Aching pain and aching in the teeth and jaw: reasons, what to do if a tooth aches


Acute toothache takes a person by surprise and cancels all plans at once, but chronic toothache can significantly worsen the quality of life. What do you need to know about toothache, how can you help yourself and how to prevent its painful attacks?

Nerve endings in the area of ​​inflammation can become irritated with an increase in intrapulpal pressure, a change in pH, and the release of inflammatory mediators, as well as products of cell destruction. Excruciating pain is also caused by swelling, which compresses the nerve approaching the tooth. The inflamed gum enlarges and puts pressure on the tooth socket, a small depression in the jaw bone. The more the inflammation progresses, the greater the impact on the nerve. Sometimes the pain is so severe that it seems that in another minute it will be impossible to endure.

Why do teeth hurt more often at night?

Indeed, during the day, when the patient can seek help from a dentist, toothache hardly makes itself felt. The pain occurs in the evening and becomes almost unbearable at night. A tooth may become ill suddenly during sleep. It turns out that a person does not find a place for himself all night, and closer to the morning the pain suddenly calms down.

Inflammation - and this is what most often causes toothache - is regulated by the activity of the adrenal glands. It is these glands that produce corticosteroids - hormones whose task is to suppress inflammation.

If during the day the adrenal glands cope with this task, then closer to the night and until the morning they are less active.

With the onset of a new morning, the glands are activated, a new portion of corticosteroids enters the blood and the toothache goes away.


The most rational approach is timely detection of the causes of severe headaches. A visit to the doctor will help you understand why your headache hurts so much in the morning, evening, day or night. It is necessary to treat the underlying disease first, and not to eliminate the symptoms.

The head can be very painful and dizzy for various reasons: changes in blood pressure, overwork and overexertion, constant stress, depression, physical fatigue, changes in weather conditions, etc. To minimize the likelihood of developing such problems, you should try to completely avoid situations that can trigger stress or high blood pressure.

Doctors recommend monitoring your sleep schedule, not drinking alcohol and other drugs, not abusing caffeine, and walking more in the fresh air. It is also strongly recommended to think over your diet, eliminating all harmful foods from it and adding food rich in various beneficial microelements and substances.

Should you always see a dentist?

Indeed, maybe it will hurt and it will go away on its own? Moreover, now any medicine cabinet contains strong painkillers.

Yes, you can really relieve pain on your own. But symptomatic medications do not affect the activity of pathogenic microorganisms that undermine the affected tooth.

Microbes will continue their destructive activity in the tissues of the tooth and gums, poisoning the body and destroying teeth. And if at first the treatment could be inexpensive and take only 30 minutes, then in the future we will be talking about complex and expensive treatment. And it is quite possible that the tooth will no longer be able to be saved.

Homeopathic treatment

Homeopathic remedies are not as effective as pharmacological drugs, but they do not have a negative effect on other systems and organs, such as the digestive tract.
If all your teeth hurt on the left or right side, the following systematic medications will help:

  • Bryony. Copes with headaches that radiate to the jaw and reduces the sensitivity of teeth to external irritants.
  • Coffea cruda. Used for toothache in children and inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. The plant is prescribed for twitching symptoms that are relieved by exposure to cold.
  • Glonoinum. The plant has found wide use in neuralgia. Prescribed for headaches radiating to the teeth on the right side.
  • Staphysagria. Effectively copes with pain in the early stages of caries, accompanied by increased sensitivity of the enamel. The remedy is used if discomfort intensifies in different parts of the jaw when inhaling air or consuming cold foods.
  • Hamomilla. Used during teething in children. The medicine is also used in cases where the elements ache on one side.

Mercurius is recommended for various inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Homeopaths prescribe a remedy for toothaches associated with sinusitis, otitis and caries

Typical causes of toothache



Most often, toothache is caused by caries. The damage, resembling a black spot, appears on the tooth enamel and then penetrates deeper into the tooth tissue. Over time, it grows and forms a carious cavity. Bacteria multiply and grow in it, which will penetrate deeper and deeper into the tooth.

Symptoms of caries development:

  1. The initial stage of enamel destruction. There is no inflammation yet, but important substances are already being washed out of the tooth enamel. The tooth aches if a person has eaten cold or sour food. During the next examination, the dentist will discover a white spot that differs from the main color of the enamel.
  2. Superficial caries. The enamel covering the tooth has already been destroyed, but the carious cavity has not yet spread to the dentin of the tooth. The pathology manifests itself as sudden pain if the patient enjoys sweets or eats foods with a pronounced sour or salty taste.
  3. Moderate caries. The painful cavity grows and penetrates deeper and deeper. The patient occasionally feels pain that is not too strong and does not last long. Many patients decide to make an appointment with a dentist only at this stage.
  4. Deep caries. This is a complex lesion, the destruction reaches the core of the tooth - its pulp. If the patient eats food that irritates the enamel, the toothache will last at least 5 minutes. Excruciating throbbing pains at night appear more and more often. An unpleasant odor appears from the mouth.


Teeth also hurt with gumboil. This is a dangerous complication of inflammatory processes in tooth enamel and pulp. In this case, the infectious process involves the periosteum and jaw bone. Purulent inflammation can open on its own and this will bring temporary relief. But even in this case, inflammation will continue to develop, and this will provide the person with serious complications. Therefore, at the first signs of gumboil, you should consult a doctor.

The symptoms of flux are:

  • severe, incessant toothaches that cannot be relieved by taking medications. The inflamed area aches and pulsates;
  • pain radiates to the neck, ear, shoulder;
  • general weakness, rising body temperature. This is evidence of intoxication of the body;
  • the inflamed gum swells and becomes bright red. Often the patient’s face itself swells, on the side where the pathology develops. This is phlegmon or abscess;
  • the submandibular lymph nodes enlarge and become hard, as they are also involved in the infectious-inflammatory process.



Pulpitis develops as a result of untreated caries. The inflammatory process involves soft tissues, arteries and nerves located inside the tooth. It is very painful if the patient still hesitates to visit the dentist - he is guaranteed to lose the tooth.

It is difficult to confuse toothache with pulpitis with any other:

  • the tooth hurts constantly, and not for 2-5 minutes, as with caries;
  • the pain is aching, throbbing and very strong. It is with pulpitis that a tooth can continuously ache all night, exhausting a person and not allowing him to close his eyes;
  • A sharp toothache cannot be relieved by taking pills or folk remedies. After calming down for a few minutes, it flares up with renewed vigor. After all, inflammation occurs in a limited cavity of the tooth, it increases, increasing pressure on the nerve;
  • the temperature rises, general weakness appears, the person lives in a state of stress.

Increased tooth sensitivity

Teeth respond with pain to a certain type of food, react if it is cold or hot. Pain occurs when biting or chewing hard and rough foods.

It is quite possible that such a reaction is a personal characteristic of a particular person and is not at all associated with dental diseases. However, this is also how quite serious problems signal themselves. The causes of increased tooth sensitivity should be identified by a dentist. Depending on his conclusion, a treatment regimen will be drawn up and discomfort will be minimized.

Teeth become sensitive if:

  • dentin is exposed at the neck of the tooth;
  • there are erosions or wedge-shaped defects of the teeth;
  • metabolism in the body is disrupted;
  • the patient suffers from diseases of the nervous system, as a result of which the nerve endings are especially sensitive;
  • there are pathologies of the endocrine system.

Pain that occurs under a filling or crown

This is not an exceptional situation - sometimes a tooth that has already been treated by a dentist begins to hurt.

There are several reasons in this case:

  • insufficiently professional work of the doctor. In this case, it is necessary to open the filling or remove the crown and thoroughly clean the dental canals;
  • reaction to filling materials. The composition of the filling must be replaced;
  • The dental canal is not completely sealed due to the peculiarities of its structure. The tooth must be treated again by a highly qualified dentist in a clinic with modern equipment;
  • the inflammatory process resumed.

Toothache after tooth extraction

Unpleasant sensations continue for up to 2 days, after which the body independently heals the inflicted microtrauma. If the gum is cut during tooth extraction, the pain will last about a week.

If your tooth hurts longer, do not endure the inconvenience and do not self-medicate. Visit the dentist, the doctor will assess the nature of the problem and help you.

Toothache can be associated with a number of factors:

  • a dry socket has formed. At the site of the extracted tooth there is no natural protection in the form of a mucous membrane, but there remains a section of bare bone. This happens in older patients, smokers and those who take certain types of medications. The doctor will alleviate the condition by applying a bandage with medications;
  • dental alveoli become inflamed. Alveolitis may be associated with dry socket; this condition can also be successfully treated;
  • the tooth was not completely removed. A tooth fragment or root particle must be removed from the gum;
  • Gum diseases have worsened - gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease. It is urgent to begin their treatment;
  • an allergy to anesthetic drugs manifested itself. Then pain, swelling of the gums and itching appear right in the dentist's chair. The problem is solved by selecting antihistamines;
  • suspiciousness and impressionability of the patient. The psychogenic nature of pain is not a reason to simply dismiss a person’s suffering. Correctly selected harmless drugs will help restore a positive emotional background.

Cracks in tooth enamel

Despite the fact that cracks in the enamel are not a disease, when eating cold or hot food, the teeth of such patients hurt as intensely as with caries. It is the doctor who must assess the situation and prescribe supportive therapy. It is important for such patients to monitor their dental health and oral hygiene.

Dental injuries

In the event of a blow to the gums, teeth or jaw, the teeth may be injured. However, if you consult a doctor in time, it is possible that the tooth can be saved.

Toothache occurs in the following cases:

  • tooth bruise;
  • tooth dislocation;
  • fracture of the crown or root of a tooth.

Complications of pericoronitis

Like many inflammatory processes, pericoronitis has two forms of its course: acute and chronic. The acute stage of the disease is characterized by the presence of severe pain and swelling, accompanied by purulent discharge. Chronic disease is not permanent, with both periods of exacerbation and quiescence.

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Purulent pericoronitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the chewing process is accompanied by a constant feeling of pain;
  • severe pain radiating to the ear and temple area;
  • high body temperature;
  • discomfort accompanied by enlargement of the submandibular lymph nodes;
  • soreness and presence of pus when pressing on the hood.

Failure to provide timely assistance during the progression of acute pericoronitis can transfer it to the chronic stage with periodic alternation of moments of exacerbation with a state of rest.

Now you know why teeth can hurt, and we hope that the information received will force you to be more careful and careful about caring for your teeth, since the quality of your life greatly depends on their health.

Toothache during pregnancy

toothache during pregnancy

When a woman bears a child, her body experiences a colossal restructuring, the acidity of the oral cavity changes, and diseases of the gums and teeth worsen. If an expectant mother experiences toothache, she should immediately consult a dentist.

Modern clinics have the necessary equipment and special harmless drugs to carry out procedures that will not harm either the mother or the child. Or, as a last resort, stop the symptoms until the time when the pregnancy is successfully resolved and the teeth can be properly treated.

How to get rid of pain?

If your tooth aches, you don’t need to torture yourself (see also:). Until you go to a specialist, you can alleviate the condition with medications. However, it is worth remembering that healthy teeth can hurt from nerves - this is the so-called phantom pain.

It bothers you for quite a long period of time and occurs due to neuritis, jaw injuries, osteochondrosis, etc. Once you are convinced that the pain is not associated with dental diseases and is phantom, you need to contact a neurologist. Wandering pain is practically not relieved by analgesics and can migrate to other organs.

Toothache in a child

Young children experience toothache much less frequently than adults. But they need regular examinations by the dentist; this is the only way to avoid problems in the future.

If a child experiences toothache, he should definitely be taken to a pediatric dentist. The clinic staff will do everything necessary to ensure that the baby does not feel pain or fear. It will also teach you the necessary oral hygiene.

Babies experience pain in their gums when they are teething. It is better that this process takes place under the supervision of a pediatrician, and that there are special teethers and gels with anesthetics at home.

Bottom line

Why does my teeth hurt? Only a dentist can answer the question after a detailed examination of the oral cavity. If we exclude a hereditary factor, the causes of dental discomfort may be jaw injuries, abnormal bite, somatic diseases, malnutrition, or mechanical damage to the enamel. Aches and pains can also appear when using orthopedic structures: dentures, crowns.

If there is a thin layer of enamel, it is prohibited to whiten teeth with harsh cleanings and chemicals. You should also not use hard toothbrushes or whitening toothpastes.

What to do if you have a toothache

If there is an acute toothache , what can be done ? If it is not possible to immediately go to the dentist, and the toothache cannot be tolerated, it is permissible to take a painkiller tablet. Discuss with your dentist in advance which medicine and in what dosage is suitable for you.

A tablet taken orally does not always act quickly and effectively. The drug can be crushed and applied to the tooth, or the diseased area can be moistened with a solution from injection ampoules.

You can rinse your teeth with a water-salt solution, infusion of chamomile, calendula, oak bark, or special preparations that can be bought at the pharmacy.

Antibiotics for toothache can only be taken when prescribed by a doctor. In addition, without dental treatment, the use of antibiotics is useless.

What you can do at home

Sometimes you have to wait several days or even weeks to see a specialist. It is simply impossible to endure painful sensations for so long, so you have to look for ways to get rid of them.

The doctor must find out why the patient’s teeth ache and determine the course of treatment. Therefore, therapy at home comes down to taking painkillers and using anti-inflammatory drugs. The most effective analgesic drugs are:

  • Paracetamol.
  • No-shpa.
  • Analgin.
  • Ibuprofen.

If there is noticeable inflammation and swelling, it would be useful to rinse the mouth with antiseptic drugs. You can purchase a ready-made solution at the pharmacy, for example, Miramistin, or make a homemade mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide.

In case of severe inflammation, it is better not to use such traditional methods of treatment as rinsing the mouth with herbal decoctions or applying garlic to the sore gum. By resorting to them, you can aggravate the disease by introducing infection into the affected tissues.

We invite you to read the First Teeth - articles from specialists at the Mother and Child Clinic

Where does toothache come from if your teeth are healthy?

Toothache does not always accompany exclusively oral diseases. It happens that teeth hurt even when they have nothing to do with it.

The following diseases may cause painful sensations:

  1. Trigeminal neuralgia. At the same time, the teeth hurt unbearably and painkillers do not help. This disease is treated by a neurologist.
  2. Migraine and cluster headaches. Accompanied by intolerance to bright light and loud sounds. They are relieved briefly with painkillers.
  3. Otitis or inflammation of the middle ear. This illness is a complication of influenza or sore throat. With otitis media, hearing decreases and a high temperature appears.
  4. Sinusitis. Pain appears during treatment of a cold and is accompanied by a runny nose and cough;
  5. Cardiac ischemia, heart attack. Sometimes a heart attack radiates to the left lower jaw and a person regards it as an attack of toothache.
  6. Atypical pain. Their causes are not easy to identify; the pain spreads throughout the jaw and throughout the body. Most often, diseases of the nervous system, stress and deep psychological discomfort are to blame.

A little about front teeth

As a rule, the pain spreads specifically to the upper and lower front teeth. This can be easily explained by the fact that they are quite specific in their structure and have a number of characteristic features.

  • It is this area of ​​the jaw that is most often exposed to traumatic effects.
  • Enamel and dentin are much thinner. In this regard, the front teeth are more susceptible to caries.
  • The back surface of the teeth is not accessible to the patient for inspection.
  • Close proximity to each other, which complicates the hygiene process. Therefore, many experts recommend using a special thread.

Dental diseases

Localized pain in one or more teeth, especially if they are damaged by caries, usually does not raise any questions. One or more visits to the dentist - and all problems are solved.

But what to do if all the teeth on one side, on the upper or lower jaw, hurt, and the teeth look healthy? Pain in the jaws and teeth can be a symptom of several diseases, and not all of them are under the care of a dentist.

Beam (cluster) facial pain

This is a chronic pain syndrome, which is based on a violation of the central and peripheral mechanisms of regulation of vascular tone.

It manifests itself as attacks of sharp, boring, pressing headache in the area of ​​the eye, forehead and temple on one side, which spreads to the skin of the cheek and teeth on the corresponding side. The frequency of pain is characteristic: it may not bother you at all for a long time, sometimes up to a year.

During the period of exacerbation, painful attacks lasting from 15 minutes to an hour for several days are followed by a series, or a bunch, with an interval of several hours.

Aching tooth

Toothache cannot be tolerated: having subsided a little, it returns again and again, spreading with enviable persistence throughout the entire jaw and sometimes radiating to the ear or temple. Aching toothache was especially successful in this. What is the reason for its occurrence? How to alleviate your condition?

Why do my teeth ache on one side?

Painful teeth are almost always a symptom of some pathology that requires urgent attention - both from the patient himself and from a good dentist. The main reasons for this discomfort include:

  1. The beginning of the carious process. Poor nutrition and a lack of essential substances in the body provoke the appearance of tiny cracks and chips in the enamel. From this moment on, full-fledged caries is already close.
  2. Re-development of caries. Even treated teeth can become a “stronghold” of intense pain if there is an infection under the crown or filling. Caries makes a second “attempt” in cases where the doctor did not perform the treatment correctly or the patient did not follow the dentist’s recommendations after the procedure.
  3. Periodontitis, periodontal disease or other periodontal disease. The first signs of these diseases are manifested by a distinct aching pain that intensifies with pressure. If you do not go to the doctor as soon as possible, there is every chance of losing teeth.
  4. Eruption of wisdom teeth. Third molars are those teeth that no one expects, because their growth is accompanied not only by severe pain, but also by fever, general malaise, difficulty swallowing and other “joys”. In this situation, the pain is localized in the gum area behind the outer teeth.
  5. Allergy. A fairly rare “reason” for pain, but nevertheless it occurs. Sometimes, during dental treatment, the dentist uses a drug to which the patient is allergic. The result is obvious, or rather, in the teeth.

Only a doctor can determine the exact reason why teeth ache. First you need to go to the dentist.

All teeth ache: reasons that are not always obvious

In some cases, the dentist cannot find out the cause of the aching pain and sends the patient home with the words: “All your teeth are healthy.” The confusion that a person experiences is easy to understand: what should he do if there is nothing to treat?

There are several factors that have a direct impact on the occurrence of toothache, but are not directly related to dental problems:

  1. Trigeminal neuralgia. It may be noted that aching toothache often occurs against a background of weakened immunity and hypothermia. In this case, it makes sense to suspect irritation of the maxillary or mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve. Therefore, if everything is fine with your teeth, but the pain does not go away, you should consult a neurologist.
  2. Sinusitis. Healthy teeth in the upper jaw may ache due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus. Sometimes there are tooth roots in this area, which act as conductors of painful sensations. With odontogenic sinusitis, a cyst forms at the base of the root, which grows into the maxillary sinus. This situation is accompanied by pain in the back teeth, which intensifies when chewing and eating hot foods. You need to make an appointment with an otolaryngologist as soon as possible.
  3. Angina attack. Heart problems are especially aggravated by physical activity. A lack of oxygen may occur, leading to irritation of the receptors and “deception” of the body: it begins to “think” that its teeth are aching. If toothache is accompanied by chest discomfort, shortness of breath and sweating, you should check with a cardiologist.

These are the main “hidden” factors that provoke the occurrence of aching toothache. Therefore, if the dentist just shrugs, you need to at least make an appointment with a therapist, and from him get a referral to a specific specialist.

What to do

Every person who has a toothache understands that they should go to the doctor. But you still need to somehow survive before the visit, and folk remedies can help with this.

What compress to apply to the painful area

  • something cold. A piece of ice copes well with its “mission”;
  • cotton wool soaked in calendula tincture;
  • a cotton swab soaked in lemon, almond, vanilla or mint extract;
  • gruel of crushed garlic and salt;
  • cotton wool soaked in a mixture of oregano oil and a small amount of water;
  • brewed tea bag;
  • wet cotton wool rolled in soda or a mixture of black pepper and salt;
  • a circle of fresh cucumber or gruel of chopped cucumber mixed with salt;
  • finely chopped onions;
  • a piece of peeled fresh potato or finely grated salted root vegetable;
  • cotton wool soaked in apple cider vinegar;
  • a piece of fresh lard.

How to rinse your mouth

  • soda solution. You need to stir 1 tbsp. l. soda in a glass of warm water;
  • sage infusion. You will need to scald 1 tbsp. l. chopped herbs with a glass of boiling water and leave for 1-1.5 hours;
  • alcohol. You should put a little strong alcohol in your mouth and hold it near the problem area without swallowing. Vodka, rum and whiskey are especially effective in this sense;
  • saline solution. You need to add 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt in a glass of warm water and stir well;
  • hydrogen peroxide. You need to prepare a mixture of 0.5 cups of warm water and 50 ml of peroxide. It is important that you should not swallow such a solution, since peroxide does not have the best effect on the condition of the esophagus and stomach;
  • tea tree oil. Add a few drops of oil to 200 ml of water;
  • turnip broth. It is necessary to chop the root vegetable, take 2 tbsp. l. from the resulting mass and pour into boiling water. After 30 min. The broth will be ready; it must be cooled before use.

What to chew

  • clove stick;
  • a piece of fresh ginger;
  • washed plantain leaves. The chewed pulp should be kept near the aching teeth;
  • fresh mint leaves;
  • squeeze a lime wedge, releasing as much juice as possible.

If a person knows about his tendency to sinusitis and other ENT diseases, then he can perform steam inhalations. You need to boil the potatoes, drain the water and “have privacy” with the potatoes, covering your head with a towel or blanket. You should breathe in this way for 5-10 minutes.

In cases where the “whining” of the teeth was caused by inflammation of the maxillary sinus, after 2-3 procedures the state of health will improve.

Traditional recipes are very effective for aching pain, but they do not act as quickly and not as long as we would like. You can alleviate your condition with the help of painkillers, the most common of which are:

  • Baralgin, Spazmalgon, Nurofen, Askofen - for pain of mild to moderate intensity;
  • Ketanov, Ketorol, Nimesulide, Pentalgin - for severe pain syndrome;
  • Analgin, No-shpa, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol - for toothache in a pregnant woman. Important - you can take medications only in the second trimester of pregnancy and in consultation with your doctor.

You should not fall into the “trap” of painkillers: at first, taking them will have the desired effect and relieve discomfort. But very soon the body will simply get tired of them, and then the pain will become a constant companion. It should be understood that even if you numb the pain with a pill, the cause of the ailment will not go away and will continue to develop.

Visiting a doctor is the best way to get rid of toothache, although not as exotic as chewing plantain or holding a piece of lard in your cheek. But extraordinaryness is good everywhere, except for treatment. Health is more valuable.



Pain in the teeth manifests itself differently in different patients: it can be acute and aching, torment a person constantly or periodically. Aching sensations occur more often at night, as blood flow to the face increases.

Acute dental diseases are characterized by acute, throbbing pain. Often the intensity of the symptom increases when drinking hot and cold water. In the absence of external stimuli, signs of the disease disappear abruptly. To identify the exact cause of the problem, contact a dentist.

It is not always possible to see a doctor at the first signs of pathology. Before visiting a specialist, you should follow some recommendations that will minimize pain:

Why do teeth hurt when you have a cold?

  • Do not use the juice of plants and vegetables with an aggressive composition - celandine, beets, garlic - to treat teeth and gums.
  • Do not put analgesics into carious cavities. The drugs can lead to the development of pulpitis and burns of the mucous membranes of the mouth.
  • Do not carry out pain relief measures using injections into the gums. The procedure performed by an inexperienced person provokes various complications.
  • Do not heat the problem area with compresses and steaming.
  • Do not rinse your mouth with alcohol tinctures.

What to do if all your teeth hurt at once? Acceptable first aid actions:

  • Oral administration of painkillers - Analgin, Ketorol, Ibuprofen. For pregnant women, Nurofen or Paracetamol is recommended for toothache.
  • Rinse your mouth with saline or soda solution.
  • Carrying out hygiene procedures using paste and brush.
  • The use of painkillers for local treatment of gums - Cholisal, Kamistad, Metrogil-Denta.

Systemic and local painkillers eliminate the symptoms of diseases, but not their cause.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with 21 ways to get rid of the smell of garlic from your mouth.

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