Solcoseryl - dental adhesive paste: instructions for use

Release form

Adhesive paste Solcoseryl Denta is available in the form of a paste for topical use. The release form is often incorrectly called: dental gel, dental gel, ointment for gums, gel for gums.

The drug is a pale beige granular homogeneous mass that is easily distributed over the surface, with the aroma of peppermint. The paste has a uniform dense consistency, it is almost colorless and homogeneous.

The drug is contained in tubes of 5 g, packed in cardboard boxes.

Dental indications

Solcoseryl Denta paste is safe for the body, and it is prescribed in the presence of the following pathological conditions:

  • periodontal disease;
  • pemphigus;
  • stomatitis;
  • alveolitis;
  • gingivitis.

This medication may help if the following lesions are found in the oral cavity:

  • damage to the lips and oral mucosa;
  • bedsores under dentures;
  • damage caused by previous operations;
  • jaw injuries.

You should avoid using the drug only in one case - if you have an individual intolerance to one of the components included in the paste.

At the moment, experts do not have information about the effects on the body during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Considering this, women during such conditions need to be careful when using Solcoseryl paste. To avoid the negative effects of the drug, it is recommended to consult a specialist before using it.

pharmachologic effect

Dental adhesive paste Solcoseryl is a combined agent that has wound-healing, cytoprotective, antihypoxic, regenerating, and angioprotective effects.

It contains deproteinized (that is, devoid of protein) calf blood extract, freed from antigens .

Under the influence of the drug, the transport of nutrients and oxygen is activated. Metabolic processes inside cells are stimulated and reserves of high-energy phosphates, which are sources of energy for cells, are increased.

The drug activates the processes of cell and tissue restoration. The component of the product, polidocanol , is a local anesthetic that quickly reduces the severity of pain.

The paste does not contain fat, so it is easily washed off. The product helps eliminate exudate and the appearance of granulation tissue. After the wound dries, it is advisable to continue treatment using an ointment that contains fats. Solcoseryl adhesive dental paste forms a protective film on the mucous membrane that prevents thermal and mechanical damage over a long period of time.

What is the drug?

Solcoseryl, intended for use in dental practice, is offered for sale in the form of a paste (ointment or gel, depending on the release form). This product has a uniform consistency, thanks to which the drug is easily applied to the gums and the surface of the mucous membrane, and is evenly distributed over it.

The main active ingredients of the drug are:

  1. Polidocanol. This substance has a local analgesic effect, which occurs a few minutes after the gel has been applied. When the drug is used correctly and the frequency of use and dosage are observed, polidocanol is almost not absorbed into the bloodstream, which significantly expands the possibilities for treatment in patients with chronic liver and kidney diseases.
  2. Cattle blood dialysate. The drug uses natural biological material obtained from calves - proteins and antibodies that can potentially cause allergic reactions are first removed from the blood. A special method of processing the biomaterial allows it to preserve valuable substances, such as nucleotides, electrolytes, amino acids, etc., which are important components of cellular nutrition and tissue metabolism.

Together, these active ingredients provide the following effects:

  • rapid elimination of pain caused by the formation of ulcers, aphthae, erosions, mechanical damage, etc. on the oral mucosa;
  • stimulation of metabolism - entry into the mucosal tissues of nutrients and biologically significant substances and oxygen, and removal of waste products from the cells;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes at the tissue level;
  • stimulation of regeneration processes;
  • restoration of microcirculation in tissues damaged by inflammation or infection;
  • protection of cells and tissues from aggressive factors (viral and bacterial toxins, breakdown products, aggressive substances supplied with food, etc.).

Indications for use

Solcoseryl paste is used for the following diseases and conditions:

  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, lips, gums;
  • gingivitis;
  • angular and aphthous stomatitis ;
  • herpes and herpetic gingivostomatitis ;
  • periodontal disease;
  • injuries to the mucous membranes of the gums, lips and mouth;
  • multiple jaw fractures ;
  • bedsores and irritations healed due to wearing dentures .

The product is also used to treat the oral cavity after tooth extraction , removal of tartar , and before installing dentures. Prescribed for postoperative therapy after periodontal interventions. Used in case of complications during the eruption of baby teeth in a child .

Side effects

After using the product, the patient’s taste sensations may change for some time, and allergic reactions may also occur - hives , itchy skin . Sometimes in the place where the paste is applied, a person may feel a burning sensation, which soon stops. If the burning sensation does not go away for a long time, or other side effects are noted, you should stop using Solcoseryl.

Solcoseryl - a universal lifesaver or one of many?

During stomatitis, quite painful ulcers always appear in the mouth.
Their healing becomes difficult due to increased salivation. To facilitate and speed up this process, various ointments are used. Among them, Solcoseryl should be noted. This drug contains biologically active components that are separated from the plasma of young calves. This substance accelerates the regenerative process. Calf blood dialysate improves blood supply to the area of ​​ulcers. Damaged tissues receive the necessary substances for restoration.

Solcoseryl has an analgesic effect, a quality that is so necessary for stomatitis of any form. Polidocanol, which is included in the composition, relieves pain in a matter of minutes. The effect lasts for five hours after applying the product to the mucous membranes.

The peculiarity of the drug is its resistance to saliva and moisture. The cream or gel is not washed off by saliva. A special film is formed on the damaged areas, which immediately begins to have a positive effect on the wounds. The pain subsides and the active regeneration process begins.

The ointment quickly relieves pain by coming into direct contact with pathogenic microbes. There is no need to wait for the medicine to enter the bloodstream and reach the affected area of ​​the body. Local treatment of wounds is most effective, since the drug remains on the mucous membrane for several hours and continues its active effect.

Instructions for use of Solcoseryl paste (Method and dosage)

The instructions stipulate that the paste is applied to the affected area in a thin layer. There is no need to rub it in. The product must be applied 3 to 5 times a day, depending on the disease and the degree of damage. The paste is used after meals and before bed. After its application, a smooth thin layer is formed on the mucous membrane.

In order to cover wounds resulting from surgical interventions, the paste is first applied to a sponge, gauze or drainage tubes. The wound should be cleaned with a disinfectant solution before treatment. If you dry the mucous membrane a little before applying, the adhesion of the product improves.

If purulent wounds or trophic ulcers are treated, it is necessary to carry out preliminary surgical treatment.

The product is prescribed both for the treatment of fresh wounds and for those places where epithelization has already begun. The course of treatment lasts until the wound has completely healed and elastic scar tissue appears.

Application and dosage regimen

Solcoseryl dental paste is easy to use - to do this, it must be applied in a thin layer to the wound and left to absorb. The affected areas are treated 3-5 times a day. The exact frequency of sessions can only be determined taking into account the severity of the wound or lesion. It is recommended to apply the paste to fabrics after meals and before bed.

The paste begins to act the moment it is mixed with saliva - then a special film begins to appear, providing the wound with protection for 3-5 hours .

When calculating the dosage, it is necessary to take into account the size of the affected area. Usually the desired effect can be achieved if the drug is applied to the area in a layer of 5 mm. Treatment with Solcoseryl paste is completed at the moment when all the contents of the tube are consumed.

Features of application

Before using Solcoseryl paste, be sure to treat the wound with an antiseptic.
This may be Miramistin solution, which is indicated for the treatment of stomatitis. In other cases, experts recommend using a 0.05% chlorhexidine solution. To disinfect, you need to take a piece of gauze or a swab, dip it in an antiseptic and apply it to the affected or damaged areas. Next, the wound should be allowed to dry. You can speed up this process by using dry swabs. Only after this can the paste be applied to the wound.

If you have to treat bedsores that have arisen under dentures, you will first have to dry the teeth, and only then apply paste to them at the junction of the gums, then moisten the dentures with water and insert them into the oral cavity.

Solcoseryl paste is not suitable for treating deep wounds caused by tooth extraction if it is planned to subsequently apply sutures.

It is often necessary to treat areas affected by infection. In such cases, you first need to carry out disinfection using special medications that have an antibacterial effect.

Having completed this procedure, you can proceed to applying the paste . Remember that the drug does not contain antimicrobial substances. It follows from this that he will not be able to eliminate inflammation if it appears in the wound area.

Over the years of using Solcoseryl Denta paste, there have been no cases of overdose, but still you should not take unnecessary risks. Be sure to follow the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Side effects

Unfortunately, Solcoseryl dental paste does not have the same effect on all patients. Some people may experience side effects:

  • Change in taste sensations. This effect is observed only in some cases;
  • Allergy, manifested in the form of swelling. If such a symptom is detected, you should refrain from re-using the drug;
  • Fever, pain in the wound, or redness of the area after treatment. This is also a contraindication to further use of the paste;
  • A burning sensation at the site of treatment with the drug. Usually such discomfort lasts only a few minutes. If it continues to bother you, then you should stop using the paste and seek advice from your doctor.

special instructions

Due to the absence of antimicrobial components in Solcoseryl, the product should not be applied to a previously untreated and contaminated wound.

If during the treatment process pain appears, discharge from the wound is noted, body temperature rises, areas of the skin near the place where the paste was applied turn red, you should contact a specialist without delay.

If, with regular use of the drug for 2-3 weeks, the affected area does not heal, you should consult a doctor.

There is no need to put paste into the wound cavity that was formed after the removal of molars and after apicotomy , if the edges of the tooth socket are pulled together and sutures are placed on them.

Solcoseryl gel analogues

The drug is not used if the wound on the gum is severely inflamed and infected with dangerous bacteria. Solcoseryl should not be applied to fistulas or ulcers, so as not to provoke an exacerbation. Any lesion is first opened and cleaned of liquid, disinfected and dried with tampons.

If after two weeks of using the gel the condition of the mucous membrane has not improved, the patient has a fever or chills, you should consult a specialist. You may need to replace it with an analogue. A similar effect is observed with the drug Actovegin and the antiseptic ointment Levomekol. Another remedy should be prescribed by a doctor based on your medical history and specific situation.


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Analogs of the drug are Levomekol , Actovegin , etc. But for any disease, the optimal drug for therapy should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

Pharmacological properties

The drug is a deproteinized dialysate. Consists of a wide range of low molecular weight elements that are components of the cell mass. The product also contains blood serum from young calves fed exclusively on cow's milk. It is this component that determines the effectiveness and properties of the drug.

Solcoseryl for stomatitis helps:

  • increasing the intensity of regeneration processes;
  • activates oxidative phosphorylation, aerobic metabolic processes;
  • supplies large amounts of oxygen and glucose to damaged cells;
  • intensively synthesizes collagen;
  • promotes cell proliferation.

The complex of medicinal properties makes the medicine indispensable for the treatment of affected areas of the mucous membranes.

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