What are the names of the teeth that stars insert?

In this article we will look at how star teeth are made.

There is probably not a single person who would not dream of a snow-white smile, like that of show business stars. But their secret lies not only in excellent genetics, but also in constant high-quality oral care, as well as in the use of modern methods of dental restoration. After all, medicine today has made great progress, especially the dental field. And if financially possible, anyone can afford a snow-white smile. Let's try to understand the question of how stars' teeth are made.

White teeth

Professional whitening

Tooth enamel begins to darken due to poor quality and irregular oral care. Fans of black tea and coffee, as well as those who indulge in smoking cigarettes, suffer from teeth darkening first of all. Periodontal or gum diseases and the use of certain medications also affect changes in the color of the enamel and the quality of your smile.

How do stars make white teeth? Today there are several types of professional cleaning and whitening, as well as different types of prosthetics and implantation that do not harm the teeth.

Let's find out in more detail what kind of teeth make show business stars.

How do stars have white teeth?

How much does tooth augmentation cost?

If we mean tooth extension in the smile zone, then the cost of restoration with composite materials will range from 2,500 rubles to 15,000 rubles per tooth in economy and premium class clinics, respectively. The price of installing ceramic veneers starts from 20,000 per tooth in economic dentistry, and in a VIP clinic the price can reach up to 50,000 rubles per plate. The price for extension of chewing teeth consists of the cost of an inlay, a dental crown on it and the work of an orthopedic dentist, which will cost on average from 10,000 rubles to 50,000 rubles, depending on the materials used and the price segment of the clinic.

Laser whitening

If your teeth are straight and without visible defects, then laser whitening is most often used. This is a fairly gentle method; with its help, the enamel is lightened by 8-10 tones. During the process, a special composition with hydrogen peroxide is applied to the top layer of teeth and chemical processes are activated by a laser beam. The radiation only affects the enamel, which completely eliminates burns to the mucous membrane. The laser reaches the deep layers of dentin in seconds, without drying out the enamel. This procedure does not increase tooth sensitivity. One session is enough to achieve the desired result. The process is painless and lasts no more than half an hour. The laser also has antibacterial properties. The result lasts 5-7 years. If you have no contraindications to the procedure and you are ready to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, then this type of teeth whitening will not cause harm to your teeth, but, on the contrary, will help strengthen the enamel. Like any medical procedure, laser whitening has contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 16 years;
  • allergic reactions to active ingredients;
  • presence of caries;
  • transparent teeth;
  • non-carious damage to tooth enamel.

How else do stars make their teeth?

How to make beautiful teeth for stars

Smile for a million!

Dmitry Nagiev.
Dmitry Nagiev.

Photo: Boris KUDRYAVOV

Dentist Yulia Selyutina told why Shnurov’s teeth are more beautiful than Nagiyev’s, and why the leader of the Mumiy Troll group, Ilya Lagutenko, faces a terrible future due to his underbite.

Our artists invest a lot of money in their image. Philip Kirkorov, for example, spends millions on his wardrobe. Anastasia Volochkova is always looking for the latest bikinis - well, she needs it for the splits. Tina Kandelaki shows how much effort you need to put in to have a beautiful young face. But there is another important part, which is somehow not very common to talk about, this is a smile, or more precisely, teeth. Unless Sergei Shnurov openly said that he had his teeth made for a fabulous $250,000 in America. At the same time, says Yulia Selyutina, there are many stars in our show business who urgently need to do “jaw repairs”, otherwise they will be in trouble.

Sergei Shnurov

- I won’t give you a tooth! I paid a quarter of a million dollars for them!
- I won’t give you a tooth! I paid a quarter of a million dollars for them!

Photo: Valery ZVONAREV

Yes, the artist now really has some of the most beautiful teeth. As Shnur said, he made them in Los Angeles because the old ones were worn out: “I’ve bitten a lot of people in my life. Some teeth remained in the bodies of defeated enemies.” There was a photo of the artist without one tooth circulating online, but I don’t think anything was broken; most likely, it was some kind of clownery, but in reality the implant just didn’t take root. Now everything is fine with Sergei - both color and size. If he had not demonstrated the “ugliness” of his former teeth, then no one would have guessed, unlike the same Nagiyev.

Alla Pugacheva

Alla Pugacheva. Photo: Vitaly SOZINOV/TASS, Evgenia GUSEVA/KP - Moscow

Alla Borisovna had high tooth wear, which most likely happened due to bruxism - night grinding of teeth. Plus there are large gaps between the teeth, the so-called trema, and a diastema - that same gap. There is also a short frenulum of the upper lip, which provoked this slit. The teeth were not in good contact with each other. All this leads to gum problems. The only solution is prosthetics, which is what Pugacheva did. Orthopedic work was carried out, special crowns were made that are fixed on each tooth. And Prima Donna’s bite is fine.

Sofia Rotaru

Sofia Rotaru.

Photo: Evgenia GUSEVA

With age, no matter how you look at it, the natural physical wear of teeth goes away. If you have money and opportunities, then, of course, you can do like Sofia Mikhailovna. Her teeth are slightly ground down and ceramic onlays - veneers - are glued on top. They are very thin and very high quality. They say that the artist had her teeth done either in Switzerland or in the Baltic states and they cost her about $200,000.

Dmitry Nagiev

It’s immediately obvious that the famous actor and TV presenter’s teeth are made. They are too white and look completely unnatural. You could play with color. But, probably, he wanted everyone to see right away that he had new teeth, such a “hello to the dentist.” By the way, fashion blogger Anastasia Ivleeva has the same teeth.

Ilya Lagutenko

Ilya Lagutenko.

Photo: Andrey GREBNEV

At one time, it was his famous smile that millions of fans fell in love with. But it was formed... due to incorrect teeth placement. The artist has both a distal bite (the lower jaw is moved back relative to the upper jaw) and a crossbite. Both the upper and lower jaws are narrowed, tooth to tooth collides. And the lower jaw is shifted to the left side. Surely there were or are adenoids, nasal breathing is impaired. Purely aesthetically, this doesn’t bother Ilya.


An incorrect bite makes your face look older

It would seem like such a trifle, but due to an incorrect bite, a person’s face looks much older - nasolabial folds are formed, which become deeper the further they go. Disproportions of the face are observed - a particularly striking picture is that if the lower jaw is too small, this visually enlarges the nose.

“Actresses Maria Kozhevnikova, Keira Knightley, Alisa Grebenshchikova, singer Lyubov Uspenskaya have malocclusion,” says dentist Yulia Selyutina. — Alisa Grebenshchikova, for example, has to make an effort to close her mouth due to incorrect jaw positioning. Uspenskaya, apparently, also had a mesial bite. In almost all the photos she used to smile with her mouth closed. Now the situation seems to have changed. Of course, we judge solely by photos from the network and videos from Instagram, but judging by the latest photos, Lyubov has worked on her smile.

“Very often, people who for some reason do not want to correct it for their children say that malocclusion is a highlight,” explains Selyutina. - Like, I live, I got married. And they will succeed! Everything is much worse. Nasolabials are the least of the troubles. In the future, you will experience chronic migraine pain and pain in the spine. And these veneers will not solve the problem, it will just make your smile look better. So think about it and go to the dentist.

Fluoride bleaching

Fluoride bleaching, also called lamp bleaching, is performed by exposure to halogen radiation. A mixture of hydrogen peroxide is first applied to the surface of the teeth, and then exposed to light. During the chemical reaction, active oxygen is released, which lightens the pigmentation of the deep layers of dentin. The duration of the procedure is up to 1.5 hours, it is carried out by the attending physician in three stages. This type of whitening lasts for two years. After the procedure, tooth sensitivity may increase.

Contraindications to the procedure may include:

  • age up to 20 years;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • presence of caries;
  • allergies to the reagents used;
  • increased abrasion of enamel.

Ultrasound method

How stars make their snow-white teeth is of interest to many. Another method is ultrasonic. Ultrasonic whitening is recommended for those who have increased tooth sensitivity. During the procedure, soft and hard deposits are removed, and tooth enamel is not damaged. To carry out the procedure, a special device is used - a scaler. Under the influence of the drug, active oxygen is released and plaque on tooth enamel is destroyed. The patient does not feel pain, the session lasts one hour. At the end of the procedure, the enamel is polished with a special paste and fluoridated. This procedure requires repetition.

How stars make your teeth perfect

Contraindications are:

  • presence of systemic chronic diseases;
  • bridges and implants;
  • childhood;
  • diseases of tuberculosis, hepatitis, AIDS;
  • first trimester of pregnancy.

Whitening with Air-Flow system

You can check with your doctor about how star teeth are made.

To get a snow-white smile, the same as that of celebrities, you can use another method - sandblasting whitening with the Air-Flow system, which is gentle on the teeth. Cleaning is carried out with a special device, removing pigments, plaque and tartar. The procedure lasts about an hour. A special mixture containing sodium bicarbonate is applied to the enamel; under the influence of the drug, the enamel surface is thoroughly cleaned. After this procedure, fluoridation is done. Possible contraindications:

  • asthma;
  • salt-free diet;
  • allergy to flavorings that are part of the mixture.

How stars get snow-white teeth

Whitening with Zoom system

Zoom whitening effectively lightens enamel in one session. A special gel, which does not contain acid, is applied to the surface of the tooth enamel, then exposed to an ultraviolet lamp. As a result of the reaction, oxygen molecules are released, which affect the deep layers of the tooth and eliminate even persistent darkening. And since the gel contains amorphous calcium phosphate, it fills enamel microcracks well and protects teeth. Bleaching leads to a color change of 6-8 tones. The results last for approximately five years.

Contraindications may include:

  • age under 18 years;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • oncology;
  • hyperesthesia;
  • various periodontal or gum diseases;
  • caries.

What determines the whiteness of teeth

The color of healthy teeth is naturally slightly yellow. Severe darkening of the enamel is possible for the following reasons:

  • Heredity and age.
  • Poor diet, smoking and other bad habits.
  • Drinking fluoridated water. In small doses this element is useful. But when it is in excess, a disease such as fluorosis occurs. It is accompanied by the appearance of spots on the enamel and causes tooth fragility.
  • Careless brushing of teeth. With insufficient oral hygiene, tooth enamel turns yellow, darkens and becomes susceptible to caries.
  • Large amounts of sugar in the diet. Sugar is a favorable environment for bacteria, whose metabolic products thin out tooth enamel. As a result, dentin becomes visible, having a yellowish tint.

Prosthetics with veneers

Whitening methods are good when your teeth are straight and without damage. But what to do if there are dental defects? To correct all kinds of defects, veneers are installed - these are thin porcelain plates that are attached to the surface of the teeth. To make them, microprostheses are made using casts of the jaw. They turn out to be very thin, 0.3-0.5 mm, so their installation does not require much grinding of the enamel surface, as, for example, for a crown. They are made from ceramics or composite materials.

There are medical indications for their installation:

  • interdental gaps;
  • slight curvature;
  • chips, cracks of the crown;
  • yellow enamel;
  • rapid abrasion of enamel;
  • short crowns of the anterior incisors.

How a star's teeth are made

Thanks to veneers, teeth become perfect and snow-white. These veneers are often used on one or two teeth. They last for about five years.

Installed veneers will make your smile perfectly white. Microprostheses do not lose color over time. If you take proper care of them, they will last you a very long time. The disadvantages of the procedure are the poor strength of composite materials, the need to grind down your teeth, and the high price.

But this procedure also has contraindications:

  • significant damage to the crown;
  • inflammation of the gums around the teeth;
  • caries;
  • straight bite;
  • bruxism.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano's smile was called one of the worst among football players: he was missing several upper teeth, and the rest were of different lengths, crooked, and ugly in color.

Gaining popularity, Cristiano put himself in the hands of experienced orthodontists. They did almost expert work on him: they corrected his bite with braces (Ronaldo wore them for a long time), whitened his teeth, replaced missing ones with crowns, and installed veneers. According to some reports, specialists lengthened Cristiano’s teeth in the upper row to make them straight by removing part of the gum with a laser. But now, after all the torment, the famous football player has one of the most beautiful smiles in the world.


How do stars get beautiful teeth using lumineers? The most innovative technology, which is often used by celebrities, today is lumineers prosthetics. Essentially, these are the same veneers, but much thinner. Therefore, their installation does not require significant grinding of the supporting teeth; doctors remove only the top film of enamel. Lumineers take a very long time to make, and they cost an order of magnitude higher than regular veneers. They can be removed at any time without damaging your teeth. The limitation is the mottled enamel due to the fact that the denture is transparent. The cost is high due to their production. Lumineers are made only in the USA, because a patented manufacturer of microprostheses is located there.

Caring for such microprostheses is no different from regular oral hygiene. But doctors recommend avoiding nuts and seeds.

This is how stars make their teeth perfect.

What kind of teeth do stars make for themselves?

Reviews from patients and specialists

Specialists and patients remain quite satisfied after whitening procedures. It is best to do such procedures, of course, in specialized dental offices, so as not to damage tooth enamel.

And to have a smile like a Hollywood star, it is best to install veneers and lumineers. There are a large number of patient reviews about the effectiveness and painlessness of the procedure. They also note that it is best to install lumineers, as they are durable and more aesthetically pleasing. The disadvantage of microprostheses is the high price.

So, in this article we looked at what kind of teeth stars make for themselves.

Maria Pogrebnyak

The girl has beautiful, snow-white and straight teeth. And, apparently, this is the merit not of Mother Nature, but of the skillful hands of the dentist. Maria Pogrebnyak's smile zone has changed noticeably in recent years. Most likely, she had ceramic veneers installed, which allowed her to solve those aesthetic problems with her teeth that for some reason did not suit the girl.

The appearance of Maria Pogrebnyak has undergone so many transformations that it is impossible to count. So, of course, there is no talk about the naturalness of the teeth of the wife of the famous football player. Judging by their even shape and flat, bleached color, one can assume that these are veneers. In fact, veneers can be made so that they are invisible to an outside observer. But Maria, apparently, strives for some high ideal, understandable only to her, which is why she chose the lightest veneers.

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