Why do fingernails deteriorate? Why do irregularities and vertical grooves appear?

Today the women's club "Those over 30" will tell its readers about why teeth deteriorate .

Unfortunately, it is very rare in our time that a person can boast of absolutely healthy teeth and the absence of dentures, crowns or basic fillings. Many owners of numerous dental structures recall with some annoyance the loss of their own teeth, since after their loss both the taste of food and the chewing process itself have undergone significant changes, and for the worse.

Unfortunately, even those people who monitor the health and cleanliness of their oral cavity risk becoming patients of the dentist and prosthetist. The thing is that very few people know how to monitor the health of their teeth and care for them properly

How is a tooth structured?

In order to understand why teeth can deteriorate and decay, you need to understand how a tooth works . The basis of the tooth is dentin, which is covered with dental cement in the root part and enamel in the crown part. Inside the tooth there is a cavity filled with pulp. It is through the pulp that the tooth receives nutrition from the blood vessels of the body.

The main protection of the dental bone is enamel , which consists almost entirely of mineral salts. live on the surface of teeth , the activity of which can destroy this protective enamel . It is impossible to completely destroy these bacteria, but you can prevent their proliferation if you periodically monitor oral hygiene.

Basic rules of oral hygiene

One of the main reasons why teeth deteriorate and decay is people’s ignorance of basic hygiene rules. Even from school, children are told that they need to brush their teeth at least twice a day, but few people specify that they should use high-quality toothpaste. For example, cheap toothpastes, as a rule, are made on the basis of chalk , and it greatly erases tooth enamel .

In addition, it is necessary to alternate pastes: salt with bleaching, anti-inflammatory and anti-caries, etc. Proper cleaning , which should last no more than three minutes. You should start with the top row of teeth, and then move to the bottom, first cleaning the outer and then the inner sides using shaking movements.

To prevent teeth from deteriorating, you should also follow a proper diet.

Causes of tooth damage

Bad habits, ignoring health problems, poor nutrition are just some of the reasons why teeth deteriorate. Other factors:

  • improper brushing of teeth, failure to use dental floss;
  • neglect of hygiene;
  • fear of dentists, consequently, untimely treatment when the problem is at its most advanced;
  • habit of breathing through the mouth. This leads to remineralization of the enamel;
  • An unbalanced diet implies not only a lack of nutrients, but also insufficient hardness of foods, an incorrect ratio of fats to proteins and carbohydrates. Carbonated water, chips, and chocolate create favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria that cause caries. And if you remember how some people crack nuts with their teeth, it becomes clear why teeth deteriorate;
  • smoking affects the color of the enamel and its structure;
  • Bruxism is the so-called grinding of teeth in sleep, strong clenching of the jaws. Their normal state is slightly open, but stress increases the tone of the masticatory muscles and leads to constant pressure on the jaw;
  • physical inactivity. Without constant movement, organs work worse, which leads to a general deterioration of the condition, including the occurrence of oral diseases;
  • poor posture. The curvature of the spine disrupts the bite. In addition to aesthetics, this affects health;
  • harmful work. Exposure to metal salts, fumes, and radioactive radiation will negatively affect the enamel.

Do you feel nervous before visiting the dentist?

Not really

It is worth recalling the harm that a person causes to his teeth by trying to whiten them with all available means, including intensive brushing with soda. Temporarily the enamel becomes lighter, but becomes thin and susceptible to microbes.

Light does not mean healthy, the normal color of enamel is not snow-white, so you should not spoil your health in pursuit of fashion.

What you need to eat to prevent your teeth from deteriorating

The answer to the question why teeth deteriorate and fall out in people of different ages is what they eat. For example, there are foods that harm tooth enamel . And there are dishes that, on the contrary, can make it stronger.

beneficial for dental health : beets, carrots, cucumbers , and apples . These products are rich in healthy vitamins and minerals, and also provide the teeth with adequate chewing load. In addition, if you eat carrots after eating, your mouth will cleanse, just like after using mouthwash. useful to eat greens, berries, and dairy products .

How to keep your teeth healthy?

To maintain an attractive smile and extend the life of natural teeth, you need to eliminate the reasons discussed above. Actually, we are talking about clear, simple recommendations that are known to most people. All that remains is to implement them in life, acquire useful culinary habits and your health will be fine.


It is necessary to reconsider the diet in favor of a healthy diet. Enamel consists of mineral components, their supply needs to be replenished. If a mineral deficiency is detected, the enamel becomes thinner, and the protection of teeth from the harmful effects of bacteria decreases. In addition to healthy foods, solid food is simply necessary. Therefore, you need to enrich your diet with fresh beets, carrots, apples and cucumbers. Grated, boiled fruits and vegetables are not suitable - the jaws must work actively, evenly distributing the load.

There is an opinion that the deterioration of human dental health is associated with the moment when civilization began to consume refined food and processed foods.

Fruits and vegetables are good for snacking, and eating an apple or other hard fruit after a meal will cleanse the enamel of food debris. The menu should include greens, various berries, and dairy products. It is important to replenish calcium and phosphorus reserves. Therefore, you need to eat currants, grapes, apples, apricots, citrus fruits, strawberries, peaches. The following vegetables are useful: cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, legumes, celery, onions, spinach. Instead of white bread, you need to buy bran bread. Healthy foods include honey, nuts, cream, eggs, cheese, dairy products, seafood, and fish. Proper nutrition can stop the initial stage of enamel destruction.

Proper care

You need to brush your teeth in the morning, in the evening, and more importantly, clean your teeth in the evening. After each snack or main meal, rinse your mouth with warm water, getting rid of plaque and residues in hard-to-reach places. You need to choose the right paste - cheap ones contain chalk, which erases the enamel. If used frequently, this product will have the opposite effect - the crowns will begin to deteriorate. It is better to alternate pastes, alternately using whitening, anti-inflammatory, and anti-caries pastes.

This way you can ensure the health of your gums and enamel. You should spend 3 minutes or more cleaning your mouth, paying attention to hard-to-reach places. The latter are more susceptible to destruction than others. Cleaning is carried out first along the upper jaw, then along the lower jaw, the direction is from the gums to the tips of the teeth. After cleaning, you need to rinse with herbal decoctions.

Teeth need constant and proper care

Medical procedures

Once every six months you should visit the dentist for a preventive examination, even if there is no reason to worry. The doctor will examine the mucous membranes, the condition of the gums and teeth, give recommendations, and identify emerging problems.

It must be said about chronic and acute diseases - they can affect dental health. For example, with increased acidity of the stomach, the enamel is literally corroded, and the crowns become vulnerable. Against the background of rickets, all the bones of the body become fragile, teeth are destroyed. Poor metabolism disrupts tissue nutrition. It is necessary to treat acute and chronic diseases, undergo examinations, take medications, and do medical procedures prescribed by a doctor.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers many remedies aimed at strengthening enamel. To help your teeth deteriorate less, these recipes will help:

  • two tbsp. l. pour 100 ml of boiling water over buckthorn and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse the gums with the cooled infusion for 5 minutes. The product strengthens the gums;
  • Chamomile, oak bark, and calendula are taken equally. One tsp. raw materials, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Strain and rinse your mouth several times a day;
  • A healing balm that strengthens hair, nails, teeth, and skeleton is prepared from eggshells. You need to take washed and dried shells, pour cooled boiled water over them, and leave overnight. Proportion: 250 ml of water per 50 g of shell. Take 100 ml before meals, rinse teeth;
  • one tsp. mustard oil is mixed with 0.5 g of sea salt (crushed) to form a paste. It is applied to the gums, massaging a little. After the procedure, rinse your mouth with boiled water. Helps with gingivitis, inflammation, bleeding gums. Salt can be replaced with turmeric.

Why do teeth deteriorate after pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Many people attribute dental problems in pregnant women to insufficient calcium intake, but in fact, this is not the only reason. After all, many women during pregnancy carefully monitor their diet, try to take vitamins and minerals, but still face problems with caries. The thing is that bacteria that live in the oral cavity and contribute to the destruction of tooth enamel multiply especially intensively during the period when the body’s defenses are weakened . And pregnancy is just such a period.

Why do our teeth deteriorate and decay?

Nowadays it is rare to find a person who would not ask the question: why do teeth deteriorate? After all, unfortunately, a large number of dental offices, various prevention methods and dental care products do not increase the number of people with healthy and strong teeth.

Do you think healthy teeth are a result of luck? Is it really just luck that is to blame for everything? What leads to dental diseases?

Naturally, heredity affects the preservation of teeth. However, most often dental health is affected by diseases of the internal organs. And certain health problems can lead to teeth starting to deteriorate.

What diseases cause our teeth to deteriorate?

  1. Scientists say that the reasons why teeth deteriorate are often problems of the gastrointestinal tract due to high acidity. Digestive problems interfere with the absorption of nutrients necessary for teeth. Teeth begin to weaken and caries develops.
  2. Problems with hormonal levels also affect the condition of teeth. The exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body occurs with the participation of sex hormones. When hormonal levels are disrupted, bone tissue and tooth enamel lose minerals.

This is why teeth deteriorate and decay during adolescence, during pregnancy or during the aging process of the body - this is a time of reduced production of sex hormones.

  1. Often during menopause, women's saliva composition changes and their mouth dries out, which leads to the risk of developing caries. A course of treatment with hormonal drugs, even taking contraceptives, affects the fact that our teeth deteriorate.
  2. Problems with the cardiovascular system, metabolic disorders, reduced immunity - how many other factors can worsen dental health.

Experts note that those who suffer from hypertension are more likely to have a problem such as periodontal disease. With weakened immunity, bacteria that live in the mouth multiply rapidly, which provokes diseases of the gums and teeth.

Why do teeth deteriorate when taking medications?

Back to dry mouth. Some medications can cause dry mouth, including medications taken to lower blood pressure, diuretics, antihistamines, anticonvulsants, anticancer medications, antidepressants, sedatives, and acid reducers. By the way, the pH of the liquid in the mouth is also changed by syrups and chewable cough tablets, which contain ascorbic acid, aspirin and sugar.

Our weaknesses harm our dental health


Heredity is another cause of dental disease

People often speculate about their future dental disease by remembering how their parents or grandparents suffered from it. In fact, why young people’s teeth deteriorate has a direct relationship not with genetics, but with the responsibility of the mother carrying the pregnancy , because the health of the unborn child depends very much on how she eats and how well she observes the rules of hygiene.

A pregnant woman must eat enough foods containing calcium, vitamin D3, beneficial minerals and salts. If the body experiences a deficiency of any elements while carrying a child, this will certainly affect the baby’s health, and not only in the form of bad teeth.

Teeth and age

Alas, the older a person is, the thicker his outpatient card is. Therefore, to the question why older people , the answer is very simple: because their service life has expired. Teeth wear out just like other organs. It’s clear that the more careful you treat them and the better you look after them, the longer they will last.

There are many reasons why teeth can deteriorate and be destroyed. However, taking a closer look, we can conclude: if you take your health seriously, follow the rules of hygiene and the advice of dentists, then you can forget about problems with toothache for a very long time, and perhaps even until old age.

Author – Pelageja, Over 30 – a club for women over 30.

Why does vision deteriorate, or do eye exercises

Books, newspapers, TV, computer - every day our eyes experience serious stress! Maintaining visual acuity is not an easy task! Moreover, most of us remember going to the doctor when the disease has already broken through the defenses. But sometimes even tired eyes hide serious problems. An Honored Doctor of Russia will help our readers take care of their vision.

Hristo Takhchidi

General Director of the MNTK "Eye Microsurgery" named after. Academician S. N. Fedorov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, highly qualified surgeon, Honored Doctor of Russia, Moscow

? How to protect your eyesight if a person spends a lot of time at the computer or TV

Enemy #1 – lack of pause

– The human eye should look into the distance about 80% of the time. It is programmed this way: 80% of vision is distant and only 20% is near. What does modern man do? It's the other way around! 90% of the voltage is close. This happened about 200 years ago, when printing and writing appeared. Nowadays, this niche has been occupied by computers and televisions. The load at close range is very harmful and unusual for the human eye. How to deal with this? To have a break. For example, a person begins to write something or solve a crossword puzzle. And he will not stop until he completes the job he started. Maybe an hour, two or four will pass, but this is not right.

Enemy #2 – artificial light

– A person must work within daylight hours. However, we came up with artificial light and extended daylight hours. And this is a mockery of our eyes, because intense work without a break is a powerful load on the visual organs. Especially for young people. The most critical age is from the first year of life to 13 years. If you talk to people who wear glasses, the vast majority will say that they first wore them when they were at school at the age of 13. The period from 13 years to 18 years is less critical, but transformation or abnormal development of the visual organs is possible. The final formation of vision occurs before the age of 25. Then - a period of stability - up to 40 years. Then vision deteriorates, and age-related changes occur due to the characteristics of the human body.

Our dictionary

Presbyopia (from the Greek presbys - “old” and ops, gender opos - “eye”) is an age-related weakening of the accommodation (adaptation) of the eye. Decreased ability to see close to the eye.

Do your eyes age too?

Over time, as a person ages, tissue biology changes. People begin to develop their first wrinkles at the age of 20–25. The further, the more. Wrinkles on the face are the result of loss of skin elasticity. Around age 40, our vision really changes. The reason for this is the loss of elasticity of the lens. Due to the inherent elasticity of the lens (at a young age), in order to bring the object closer, the muscle contracts and the lens becomes spherical. With age, this elasticity is lost. This process is called presbyopia, it begins at the age of 40 and continues until the age of 60, when all the elasticity of the lens is lost and vision deteriorates greatly. A person, as a rule, sees only into the distance, and needs glasses to look at objects up close or read.

About children's eyes

All children are born farsighted. A child's eye is very small - only 16 mm (for comparison: in an adult - 23–24 mm). Due to the small size of their eyes, all children are farsighted. Therefore, hanging toys in front of a child’s nose is absolutely useless. The child is born, he is growing and developing quickly. But he develops more or less high-quality vision around the age of two. At this time, the baby sees about 80%. In general, a child’s visual organs develop until the age of 12 - this is a biological development program laid down by nature. According to the biological program, vision gradually turns from low-quality to high-quality.

What happens if there is abnormal development? The biological program breaks down and follows some kind of curve. In this case, the task of doctors is to transform the pathological curve into a normal one. This problem requires a very long period of constant work with the child. If you want to correct the situation at the age of 12, you need to do this regularly, constantly and under the supervision of doctors. There are special children's centers that deal exclusively with artificially developing vision in children whose vision is defective. Doctors there select a variety of special exercises depending on which system is defective. In this case, there is only one recommendation - contact specialists at the children's center. Be patient and be sure to work. The most favorable age for vision correction in a child is from 5–6 to 12 years.

If you feel that something is happening to your eyes and they need help, the first thing to do is a diagnosis. If in doubt, go to different hospitals and different specialists. Get several opinions and you will be able to compare them. I can only wish one thing - find your doctor, whom you trust. This is 50% success, there is a high probability that they will help you. Take care of yourself and your eyes. After all, as you know, they are the mirror of the soul!

Expert advice

Each person should know his range of continuous work. For some it’s an hour, for others it’s an hour and a half. This indicator is individual. As soon as you feel tired, stop working close, go to the window and look into the distance. On a tree in the yard or a house in the distance. When looking into the distance, try to consider very small details, for example, branches on trees, leaves. Relax for about 10–15 minutes. Then you can come back and start working again. Remember that if the first working time range took an hour and a half, the second will be shorter. About an hour. As soon as you start to feel discomfort again, repeat this simple exercise.

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