts from six months to a year. The tube is convenient, there is already a brush on the cap. There is no discomfort during use, except that some buyers note that the product tastes not very pleasant.

Everyone knows that advertising serves to attract customers and increase the sale of goods. It can also include descriptions of certain products, their properties and advantages. To objectively evaluate them, in particular, dental gel, we decided to publish reviews of real people who have already used this type of product.

Teeth whitening gel reviews that will help you decide on purchasing the best solution, and, as a result, a perfect smile.

We tried a lot, but the gel helped

I fought for a long time for the beauty of my teeth. There were pastes, rinses, soda, and various strips. There was an effect, but it disappeared quite quickly, within a month. I came across Plus White 5 Minute Bleach Whitening Gel. I bought it in a set with a mouth guard. Of course, at first I was afraid to bleach, since after all, my previous experience was rather negative, and some previously used products led to pain. But she overcame herself and started bleaching. Around the sixth day I noticed that my teeth were becoming very, very white. After another week, I was finally convinced that I had excellent results. It is important that I did not feel any discomfort or pain throughout the course. More than 3 months have already passed, and everything is still pearl color. So far I'm more than amazed by the result. I recommend trying Plus White gel! Valeria Orlova

Another way it whitens

Influenced by reviews, I used Plus White. I had never tried to whiten my teeth before, but now there was a vital necessity - a friend’s wedding, where I was also a witness. So I wanted to have a new smile along with a new dress. At first I decided to try to lighten my lower teeth and see what happens. The result satisfied me. That’s why I started working with the top ones. What can I say, I'm satisfied! White teeth, great mood. It seems to me that there are no quality alternatives for 2000 rubles! Ksenia

Six months and teeth are white

It's been six months since I took the Plus White 5 Minute Speed ​​Whitening Gel. To this day the enamel is in perfect condition! You can confidently trust Plus White products! Sultan

Thanks from Volgograd

I couldn’t find the products of this well-known company in Volgograd, so I had to order from Moscow. Delivery was very fast in 4 days. I was always annoyed by the yellowness of my teeth ; I once used Crest Classic strips, but they didn’t make much progress. Gel 5 Minute removed yellowness quickly and efficiently. Thank you very much for it, I will also order it from you later, a very useful thing!


I'm afraid of the dentist

All my life I have been afraid of dentists, even more so of the atmosphere of the office and the appearance of the doctor. Somehow I feel uneasy, but I am an impressionable person. I even remember fainting several times. Who else, if not me, first of all wants to have a Hollywood smile without leaving home. It was for this purpose that Speed ​​Whitening Gel was purchased. According to the first impressions, the tube should be enough for 2-3 full courses, which was later confirmed by practice, since after using it myself, I passed the gel down the chain to my friends. Now the three of us have normal white teeth . During this time I had one unpleasant incident: around day 8-9 they became sensitive to cold and hot. Then the thought flashed through my mind that “well, I’ve finished bleaching,” but within a day everything returned to normal. In general, I can recommend Plus White as an excellent alternative to the dentist’s chair. I also read about the miracle of Crest Whitestrips, maybe next time I’ll try them and compare them with the gel. Viola Karpenko

Plus White is the same as in the USA

I used it 5 years ago when I lived in the USA. I decided to look for him in Russia, since in America he helped me a lot and save on visiting the dentist.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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