A professional will help you get rid of plaque, make your teeth lighter and restore the natural shade of the enamel.
Daily hygiene of teeth and gums includes rinsing the mouth with special solutions. Rinse aids can be purchased at
The gag reflex is a natural biological process that is characterized by the involuntary return of residual masses from the stomach
Forms of coronavirus Coronavirus infection can occur in three forms: Mild. Manifests itself in weakness, a little
There was one unpleasant story in my life. The eldest son, then he was about
When choosing toothpaste, you should pay attention to the condition of the oral cavity. Consultation will also be important
Elimination of pathology As a rule, extra units grow outside the dentition, which affects
Reasons for changes in language Basically, obvious changes in language indicate that a person has
Possible causes Burning and pain can indicate a variety of diseases. Most often it is caused
The world around us is full of amazing wonders, but we often do not pay attention to them.