Possible complications Phlegmon - with this disease, a large part of the lower jaw swells, in
Symptoms of a bruise A bruise manifests itself differently. Yes, you will experience pain too, but bone integrity
A person can have toothache at any age, and there are quite a few reasons for this.
What to do when your cheek hurts If the cheek is swollen, but the tooth does not hurt, the patient can
2906 Gypsum is a natural material that has found application in medicine. Due to its unique properties, gypsum
July 11, 2017 Inflammation of the gums under the crown is by no means uncommon. The problem is, of course, not
What are crowns needed for? Many people wonder in what cases a crown should be installed.
Why do teeth hurt a lot after whitening: reasons So, do teeth hurt after whitening? Really,
Editor Anna Sandalova Pulmonologist, doctor of the highest category Mycobacterium tuberculosis can affect not only the bronchi
Fungus in the throat belongs to a number of infectious and inflammatory processes that occur like a sore throat. Pathology has