Why do cracks appear in the corners of my lips?

The condition of the lips says a lot about a person’s health, and peeling, cracking and dryness can indicate that there are quite serious problems in the body.

Cracks in the corners of the mouth are a very unpleasant phenomenon that causes a lot of inconvenience: they spoil a person’s appearance, interfere with proper food intake and cause pain.

Causes of cracks in the corners of the lips

As a rule, cracks in the corners of the lips are a symptom of a lack of important elements in the body, for example, vitamin deficiency, dysbacteriosis, etc. In such cases, a person feels weak, looks pale and tired, gets tired quickly, his skin dries and peels, and his hair falls out.

It is worth considering the main causes of cracks in the corners of the mouth.

AvitaminosisDeficiency of vitamins, and in particular vitamin B2, is a common cause of seizures, which are also called angular cheilitis.
Vitamin deficiency can occur when the absorption of the vitamin is impaired (if the patient has intestinal or stomach diseases) or when it is insufficiently supplied to the body. A lack of vitamins is very often accompanied by the appearance of cracks. Symptoms: first, the corners of the mouth turn red and then crack, swelling of the lips occurs, inflammation of the tongue, burning in the eyes and conjunctivitis may begin.
InjuriesIf a person has a permanent injury to the corners of the mouth, the sore is often accompanied by the presence of bacteria in the body.
In children, the same germs can cause cracked lips due to unwashed hands, sand getting into the mouth, etc. Symptoms: erosion in the corner of the lips becomes crusty, constantly bleeds, and does not heal. As a rule, this applies not only to the corners of the mouth, but also to the lips, chin, etc.
InfectionsZaeda can be caused by only two types of infections: fungi and streptococci.
They provoke the development of an inflammatory process in the upper layers of the skin. Both microbes are part of the pathogenic sphere that exists on the skin of all people, so in order for them to become active and form cracks, certain conditions are necessary. Symptoms: redness of the corners of the mouth, cracking, slow healing.
HerpesAnother cause of cracks is the filtering herpes simplex virus.
Most often, children as young as two or three years old can become infected with it. The reasons for relapse are a sharp deterioration of immunity associated with stress, frustration, overwork, hypothermia, etc. Symptoms: in addition to cracks - blisters on the lips, tingling, soreness, crust formation on the ulcer.
Fungal infectionsAnother common cause of cracks is candidiasis of the corners of the lips, otherwise known as yeast star.
Pathogenic fungi multiply due to recent colds, various diseases such as diabetes, blood diseases, stomach, intestinal diseases, etc., taking medications with hormones, drugs that suppress the immune system, antibacterial drugs, etc. Symptoms: a whitish coating on the ulcer, which can be removed quite easily.
AllergiesThe most common allergic reaction to personal care products or cosmetics, extreme heat or severe frost can cause chapped lips.
Symptoms: peeling of the skin around cracks, which appears immediately after exposure to adverse weather or contact with an allergen.
Environmental exposureSevere cold or wind can cause angulitis.
Symptoms: cracks appear immediately after exposure to bad weather conditions.
Bad habitsSeizures appear due to the presence of bad habits in a person, such as smoking, frequent licking of lips, presence of any objects in the mouth, and constant consumption of alcoholic beverages. The first three habits described affect the skin in the corners of the mouth through many factors.
Frequently holding the tip of a writing utensil in the mouth leads to infection with pathogenic microbes. Drinking alcohol weakens the human body and contributes to the greater development of existing diseases.

Symptoms: cracks in the corners of the lips, which disappear after eliminating the described habits.

Diseases of the lips (cheilitis in the photo)
  • If a child has constantly inflamed corners of his mouth, and his parents had this problem at the same age, the diagnosis will be atopic cheilitis. This disease is provoked by allergens, hormonal changes, problems in the nervous system, etc.

Symptoms: dry facial skin, reddened corners of the lips, cracks, swelling and dryness of the lips, small scales on them.

  • A crack with relapses appears as a consequence of general diseases, pathologies of blood vessels and the nervous system. Such traumas can also accompany mental and emotional disorders.

Symptoms: bloody crust on the ulcer, the ulcer itself is soft but painful.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tractEating may indicate diseases of the stomach or intestines caused by an excess of toxin-producing E. coli in the body. Cracks are precisely an allergy to the stick.
Bite featuresCracked corners of a person's mouth may indicate an incorrect bite.
If one jaw protrudes more than the other, the lips become irritated.
TuberculosisPatients with tuberculosis often suffer from tuberculosis seizures in serious condition.
Symptoms: sharp pain of erosion, undermined edges of cracks, poor general condition of the patient.
SyphilisA common crack may appear to be a chancre, which is a sign of primary syphilis.
If left untreated, the type will become secondary. Symptoms: a gray-whitish coating on the crack, pain only when opening the mouth and talking, with a hard base, if it is stretched, it becomes rounded.

Causes of cracks

Cracks often appear due to a lack of vitamins.

Lips can tell a lot about a person's health. They should not have cracks, dryness, or peeling. If something like this appears, you should think about it. It is possible that problems have begun in the body.

The causes of such cracking (they are also called angular) can be general diseases, vitamin deficiency, damage by fungi or bacteria, or mechanical trauma. Bad habits, a love of spicy food, a habit of licking lips, or simply a too cold or hot environment can also affect it.

This often happens with a deficiency of vitamins and microelements. They can also warn about dysbiosis. At the same time, weakness, fatigue, and pallor are also observed. Hair may fall out and skin may peel.

If you notice cracks in the corners of your mouth, the reasons can be very different. Let's take a closer look at the main reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon.


Many people discover similar wounds after visiting the dental office. This is the result of mechanical damage from tools. Dentists especially often cause such damage with a mirror. If you have to frequently treat your teeth, such wounds simply do not have time to heal.

Cracks can be the result of careless treatment by a dentist.

Another reason is removable dentures. It is the corners of the mouth that most often experience the maximum load at the moment when a person removes or inserts a denture.

If a person has dry lips, they become too vulnerable. In this case, it is enough to simply open your mouth wide to damage the skin in the corners.

The most dangerous cause of such seizures is leukoplakia. This is a dangerous disease that can lead to malignant tumors. One of its symptoms is damage to the corners of the mouth. Most often, leukoplakia occurs in response to too frequent mechanical irritation of the lips, bad habits and certain diseases.

If such a symptom appears, you still need to go to the doctor. Only he can determine the exact reason. Particularly dangerous are wounds that do not respond to local treatment and are based in the buccal mucosa.


Mandatory stages of diagnosis are visual examination and testing.

An examination for suspected angulitis includes the following steps:

  • visual inspection;
  • taking a smear to determine the type of pathogen and prescribe the correct treatment.

The following comprehensive diagnostic methods may be prescribed as additional measures:

  • blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Ultrasound;
  • consultation with a specialist doctor: dentist, otolaryngologist, endocrinologist, etc.

Chronic fissure

Sometimes a wound may periodically form in the corners of the mouth. This is a relapsing disease. It is associated with general, neurogenic and vascular diseases, as well as disorders of the psycho-emotional state.

Be sure to see a doctor.

At the same time, a crusty jam appears. It is soft and can cause pain. Rarely, it can become malignant.

Treatment methods

Angulitis should be treated exclusively under the supervision of an experienced specialist. You should definitely go to the clinic and take all the necessary tests. Only a doctor can prescribe medications that will really help, after first finding out the cause of the cracks.


Select an ointment after diagnosis by a doctor.

To quickly get rid of cracks, you can purchase a special ointment sold at any pharmacy.

Among the most popular options are the following:

  • nystatin and levarin ointments - quickly relieve pain and have a powerful wound-healing effect, good if there is a fungal infection in the body;
  • mercury and erythromycin ointments are antibiotics with bactericidal properties;
  • Fluconazole, Lamisil - eliminate candidiasis, can also be used for prevention;
  • Vishnevsky ointment is an anti-inflammatory agent that quickly heals wounds and regenerates tissue.

Immunity restoration

For angulitis, drugs that stimulate the immune system are very important:

  • Imudon is a medicine for getting rid of inflammatory processes on the lips and in the oral cavity;
  • Likopid is an immunostimulating drug, prescribed for immunodeficiency, relapses of common diseases, etc.;
  • Arbidol is an antiviral medicine produced in capsules;
  • thymus gland preparations actively stimulate the immune system and are prescribed only by a doctor.

Vitamin replenishment

Oil solutions of vitamin A and E

For treatment at home, the body requires replenishment of vitamins A and E , which must be consumed orally in the form of a solution.

Locally, ointments and creams with natural herbal compositions that have a calming effect are used for the same purposes.

To generally replenish the body's deficiency of essential vitamins, experts recommend eating foods with a high content of nutrients, spending more time in the fresh air, and taking prescribed vitamin complexes.

How to treat cracks on lips and corners of lips

In most cases, using lip balm throughout the day is the easiest way to treat dry, chapped lips.

For very dry, flaky, or cracked lips, you can also use thicker ointments such as Vaseline.

If you suspect you have a nutritional deficiency, talk to your healthcare provider to determine the best treatment option.

For some people, simply changing their diet and eating more foods rich in iron, zinc, or B vitamins may be enough. However, others may need a multivitamin or supplement to meet their needs.

Your healthcare provider can also evaluate whether any underlying medical conditions may be causing chapped lips.


You can usually treat chapped lips with lip balms and ointments. In some cases, supplements or dietary changes may be necessary.

Features of treatment for adults

Nutrition during treatment should be as balanced as possible, with a high content of vitamins, the deficiency of which often causes cracks in the corners of the lips.

During therapy, it is recommended to avoid spicy and salty foods, which irritate the affected areas and prevent the wound from healing. It is worth including red meat and offal dishes in your diet.

For better absorption of such foods, you should also eat foods rich in vitamins C or E, for example, as many fresh vegetables as possible or olive oil.

How to cure cracks in the corners of the lips in children

It is important to determine what exactly is deficient in the child’s body.
After this, special children's vitamin complexes are prescribed.

Correction of nutrition is required, adding dairy products, eggs, beef, liver, fish, cereals and brewer's yeast to the menu.

Important! If cracks appear constantly, it is necessary to conduct an additional in-depth examination.

Basic principles of treatment

In order to develop therapeutic tactics, it is necessary to diagnose the body for the cause of the pathology. Depending on the bacterial agent developing in the pathology, there are several types of treatment.

The principle of treatment for cracks in the corners of the lips is as follows:

  • Identifying the underlying disease and influencing it with medications. If the pathology is an independent disorder, then treatment is carried out directly at the site of the wound;
  • Reducing injuries and reducing the load on the wound - in this case, the patient is advised to spend less time in cold and heat, not to open his mouth wide, so as not to increase the surface of the wound;
  • As symptomatic therapy, the following can be used: antiseptic solutions for treating the skin around the lips in order to eliminate the pathological agent and prevent infection from entering the wound; the use of ointments and creams with healing properties; ointments that have an analgesic effect.
  • For fungal skin infections, it is advisable to prescribe antifungal agents:
  • The use of vitamin complexes.

Zaeda therapy does not require the patient to be in a hospital, however, the prescription of drugs and the course of treatment must be monitored by the attending physician. If all treatment rules are followed, cracks in the corners disappear after a few days of intensive therapy. It is important to eliminate all irritating factors that contribute to inflammation of the skin in the corners of the lips.

treatment of cracks in the corners of the lips

Traditional methods

When a seizure appears, many decide not to use pharmaceutical drugs, preferring traditional medicine. Its adherents recommend products that can be used to smear cracks in the corners of the lips:

  • cucumber juice;
  • compress of crushed plantain leaves;
  • application to erosion of a clove of garlic cut in half;
  • washing with soda solution;
  • rinsing with strong tea leaves;
  • propolis ointment. One hundred grams of butter is mixed with ten grams of propolis, heated in a water bath, and then used as an ointment for seizures.


Don't forget chapsticks in cold weather!

Preventive measures consist of maintaining a normal water balance in the body, which will help avoid drying out the skin of the lips and the formation of cracks.

It is necessary to drink enough liquid, and in cold weather use greasy lipstick. During periods of vitamin deficiency, it is mandatory to take multivitamin complexes.

Only a competent and clear approach to the problem can help to establish their origin and quickly get rid of them. There is no need to stop halfway when eliminating cracks in the corners of your lips. It is better for a specialist to conduct a basic examination that will prevent relapses.

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