22 celebrities with false teeth

Victoria Romanets

Victoria Romanets is the same insidious homewrecker who stole Anton Gusev from Evgenia Feofilaktova. The girl's teeth are, one might say, gold. Once on the air of “House-2” Romanets said that she had veneers installed in one of the best Moscow clinics, paying no less than a million rubles for them. True, bad luck, some time after the confession, the girl began advertising a teeth whitening system on her social networks. “You’ll decide whether you have veneers or whitening,” subscribers made fun of her.

Maria Gorban

Unlike many of her colleagues, the star of the TV series “Kitchen” Maria Gorban openly admits that she had plastic surgery. She straightened her chest and lips, lifted her cheekbones, and also tried to perfect her smile. True, everyone’s concept of perfection is different. So Maria turned out that teeth whiter than snow are the ideal of beauty, while fans see a mouth full of earthenware and are not afraid to tell her so. But his career took off. “They used to give the roles of downtrodden ugly girls, now they give them the roles of bright beauties,” the actress rejoices.

Photos of dental treatment before and after

Photos of dental restoration

Photos of treatment of superficial and medium caries

Photos of dental caries treatment

Photo of pulpitis treatment

Photos of deep caries treatment before and after

Restoration of wedge-shaped defects

Dentist: Kharlamova Ekaterina Andreevna

Treatment of dentin caries

Dentist: Kharlamova Ekaterina Andreevna

Victoria Bonya

Victoria Bonya is very particular about her appearance. Last year she decided to install braces, by the way, lingual (that is, internal). And after the treatment I decided to have my teeth whitened by a professional. “I’m shocked how white they are,” Bonya said after the procedure. But here’s the problem: finding the same snow-white material for fillings turned out to be quite difficult. The star’s dentist had to run around and get creative so that Victoria would leave him, completely satisfied with the aesthetics of her smile.

How to fix teeth without braces: basic designs

Initial defects in the dentition begin to appear from a young age, or more precisely, from the moment the child begins to change his milk teeth. The misconception of many parents is that with the loss of baby teeth, the curvature will not change and will not disappear. Another category of parents is of the opinion that installing braces will not give the desired result, and they look ugly.

The process of correcting crooked teeth without braces is very different in children and adults. Among the main structures for straightening teeth, the following elements are used:

  • veneers;
  • trainers;
  • records;
  • mouth guards

Dentists recommend straightening children's teeth using dental plates and trainers. These designs do not need to be worn constantly, so the feeling of discomfort is kept to a minimum. What are trainers? These are silicone structures with recesses for each tooth.

Additional expanding arches put minimal pressure on the dentition, bringing it into an even appearance. Silicone is used for the production of trainers for a reason: its plasticity allows the child to get rid of the feeling of having a foreign object in the mouth. Elastic openings allow growing baby teeth to take the correct shape and direction.

Trainers are selected individually according to existing deviations and recommendations. These design elements also allow you to rid your baby of bad habits.

The trainers are worn for several hours during the day and also left overnight. The main feature of these elements is that they are practically invisible.

Excessive pressure on the facial muscles that control the jaw is often the cause of crooked teeth. Installing trainers allows you to reduce muscle pressure, normalizing the functioning of the maxillofacial muscles.

Making a trainer to correct crooked front teeth without braces is a complex and painstaking work of an orthodontist. At the initial stage, impressions of the jaws are taken, as well as several photographs of the patient’s face. At the next stage, computer modeling specialists are involved in the work.

As a result of the simulation, the shape of the trainer is obtained. Low cost of silicone, minimal modeling costs - all this makes trainers one of the most popular tools for correcting crooked teeth.

In some cases, polypropylene instead of silicone can be used to produce trainers (relevant for adult patients). The only drawback of polypropylene trainers is that, due to their rigidity, they have to be changed much more often as the teeth tighten and straighten.

Adults can wear polypropylene trainers only at night to correct their bite and straighten their teeth.

Making and wearing trainers is recommended in the following cases:

  1. crowding of the lower row of teeth;
  2. anterior malocclusion;
  3. too deep bite;
  4. the child has a habit of thumb or tongue sucking;
  5. the presence of speech defects due to crooked teeth;
  6. incorrect direction of growth of the lower teeth.

At the same time, there are clear restrictions on wearing trainers:

  1. crossbite of the lateral teeth;
  2. sinus congestion.

There are 2 types of trainers:

  • initial trainers;
  • finishing trainers.

To change the bite or curvature of teeth, both types of trainers are used, since the procedure itself occurs in 2 stages. Treatment begins with an initial trainer (usually blue), which has a flexible and soft design. The period of wearing the initial design, depending on each individual case, can range from 4 to 6 months.

The second stage, which lasts from 6 to 12 months, is wearing a more rigid finishing trainer (pink).

In the future, you may need additional retainers, which are practically no different from trainers, but have a more flexible and soft structure - they serve to consolidate the achieved effect.

Caring for trainers does not cause any difficulties. After each use, the trainer is thoroughly washed with water, cleaned with a special brush, and also inspected for possible damage.

If you are not going to wear the trainer for some time, then you should definitely store it in a container. Every month you will have to contact your dentist so that he can see the changes that are occurring.

One of the important parameters in favor of choosing a trainer is its low price. If you follow the doctor’s advice and recommendations, the effectiveness of such treatment reaches 90%. Soon you will be able to look at yourself in a new way with a beautiful smile and straight teeth.

The growth and mobility of human bones is completed at approximately twenty-five years of age. This also applies to the dental system. For this reason, eliminating crooked teeth in an adult is much more difficult than in a child. And usually braces are recommended for adults to straighten their teeth, but if there are reasons why the patient does not want or cannot wear them, an alternative to braces is used.

We suggest you read: How many teeth should a person have?

And thanks to the development of science, such an alternative exists today. There are products that correct defects, as well as simply mask them.

Big teeth

Treatment of malocclusion in adults without the use of braces will cost less, but its duration is much longer. And the fragility of the crowns and bone tissue atrophy in an adult makes treatment even more difficult. It is better to use alternative methods to braces if your teeth are slightly crooked. How to change a malocclusion? This is where veneers, lumineers or aligners can help.

When thinking about how to correct a bite, patients are also interested in the cost of this procedure.

The price of such treatment depends on what design will be used.

Teeth straightening with aligners is the most expensive. The price is approximately 250,000 rubles.

Trainers are cheaper. Their maximum price is 6,000 rubles. The disadvantage of this treatment is that it can drag on for a couple of years.

The cost of veneers, which only mask the defect, ranges from 10,000 rubles per tooth. Ceramic veneers can cost up to 25,000 rubles.

The cheapest method of teeth straightening is composite restoration. Its maximum price is 2000 rubles.

Thus, you can straighten your teeth by spending from 2,000 to 250,000 rubles. It all depends on the devices used.

Shura (Alexander Medvedev)

Probably one of the most shocking singers of modern - or almost modern - stage - his popularity largely owes to his teeth. More precisely, their absence. For a long time, Shura was not going to “fix” his front teeth, because it was part of his image. But everything changes, and now the famous showman finally inserted implants. Continuing to shock his fans, he chose the whitest color for the crowns, whitened the adjacent teeth as much as possible, and so that they do not stand out against the background of dull pupils, he drips whitening drops into the eyes.

What is the disadvantage of rare teeth?

how to fix sparse teeth
First of all, it is difficult to call rare teeth beautiful. They don't look aesthetically pleasing. This factor weighs heavily on many people.

In addition, due to rare teeth, the health of the gastrointestinal tract may deteriorate. After all, while eating, it is not possible to chew food thoroughly.

A number of rare teeth are not as strong as healthy ones. They are easy to injure and become infected.

Prokhor Chaliapin

What do Pamela Anderson, Demi Moore, Cameron Diaz, Madonna and... Prokhor Chaliapin have in common? According to the singer, a Hollywood smile, which, as he is sure, “all self-respecting stars give themselves.” And really, what’s wrong with withdrawing a million rubles from the joint family account and going to the dental clinic for lumineers. The wife should, in theory, be upset by this behavior of her son, oh, hubby, but that was not the case. Successful entrepreneur Larisa Shalyapina (Kopenkina), on the contrary, decided to complement Prokhor’s “ideal” smile with an encrusted diamond. Unfortunately, neither Lumineers nor diamond could save this unequal marriage. But Prokhor’s teeth continue to please him to this day.

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