What folk remedies will help get rid of bad breath? List of recipes and products

Home / Floor cleaning


Published: 06/20/2020

Reading time: 26 min



  • 1 How to check bad breath?
  • 2 How to get rid of the smell of fish in an apartment
  • 3 Eliminating rotten smell 3.1 Oral hygiene
  • 3.2 Traditional methods
  • 4 Halitosis is a harbinger of disease
  • 5 How to eliminate bad breath at home: daily habits
  • 6 How to get rid of the smell of acetone from your mouth
  • 7 How to quickly remove the smell of fumes from your mouth
  • 8 Treatment for bad breath due to stomach
  • 9 The smell from the child’s mouth: sour, putrid, ammonia
  • 10 Medicines and drugs
  • Reasons for appearance

    Halitosis, or bad breath, is a fairly common phenomenon in both adults and children.

    A fishy odor may occur when certain foods are consumed, or may be a symptom of a serious disorder in the body.

    In an adult

    • Trimethylaminuria is a rare genetic (less commonly acquired) disease characterized by the inability of the liver to break down the enzyme trimethylamine, resulting in its accumulation in the body. In addition to the genetic factor, the disease can develop due to the consumption of certain foods (fish, eggs, offal, wheat germ), food supplements (L-carnitine) or medications (antidepressants, antiparasitic drugs).
    • Disorders of metabolic processes in the body.
    • Gastrointestinal pathologies, dysbacteriosis.
    • Pathologies of the liver, pancreas.
    • Excessive drinking and smoking.
    • Oral diseases - caries, stomatitis, periodontitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, candidiasis.
    • Poor oral hygiene, dentures, braces.

    Trimethylaminuria may occur after taking medications or due to a sharp increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines. Women suffer this disease more severely than men, since the female sex hormones progesterone and estrogen accelerate the accumulation of trimethylamine in the body.

    The child has

    It has been clinically established that children more often than adults suffer from trimethylaminuria - it develops during the transition from breastfeeding to solid food. But this does not mean that all children of this age are at risk - usually those who become ill have a genetic predisposition to such processes.

    In addition to trimethylaminuria, the following causes of fishy breath in children are identified:

    • lack or insufficient oral hygiene;
    • stomatitis, use of low-quality dental materials;
    • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
    • sinus diseases due to infection or virus;
    • foreign bodies in the nasal cavity;
    • taking medications.

    In such cases, bad breath is a sign of active proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

    If the cause of the smell is the use of medications, then the child must be given plenty of fluids daily - clean water, fruit drinks, compotes.

    Also, the reasons for such breathing in children may be:

    • gastrointestinal pathologies;
    • pathologies of the liver, gall bladder;
    • high blood sugar;
    • leukemia;
    • helminthiasis;
    • hypothermia.

    Various diseases of internal organs can manifest as bad breath, both in the initial stage and after insufficient or illiterate therapy.

    Halitosis is a harbinger of disease

    Why does my breath have a strong odor? The reason is only in the teeth, but what if they are healthy? Let's try to figure out the main causes of the problem:

    1. The most common and common cause is eating foods with a strong and persistent unpleasant odor (for example, garlic). After eating such food, some particles begin to be released through the mouth through breathing.
    2. Negative processes in the oral cavity: diseases of the teeth, gums, throat. Every disease is an increase in the number of bacteria that lead to stench.
    3. Bad habits – smokers, for example, have these problems more often than non-smokers.
    4. Diseases not related to the oral cavity: tonsillitis, sinusitis, diseases of the lungs, digestive system.

    Fish has a specific smell

    Of course, people regularly face the problem of bad breath after waking up or eating certain foods rich in essential oils with a pronounced odor (garlic or onions), but this is not a pathology and can be eliminated by simply following the rules of hygiene. Chronically bad breath should be explained in a completely different way, which means you will have to get rid of it using other methods.


    • Bad breath due to stomach diseases:...
    • Bad breath - causes and treatment
    • Why does my child have bad breath?
    • Causes of rotten egg odor from the mouth
    • How to remove the smell of cigarettes from your mouth?
    • The main reasons for the smell of acetone from the mouth in adults

    Why does bad breath appear regularly, and for no apparent reason? This is often due to the presence of diseases or an unhealthy lifestyle, including regular violations of hygiene standards, as well as ignoring visits to doctors.

    Diseases of which organs provoke the appearance of bad breath:

    • oral cavity - teeth, gums, salivary glands;
    • respiratory tract - chronic or acute diseases of the lungs, nasopharynx, larynx;
    • organs of the gastrointestinal tract - acute or chronic ailments of the esophagus, stomach, pancreas and intestines;
    • kidneys;
    • liver;
    • thyroid.

    The most common causes of bad breath are diseases of the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract. A detailed list of diseases associated with bad breath can be found here. It’s worth noting right away that such problems cannot be eliminated with ordinary cosmetic hygiene products, such as chewing gum or refreshing sweets, since bad breath very soon returns again.

    However, illness is not the only thing that can cause discomfort in everyday life due to bad breath. Sometimes troubles can be caused by an incorrect lifestyle, which means it will be much easier to get rid of them.

    We suggest you familiarize yourself with DIY glass cleaner

    Under what circumstances can bad breath occur?

    • Strict diets or fasting;
    • Smoking;
    • Alcohol consumption;
    • Medication course of treatment;
    • Ignoring hygiene measures.

    During fasting or following a poor diet, it is often impossible to get rid of the unpleasant odor emanating from the mouth. This is explained by the mechanism of how the body works: when a person follows a no-carbohydrate or low-carbohydrate diet, a metabolic process is activated that starts burning fat.

    Smoking tobacco, like frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages, has a detrimental effect on the microflora of the mouth and also provokes dehydration of oral tissues. Dry mouth is a sure companion to bad breath. Saliva is a natural “refresher”, as it regularly allows you to get rid of remnants of food particles, plaque and dead cells.

    Regular use of certain groups of drugs can also cause dehydration in the mouth, and therefore a bad odor. This includes drugs that help the body fight low blood pressure, allergic reactions, stress, as well as diuretics and psychotropic medications.

    Violation of hygiene standards triggers problematic breathing. In addition to regular brushing of the mouth, you should also take care to brush the entire surface of the tongue, the back of the cheeks and all the far corners. These rules will also help owners of dentures, implants and braces get rid of unpleasant odor, but the main thing here is regularity and thorough cleaning of restoration structures.

    Now we know that in order to understand how to get rid of bad breath, we need to identify the root cause of halitosis and begin to fight it. Now let’s talk about ways to combat it, and what exactly it involves getting rid of bad breath.

    Often the source of halitosis is associated with disorders in the oral cavity. Basic:

    • Caries. The carious cavity of the tooth is a breeding ground for bacteria.
    • Diseases of the tongue, stomatitis - damage to the mucous membrane. As a result, anaerobic bacteria are formed.
    • Plaque and tartar.
    • Orthopedic structures. The stench occurs when food rots under crowns, braces, or piercings, where bacteria develop.
    • A disease of the salivary glands that reduces the cleansing properties of saliva.
    • An additional cause of strong stench from the mouth is due to the use of medications. Less saliva is produced, and the cleansing property deteriorates due to viscosity.

    Doctors say that one can suspect the disease in a person by body odor. For example, this is how diabetes mellitus reveals itself, especially in the decompensated stage. In addition, there are many pathologies associated with serious metabolic disorders. The persistent odor of acetone from the body cannot be ignored.

    Various diseases lead to disruptions in normal metabolic processes. As a result, the body produces intermediate substances that reach the surface of the body with sweat and cause an unpleasant odor that should not be ignored:

    1. An unpleasant acetone plume comes from the body with oncological tumors without differentiating malignancy. A similar problem occurs in people with extensive liver damage.
    2. If your skin smells like cats even after hygiene procedures, you should get checked for genitourinary tract infections. This amber accompanies kidney failure, nephritis, and pyelonephritis.
    3. The smell of rotten meat from the body cannot be ignored, because this is one of the signs of cancer of the genitourinary system.
    4. A sickly sweet smell of sweat appears in patients with diphtheria.
    5. The unpleasant odor of wet fur from the body is a sign of impaired digestion and problems with peristalsis.
    6. The body smells like vinegar in people with diabetes and tuberculosis. In women, such an amber may indicate mastopathy or breast cancer.
    7. The smell of rotten fish or algae from the body cannot be ignored either. As a rule, he talks about metabolic disorders and gastrointestinal pathologies.

    If the appearance of a bad aroma in an adult is not associated with the oral cavity, amber becomes a symptom of other diseases. This is pathological halitosis.

    The smell of acetone may indicate the development of diabetes.

    Stomach diseases include: pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, gastritis, dysbacteriosis, affected esophagus. In addition to amber, diarrhea can be a symptom. The listed ailments often occur with belching and heartburn, and along with them a sour taste begins to appear.

    If the bile ducts and liver are affected by disease, there is a characteristic fishy or rotten smell in the mouth, accompanied by an unpleasant taste. Common diseases include: cholecystitis, liver failure, hepatitis.

    Pathology of the nasopharynx and sinuses: otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia. In this case, a putrid smell will indicate an inflammatory process in the body.

    How to get rid of fish smell - proven methods

    Kidney failure, metabolic disorders are accompanied by the smell of ammonia.

    Thyroid disease is characterized by an iodine taste.

    Associated symptoms

    • If the cause of the fishy odor is trimethylaminuria, then accompanying symptoms will be the presence of a fishy odor in the urine, sweat, and vaginal discharge.
    • In addition to halitosis, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and liver are characterized by symptoms such as deterioration in general health, weakness, nausea, and allergic skin reactions.
    • In case of dental or nasal diseases, pain characteristic of them appears at the site of development of the pathological process (tooth, gums, sinuses), white or yellowish plaque, and sometimes increased body temperature.

    In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor?

    The smell of fish from the mouth is not always pathological - if it is caused by poor hygiene or the consumption of certain foods (eggs, dairy products), then it is enough to adjust the diet and improve oral care.

    If after this the smell does not disappear, becomes more pronounced, bothers you for a long time, or other accompanying symptoms appear, in such cases you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and undergo an examination .

    For children, especially younger children, symptoms that recur daily or every other day are considered especially dangerous. To check the presence of an odor, its character and severity, you need to bring your palm bent into a boat to your mouth, exhale sharply into it, and then smell or lick it.

    Treatment approach

    How to remove fishy smell from your mouth?

    • If the appearance of a fishy odor is associated with dental problems, then, as a rule, the treatment is quite simple and quickly leads to a positive result. In most cases, it is enough to carry out more thorough oral hygiene; less often, rinses and medications are prescribed. If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, the problem of bad breath will be solved within 3-5 days.
    • If the cause of halitosis is trimethylaminuria, then, after confirming the diagnosis with a urine test, the general practitioner prescribes a specific treatment. Trimethylaminuria is a fairly rare disease, and an effective and specific treatment regimen does not yet exist. Currently, treatment for this pathology is aimed at reducing the intake of carnitine and choline through diet.

    How to get rid of it?

    As noted above, the main treatment for trimethylaminuria is diet , in which the following are completely excluded from the patient’s diet:

    • eggs;
    • seafood;
    • liver;
    • peanut;
    • legumes;
    • white, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.

    If necessary, the doctor may additionally prescribe certain medications:

    • Metronidazole, Neomycin are antibiotics aimed at destroying pathogenic (and trimethylamine-producing) microorganisms in the intestines.
    • Activated carbon (up to 2 g/day) is an adsorbent drug that reduces the intestinal absorption of various harmful substances and promotes their rapid elimination from the body.
    • Vitamin B2 (30 mg up to 4-5 times a day) - to support the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.
    • Copper complexes of chlorophyllins and chlorophylls (up to 180 mg/day) are natural supplements that increase hemoglobin levels and eliminate unpleasant body odor.

    With trimethylaminuria, the smell of fish comes not only from the patient’s mouth, but also from the whole body, so in this case, careful oral hygiene cannot be limited to:

    1. taking a shower up to 4 times a day using pH-moderate (5.5-6.5) shampoos, soaps, shower gels;
    2. change of underwear after each shower;
    3. avoiding sweating during physical activity - reducing its duration or intensity.

    In addition, it has been clinically proven that stress can also provoke the appearance of bad breath , so the patient must be ensured complete psycho-emotional calm.

    How to kill the fishy smell?

    • To get rid of an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to carry out more thorough oral hygiene - brushing your teeth and tongue after each meal, removing food debris with dental floss, using refreshing rinses, sprays, and chewing gum.
    • In addition, it is recommended to rinse with decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, calendula, sage, nettle, yarrow, St. John's wort.
    • No less effective for halitosis is tea tree oil, which can be added to water when rinsing your mouth; In addition to the smell, essential oil removes plaque and has an antibacterial effect.
    • If the cause of halitosis is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or other serious pathologies, then first of all it is recommended to consult with your doctor, begin the necessary therapy, after which you can begin eliminating the odor.

    How to get rid of bad breath?

    halimeterThe halimeter determines the amount of hydrogen sulfide in the exhaled air.
    Before moving on to eliminating bad breath, you need to confirm its presence.

    The test is carried out using improvised means or on a special device - a halimeter. This service is provided by dentists, and the pocket device is also available for free sale.

    The choice of method and scheme for getting rid of stench is influenced by its cause. If you are sure that bad breath is not caused by pathologies, you can remove it at home using both various devices and folk recipes.

    Let's look at the most popular and affordable options for getting rid of bad breath.

    Oral hygiene

    For most of us, oral care comes down to a minimal procedure - brushing your teeth.

    Lack of necessary hygiene provokes complex problems:

    • gum disease;
    • glossitis;
    • alveolitis;
    • loss of molars, canines.

    To get rid of bad breath and related problems, remember the rules of hygiene.

    Use dental appliances:

    1. Toothbrush – Soft for sensitive teeth and gums, Hard – for healthy ones, Medium is suitable for almost everyone. Electric and ultrasonic brushes are considered the most effective.
    2. Toothpaste – it is recommended to choose antibacterial ones; it is the easiest way to remove unpleasant odor from the mouth.
    3. Floss (dental floss) is a necessary accessory that helps to thoroughly clean all interdental spaces.
    4. Rinses are healing liquids for gums that eliminate odors if you rinse your mouth regularly.
    5. An irrigator is a dental device whose action is aimed at the prevention and treatment of diseases of the oral cavity.

    Optimal dental care involves using all of the above:

    • morning – brushing for at least 3-4 minutes, floss (if necessary), mouthwash;
    • after any meal - clean or use mouthwash;
    • evening – cleaning followed by use of an irrigator.

    If you stick to this schedule every day, you won't have to worry about fresh breath and healthy teeth.

    Folk remedies

    clove for bad breathCloves not only eliminate odors, but also some dental problems.
    All medicines of alternative, folk medicine that remove bad breath are classified according to the method of application - internally and for rinsing.

    Let's consider several popular methods:

    1. Mint - you can simply chew it before leaving the house, brew it and use it as tea or a decoction for rinsing.
    2. A mixture of 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and a spoon of salt (preferably fine). After the usual brushing procedure, rinse your mouth with this mixture for at least 5 minutes. Then you can’t eat or drink anything for half an hour.
    3. Chamomile – pour 200 grams of dried or fresh inflorescences with a liter of boiling water. Rinse your mouth daily and repeatedly.
    4. Oatmeal - porridge cooked in water without adding sugar and oil, stimulates salivation, thereby cleansing the oral cavity.
    5. Herbs – if you have parsley, basil, cilantro or thyme on hand, just chew a few leaves.
    6. Fruits, vegetables - solid fibers cleanse the tongue and mouth of food debris and increase salivation.
    7. Cloves - a spice that has a bright, memorable aroma, with which you can quickly overcome an unpleasant amber.

    Drinking enough clean water per day will help add freshness to your breath. This promotes normal salivation and natural cleansing.

    How to eliminate bad breath with medications?

    Although not forever, it is possible to combat bad breath caused by physiological characteristics at home.

    Visit the pharmacy and purchase one of the following items:

    • alcoholic herbal tinctures (calamus, St. John's wort, calendula) - used for rinsing the mouth, giving the breath a fresh aroma;
    • Hydrogen peroxide – has disinfecting properties. To prepare the solution you will need to mix 100 ml of warm boiled water and 3 tsp. 3% peroxide. Per day – 3-4 rinses;
    • refreshing sprays - emergency aid in the fight against stench;
    • “Rotokan” is a complex anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent, also used in gastroenterology;
    • activated carbon is a natural adsorbent that absorbs all harmful elements found in the gastrointestinal tract.

    When dealing with bad breath at home, follow the dosage. Failure to comply with the recommendations of the instructions can result in burns of the mucous epithelium and soft tissues.

    Treatment of pathologies

    Sometimes it is impossible to eliminate bad breath at home, since it accompanies some disease. If dental problems are excluded, it is worth taking care of the condition of the stomach, intestines and other internal organs.

    1. Visit a general practitioner (general practitioner, family doctor).
    2. Pass the prescribed tests.
    3. Consult with specialized specialists (gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, nephrologist, oncologist).
    4. Perform the necessary examinations (ultrasound, x-ray, FGDS).
    5. Receive an epicrisis and treatment plan.

    Thus, you will learn not only how to restore your health, but also how to eliminate bad breath.

    Video: How to quickly get rid of bad breath.

    Useful video

    In the video you will see how to remove bad breath at home:

    To avoid the appearance of fishy breath and other more serious health problems, it is necessary to adhere to a healthy lifestyle - eliminate or at least minimize alcohol and cigarettes, eat right, and perform oral hygiene 2-3 times a day.

    Don’t forget about your health - regular preventive examinations by specialists will allow you to identify and prevent the development of various diseases in time.

    Sea or river fish is a healthy and tasty product, but it has one drawback - an unpleasant stench that can eat into the surfaces of objects and hands. A small carcass can “flavor” a room, even if it’s just lying in the open air. Due to the fact that it is not easy to get rid of the smell of fish, many housewives limit themselves and their households from consuming such a healthy product.

    There are several ways to remove the unpleasant aroma of boiled, fried, dried or smoked fish. At home, you can reduce the intensity of the stench using household chemicals and folk remedies prepared with your own hands from scrap materials.

    Diagnosis of possible diseases

    Methods of examination used for halitosis:

    1. Determination of the saturation of odor from the mouth. Before this, it is not recommended to use scented cosmetics 24 hours before, and refrain from eating spicy food for two days. 12 hours before visiting a doctor, do not use refreshing aerators and rinsing liquids, do not perform oral hygiene, do not drink or smoke.
    2. Study of the medical history: time of occurrence of the odor, how long ago the problem was, the presence of chronic oral diseases. The doctor will ask whether the patient’s anamnesis includes hepatitis, problems with the digestive tract, or inflammation in the paranasal sinuses. Is the appearance of odor related to food consumption and its quality?
    3. Visual examination of the mouth, nose, and throat (pharyngoscopy).
    4. Determination of the level of sulfur concentration in exhaled air using sulfide monitoring.
    5. Endoscopic examination of the upper respiratory tract.
    6. Visual examination of the oral cavity in therapeutic dentistry to detect discolored plaque on the back of the tongue and crowns of teeth.
    7. Examination of the larynx and upper respiratory tract.
    8. Examination by a gastroenterologist and pulmonologist.
    9. Biochemical blood test.


    During cooking, an unpleasant stench permeates not only the dishes, but also cutting boards, knives, kitchen towels, and other products if the fish dish was near them. Often the stench does not go away even after washing towels and thoroughly washing hands and kitchen surfaces. For example, after using a cutting board, it may begin to emit a stench reminiscent of rotten fish, which is not removed by regular detergent.

    You can eliminate the smell of fish in an apartment or house by using one of the available methods. Many housewives have a huge number of components in their arsenal, which, when used skillfully, help avoid problems. If you have forgotten about prevention, you can use one of several methods suggested below.

    From the dishes

    In order to remove the characteristic stench from a frying pan, pan or oven, after heat treatment of the carcass, you can use available adsorbents. Regular table salt will be your main assistant in this regard. Its main property is the absorption of various kinds of aromas along with moisture.

    After frying, rinse the pan under cold running water using a large amount of detergent. Then pour enough salt into a dry bowl so that it lies in an even layer of one centimeter on the bottom of the pan. In this form, the dishes are placed on the fire, the salt powder is heated, and then the stove is turned off and the pan is left until it cools completely.


    Another effective way is to use mustard. It’s better if it’s not the familiar spicy paste, but dry powder. A small amount of powder is dissolved in warm water to prepare a slurry, and then pots and other kitchen utensils, including dinner plates, meat grinders, multicooker bowls and other utensils are treated.

    The main advantage of mustard powder is complete environmental friendliness and safety. Mustard will not only absorb unpleasant aromas that arise during cooking, but will also disinfect the surface.

    It is possible to use raw onions or potatoes, vegetable oil or beer. These products simply wipe the contaminated surface and rinse under plenty of water.

    From hand

    The stench can eat into not only kitchen utensils, but also the skin of the hands of the person who prepared the product. Using rubber or latex gloves is simply inconvenient due to the peculiarities of processing fish carcasses. Therefore, after cooking, you urgently have to figure out how to remove the smell of fish from your hands.

    It is worth noting that the chemistry to eliminate trouble must not only be effective, but also safe. And especially under no circumstances should it damage the skin, leaving burns. Therefore, it is better to use “edible” means at hand in the form of lemon, 9% table vinegar, and light beer.


    You need to rub your hands with a slice of lemon, and then wait until they dry themselves. Afterwards, wash your hands under cold water. By the way, so that the carcass itself does not smell so strongly, you can sprinkle it with lemon juice ten minutes before frying or during cooking. In this case, the cooking process will be felt only within the kitchen area, and not throughout the apartment.

    Vinegar is one of the most effective options in combating the stench of fish (smoked, salted or raw) from your hands. A tablespoon is diluted in a liter of boiled water. Hands and the refrigerator shelves where the product was stored are washed in this solution.

    Please note that in an effort to remove the aroma of fish from your hands, you should not wash them under hot water. The fact is that high temperature will only “imprint” the substances into the skin.

    From clothes and kitchen towels

    Not only towels, but also curtains, aprons and other fabrics in the rooms are saturated with aromas in the kitchen. Sometimes it’s almost impossible to remove the stench even after several washes, it’s impossible to get rid of it, you’ll have to look for options.

    If a lot of time has passed and the stench has not gone away, additional steps may be required. Before washing, all affected items are soaked in a high concentration of laundry soap. The block is pre-grated and used as the main tool for combating stench on clothes.

    All soaked items must be left in this position for at least one hour. In addition to laundry soap, to fight off the “fish odor”, we recommend using table vinegar or citrus juice, such as lemon. However, in some cases these substances can bleach fabrics, and therefore they can only be added to white things. Heavily soiled items are soaked in dishwashing detergent. Their main advantage is the formation of a large amount of foam.

    Instead of regular scented powder, baking soda is used during the wash cycle - a glass of soda is added to the powder compartment.

    How to get rid of fish smell in the refrigerator?

    If you put mackerel in the refrigerator, be sure to make sure that it is well packed in a plastic bag. You can be content with a saucepan with a lid. If it's too late, use mustard powder. Pour water into it until it becomes mushy and wipe the inside of the refrigeration unit. Brown bread will cope well with the problem - cut off three slices and place them on the shelves of the refrigerator for a couple of days, then throw them away. You can put activated carbon there for another three days, this is enough to completely destroy all signs of the presence of seafood.

    how to get rid of fish smell in the refrigerator


    There are several secrets that can be used to successfully minimize odor not only indoors, but also in the refrigerator (freezer). To do this, fresh or frozen seafood does not need to be stored open, but only wrapped in foil. The packaging should be as airtight as possible.

    In cooking, the first and main rule is that you need to put potatoes or onions cut into small pieces into heated vegetable oil prepared for frying fish. If these vegetables are not on hand, you can use lemon juice or at least citrus zest. The juice is poured into the oil in small portions, and then the container is closed with a lid for a few seconds.

    If you plan to make fish soup from fish, then add a little cow's milk to the broth. The liquid neutralizes stench, which then does not spread throughout the apartment. Everyone knows that when cooking food, the smell spreads not only throughout the entire apartment, but also through the exhaust ducts to the entrance and to the neighbors.

    To prevent the fish from saturating the pan, it is better to purchase a separate deck specifically for these dishes. This way, the stench will not spread beyond this item. After cutting the carcass, all knives, cutting boards and other items are thoroughly washed under water with the addition of detergent.

    Cleaning the kitchen does not take much time, but if you love fish dishes and cook them on a regular basis, wiping work surfaces and washing floors using household chemicals is imperative to maintaining a comfortable atmosphere in the room.


    Any unnatural odor from the mouth indicates poor hygiene or impaired functioning of internal organs. Often the causes of its occurrence are alcohol abuse and smoking. But there are also more serious clinical cases. The smell of fish from the mouth may be one of the signs of a chronic metabolic disorder. Especially when it comes to trimethylaminuria. This pathology is characterized by the appearance of an unpleasant odor not only from the mouth, but also from sweat or urine.

    The smell of fish from the mouth and sweat indicates a metabolic disorder

    Why does my breath smell like rotten fish?

    The quality of saliva and its chemical formula are influenced by anti-inflammatory drugs, hormones, histamine inhibitors and a state of increased nervous tension. Salivation becomes viscous and prolonged. The amount of saliva decreases significantly, dry mouth appears, and xerostomia develops. Why does the smell occur:

    • In 99% of cases, the odor is a consequence of inflammatory processes in the mouth and nose.
    • 1% is associated with chronic or acute diseases of internal organs. Their inflammation allows toxic products to enter the bloodstream, which cannot be removed from the body with urine or bile. The excretory function is taken over by gas exchange, and the exhaled air acquires an odor characteristic of the inflammatory process. Bad breath in a child may be accompanied by a change in the odor of stool and urine. All of the above have the smell of rotten meat or fish.
    • Products with a strong specific odor provoke halitosis.
    • The composition of saliva changes when taking hormonal drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, and histamine inhibitors. The volume of saliva decreases, its physiological properties change, dry mouth and an unpleasant odor appear. These symptoms disappear 24 hours after stopping the drugs.

    Diseases of internal organs

    At the dawn of the development of medicine, a practicing physician could make a diagnosis based on the smell of his breath. Each diseased organ has its own smell from the mouth. Halitosis according to its etiology is divided into:

    • extraoral factors,
    • oral diseases,
    • dysfunction of individual organs or systems.

    Extraoral factors include:

    • inflammation of the stomach, duodenum, changes in the qualitative and quantitative composition of the digestive tract, ulcerative processes, heartburn,
    • diseases of the liver and bile ducts are accompanied by a specific odor of fish, feces or rotten eggs,
    • sluggish inflammatory processes in the tonsils, nasal cavity, adenoids, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses,
    • infectious processes in hollow organs that provide gas exchange in the body,
    • profound impairment of kidney function (ammonia breathing),
    • diseases that disrupt metabolism (diabetes mellitus).

    Saliva is intended for natural cleansing of the oral cavity, tooth crowns and back of the tongue from pathogenic microflora. Failure to maintain hygiene in the mouth of a child or adult leads to abundant proliferation of microbes that live without access to oxygen. The waste product of anaerobic microflora in a favorable environment is hydrogen sulfide, which is considered the main factor of halitosis.

    Dental problems

    During sleep, the volume of saliva decreases, and pathogenic microflora multiplies vigorously. This process contributes to the appearance of stale breath after sleep. The most effective treatment in this situation is simple brushing of teeth using a hypoallergenic mouthwash.

    Halitosis is a deviation from the normal state of the body and is a consequence of diseases of the crowns and roots of teeth, tonsillitis, gingivitis, and periodontitis.

    The key factors for the appearance of halitosis are:

    • pathological decay of the crowns and roots of teeth,
    • the formation of deep periodontal pockets filled with pathogenic microflora and hard dental deposits,
    • the appearance of a mucous sac over the wise teeth and filling it with food,
    • primary diseases of the oral mucosa and complications after the underlying disease,
    • sialadenitis, which causes the inability of saliva to perform the cleaning function in the oral cavity due to increased viscosity,
    • glossitis of various etiologies,
    • the presence of foreign bodies of orthopedic origin in the mouth,
    • hyperesthesia of hard dental tissues exposed as a result of pathological processes in bone tissue, as well as insufficient hygienic treatment of the oral cavity contributes to increased deposition of soft plaque.

    Physiological reasons

    The dentist’s medical opinion is based on the time when bad breath appears: in the morning on an empty stomach or throughout the day. Physiological reasons for the appearance of halitosis:

    • the presence of hard dental deposits,
    • the presence of abundant soft dental deposits,
    • untreated oral cavity after eating,
    • consumption of foods with a strong specific odor,
    • presence of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol).

    What is trimethylaminuria and how is it related to fishy breath?

    One possible cause of fishy breath is trimethylaminuria. This rare disease began to be studied by doctors only in the 70s of the 20th century. It occurs due to impaired liver function. This organ cannot break down trimethylamine N-oxide due to poor synthesis of the enzyme flavin monooxygenase-3. Such disorders are most often congenital. They are associated with a congenital disorder of the FMO3 gene. This gene is transmitted to a child from either parent. An important feature of this disease is that it may not appear in older generations.

    Acquired pathology is less common. It is provoked by eating foods with large amounts of choline, carnitine and lecithin. It is these elements that make thymethylamine unmetabolized. They are found in food products: chicken eggs, liver, kidneys, sprouted wheat, fish, etc. It is possible that signs of trimethylaminuria may appear after long-term use of nutritional supplements. L-carnitine is often taken by athletes to increase endurance during competitions or in preparation for them.

    The main symptom of trimethylaminuria is a strong unpleasant odor of rotten fish from the body and from the mouth.

    The appearance of this unpleasant symptom may increase due to the use of certain medications. Most often, antiparasitic drugs and antidepressants have a negative effect on flavin monooxygenase-3. The dependence of signs of metabolic disorders on smoking abuse has also been proven.

    What is trimethylaminuria - description

    Can a person notice an unpleasant odor himself?

    Fishy breath odor is difficult to detect on your own. A person with such bad breath may not even be aware of the existence of his problem. People around them most often do not allow themselves to put the patient in an uncomfortable position. The only hope left is on family members or on one’s own strength. And then, in more than 75% of cases, “fish breathing” is periodic. You can still detect a pungent odor if you use one of the following methods:

    1. It is necessary to close your hands tightly so that the surface of your palm resembles a “boat”. You need to cover your nose and mouth with it. If when you exhale, the air smells like rotten meat, you should consult a doctor.
    2. You should moisten the skin on your hand with saliva. This area should dry out a little. After 2-3 minutes, you should smell it for any unnatural odors. Using a teaspoon, you need to collect the accumulated plaque at the root of the tongue (it is this that is most often the source of the stench). After a minute, you should smell the collected mass.

    Such independent methods of searching for bad breath allow you to avoid uncomfortable situations in society, as well as timely identify the problem (if there is one).

    You shouldn’t worry too much if a person really smells like something not natural. After all, in no more than 10% of all cases, doctors diagnose trimethylaminuria. Most often, the patient’s health is not in danger. The identified bad breath in 85% of cases is just the result of poor oral hygiene. This sign may appear due to dental pathologies, which can be eliminated in a few days.

    Useful decoctions and infusions for bad breath

    Other decoctions also help very well with bad breath:

    2. Dry periwinkle or alder in the proportion of 2 tbsp. l. It is infused into a glass of boiling water and successfully used as a rinse.

    3. Oak bark helps strengthen gums and eliminates bad breath (a tablespoon per glass of boiling water) infuse in a water bath.

    4. Peppermint (1 tbsp per half liter of boiling water) or a sprig of basil instead of chewing gum.

    5. Salted oil (a teaspoon of salt per 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil) is used for rinsing in the morning and evening (drinking and eating within half an hour after the procedure are excluded).

    6. Chewing gum, prepared at home, will help eliminate unpleasant odor for a long time. 100 gr. Melt beeswax, adding, boiling over fire, 50 gr. honey and 3-4 drops of mint oil +10 drops of lemon juice. Roll the resulting cooled mass into balls of the desired size.

    7. An infusion of wormwood as a drink (200-300 grams during the day, in a course of 1 month) will help eliminate the unpleasant odor. The product is designed for thin people (wormwood causes appetite).

    8. A decoction of pine needles and St. John's wort in a 4:1 combination, take 4 tablespoons from the resulting collection, first pour boiling water (1 glass), boil for 3 minutes and leave for 2 hours, strain and boil again to half the original volume. Rinse your mouth before and after eating.

    9. Infusion of honey and dry chamomile (3 tbsp chamomile per 0.5 liter of boiling water). Then 15 minutes in a water bath. Use the cooled and strained infusion for rinsing, after adding 2 tbsp. l. honey

    10. White willow bark, split, dried and separated from the wood, has been used since ancient times as a toothbrush with a bactericidal effect. Another bark, but already crushed, is poured with a glass of boiling water, boiled for 15 minutes and left for 1 hour. Rinse your mouth with the decoction after eating. Can be replaced with tincture in a similar proportion. Leave for 6 hours.

    Also, in order for you not to suffer from bad breath, you need to take proper care of your mouth every day and brush your teeth on time. And then your breath will always be fresh, and communication with others will be pleasant.

    If a person has bad breath, it becomes a cause of concern for him and a cause of embarrassment for others. Every person going to a business meeting, a romantic date or just visiting friends wants to have fresh, pleasant breath.

    Modern advertising convinces the consumer that there are many ways to remove bad breath, quickly and effectively. Today we’ll talk about which ways to freshen your breath really work, and which are just an advertising gimmick.

    First, let's list the methods by which a person can freshen their breath:

    • mouth freshener in the form of a spray;
    • mouth rinse;
    • refreshing candies;
    • chewing gum with mint flavor;
    • mint, greens.

    But before we begin a detailed description of each method of freshening breath, we will answer the question: why does bad breath appear?

    Features of symptoms

    The appearance of a fishy odor from the mouth may be periodic. A person can live for decades without even knowing about existing problems. But if the main reason for your breath smelling like rotten fish is trimethylaminuria, other symptoms may also appear. All of them are associated with the release of a stench:

    • bodies;
    • urine;
    • vaginal discharge in women.

    According to research results, children suffer from this pathology more often than adults. This is due to the transition from breastfeeding to the consumption of solid food, especially if the baby has an innate tendency to such processes. From the mouth of an adult, the smell can appear unexpectedly even for him. Signs of trimethylaminuria can appear after taking medications, as well as from a sharp increase in harmful bacteria in the intestines. This pathology is most dangerous for women. The sex hormones estrogen and progesterone contribute to the active accumulation of trimethylamine in the body. Representatives of the fairer sex have bad breath more often than men. And the signs of the disease themselves are more acute and noticeable to others.

    Golitosis (halitosis) and diseases

    Constant bad breath has its own name in the medical field - golitosis (halitosis). And quite often it occurs precisely in diseases of the stomach and other digestive organs. If, in addition to the smell, there is also plaque on the teeth, then you need to urgently consult a doctor. These may be signs of a serious disease - mononucleosis, gangrenous periodontal inflammation or ulcers.

    This requires medical intervention. But until you visit the hospital, you can brighten up the situation a little. Brew oak bark (one spoon per glass of hot water), add a little soda and iodine. Iodine will help eliminate bacteria for a long time (until the next meal), baking soda will cleanse your teeth of plaque.

    With periodontitis, a very strong odor occurs in the morning, teeth become loose, and white plaque appears. A simple method will help here: mix two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with a saline solution and wipe your teeth and gums with the resulting liquid as needed. This way you can not only get rid of bleeding, but also whiten your teeth.

    Often the stench is a consequence of an infectious disease. It is clear that both folk and traditional medicine in this situation require neutralizing bacteria. You can do this in several ways:

    1. pharmaceutical antiseptic solution;
    2. take broad-spectrum drugs;
    3. disinfect microorganisms with homemade means.

    With a sore throat and follicular sore throat, an unpleasant odor appears from the mouth. To eliminate it, make the following solution: warm water, a spoonful of baking soda and three drops of iodine. This is what you need to gargle with. Remember, the presence of an odor associated with the formation of pus in the body indicates serious complications.

    Also, the problems of bad amber from the oral cavity directly affect the nose. For example, prolonged halitosis is normal with sinusitis and sinusitis . To eliminate this rather unpleasant phenomenon, you need to squeeze the juice from the beets and drip it into the nasal passages. The feeling is not pleasant, but it is very effective. As an alternative, to remove pus from the sinuses, you can rinse them with a mixture of salt and warm water (2 tablespoons of mineral per glass).

    Photo - Bad breath

    To remove the terrible fecal odor that occurs after a severe attack of intestinal vomiting, it is necessary to use only special preparations.

    Moreover, it must be remembered that such a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract occurs only for very serious reasons, for example, fecal retention or intestinal obstruction. Don't delay your visit to the doctor. As an option, take sorbents - activated carbon, Enterosgel, Polyphepan and others.

    And we talked about how to cleanse the liver using folk remedies at home in this material.

    Often, problems with constant bad breath arise due to poor hygiene of dentures, improper installation of a metal bridge, or scarring of the crown. In this case, we recommend using good disinfectants, for example, Orajel (a product from French manufacturers), Stoato Plus or Abesol. And, of course, visit the dentist for a consultation or crown replacement or re-prosthetics.

    In addition, we must not forget about the presence of a foul odor from the mouth during gastritis . Here, first of all, you need to normalize your diet - remove fatty, smoked and sweet foods from your diet. Also drink herbal teas based on medicinal herbs: mint, valerian, sage. Visit your gastroenterologist, he will give his advice on nutrition and gastric hygiene, and prescribe a special Atkins diet. Video: treatment of bad breath

    Who to contact?

    The appearance of fishy breath can become a serious psychological problem for a person. Constantly avoiding contact with others is not an option. Therefore, it is necessary to seek help from specialists. But which doctor will advise how to remove bad breath?

    There are several possible causes of bad breath and they need to be investigated consistently. Most often, the fishy smell is disturbing due to pathologies of the teeth and gums. Therefore, you will need to consult a dentist. If a general examination does not reveal a problem, you should consult a therapist.

    A consultation with a dentist will help rule out dental causes.

    Change your lifestyle

    Dry mouth

    How to remove bad breath?

    Make sure that your mouth does not dry out . Many cases of bad breath are caused by dry mouth, which allows bacteria to flourish. Avoid this by drinking plenty of water throughout the day to keep your mouth moist and smelling fresh.

    Stay away from liquids that dehydrate you, such as coffee, alcohol and cola. In fact, these drinks may only make bad breath worse.

    To stay hydrated, adult men and women should drink at least 15.5 glasses (3.7 L) of water per day.

    Some prescription medications can also cause dry mouth. If you are not sure whether a medicine you are taking is causing dry mouth, ask your doctor.

    Dental floss

    How can you remove bad breath?

    Floss daily to remove food particles that can cause bad breath . Brushing only cleans about 60% of the surface of the teeth, leaving 40% still dirty. Over time, plaque and bacteria on these dirty surfaces of your teeth can start to smell bad.

    Prevent this potential bad breath by flossing daily. You're more likely to remember to floss if you do it at the same time day after day. For example, floss your teeth immediately after dinner. It is best to perform this procedure after every meal.

    I also want to mention such a modern device as an irrigator. At the moment, this is the most effective way to clean the interdental space at home.

    Stop smoking

    What to do to remove bad breath?

    Quit smoking to improve the smell of your breath . Not only are cigarettes (and other types of tobacco) bad for your health, they also give smokers chronic bad breath. Smoking also dries out the mouth (similar to alcohol) and allows foul-smelling bacteria to accumulate in the mouth.

    Even if you don't smoke cigarettes, other types of smoking can lead to bad breath. Smoking cigars and vaping can also cause bad breath.

    Less alcohol

    Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink to reduce bad breath . Drinking alcohol changes the bacterial balance in the mouth, leading to frequent bad breath.

    All types of alcohol (but especially spirits such as whiskey and vodka) also dry out the mouth and cause bad breath. So if you drink and often have bad breath, cut down on your alcohol intake.


    Take a daily probiotic supplement. Taking probiotics may help with bad breath , so it's worth considering. Look for a probiotic that contains lactobacilli.

    If you are unsure which probiotic to choose, ask your healthcare provider for probiotic supplement recommendations.

    Fast food and sweets

    Reduce your consumption of fast food and baked goods in favor of fresh, whole foods. Eating large amounts of sweets and foods with added sugar can seriously worsen bad breath.

    However, getting most of your nutrients from whole foods, such as fruits and vegetables, can help combat bad breath. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

    Try drinking freshly squeezed juices, vegetable and fruit smoothies. Consider a detox diet to eliminate unhealthy foods from your diet.

    Vegetables and fruits

    Snack on fresh fruits and vegetables as part of your daily diet. Liquid-rich vegetables and fruits are a great way to freshen your mouth . They prevent bad breath by removing food particles and bacteria from your tongue and oral mucosa.

    Eating these foods as a snack between meals can also prevent bad odor from stomach acid.

    Before lunch or after dinner, eat 4-5 pieces, for example:

    • Apple slices
    • Celery
    • carrot sticks
    • Sweet pepper

    Features of pathology treatment

    If the cause of fishy breath is associated with pathologies of the oral cavity, then the effectiveness of therapy will depend on the type and nature of the disease itself, as well as on the measures taken by the doctor to eliminate them. For individual clinical cases, it is enough to monitor hygiene (brush your teeth, use mouthwash, etc.). Other surgical procedures are also possible. If the patient follows all the dentist’s advice on how to get rid of the smell of fish from the mouth, the discomfort will disappear within a few days.

    If the cause of the stench is associated with trimethylaminuria, the therapist is obliged to refer the patient for a urine test. The main goal of the study is to identify trimethylamine in the material. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the therapist develops a special treatment regimen. You can find out how to get rid of fish odor from your mouth, body and urine only from your doctor. Trimethylaminuria is a very rare disease.

    There is no effective treatment regimen.

    What is known is that it is possible to influence the degree of manifestation of strong unpleasant odors by reducing the consumption of choline and carnitine. That is, the most effective way to combat a pungent odor is diet.

    Quick ways

    Brush your teeth

    How to remove strong odor from your mouth?

    To eliminate most bad breath, simply brush your teeth . Regular brushing will keep your mouth and teeth healthy and your breath fresh. Brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes each time, this is the minimum time needed to remove odor-causing bacteria from your tongue and the inside of your mouth.

    Brush your teeth at least twice a day, and whenever you notice that your breath is not fresh enough.

    When brushing your teeth, don't forget to brush your tongue! Brushing your tongue removes plaque from old food and bacteria that can cause most bad breath.

    If you find that your bad breath persists even after brushing your teeth, then floss, try using a tongue scraper after brushing your teeth in the morning and evening. Tongue scrapers remove food particles and bacteria from the tongue and improve bad breath. Buy a tongue scraper from your local pharmacy.

    Mint dragee

    How to remove bad breath at home?

    Take sugar-free mint tablets, this will help get rid of bad breath for a while . If you're worried about bad breath during the day, carry some sugar-free mint with you.

    If you feel like your breath needs freshening, use mint! For best results and fresh breath, use mint with a relatively mild scent, peppermint or wintermint.

    This method of getting rid of bad breath is very effective, but it is also not very durable. Peppermint drops are only a temporary solution to the problem of bad breath. Bad breath may return within 30-60 minutes.

    Chewing gum

    What works well to remove bad breath? And how to quickly remove the smell?

    Try chewing sugarless gum to keep your mouth moist and fresh. Chewing sugar-free mint flavored gum is a quick and easy way to improve and freshen your breath for hours.

    The aroma from chewing gum masks bad breath, and chewing will also moisturize your mouth. While chewing, plaque that causes bad breath will be removed from the tongue, as well as bacteria in the throat that cause the odor.

    The main thing is that the chewing gum is sugar-free. Sugar-free chewing gum can freshen your breath for several hours.

    Mouth rinse

    How to remove odor from a person's mouth?

    Rinse your mouth to freshen your breath and remove bad breath . Mouthwash is a great way to quickly freshen your mouth before you go out on a date, dinner, or other social occasion.

    Fill the lid of the mouthwash with liquid and gargle for 20-30 seconds. Then spit it out and rinse your mouth with tap water.

    Like gum and mints, mouthwash is only a temporary remedy for bad breath. Additionally, using mouthwash more than 1-2 times a day can actually make your breathing worse by attacking the tissues in your mouth and drying out your mouth.

    You can also try adding oil to rinse your teeth and prevent bad breath. Add 30 ml of coconut or sesame oil and rinse your mouth for about 10 minutes, then spit out the oil.

    Clean your dentures

    How to remove bad breath?

    Remember to brush your dentures to remove unpleasant odors . If you wear dentures, remove them every night before going to bed. Use warm tap water and hand soap to clean your dentures and remove any buildup of bacteria and plaque.

    If you neglect to clean your dentures, they will start to smell after a few days and can cause bad breath.

    Instead of soap and water, you can also use a special cream to clean your dentures.

    Changing your diet

    If a diagnosis of trimethylaminuria is made, the patient should change his own diet. It is necessary to completely eliminate the consumption of such products as:

    • eggs;
    • liver;
    • legumes;
    • peanut;
    • seafood;
    • regular, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower.

    Prohibited foods for trimethylaminuria

    Products containing soy can also worsen your health.

    Controlling your own diet will not relieve the patient from the signs of the disease, but will make them less intense and noticeable to others.

    Other therapies

    For many patients with trimethylaminuria, it remains a mystery why there is still no single effective remedy against this pathology. This issue is a serious problem in modern medicine. A favorable outcome is only possible with antibiotic treatment. Only low doses of drugs such as Neomycin and Metronidazole are recommended. The active substances of these medications help get rid of a large number of bacteria in the intestines, especially those that can form trimethylamine.

    As an additional therapy, the doctor may prescribe the following to the patient:

    • activated carbon (no more than 2 g per day);
    • copper complexes of chlorophyllins and chlorophylls;
    • vitamin B2 (30 mg 4-5 times per day).

    Regular brushing of teeth and use of mouth rinses can help alleviate bad breath. But in a disease such as trimethylaminuria, stench is carried not only by the air that a person exhales. It is equally important to get rid of the trimethylamine that coats the skin. This can be done using hygiene products (shampoos and soaps) with a moderate pH. It is recommended to take a shower 3-4 times a day. Underwear tends to absorb unpleasant odors, so it should be changed after each bath.

    According to research, even stress may be the main cause of bad breath. Therefore, in order to avoid the risk of such unpleasant signs, you need to take care of your own peace of mind. It is also important to warn loved ones about the need to avoid stress.

    Traditional treatment

    Treatment for bad breath is selected for each patient individually, depending on the specific cause. Traditional drug therapy includes:

    1. Taking antacids that will normalize the amount of hydrochloric acid (Almagel, Maalox).
    2. Prescription of gastroprotectors to protect the mucous layer of the stomach (De-Nol).
    3. Use of analgesics for pain (Almagel-A, No-Shpa).
    4. Prescription of potent antibiotics to suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria (Amoxicillin).

    Preventive methods

    To prevent bad breath, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene. Thorough brushing of teeth will allow a person to keep their breath fresh and clean. The smell of fish can be caused by oral dysbiosis, so oral hygiene must be careful. It is necessary to brush not only your teeth, but also your tongue. It is on this that plaque most often accumulates, which has a sharp, unpleasant odor.

    The risk of contracting trimethylaminuria is low. If a person does not have a tendency to show signs of this pathology, then there is no need to think about preventive measures. Only in rare cases, on the advice of a doctor, should you follow a diet with moderate or low levels of carnitine and choline.

    Consultation with a doctor

    Often, the problem of bad breath is only a signal that not everything is in order with the body, and the underlying pathology lies deeper. Therefore, it is important to conduct a medical examination, which will allow you to diagnose common diseases and begin their treatment. And with the elimination of a serious illness, the problem of bad breath can resolve itself.


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