Osteochondrosis as a cause of burning tongue
How to eliminate neck pain on the right side. What is important to know about neck pain
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stomatitis on the cheek inside
Chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis (lecture)
Stomatitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the oral area, resulting in the appearance of
Gingivitis - redness and inflammation of the gums in children
What can a cold on the gum actually be?
Inflammation of the gums in children is a widespread disease that requires visiting a dentist for
Treatment of periostitis (flux)
Prices Before/After Questions and answers Price Examples of work Questions and answers Odontogenic periostitis, or simply flux, is dangerous
Oral pain sensitivity
Limb paresthesia is not a disease. This is a clinical symptom indicating ongoing trophic disorders
Inflammation during pregnancy: symptoms and consequences. Inflammation of the ovaries during pregnancy: symptoms and treatment
Stomatitis in a pregnant woman: types, causes, symptoms In medicine, stomatitis means inflammatory processes on the
Herpes on the lips
How to remove swelling from herpes on the lip overnight?
When a tumor has formed on the lip, it is possible to assume that this is a consequence of herpes only if
Gum disease periodontal disease: causes, symptoms, treatment methods
Periodontal abscess medical history
Periodontal disease (parodontosis; Greek para about + odus, odontos tooth+ -osis; syn.: alveolar
Is it possible to get braces if you have periodontitis? Find out!
The procedure for splinting (shunting) teeth for periodontal disease, periodontitis and after braces: before and after photos
Is it possible or not? Patients often confuse periodontal disease with periodontitis, so let’s look at the features of the correction process
Removal of oral tumors
Benign tumors of the oral cavity are neoplasms located in the oral cavity, characterized by limited slow growth