Review of the 7 best fabric brighteners. Rating 2019-2020 based on user reviews.

When to use

White products get dirty quickly, so they have to be washed often. After only 3-4 washes, things lose their impeccable appearance. Tablecloths and towels are not strikingly white. Spots appear on them, the fabric turns gray and becomes covered with yellow stains.

There are several reasons why linen loses color:

  • sun drying;
  • used hard water for washing;
  • dirty laundry was stored in an airtight container;
  • The program and washing temperature were chosen incorrectly.

Using bleaches, they eliminate flaws from previous washes and remove fresh and old stains.

Features of the bleaching process

There are many recipes for making laundry bleach at home. Each of them is effective in its own way. However, it is important to consider a few recommendations:

  • Items made from white fabric are always washed separately from colored ones.
  • Items made from natural materials such as cotton and linen should be washed separately from synthetic fabrics.
  • Do not overuse bleaching, as too frequent treatment can damage the structure of the fabric.
  • To prevent the design on white fabric from fading, you can add a little table salt to the water during the washing process.
  • Yellowed or grayed fabric can be bleached well in a washing machine with the addition of washing powder.
  • Dirty items should not be stored for a long time, as dark spots and stains may form on them.
  • Clothing with metal fittings should not be soaked in hot water. The temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.
  • Before you begin the processing process, you need to read the labels on the clothes. If they have a triangle crossed out by two lines, it is prohibited to bleach this item.
  • “Whiteness” and other aggressive chemicals are allowed to be used only in rare cases.
  • Between bleaching procedures, it is advisable to take a break and wash 3-4 times with the addition of simple washing powder or using laundry soap.
  • If the fabric has stains from rust, it should be washed separately from other items, as the stains may move.

Good chemical and folk remedies for washing from available ingredients
It is not easy to determine which bleach is better: a product made from affordable ingredients, or an expensive product from a store. It all depends on the quality of the material and the complexity of the contamination. To get crystal clear linen, you don’t have to buy expensive products. However, for valuable materials, special powders or solutions are better suited. There are many techniques available to help you make things shine.

Types and purpose

All bleaches are divided into 3 groups. The classification is based on the active substance.


The main active ingredient in all chlorine bleaches is the inorganic substance sodium hypochlorite. It has strong antimicrobial and oxidizing properties.

Chlorine bleaches are aggressive and work well in the temperature range of 40-60 °C.

They are used to remove stains on items made of cotton, polyester, linen, viscose and bleaching. With frequent use, the fibers lose strength. This type of bleach is not suitable for laundry made from delicate fabrics.


They remove dirt gently and delicately, so the range of applications is unlimited. Oxygen bleaches (gels, powders) are used for washing white and colored laundry; they do not affect the structure of the fabric, do not cause allergies, and are effective at temperatures of 60-90 °C. Pros:

  • can be used in conjunction with conventional powders;
  • suitable for all types of washing;
  • disinfected.


They do not have a negative effect on the fabric and do not remove dirt. The action of optical brighteners is similar to the action of blueing. They work as fluorescent dyes. The smallest particles settle on the fibers, reflect ultraviolet radiation, this creates a visual effect of whiteness. Many washing powders for white laundry contain optical brighteners, the most popular:

  • "MYTH 3 in 1";
  • Dosia;
  • Dr. Beckmann.

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Professional whitening products

If homemade and affordable products do not cope with the task of whitening, then the necessary household chemicals can be found on store shelves; today the range of this group of products is wide, differing in composition, shape, type and, of course, price.

Bleach is a special laundry detergent that removes stains from clothes and returns them to their whiteness.

The product reacts chemically with dirt, destroys stains and removes them from clothes, and brightens white clothes.

Types of bleaches on store shelves

You have to choose among household chemicals that contain chlorine, oxygen, or optical brighteners.

Chlorine bleaches contain sodium hypochlorite, which brightens fabrics and is often used in detergents. This type has its advantages:

  • almost instant and well-pronounced whitening effect;
  • obvious disinfectant effect.

The effect produced is the result of the oxidation process. It is worth remembering that chlorine options have a specific odor.

Use chlorine bleach with caution, as in large quantities it can cause irritation to the eyes, mucous membranes and respiratory tract. They are dangerous not only for humans, but can also damage fabric fibers.

Another disadvantage is that you need to work with them carefully, carefully observe the dosage, do not use for colored fabrics and clothes with a pattern, use only for hand washing and work with rubber gloves.

Chlorine bleach is often available in liquid form, but can sometimes be found in powder and spray form.

Important! Do not use chlorine bleach in washing machines as this may cause corrosion on metal parts.

Safer, but no less effective products include oxygen bleaches. They can be used for washing in automatic machines or for hand washing; they do not cause allergic reactions. They are oxygen-based and therefore can be used for white items, as well as those that have bright designs, prints and patterns.

As with chlorine bleach, the oxygen-based product must be added in doses, and if stains are removed, it must be applied to the stained area.

Oxygen bleaches are more expensive, but they are popular among housewives, they save time on bleaching things, and their use does not require additional soaking and boiling. On the shelves of household stores, such bleaches can be found in powder form or in the form of a concentrated liquid. Such products can be combined with other detergents.

Optical products contain reflective particles to mask contaminants. After using optical brightener, gray elements look more radiant. Products from this group can only be used on clean white items that have lost their freshness after several washes. The downside is that they are not suitable for clothing with colorful elements or patterns.

Optical brighteners added to laundry detergents convert invisible UV radiation into visible light through fluorescence.

They make things with a yellowish color (that absorb blue light) appear whiter (their reflected spectrum is “completed” by the missing blue part).

Optical brightener particles “stick” well to textile materials.

Criteria for choosing bleaches

  • safety;
  • efficiency;
  • volume (in order to save your household budget, you should choose bleaches in large packages; they are attractive in price and will last longer);
  • Release form - bleaches are available in various forms, those in stick or spray form allow you to precisely apply the product to stains and dirty areas.

Features of choosing bleach for children

When purchasing household chemicals with a bleaching effect for a small child’s clothes, it is safest to choose oxygen-based ones, because the child’s skin is especially susceptible to the harmful effects of chemical detergents and, consequently, allergic reactions.

Important! Regardless of what you use when washing or bleaching children's clothes, you need to rinse them thoroughly. This way, the risk of chemicals remaining on clothing can be minimized.

Useful tips on how to keep things white

Simple recommendations will help you keep things white:

  • When loading things into the washing machine, be sure to sort the clothes;
  • Wash light and dark items separately;
  • do not leave things dirty for a long time; old stains are more difficult to remove;
  • set the mode and water temperature when washing in the machine in accordance with the type of fabric;
  • Avoid frequent washing of items and do not dry them in direct sunlight.

How to use

"Whiteness" is the most common chlorine bleach. With its help, the whiteness of linen made from cotton, linen, and calico is restored:

  • pour cool water;
  • add “Whiteness” - 1 tbsp. l. for 5 l;
  • soak things for 20 minutes;
  • rinse;
  • send the laundry to the washing machine.

On items made of delicate fabric, yellowness, stains and gray stains are removed with oxygen bleaches. The consumption rate and method of application are indicated on the bottle (pack). When machine washing it is convenient to use gel.

It can be diluted with water and added to the compartment after the regular powder has been washed out of it.

Rules of application

Use the automatic white powder in accordance with the instructions given on the package.

All products intended for washing machines have low foam formation. This is achieved by using defoamers. Such powders are better rinsed during automatic processing and do not harm the washing machine itself.

Standard use for powders:

  1. The required amount of product (according to the instructions on the packaging) is poured into the machine’s cuvette, into the compartment for the main washing cycle.
  2. The mode is set.
  3. The heating temperature and other parameters are adjusted, if necessary.

Most white laundry detergents can handle higher temperatures than color detergents.

Brand rating

Below is a list of popular oxygen and chlorine bleaches. The rating is based on reviews from real customers.

Chirton Oxygen

The powder bleaches white and colored cotton, linen, and synthetics in warm water, and removes fresh stains. The product is universal (machine washable, hand washable), does not harm the skin, does not contain fragrances.

The powder bleaches white and colored cotton, linen, and synthetics in warm water, and removes fresh stains.


Can be used (soak, hand and machine wash) for colored and white laundry, adult and children's. Removes stubborn stains without harming delicate fabrics.

Washing Tone

The powder is intended for soaking and washing (machine, hand) white and colored laundry. Removes juice, grass, coffee, chocolate stains. Copes with yellowness and gray tint.


Biodegradable, safe for machine and hand washing. Synergetic refreshes and disinfects things, making them whiter.

"Eared Nanny"

The top best bleaches include a children's product for whitening products made from natural and synthetic fabrics. “Eared Nanny” works in cool water and removes traces of chocolate, fruit and vegetable purees.


The powder copes well with grayness, yellowness, fresh and old stains from wine, coffee, and berries.

Oxy Crystal

Suitable for any type of fabric (boiling, machine wash), works at high temperatures. The powder copes well with fresh contaminants of organic origin.

The powder copes well with fresh contaminants of organic origin.


Returns whiteness to linen, removing gray tint and yellowness. It works at high temperatures and does not help get rid of old, stubborn stains.

Vanish Oxi Action

The composition contains oxygen bleach - 5-15%. The product is used in two versions:

  • soak things for 2-3 hours in a solution: water - 4 l, bleach - 100 ml;
  • wash in an automatic machine, 100 ml of the product is placed in the drum along with the laundry.

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"Bos Plus"

Frequent use will damage the fabric. It is useless when removing old stains. "Bos Plus" is used for bleaching and washing white lace underwear.

Dr. Beckmann

An effective remedy for grayness and yellowness. Returns freshness to washed items. The powder is produced for hand washing and soaking white linen.


Removes the smell of sweat, has bactericidal properties, works in hot water (60 °C). Libi contains chlorine, so it cannot be used to wash delicate fabrics.

Libi contains chlorine, so it cannot be used to wash delicate fabrics.


When soaked, hand and machine washable, it easily copes with stains of any origin on white linen; it contains chlorine.


Inexpensive chlorine bleach with a strong odor. “Whiteness” is used for bleaching things made from natural materials, washing dishes, cat litter, and animal cages. The product is aggressive, so wash clothes with gloves.

The best brighteners for baby clothes

Bleach for children's clothes Ushasty Nyan

Rating: 4.9

Eared Nyan Bleach for baby clothes

Gold medalist is the most popular children's bleach, which is the leader in sales on the Russian market. It is designed for all types of washing and is effective at low water temperatures. The hypoallergenic composition does not cause irritation. The powder has been dermatologically tested and is recommended for use by pediatricians. Active oxygen and special bleaching activators return tissues to their original appearance.

The action is strong, but gentle. The fabric retains its quality, does not deform, and does not become covered with pills. The product easily removes stubborn stains from the life of newborns and older children. It is used independently or together with washing powder, reducing its consumption by 50%, while the result improves several times.

The products of the Russian brand are chosen by many parents who are convinced of their safety and effectiveness. Another important advantage is the low cost. Bleach restores color, eliminates odors, and makes laundry perfectly clean and fresh.


  • efficiency in cold water;
  • proven hypoallergenic;
  • neutralization of stains and odors;
  • gentle effect on fabric fibers;
  • affordable price.


  • not identified.

Bleach for baby clothes Mepsi

Rating: 4.8

Mepsi bleach for baby clothes

The second line is occupied by a product designed to care for children’s linen from birth. It does not contain chlorine or other aggressive chemical components, will not harm the baby’s health, and is absolutely safe for delicate sensitive skin. The composition is completely rinsable and does not form dust that irritates the respiratory tract and mucous membranes. The formula is based on natural soap and active oxygen, which pushes dirt out and makes caring for baby clothes simple and quick. It copes with any stains and odors, makes the fabric crystal white.

Using the product reduces powder consumption by half. Washing is possible by hand and in a machine at a temperature range from 30 to 90°C. With numerous cleanings, the linen retains its shape and quality. The structure of the fabric is protected from destruction, and the product itself is protected from deformation.

The eco-friendly product was appreciated by many parents. It really corresponds to the characteristics declared by the manufacturer. The product is economical and easy to use. The result completely satisfies consumers.


  • safety for newborns;
  • enhanced fabric protection system;
  • removal of stubborn contaminants;
  • reducing the powder dosage;
  • for washing at any temperature.


  • not identified.

Bleach for children's clothes Umka

Rating: 4.7

Umka Bleach for baby clothes

Third place is given to a soft, gentle bleach, which will make it easier to care for the baby’s laundry and allow parents to spend more time with it, rather than having to wash off stubborn stains. Dermatologists and pediatricians have confirmed the hypoallergenic composition. Active oxygen provides excellent results even in cold water. This allows you to maintain the shape and quality of products made from thin fabrics.

The product is used for manual and automatic washing alone or together with powder. It is completely rinsed and does not create dust. The product makes the material softer, it is easier to iron, and it looks like it was just purchased. It also neutralizes the static effect that is unpleasant for babies.

According to reviews, many mothers trust the product. It is effective and inexpensive, and meets the stated characteristics. The Russian product significantly reduces the recommended dosage of powder, enhances the effect, ensuring cleanliness after the first wash.


  • safe formula based on oxygen and soap;
  • removing stubborn stains;
  • return of purity and whiteness;
  • does not deform the product;
  • reducing the cost of one wash.


  • not identified.

Bleach-stain remover for children's linen Clean Home

Rating: 4.6

Clean Home Bleach-stain remover for children's laundry

The fourth is a product intended for synthetic and natural fabrics. It contains no phosphates and chlorine. The manufacturer guarantees safety for children of any age. Bleach removes yellowness, gray plaque, and copes with stubborn stains. It delicately cares for clothes, diapers, bedding, and prevents the destruction of fabric fibers. The product helps maintain the original appearance of new products, and completely restores the color and shape of old ones.

The Clean Home product takes care of the health of the child and mother. During washing, the composition does not irritate the skin of the hands, does not provoke allergic reactions on hypersensitive skin, does not dry out, and does not cause peeling. The gel consistency prevents dust from entering the air and completely dissolves in water.

Those who tried the product in practice were satisfied with the result. It is universal, created to care not only for textiles, but also for toys. The gel is convenient to use and has a low consumption rate.


  • environmentally friendly product;
  • for cleaning linen and toys;
  • removing stubborn stains;
  • restoration of whiteness;
  • comfortable use.

Home Remedies Recipes

The chemical composition of bleaches is cause for concern, so housewives choose soda, salt, lemon juice and other improvised means. They are used to prepare bleaching solutions for laundry.


This whitening solution is easy to make yourself. To make it you will need only 3 ingredients:

  • water - 3 l;
  • hydrogen peroxide - 250 ml;
  • lemon juice - 125 ml.

The solution must be poured into the tank of the machine. Wash linen as usual.


Oxygen is a solution for soaking white linen. It is prepared from warm water and hydrogen peroxide. For every 6 liters pour in 1 tbsp. l. The laundry is soaked for 30 minutes, then rinsed well.

Oxygen is a solution for soaking white linen.

With ammonia

Dirty things are soaked for 3 hours in water - 5 liters. Add soda to it - ½ tbsp., ammonia - 2 tbsp. l. After this, the laundry is rinsed and loaded into the machine. Wash as usual.

To snow-white through pink

Potassium permanganate crystals have a whitening effect. To soak laundry before washing, you need to make a solution:

  • warm water - 6 l;
  • regular washing powder - 1 tsp;
  • several crystals of potassium permanganate.

Things are soaked in rose water for 60 minutes, then washed.

Soap solution

Everyone knows about the effectiveness of laundry soap. It helps remove stains and dirt from white and colored laundry. The item is soaked in water, thoroughly soaped, soaked for 2 hours, and washed.

Soda for baby clothes

The conditions for using soda are simple. To soak baby clothes you need warm water. For every liter of liquid, add 1 tbsp. l. powder and pour in 1 tbsp. l. ammonia. Children's clothes are kept in a soda solution for 2 hours, then washed.

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Children's clothes are kept in a soda solution for 2 hours, then washed.

Salty approach

To remove yellowness from laundry, dissolve 3 tbsp in water. l. fine salt, add 3 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide, 1 tbsp. l. ammonia. Things return to white after 2 hours spent in salt water. After soaking, they are rinsed and washed.

Acid bleaching

Boric acid is used to prepare the bleaching solution. 2-3 tbsp is enough for the basin. l. facilities. Hot water is poured so that the acid crystals are completely dissolved.

The best stain remover sprays

A spray stain remover is much more convenient to use than a product in a bottle or in powder form. It is easy to apply to the item without removing it.

Udalix ultra, Faberlic and Dr. Beckmann "Deodorant and sweat"

Udalix is ​​used for all types of surfaces and copes with the most difficult stains - stains from wine, grease, mold, etc. Available in pencil, powder and spray form.

Faberlic can be used for children's things or upholstered furniture in a home where there are pets. The composition is completely harmless and based on natural ingredients. The volume of the bottle is 150 ml, but it lasts for a long time, because... 1-2 drops of the product are enough to remove dirt.

German brand Dr. Beckmann took care of the most common stains on clothes, which are left by sweat and deodorant. Before washing, you need to spray the stained areas several times and leave for a few minutes. The stain remover spray does an excellent job of removing yellow sweat stains even on white clothes, refreshes and does not corrode the color.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Housewives every day have questions about how to whiten synthetic linens and how to restore whiteness to items made from natural cotton.

What to use for synthetics

Synthetic items should be washed separately. To remove dirt and stains, soak in a bleach solution:

  • water - 10 l;
  • ammonia - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • hydrogen peroxide - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • liquid detergent.

The laundry is soaked for 30 minutes and rinsed.

How to bleach natural cotton

You can use a proven product to bleach linen made from cotton, calico, and linen. First, soap the items with 72% laundry soap, soak in cold water, then repeat the procedure, but use hot water.

You can use a proven product to bleach linen made from cotton, calico, and linen.

What are bleaching wipes

A convenient product for removing fresh stains. Wipes are not suitable for removing strong yellow stains and old stains. They come in 2 types:

  • for washing clothes;
  • against coloring - “color trap”.

The use of napkins is simple. They are placed in the drum of a washing machine or in a basin of water. Washing and rinsing are standard. To wash 5 kg of laundry, 1 piece is enough. Anti-staining wipes placed in the machine drum prevent accidental staining when washing white and colored laundry at the same time.

Can underwear be helped?

Underwear made from natural fabrics can be restored to white by soaking in warm water. The yellowness will go away in 15 minutes. You need to add to the basin:

  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • soda - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • washing powder - 1 tbsp.

Synergetic with active oxygen

Liquid bleach is saturated with active oxygen, which allows the product to quickly and effectively bleach dirty items. Bleach is suitable for items made from any type of fabric and removes yellowness and stains from laundry. The consistency of the product is liquid, but very concentrated, so half a cap is enough to whiten 2 kilograms of laundry. Bleach not only whitens things, but also reliably removes the smell of cigarettes or animals.


  1. High quality and whitening property;
  2. Eliminates odors;
  3. Can be used to whiten baby clothes;
  4. Does not cause irritation;
  5. The composition contains plant N-tensides.


  1. High price.
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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