Which braces are best for adults, teenagers, and children: reviews from dentists

Bite problems in children | Self-ligating and ligature systems | Types of self-ligating structures | Material for making braces | Cost of treatment

Parents often ask which braces are best for a teenager, what is the time frame and cost of correcting the bite. The answer to these questions depends on the age of the child and the results of a comprehensive examination: identifying individual characteristics of the development and growth of the facial skeleton, the presence of erupted teeth and tooth germs. During the primary occlusion period, braces are not installed. Orthodontic appliances begin to be worn at the age of 8-9 years: from the moment the upper and lower permanent incisors erupt. For young patients, braces are not fixed on all teeth, but only on four erupted incisors and two permanent molars.

For children from the age of 12, from the moment of eruption of permanent teeth, the structure is installed on all teeth, just like in adult patients. The latter have no age restrictions on orthodontic treatment. The decision of which braces to place on a patient in adulthood depends on the complexity of the clinical case, the characteristics of the profession, aesthetic requirements and budget.

In the period from 12 to 18 years, the development of the dental system is most active. At this age, adolescents are strongly recommended to be monitored by an orthodontist. If it is necessary to correct the bite, treatment will proceed faster than in adults: bone tissue grows, teeth move easier, the forces of the young body are aimed at growth and formation of the facial skeleton. Early correction of a child’s bite allows one to avoid more complex and expensive treatment in adulthood.

teens with Damon Clear braces

teens with Damon Clear braces

Until what age does a person’s jaw grow? The formation of the jaws and facial bones ends by the age of 25. Until this age, the retention period, stabilization of treatment results, will be twice as long as the period of wearing the braces. Thus, when treated with ligature structures (from 2 to 3.5 years), the retention period will be 4 to 7 years. When correcting the bite using devices without ligatures (from 1 to 2.5 years), the retainer is fixed for 2 to 5 years. Patients over 25 years of age wear a retainer indefinitely.

girl with Damon Q

girl with Damon Q

Prerequisites for bite problems in children

A visit to an orthodontist is a mandatory stage of medical examination for children and adolescents. The growth of the dental system is determined by various parameters: hereditary factors, environmental features of the region, bad habits of the child and psychological disorders.

Bad habits in children cause abnormalities in the growth and development of the facial skeleton and teeth. Prolonged thumb or pacifier sucking and insertion of the tongue between the teeth creates an open bite. Sleeping with your hand under your cheek causes misalignment of the jaw and teeth and causes the development of a crossbite. The infantile type of swallowing forms a distal bite. In such situations, it makes sense for parents to contact a child psychologist. An orthodontist corrects dental anomalies, but does not treat neurological and psychological disorders. After completing the psychological preparation of the child, parents and the doctor will have to choose a bite correction system.

Correct and incorrect bite

Bite is the position of the upper and lower teeth at the moment of complete closure of both jaws.
With a correct bite, the upper front teeth overlap the lower ones by 1/3 of the height of their crown.

Teeth with malocclusion
Many disorders in the functioning of the body are explained by malocclusion

Malocclusion is a deviation from the norm, characterized by overdevelopment or underdevelopment of the jaw.

It is also the cause of many disorders: facial asymmetry, difficulty swallowing and chewing food, problems with gums, diction and sleep. Incorrect position is caused not only by natural deviations and anomalies (it is impossible to influence them in any way, they can be inherited from relatives), but also by a number of factors that are not at all related to the natural growth of teeth:

  • Incorrect posture. The most important reason leading to serious changes in the functioning of the whole organism
  • Bad habits such as thumb sucking, pacifier sucking (more than 1 year), palm resting on cheek and chin, teeth grinding in sleep, habit of chewing pens and pencils
  • Lack of calcium and fluoride in the body. These microelements are responsible for the formation of bone tissue and tooth enamel
  • Breathing through the mouth, causing a phenomenon when the chewing muscles begin to put pressure on the dentition. Often caused by various diseases of the ENT organs or respiratory system (colds, adenoids, chronic tonsillitis, etc.)
  • A diet of soft foods (juices, soups, liquid purees, etc.)
  • Sustaining an injury that has displaced the position of the jaw
  • Premature loss of baby teeth (inadequate filling of gaps created by adjacent teeth when teeth fall out)

Which bracket system is better: self-ligating and ligature designs

Bite correction systems differ in the method of fixing the archwire in the bracket groove. The classic option is ligature constructions. The arch is tightly fixed to each bracket with elastic or metal ligatures. The design is suitable for the treatment of anomalies of varying complexity. It is necessary to visit a doctor once a month to replace the archwires.

Orthos ligature braces

Orthos ligature braces

Self-ligating structures do not have elastic and wire elements fixing the arch in the bracket groove. Friction in the system is minimal. Arc sliding occurs under the influence of weak forces. Non-ligation structures do not require monthly visits to the doctor: it is enough to carry out activation once every 2-3 months.

self-ligating Damon Q2

self-ligating Damon Q2

According to the results of research by Khalid S. Hassan from the University of Ed-Dammam, Saudi Arabia, it was revealed that the microbial flora in the oral cavity when using self-ligating systems was lower than when treated with ligature structures. 22 patients participated in the study. In each case, two ligation systems were fixed in the oral cavity: ligature structures were installed on one side, and devices without ligatures were installed on the other. The use of ligature systems caused microbial colonization and increased the activity of the enzyme aspartate aminotransferase. Treatment with self-ligating braces turned out to be a more preferable method of occlusion correction from the point of view of preventing disorders in periodontal tissues.

What are the best braces for a child? Each clinical case requires an individual approach from the orthodontist. Only a doctor, based on the diagnosis and structural features of the young patient’s dental system, offers the most suitable options. As a rule, the issue of aesthetic preferences in children is not as acute as in adults. Teenagers often choose ligature or non-ligature metal systems. A wide variety of elastic ligatures allows you to express the individuality or mood of the child, and the visibility of the design has ceased to be a criterion for choosing a system. Teenagers wear devices with multi-colored elastic elements and do not experience discomfort.

non-ligature Damon 3MX metal

non-ligature Damon 3MX metal

When treating children with braces, it is important for parents to pay attention to teaching the child oral hygiene and motivate them to follow all the orthodontist’s recommendations. Some teenagers, despite the instructions of their parents, pay insufficient attention to hygiene procedures. In this case, installing a non-ligature brace system for a child will be a more preferable option.

Which sapphire braces are better?

Sapphire staples have an attractive appearance. Various manufacturers offer a variety of crystal products.

Brand "Inspire ICE"

The system has a large number of advantages, including the transparency of the material, the ability to withstand heavy loads, no color change, minimal wire friction, the removal process does not cause discomfort, and the enamel is not injured. There is only one minus - the increased fragility of the products.

Brand "Damon Clear"

Braces can be placed on molars with little space. They differ from other models by the absence of ligatures. The arc is held in place by a latch. There are many advantages. For example, hassle-free hygiene care. The number of trips to the dentist is decreasing. The model is installed regardless of age. The periodontal condition is improving.

Brand "Miso"

The peculiarity is transparency. This is achieved due to the fact that the products are made from single crystal sapphire. They are distinguished by their reliability, easy removal procedure, compact size, and rounded shape. You can choose any shade to match the color of the enamel, and the patient will be confident in its resistance to staining.

Brand "American Orthodontics"

The most common model. The difference is the small size and area of ​​adhesion to the enamel.

To make a choice, you need to weigh the pros and cons:

The system is invisibleBrittle material
No plaque on the surfaceExpensive design
The product sparkles when you smileWearing period increased to 2 years
The adaptation process takes two to three weeks
There is no risk of developing allergies
The staples are easy to care for
Does not cause discomfort due to elasticity
Yellowness does not appear over time

Active and passive self-ligation

Self-ligation can be passive or active. With the active type of fixation, the bracket clip applies pressure and moves the archwire towards the base of the slot. The orthodontic arch, in turn, puts pressure on the clip. In the case of passive self-ligation, the cover fixes the archwire in the slot without exerting pressure on it. When closed, the bracket turns into a buccal tube: the static cover becomes the fourth wall of the groove, the arch moves freely and is not subject to force. Example: Damon Q.

Damon Q with orthodontic arch

Damon Q with orthodontic arch

Which braces are best for adults and pediatric patients? American orthodontist Vourdouris JC compared the frictional force of the arch in the bracket groove when using passive and active non-ligature structures. According to a study published in the American J. of Orthodontics & Dentofacial orthopedics, active systems operate with a high friction force of 31.0 g, while passive designs have a low friction force of 0.1 to 0.18 g.

The data obtained scientifically prove that passive self-ligating systems are able to interact with archwires throughout treatment without loss of force and provide a new standard of low friction when moving teeth. American scientists Thorstenson GA and Kusy supplemented the results of the study. Experts have found that when using the Damon System passive self-ligating system, there is significantly lower frictional resistance in dry and wet environments compared to active structures.

Studies conducted by orthodontists indicate the benefits of treatment with passive self-ligating braces.

Which metal braces are better?

The most popular types used in dentistry:

Brand "Ormco"

They are distinguished by their strong attachment to the teeth and the reliability of the device. The grooves are made in the shape of a rhombus. The arches distribute the load evenly.

Brand "Victory"

The peculiarity is the possibility of coloring the ligatures, as well as the reduced size. It is often given to children because it is affordable.

Brand "Sprint"

It is chosen by people with hypersensitivity and allergic reactions. An alloy of several types of metal makes the structure more durable. Due to this, the movement process of each cutter is controlled.

Vestibular and lingual apparatus

Orthodontists install braces in the oral cavity in two ways: on the vestibular (visible) and lingual (in contact with the tongue) side of the dentition. With the lingual type of fixation, aesthetic indicators are higher, but the period of adaptation to internal braces is more difficult. Patients with lingual devices do not experience psychological discomfort: the devices are almost invisible to others. The cost of invisible structures is higher compared to traditional vestibular systems.

lingual braces STb

lingual braces STb

What braces should I put on an adult?

For people over 30 years of age, the doctor selects an orthodontic device taking into account aesthetic requirements, functionality and cost. Since skeletal growth has already stopped, making the right choice is more difficult.

If you want to correct the position of your teeth as an adult, you should choose non-ligature products. It is better to choose ceramic, silicone or sapphire models because they are similar to the color of natural enamel. Silicone aligners are placed when there is a slight change in the bite.

Based on the installation method, people over 30 years of age choose a hidden mount. Lingual appliances are attached to the inside of the teeth. They are visually invisible, do not interfere with diction, and do not injure the mucous membrane. This fact is an advantage, because the treatment period in adults increases by 6-12 months, and most adults are embarrassed to wear the structure. Often the material is selected based on price. Prices for metal structures for one jaw start from 30 thousand. Sapphire and ceramic models are more expensive. Their prices are 50 thousand and 40 thousand respectively.

Material of manufacture

In terms of material, there are braces made of metal, ceramic, plastic and combined models. The peculiarities of the manufacturing material, the complexity of the clinical case, aesthetic requirements and financial capabilities allow the doctor and the patient to jointly decide which bracket system is better. There are no universal recommendations.

Ligature systems are made from a metal alloy (Orthos, Mini Diamond) and transparent artificially grown sapphire (aesthetic Inspire ICE). Aesthetic ligature braces are superior in size to metal structures. The disadvantage is more complex activation and an increased period of patient adaptation to foreign structures.

aesthetic sapphire Inspire ICE

aesthetic sapphire Inspire ICE

Non-ligature structures are made of metal (Damon Q, Damon 3MX) and especially durable ceramics (Damon Clear 2). The adaptation period is easier than when installing devices with ligatures. Treatment with Damon systems is reduced by an average of 7 months compared to treatment with ligature braces.

teens with Damon Q braces

teens with Damon Q braces

If psychological comfort or the characteristics of an adult patient’s profession require an inconspicuous system, it is advisable to choose Inspire ICE sapphire braces or Damon Clear 2 ceramic braces. For a child, sapphire and ceramic structures are not always a good choice due to increased fragility: a teenager can accidentally damage the elements of the system as a result injury or poor diet.

transparent Inspire ICE on typodont

transparent Inspire ICE on typodont

Which braces are better to install?

A braces system is a product that is placed on teeth to correct their position. .

Indications for installation

The design is necessary if the following pathologies exist:

  • A large gap between the teeth due to different widths of the molars.
  • Malocclusion.
  • Curvature and crowding.
  • Chewing dysfunction.
  • Strong development of one jaw in relation to the other.
  • Close proximity of molars to each other.
  • Dissatisfaction with the shape of the jaw.
  • Anomalies of the entire row or several units.

Which braces are better to install?

Types of braces

Products are classified according to various factors. The method of treating a bite can be self-ligating or conventional .

Ligature devices consist of large ospreys, arcs, and elastic bands. The ligatures are changed monthly and the tension force is adjusted.

Self-ligating ones are distinguished by the presence of a fastening lock in the composition. Due to the fastening of the arc on the plate, it becomes possible to independently regulate the pressure without visiting the clinic.

The method of fixation on the teeth can be vestibular (fastening on the outer surface of the enamel) and lingual (fastening on the inside). It is quite difficult for patients to decide what is best to choose, so you need to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of the designs:

Effect on enamelWith insufficient care, there is a risk of initial caries, because... spots of demineralization appear Low risk due to simple care
ComfortRub the soft tissues of the lips and cheeksRub your tongue
addictive1-2 weeksAbout a month
Effect on dictionAbsentSound pronunciation changes

The material of the devices is divided into:

  • ceramic,
  • sapphire,
  • iron.

It is impossible to choose the right model yourself. The choice depends on the condition of the dentition, periodontal tissues, the existing problem, and the financial capabilities of the patient. To determine the required type of structure, it is recommended to seek a free consultation at the Consilium-Dent clinic.

Cost of dental braces

Prices for designs can vary greatly. This depends on several factors:

  • material of manufacture;
  • method of fastening;
  • places of fixation;
  • clinic location;
  • the equipment used and the presence of its own laboratory in the institution, etc.

how to choose braces

The cheapest are metal ligature models. Unligated metal staples will cost a little more. The most expensive ones are ceramic, sapphire and lingual (invisible). The latter will hit your pocket the hardest.

Usually the total cost includes the mechanism itself, fixation, dismantling and correction, scheduled visits to the dentist, and retainers. For a fee, preliminary diagnostic procedures are carried out, and elements damaged due to the patient’s fault are replaced.

Many modern clinics offer installment plans. Dental also provides the opportunity to use all services with deferred payment.


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Tennis is the second most popular sport for bettors. The interest in this sport is easy to explain: competitions of various levels and formats take place all year round without interruption; there can be no draw, only two main outcomes; It is always easier to evaluate the form and study the statistics of one or two athletes than an entire team.

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Oddly enough, chess is also considered a sports discipline and an object for betting. It is clear that to bet on chess you need to be involved, play yourself, and have a rank. There are such people. Usually these are not avid “omnivorous” bettors. On the contrary, such players only sometimes allow themselves to bet on chess tournaments and make good money on their knowledge. Alas, chess clubs in schools are just an echo of the past. So this topic is more likely for the older generation, who are now over 30.

The niche is narrow, there are few high-level competitions. It’s definitely not worth climbing to the lower levels. But this is a good example of how, in a not-so-popular sport, so to speak, you can make money on bets, if you know how.

Let's sum it up

How to choose effective braces for an adult, and which ones are best for teenagers and younger children? All these issues should be resolved together with a doctor, depending on the diagnostic results, the severity of the pathological process, the location of the problem, individual characteristics, financial capabilities and other factors. You will have to wear the arches for a long time, so it is important to carefully think through all the details of the treatment so that it does not cause discomfort.

The dental clinic installs the most popular types of structures at affordable prices. Call the phone number listed on the website or leave a request and we will contact you as soon as possible. Our specialists will help you select the appropriate orthodontic device and develop therapeutic tactics.

Cheap and beautiful: combined braces

A good aesthetic and budget option is combined braces made from various materials.

The structures are made of metal and ceramic brackets: the former can be placed on molars, and the latter on incisors, canines and premolars. Thus, the devices are not noticeable when smiling and talking, and the price is reduced several times.

Combined braces are an ideal option in terms of price-quality ratio.

The combined systems do not affect the results of treatment in any way. You just have to take into account that with a wide smile, the metal fasteners will be visible.

Additional Information! Aesthetic methods for correcting malocclusion in adults also include transparent aligners or mouth guards made of silicone. These are removable structures that are completely invisible. However, they are expensive - they cost from 150 to 400 thousand rubles. And they are used only for minor or moderate degree of anomaly.


Basketball competitions are characterized by high speed and a huge number of effective actions per match. The game is divided into 4 quarters of 12 minutes. A draw on points is theoretically possible, although this is rare. This nuance is always worth considering. If you bet on someone’s victory, then on the simple result at the end of regular time, and taking into account overtime, these are two different bets. Figure it out so you don't get indignant later. It's about the same story as in football, where the bet is usually on regular time. It’s true that draws happen much more often in football.

As already noted, basketball is characterized by high speeds, which makes it difficult to play live. It takes considerable experience to read the pattern of such a dynamic game and predict its future course.

American and European basketball represent two different universes. The level of play in the American NBA League is off the charts. There is higher entertainment and effectiveness. So there is usually a distinction. Some people understand European basketball more and don’t go overseas. Others, on the contrary, do not look anywhere else except the NBA. The design of the game is really very different. So don't mix.

It is worth saying a few words about sports in the USA. First of all, it’s show and business, and only then sports. So don’t be surprised by the number of sensations, comebacks and other incredible trends in basketball matches. This feature can also be seen in American football; in the MLS league, such “game” is par for the course. NHL - there too. So, to successfully bet in American basketball, you need to feel the psychology of sports betting bigwigs from overseas. When you can calculate where these “dirty guys” will want to hype and make money, you too will be able to achieve success in betting on the NBA. The proponents of pure sports forecasting in this league are bound to have great difficulties. In this regard, European club basketball is much more predictable and understandable.

Popular types of bets on basketball:

  • Win first, draw, win second;
  • Victory taking into account the handicap on points;
  • Total match total;
  • Individual team total points;
  • Wins and totals by quarter;
  • Bets on three-point shots;
  • Individual indicators.

In addition to the usual main results, handicaps and totals, small markets for basketball are very noteworthy. Player indicators (points, tackles) are those markets where you can make a difference through a qualitative analysis of the performance of specific players. This is often used by bettors who are deeply involved in the basketball topic.

Tooth crowns: which ones are better in price?

The cost of crowns consists of materials, technologies and equipment used, as well as the qualifications of the doctor and the level of the clinic where the treatment is performed. Below in the table you can see which crowns are best to put on your teeth, based on their cost.

Types of crowns for teeth and which ones are better in terms of cost

Type of crownPrice
Metal crown3,000 rubles
Metal-ceramic crown7,000 rubles. Metal-ceramics with shoulder mass - on average from 12,000 to 14,000 rubles, but may cost more (depending on the alloy and manufacturing technology)
Gold or platinum crown15,000 rubles. The upper threshold can reach 40,000 - 50,000 rubles
Ceramic crown15,000 rubles for standard crowns. Using Empress technology - on average 20,000 - 23,000 rubles
Zirconium dioxide crowns25,000 rubles

You can view all prices for dental crowns here.


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Football: specifics and features of bets

Each bookmaker has its own set of rules according to which it accepts bets on football. Before you start playing, you should definitely familiarize yourself with them so as not to lose your bank due to incorrect interpretation of certain points.

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Ice hockey battles are almost as popular as football battles, if we talk about Russia and most of the post-Soviet space. As already noted, hockey has high performance when compared to football. High speeds, small area, rotation of fives occurs frequently. It’s quite difficult to follow this action live. Need experience.

There are also significant differences in the approaches to forecasting European and American hockey. The KHL League and other European tournaments are one universe, and the overseas NHL is another. As already mentioned in the context of basketball, in America a lot of emphasis is placed on show, artificially creating intrigue. Many matches reek of staging. So in overseas hockey, try to look towards the number of pucks, entertainment, and be careful with the main outcomes.

Hockey betting has many similarities in logic to football betting:

  • Victory;
  • Victories taking into account handicaps;
  • Individual total goals;
  • Overall total goals;
  • Rates by period.

The best braces for effectiveness

With the help of an experienced orthodontist, you can correct your bite using any braces. It is generally accepted that the treatment process is faster and more comfortable for the patient if preference is given to lingual products. But due to the high price, not all clients are ready to use them.

The second option, the effectiveness of which there is no doubt, is metal structures. They force teeth to move in the desired direction and guarantee the desired results within one to two years. You just have to come to terms with their appearance and aim for a perfect smile soon.

If the key point when choosing a mechanism is the appearance of the braces,

Appearance of braces - Dentistry Line Smiles
then ceramics or sapphire will come to the rescue. By paying more, the patient gets the opportunity not to experience discomfort when smiling and talking. This is usually very important for people who often speak in public.

Don’t try to figure out which braces to install on your own. What suits your friend may not suit you at all. Make an appointment with an orthodontist and together choose the best option for you.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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