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With stomatitis, an inflammatory process develops on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and ulcers and/or blisters appear. The causes of the disease are very diverse.

The immune system itself can activate the appearance of blisters and ulcers in the mouth by finding unidentified, previously unknown molecules in the body. Organ transplants can also cause the disease. Another common cause is lack of oral hygiene.

Stomatitis develops due to colitis, worms, gastritis, duodenitis and other diseases.

Associated symptoms are:

  • bleeding gums;
  • yellow plaque;
  • increased salivation;
  • swelling;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth.

Severe pain occurs that does not allow you to lead a normal life. Eating and simply communicating becomes painful and painful.

If ulcers are not treated in time, they increase in size. Drug treatment is mandatory.

Solcoseryl - a universal lifesaver or one of many?

During stomatitis, quite painful ulcers always appear in the mouth.
Their healing becomes difficult due to increased salivation. To facilitate and speed up this process, various ointments are used. Among them, Solcoseryl should be noted. This drug contains biologically active components that are separated from the plasma of young calves. This substance accelerates the regenerative process. Calf blood dialysate improves blood supply to the area of ​​ulcers. Damaged tissues receive the necessary substances for restoration.

Solcoseryl has an analgesic effect, a quality that is so necessary for stomatitis of any form. Polidocanol, which is included in the composition, relieves pain in a matter of minutes. The effect lasts for five hours after applying the product to the mucous membranes.

The peculiarity of the drug is its resistance to saliva and moisture. The cream or gel is not washed off by saliva. A special film is formed on the damaged areas, which immediately begins to have a positive effect on the wounds. The pain subsides and the active regeneration process begins.

The ointment quickly relieves pain by coming into direct contact with pathogenic microbes. There is no need to wait for the medicine to enter the bloodstream and reach the affected area of ​​the body. Local treatment of wounds is most effective, since the drug remains on the mucous membrane for several hours and continues its active effect.

Composition and release form

The main component of the drug is calf blood. It is in their bloodstream that there is a specific enzyme - dialysate, which can accelerate the regeneration of skin and mucous tissues. Solcoseryl also contains essential oils of menthol and mint, polidocanol, gelatin, and pectin. All these components are aimed at relieving pain, activating blood supply to damaged tissue, improving its nutrition and helping it recover faster. The product is used both on mucous membranes and on open areas of the skin. Available in the following forms:

  • ointment;
  • gel;
  • injection;
  • dental paste;
  • pills.

Pharmacological properties

The drug is a deproteinized dialysate. Consists of a wide range of low molecular weight elements that are components of the cell mass. The product also contains blood serum from young calves fed exclusively on cow's milk. It is this component that determines the effectiveness and properties of the drug.

Solcoseryl for stomatitis helps:

  • increasing the intensity of regeneration processes;
  • activates oxidative phosphorylation, aerobic metabolic processes;
  • supplies large amounts of oxygen and glucose to damaged cells;
  • intensively synthesizes collagen;
  • promotes cell proliferation.

The complex of medicinal properties makes the medicine indispensable for the treatment of affected areas of the mucous membranes.


Viral herpetic stomatitis occurs in chronic or acute form. Acute is characterized by several periods:

  1. Incubation, lasting about 4 days.
  2. Catarrhal (several hours).
  3. The development of the virus takes up to a week.
  4. Extinction – 3-4 days.
  5. Healing – up to 9 days.

Acute stomatitis of herpetic origin differs from most other forms of the disease by three characteristic symptoms:

  1. Liquid-filled blisters appear on the lips and mucous membranes.
  2. General intoxication develops with a high (up to 40 degrees) temperature.
  3. Aphthae are formed - ulcers on the mucous membrane, having a yellowish tint with a red rim.

    Can solcoseryl ointment be smeared in the mouth?
    Healing of wounds takes about 10 days.

Other symptoms are characteristic of all forms of the disease, including herpetic:

  • redness of the mucous membrane;
  • dry mouth;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • salivation;
  • pain during talking, swallowing.

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When is the drug especially effective?

There are several forms of stomatitis. They differ from each other in the pathogen, cause, course of the disease and symptoms, shape and size, as well as the type of ulcerative formations.

The most common types of stomatitis are:

  • herpetic;
  • aphthous;
  • ulcerative-necrotic;
  • prosthetic (allergic).

With each type of disease, painful wounds occur in the oral cavity: on the gums and palate, lips, cheeks, and tongue. Treatment of any type must be comprehensive.

Drugs are prescribed to boost immunity, since it is a weak system that allows pathogens to infect the body. Local wound treatment is also required. For this, topical ointments are prescribed.

Solcoseryl does an excellent job; the ointment is suitable for treating symptoms of all types of stomatitis. Effectively heals wounds, relieves pain, and has a long-lasting effect on microbes.

The product should be used if painful wounds appear in the mouth. The medicine will help you quickly get rid of the symptoms of stomatitis and relieve unbearable pain. The ointment promotes rapid healing of ulcers, it is moisture resistant and continues its effect on microbes for five hours after application.

The purpose of use is to relieve pain and heal wounds.

Local treatment for stomatitis

The disease is an inflammation that develops in the oral cavity. Its occurrence is caused by the activity of viruses, bacteria or fungi, as well as disruption of internal systems and organs. Treatment requires an integrated approach:

  1. Oral medications - antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal - based on the diagnosed cause of the disease.
  2. Local agents that are applied to damaged mucous membranes relieve inflammation and accelerate healing.

Local treatment for stomatitis helps fight unpleasant symptoms.

One of the popular products belonging to the second group is Solcoseryl.

Instructions for use

Solcoseryl can be used to treat stomatitis in both adults and children. The drug is completely harmless and quite effective. The dosage of the medication and the timing of treatment are different for each age group.

Apply the ointment only to a clean wound. But before this, the affected areas should be treated with an antiseptic to avoid the development of infections. After this, the wounds are dried and only a thin layer of the drug is applied to the affected areas.

For the procedure, it is better to use a sterile gauze swab. If the ulcers are covered with a wet layer, then it is worth using Solcoseryl gel. After the condition improves, you can switch to the ointment again.

Adults need to apply the product 3 times a day after meals.

If prosthetic stomatitis is observed, the drug is applied to the place where the gums come into contact with the prosthesis.

The method of application and dosage of Solcoseryl for the treatment of children do not differ from those in adults. The duration of the course of therapy should be determined by the doctor.

Due to the presence of E210 acid in the medication, the drug should not be used to treat stomatitis in children under one year of age, especially in newborns.

If pain and swelling occurs in the affected areas, the use of the ointment should be discontinued. During lactation the drug is contraindicated.

During pregnancy, the medicine should be used with extreme caution and only under the supervision of a doctor.

Contraindications and side properties

Solcoseryl has virtually no clinical contraindications. The product is well tolerated by people of different age groups. The use of the drug is permitted during pregnancy and lactation. The only limitation on the use of Solcoseryl is apictomy or tooth extraction. Once in a closed channel, the drug can cause pain.

Also, doctors do not recommend using Solcoseryl to eliminate stomatitis in young children who are teething. The drug can provoke an allergic reaction (including asphyxia or severe swelling), since the child’s body has not yet encountered this kind of chemicals.

What is Solcoseryl

Solcoseryl belongs to a group of drugs that stimulate tissue regeneration and improve trophism.

To overcome stomatitis, 3 forms of the drug are produced:

Medicinal properties

  1. Improvement and activation of hemodynamics in the affected areas.
  2. Dilation of blood vessels at the site of application of the product.
  3. Anesthesia of the pathological area: after using the drug, the unpleasant sensations disappear instantly. The effect lasts for 5 hours.
  4. Restoration of damaged mucosa. The main active ingredient is a component of calf blood. It contains dialysate. This enzyme accelerates the regeneration of skin and mucous membranes.
  5. Improving the transfer and processing of glucose into cells that experience hypoxia or metabolic disorders.
  6. Stimulation of collagen production and fibroblast division.
  7. Supports aerobic metabolism.
  8. Creating a space in the application area where microbes cannot penetrate.
  9. There are no restrictions on drinking, since the product is not sensitive to liquids.
  10. Efficiency in aphthous and ulcerative-necrotic stomatitis.

Advantages of Solcoseryl:

  • Rapid wound regeneration: gently and effectively restores damaged mucosa.
  • Minimum contraindications.
  • The drug is not “afraid” of water, so there is no need to limit yourself to liquids.
  • Low price: the cost is about 300 rubles.
  • Ease of use.

Photo 1. Solcoseryl gel from the manufacturer MEDA is an effective and reliable remedy for the treatment of stomatitis in adults and children.


  • Cannot be used by children under one year of age.
  • When applied to the mucous membrane, a slightly unpleasant taste of the drug is felt.

Indications for use

Gum paste the following diseases:

  • periodontal disease;
  • gingival stomatitis;
  • chronic form of gingivitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • jaw injury during the healing stage;
  • surgical treatment of the oral mucosa.

Ointment and gel are applied for the following disorders:

  • stomatitis, including traumatic form;
  • purulent wound;
  • thermal and chemical burns;
  • difficult-to-heal wound.


  1. After apicotomy or dental extraction.
  2. Intolerance to individual components of the product.
  3. Predisposition to allergic reactions.
  4. Children's age up to 1 year.

Important! Use with in case of tachycardia, cardiovascular and renal failure, hyperkalemia, while taking potassium-based medications, during gestation and lactation.

Other drugs, ointments and gels for stomatitis

Another option for a remedy that therapists recommend for the treatment of stomatitis is methyluracil ointment .
It helps cope with bacteria and accelerates the regeneration of affected tissue areas. It helps relieve inflammation and acts as a pain reliever. The medication is prescribed only to adults. It can be used with other agents as complex therapy. It is recommended to apply the ointment three times a day half an hour before meals. The price for this product does not exceed sixty-five rubles per tube. Another drug is a universal medication. It can be prescribed for any type of stomatitis. Cholisal is a gel that helps relieve inflammation, relieve pain and reduce fever. It is prescribed to adults, children and pregnant women. The effectiveness of the drug is unique because it begins to act on the problem after a few minutes. The dosage is determined only by the doctor. Apply the gel and rub it onto the mucous membrane or skin with inflammation. The cost of such a drug is high and can exceed three hundred rubles.

Another popular ointment is solcoseryl for stomatitis . It acts like an antiseptic. Can stay on the skin for five hours. During this period, the tissue is numbed and skin cells are regenerated. It is worth noting that after the ointment is applied, the mucous membrane must be treated with an antiseptic solution. After the solution dries, ointment is applied. Unlike many other drugs, it is used several times during the day. The price of the medicine is one hundred eighty rubles.

One of the popular and long-known ways to get rid of stomatitis is to use nystatin ointment . It is used only if stomatitis is caused by a fungal infection. Thus, the use of ointment allows you to block the spread of infection. The product is available in the form of a 5% ointment. Therapeutic treatment with nystatin ointment is carried out for two days. When it penetrates an area of ​​skin, it acts instantly. The main component is nystatin, which is an antibiotic.

Antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs against stomatitis

Stomatitis is a fungal infection that requires treatment with drugs with antimycotic effects. In addition to ointments and gels, therapists quite often prescribe solutions. For children of all ages, Candide lotion is an effective remedy.
But also quite often, with mild lesions of the oral cavity, children are prescribed a soda solution. The mouth is wiped with it. Read also: Is it possible to treat

As a rule, soda solution is used for thrush, bacterial or allergic stomatitis. The effectiveness of the solution is manifested when treating the oral cavity at least five times a day. Another popular solution is also known as an antiseptic. It is prepared by dissolving a teaspoon of bicarbonate in a glass of boiled water. Rinsing is carried out several times daily.

There are other known solutions for treating the oral cavity of children and adults with stomatitis..

  • Two furatsilin tablets are dissolved in warm water.
  • Treat the oral cavity with solutions: Rotokan or Chlorophyllipt.
  • Miramistin liquid allows you to effectively get rid of stomatitis.
  • Methylene blue solution also eliminates the cause of the disease.

Quite often, an antiseptic is used in therapy - Proposol spray .
At home, it can be prepared from propolis and petroleum jelly. First, the oil must be dissolved in a steam bath, and then propolis must be added. After the product boils, warm it up a little and filter. Treat with the product by applying compresses to the affected area of ​​the skin. The older generation treats stomatitis with brilliant green. But unfortunately, in our time, this method has long been outdated and is considered inappropriate. Therefore, it is best to use rosehip or sea buckthorn oil. Also, Shostakovsky balm or Solcoseryl gel helps a lot. All of the above-described solutions and homemade products ensure restoration of the epithelium and rapid healing of wounds. All solutions and preparations are made from minerals and amino acids, which effectively act on fungi of an infectious nature.

Before preparing your own solution or buying any ointment, it is best to consult a therapist about the possibility of using it.

Description of action

Solcoseryl ointment helps to intensify tissue regeneration processes. The drug component polidocanol works as an anesthetic; after a few minutes, the pain at the site of inflammation subsides.

Specific problems that can be solved with the help of the drug:

  1. the process of restoration of tissue structure and healing of wounds is intensified;
  2. tissue nutrition improves by optimizing blood supply and stimulating vascular growth;
  3. stimulates the transport and utilization of glucose in cells with metabolic depletion or oxygen collapse;
  4. cell division intensifies;
  5. the synthesis of collagen fibers increases.

The principle of operation of the drug is to form an aseptic layer to close wound elements (cancers, ulcers) from infection. The peak activity of wound-healing components occurs after 3 hours.

Ointment for stomatitis: options

Let's look at the main options for ointments that treat stomatitis..

  1. One of the most ancient ways to cure an illness is to use oxaline ointment. It can be used for any age. It can be used as an antiviral drug. Oxaline ointment is used to treat stomatitis only with 0.25% of the main component. It is used to treat damaged areas of the oral cavity. It is recommended no more than four times a day. Therapists prescribe this type of ointment to eliminate herpetic stomatitis. The medicine has no contraindications. The price for it does not exceed sixty rubles per tube.
  2. The following remedy helps treat any viruses, including the herpes virus. Acyclovir is an ointment that penetrates the virus and destroys its structure completely. Carry the product with a tampon. It is important to avoid contact of the product with healthy tissue. This will prevent further spread of the virus. The ointment is applied to the immediate area of ​​the lesion and around it. With the help of such an effective remedy, stomatitis in an adult disappears on the third day. But the doctor is advised to treat the skin for a few more days. It is recommended to lubricate the affected areas five times a day. Before applying the ointment, the oral cavity is washed with a soda solution or chamomile decoction. The cost of an effective remedy for five grams of the drug does not exceed twenty-five rubles.
  3. Another drug may be used for therapeutic purposes. Terbofen ointment has an antiviral effect. After the drug is applied to the affected area, a burning sensation may be felt, which does not cause any discomfort. If the components of the product are fully tolerated, the burning sensation goes away within a few minutes. If this does not happen, you should stop using this form of the drug.
  4. Another ointment option that effectively fights is pimafucin. The medicine is available in the form of ointments or tablets. The main component of the drug is natamycin, which belongs to the group of polyene antibiotics. The medicine can be used to treat various pathological processes that affect the skin and mucous membranes. The medication is a styrene blocker of fungal cell membranes, which effectively destroys harmful microorganisms.
  5. Another option for an active drug is miconazole. The main component of the drug is miconazole nitrate. It has a fungal and disinfectant effect on infection. The bactericidal effect of the drug effectively affects staphylococci and streptococci. The drug acts at the local level.
  6. Another option for a medical product that effectively fights stomatitis is levomekol. The ointment has an antimicrobial effect. It helps speed up the process of restoration of the mucous membrane. The drug is an antibiotic, a reparative that effectively cleans wounds and helps them heal.

Prohibition on the use of ointment in newborns

The main method of treating stomatitis at home is the use of topical drugs, but the process of salivation reduces the degree of absorption of the active components of the drugs.

Among modern ointments, there are a lot of effective drugs, but Solcoseryl stands out among them.

Solcoseryl is indicated for stomatitis, since the components of this drug are well absorbed and promote wound healing.

The drug is considered a breakthrough in pharmacology and contains as the main component elements of the blood of dairy calves and is purified from large proteins related to potential allergens.

The drug is sold in the form of gel, ointment and dental paste. The smell of the drug is similar to meat broth.

Solcoseryl is not used in the treatment of stomatitis in children under one year of age due to parahydroxybenzoic acid (E210), the contact of which with the mucous membrane can lead to an allergic reaction and swelling.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with Stomatitis in children

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