TOP 7 best lip fillers: rating 2020, how to choose, pros and cons, reviews

Simple technique

Elena Popova Card index of lip exercises
Lip exercises

Keeping your lips in a smile. The teeth are not visible.

2. Proboscis (Tube).

Pulling the lips forward with a long tube.

The lips are in a smile, the teeth are closed in a natural bite and are visible.

The teeth are closed. The lips are rounded and slightly extended forward. The upper and lower incisors are visible.

5. Fence – Bagel. Smile - Proboscis.

Alternating lip positions.

The teeth are closed. The upper lip is raised and exposes the upper incisors.

Exercises to develop lip mobility

1. Biting and scratching first the upper and then the lower lip with your teeth.

2. Smile – Tube.

How to lift your upper lip so that your teeth are visible?

Pull your lips forward with a tube, then stretch your lips into a smile.

Move your lips extended like a tube left and right, and rotate them in a circle.

4. The fish talk.

Clap your lips together (make a dull sound).

5. Squeeze the upper lip by the nasolabial fold with the thumb and index fingers of one hand and the lower lip with two fingers of the other hand and stretch them up and down.

6. Pull your cheeks firmly inward, and then sharply open your mouth. It is necessary to ensure that when performing this exercise, the characteristic sound of a “kiss” is heard.

Stretch your lips, squeeze them so that your thumbs are under the lower lip, and all the rest are on the upper lip, and pull your lips forward as much as possible, massaging them and trying to imitate the beak of a duck.

8. Dissatisfied horse.

The flow of exhaled air is easily and actively sent to the lips until they begin to vibrate. The result is a sound similar to the snorting of a horse.

9. The mouth is wide open, the lips are drawn inside the mouth, pressing tightly against the teeth.

– puff out your cheeks strongly, holding air in your mouth with all your might,

– holding a pencil (plastic tube) with your lips, draw a circle (square,

- hold the gauze napkin with your lips - the adult tries to pull it out.

Exercises for lips and cheeks

How to lift your upper lip so that your teeth are visible?

1. Biting, patting and rubbing cheeks.

2. Well-fed hamster.

Inflate both cheeks, then inflate the cheeks alternately.

3. Hungry hamster.

4. Mouth closed. Hitting the puffed-out cheeks with your fist, causing the air to come out with force and noise.

Static exercises for the tongue

The mouth is wide open, the tongue lies quietly in the oral cavity.

The mouth is open, a wide, relaxed tongue rests on the lower lip.

The mouth is wide open. The anterior and lateral edges of the wide tongue are raised, but do not touch the teeth.

4. Needle (Arrow. Sting).

The mouth is open. The narrow, tense tongue is pushed forward.

5. Gorka (Pussy is angry).

The mouth is open. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, the back of the tongue is raised up.

The mouth is open. The lateral edges of the tongue are curved upward.

The mouth is open. Suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth.

Dynamic exercises for the tongue.

1. Clock (Pendulum).

The mouth is slightly open. The lips are stretched into a smile. With the tip of the narrow tongue, alternately reach at the teacher’s count to the corners of the mouth.

The mouth is wide open. Push the narrow tongue forward and move it deep into the mouth.

The mouth is open. With a tense tongue, reach for the nose and chin, or the upper and lower incisors.

4. Football (Hide the candy).

Mouth closed. With a tense tongue, rest on one or the other cheek.

Mouth closed. Move your tongue in a circular motion between your lips and teeth.

The mouth is open. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, the lateral edges are pressed against the upper molars. The wide tongue rolls forward and retracts into the depths of the mouth.

Suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth and click your tongue. Click slowly and firmly, pulling the hyoid ligament.

The mouth is open. Suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Without lifting your tongue from the roof of your mouth, strongly pull down your lower jaw.

The mouth is open. Using the wide tip of the tongue, like a brush, we move from the upper incisors to the soft palate.

10. Delicious jam.

The mouth is open. Using a wide tongue, lick your upper lip and move your tongue deep into your mouth.

11. Let's lick our lips.

The mouth is slightly open. Lick first the upper, then the lower lip in a circle.

Exercises to develop mobility of the lower jaw

1. Cowardly little bird.

Open and close your mouth wide, so that the corners of your lips extend. The jaw drops approximately the width of two fingers. The “chick” tongue sits in the nest and does not protrude. The exercise is performed rhythmically.

On the count of “one” the jaw lowers, on “two” - the jaw moves to the right (the mouth is open, on the count of “three” - the jaw is lowered into place, on “four” - the jaw moves to the left, on “five” - the jaw is lowered, on “ six" - the jaw moves forward, at "seven" - the chin is in its usual comfortable position, the lips are closed. You need to do the exercise slowly and carefully, avoiding sudden movements.

3. Imitation of chewing with a closed and open mouth.

The jaw drops down with the tongue extending to the chin as much as possible.

The jaw drops down with the maximum extension of the tongue towards the chin and the mental pronunciation of the sounds a or e on a firm attack, more difficult - with a whispered pronunciation of these sounds.

The mouth is open. Imagine that there is a weight hanging on your chin that needs to be lifted up, while raising your chin and straining the muscles underneath it. Gradually close your mouth. Relax.

7. Place your hands on the table, fold your palms one on top of the other, rest your chin on your palms. Opening your mouth, press your chin onto your resisting palms. Relax.

8. Lower the jaw down while overcoming resistance (the adult holds his hand under the child’s jaw).

9. Open the mouth with the head tilted back, overcoming the resistance of the adult’s hand lying on the back of the child’s head.

Open your mouth wide and often and say: pa-pa-pa.

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (the distance between the teeth is two fingers);

eeeeeeeeeeeee (the distance between the teeth is one finger);

iiiiiiiiiiii (mouth slightly open).


Make sure that when pronouncing sounds, the mouth opening is sufficiently full.

Training the muscles of the pharynx and soft palate

We invite you to familiarize yourself with Dental Implantation in the Upper Jaw

1. Yawn with your mouth open and closed.

Yawn with a wide opening of the mouth and noisy intake of air.

2. Cough voluntarily.

It is good to clear your throat with your mouth wide open, clenching your fists forcefully.

Cough with your tongue hanging out.

3. Imitate gargling with your head thrown back.

Gargle with a heavy liquid (jelly, juice with pulp, kefir).

4. Swallow water in small portions (20 - 30 sips).

Swallow drops of water or juice.

5. Puff out your cheeks with your nose pinched.

6. Slowly pronounce the sounds k, g, t, d.

8. Throw your head back while overcoming resistance. The adult holds his hand on the back of the child's head.

Lower your head overcoming resistance. The adult holds his hand on the child's forehead.

Throw back and lower your head while pressing firmly with your chin on the fists of both hands.

9. Pull your tongue towards your chin and pull it into your mouth against resistance. The adult tries to keep the child's tongue out of the mouth.

10. Pronounce the vowel sounds a, e, i, o, u on a solid attack.

11. Say, holding the tip of the protruding tongue with your fingers, i-a. The sound “i” is separated from the sound “a” by a pause.

12. Inflate rubber toys and blow soap bubbles.

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If a person’s lips are very thin, it is possible to make them plumper by introducing a special gel.

Plump lips will cover the gum tissue, thus solving the aesthetic problem of a high smile.

Lips, like all other parts of the human body, are filled with muscles that contract during eating, talking, and expressing emotions. Therefore, like the rest of the muscles of the body, the labial muscles can and should be trained. Gymnastics is simple and does not require much time or money.

Let's look at the most popular exercises for increasing lip volume and improving their shape:

  • Whistling. It is useful to whistle melodies with your lips every day at any free time. This is a great exercise that will tone their muscles and lift their spirits.
  • Demonstration of language. The muscles of the tongue and mouth are inextricably linked. Therefore, it is beneficial for your lips to open your mouth slightly and stick your tongue out as far as possible. It should be held in this position for about five seconds. In total, the exercise is repeated up to ten times in a row.
  • Dandelion . This exercise is similar to the manipulations we perform when trying to blow away a dandelion. At the same time, try to intensively inflate and deflate your cheeks. Repeat the exercise at least five times in a row.
  • Fish. To do this exercise, purse your lips and try to smile while stretching your mouth. Repeat the manipulation 12-15 times in a row.
  • Howl. This exercise is quite unusual, since it should be accompanied by a prolonged howl, like a wolf's. Stretch your lips and try to make each sound as long as possible. The exercise should be performed for about five minutes.
  • Circles. Imagine that you have a brush between your lips. Using an imaginary tool, draw circles in the air clockwise and counterclockwise. Repeat the exercise for three to five minutes.
  • Lip biting. Light biting perfectly improves blood flow. At the same time, avoid strong bites that are accompanied by pain. The duration of the exercise is two minutes.
  • Lip stretching. Pull them forward as far as possible and hold in this position for about 15 seconds. After a short break, repeat the exercise. Do 4-5 approaches in total.
  • Pushing out a pencil. The lips should be compressed tightly and pushed forward as much as possible. Place a pencil against your tense mouth, which should provide resistance. Push out the attached instrument with your lips. Repeat the exercise in two or three sets for 7-10 seconds.
  • Holding a pencil. Insert the pencil between your lips without holding it with your teeth. Try to hold it suspended in a horizontal position for as long as possible using the force of your lips.
  • Kiss. Connect your lips in the shape of a kiss and rotate them from side to side, trying to draw an imaginary figure eight. You need to “draw” at least twenty eights, and then give your lips a rest. If possible, the exercise can be repeated.
  • Lipstick . Imagine that you have put on lipstick and are now smearing it. Do the exercise for about thirty seconds. After this, relax your mouth and roll your lips inward so that they are not visible. Hold them in this position for about twenty seconds.

Exercises to enlarge lips

Exercises to enlarge lips

Gymnastics to enlarge lips should occur several times a day, but without fanaticism. A few minutes before bed and in the morning after waking up are enough. You can even practice during the day without interrupting your main activities - over time, this will turn into a habit and your mouth will begin to train independently of its owner.

Important! You shouldn’t stop at just one exercise – an integrated approach will give you better results. You can choose several movements for the mouth, but it is better to carry them out chaotically.

At first, perform each movement about 10 times, increasing their number over time. If you feel tightness or slight discomfort, you should not stop training your mouth - everything is fine, the muscles are simply not accustomed to such loads.

Gymnastics for the upper lip

When might you need upper lip augmentation? This is usually of interest to girls whose lower lip is juicy and plump, but whose nature is stingy with their upper lip. There are two ways to correct the defect - go to a cosmetologist for hyaluronic acid injections or resort to a simple exercise.

Carrying out an exercise to “stretch” the upper lip:

  1. Open your teeth.
  2. Use your fingers to grab the upper lip and pull it forward.
  3. Strain the muscles of your mouth, trying to return your lip to its place.
  4. Repeat at least 15-20 times.

Important! It is necessary to strain the muscle tissue, and not just twist the unsatisfactorily shaped parts of the mouth with your fingers. If this is not done, the results will not be noticeable even after 1-3 months.

Exercises for volume of sponges

You can achieve a lot with regular exercises to enlarge your lips, but you will need to perform a whole range of movements to achieve this.


  1. Pull the sponges into a long, even tube.
  2. Without breaking the created shape, try to open your mouth.
  3. The movements resemble the “talk” of a fish.
  4. Repeat 10-12 times.

We smile:

  1. Relax your lips.
  2. Close them and try to smile, pulling your fingertips towards your mouth in different directions.
  3. Press your lips tightly against your teeth (you’ll get something like a smile, only with your lips hidden).
  4. Move your mouth to the sides several times without breaking the “smile.”

Applying lipstick:

  1. Close your lips as if preparing to apply lipstick.
  2. Use your finger as lipstick to “paint” your lips, applying a little force.
  3. This exercise will help activate blood flow, which is important for creating juicy lips.


  1. Extend your pursed lips forward.
  2. Draw a perfect infinity sign.
  3. Number of exercises – at least 10.

Let's whistle:

  1. Extend your mouth as if to whistle.
  2. Blow air slowly but forcefully, while simultaneously tensing the muscles of your cheeks.
  3. Repeat for 2-4 minutes.

It is not necessary to reproduce all the movements in one lesson; you can combine them.

Exercises for outline brightness

It often happens that nature has not been stingy, and the lips have the necessary swelling, but the contours are blurred and inexpressive. Here, too, you can’t do without exercises that will not only correct shortcomings, but also make your lips stand out, attracting attention.

Let's remember the alphabet:

  1. Pronounce vowels, while trying to make expressive movements with your mouth.
  2. Pronounce each letter 10-15 times.
  3. Alternate the complex with other exercises, but be sure to repeat it at least three times.

Let's draw:

  1. Close your lips with a short but tight tube.
  2. Insert a regular pencil into this tube.
  3. “Draw”, trying to move the pencil in different directions, forward and backward, to reproduce different letters.

Helpful advice! You don’t need to stop only at these movements - you can use any exercises that can enlarge your lips - they also affect the contours at the same time.

Watch a video about effective lip augmentation exercises:

Gingivectomy is a dental or surgical method for correcting high gums.

The gingivectomy method is indicated for conditions where there is too much gum above the upper teeth. As a result, it covers a very large part of the teeth, as if hanging over them, which forms a visual gummy smile.

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A gummy smile, or gummy smile (as well as a high gum, horse or dog smile, high smile) is excessive exposure of the gums when a person smiles, talks, or expresses some emotions. This feature creates the feeling that the upper jaw protrudes far forward than the lower jaw - in some cases this is the case when this is the result of malocclusion or congenital pathologies in the formation of the jaws.

Speech therapy correction of a gummy smile

The method is indicated for insignificant visualization of the gums, or for excessive facial expressions of the patient, hypermobility of the lips.

The correction process is carried out with a speech therapist who teaches a person to correctly pronounce sounds and words, control his speech apparatus while talking or smiling.

Excellent results are achieved by performing certain exercises regularly. In the future, the person simply automatically controls the movement of his lips, stopping the upper lip in the correct position, which allows him to achieve an excellent aesthetic effect without any intervention in the tissue.

The method of speech therapy correction perfectly complements other methods from our list. It is suitable for most people who want to correct a high type of smile.

But without constant self-control and regular exercise, you may not get results.

Tips for choosing

We have provided some advice on choosing from experts:

  1. Fillers with hyaluronic acid are removed from the body 6 months after the procedure, but the effect is noticeable almost immediately.
  2. Preparations containing lidocaine have an analgesic effect.
  3. Before purchasing, check the effect and check if it meets your requirements.
  4. Fillers based on hyaluronic acid are considered the safest and most natural.

Symptoms of a gummy smile – is there a problem?

It is worth noting that a gummy smile in itself is not a pathology, it does not in any way affect the health of the teeth, and does not have a negative impact on the process of chewing and digestion.

But many owners of this feature, most of them women, want to get rid of it, make their face more harmonious, because with such visualization it is sometimes visible, for example, that the teeth are dentures, the color of the gums has changed to bluish, yellowish or purple, the gums are affected by periodontal disease. In this case, we are talking about smile aesthetics, which can be achieved by several types of correction.

If a gummy type of smile is the result of improper formation of the dentition, deformation of not only the teeth, but also the bone tissue of the jaws, the help of an orthodontist is required.

How to lift your upper lip so that your teeth are visible?

This method may include several types of orthodontic correction, depending on the type and degree of pathology, the age of the patient, and the presence of other pathological conditions.

Most often, orthodontic correction consists of straightening the teeth through long-term wearing of braces.

Reliable preparations for biorevitalization

Biorevitalization is performed using fortified and mineralized hyaluronic acid. The only disadvantage of the procedure is its high cost, compared to traditional methods of lip augmentation. Below are some drugs used for the procedure in question:

  • Ammi filler is a very worthy, highly concentrated Korean product, often used in contouring. Beauty injections are also made based on it.
  • Replery. A Russian drug that is used both for biorevitalization and mesotherapy. Contains hyaluronic acid, saline solution.
  • Hilpaer. Manufacturer – Russia. The medicine is rich in vitamins and organic acids. It is able to cope with sagging skin, improve the contour of the face, and add missing volume to the lips.

By the way, there are other, no less effective means of lip augmentation (for example, Ial-System, Hafiller Derm, Meso-Warton). A qualified doctor can explain the advantages and disadvantages of each drug.

Gingivectomy is a dental or surgical method for correcting high gums.

On the websites of popular online stores you can see products and devices for lip augmentation, ranging from false mechanisms with different functions to primitive things like a silicone pad or bottle neck.

Each of these methods gives a short-term effect, so you don’t need to rely only on them. If you combine them with regular lip exercises and the use of ointments, you can achieve a good effect.

In the vast majority of cases, high gums when smiling are the result of individual developmental characteristics of the maxillofacial region of a person, which are formed in utero.

  • Abnormal growth of the maxillofacial apparatus in infancy and childhood under the influence of various negative factors.
  • Formation of malocclusion in a child.
  • Irregular growth of teeth, their severe curvature and protrusion.
  • Very short and thin upper lip.
  • Shortening of the upper frenulum that was not corrected in time.
  • Disproportionately small incisors on the upper jaw.
  • Greater mobility of the upper lip.
  • Spastic conditions in this area.

In case of hypermobility of the upper lip, excessive facial expressions of the patient, when they cause the visualization of the gums when smiling and talking, there is an excellent method for correcting the condition - Botox injections, which relax the active muscles of this area and help reduce their mobility.

Treatment is achieved by administering bolutoxin type A (Botox and Dysport, popular drugs in cosmetology).

A gummy smile is a feature that causes real discomfort during communication and does not in any way affect the functionality of the oral cavity. It is because of this that some patients are embarrassed to smile. Knowing how to improve the situation will help you gain confidence and joy.

How is the procedure done?

Here we will tell you how the procedure will take place, what needs to be done in preparation for it and subsequently.

First, we will look at preparing for the process of introducing fillers. The day before the session, you should give up all types of painkillers, they reduce blood clotting and lead to bruising.

In addition, it is necessary to do a test for an allergic reaction to the drug. Do not forget to warn your cosmetologist if you have any contraindications or intolerance to any components.

The volumes of administered drugs depend on the goals. If you want to correct your lips and give your lips a beautiful contour, then no more than 0.5-0.7 ml is injected. And if you want to enlarge your lips, give them volume, then use 0.8-1 ml.

Immediately after, the areas where the injections were given are treated with an antiseptic and a cream with a calming effect. In the first days, try to influence your lips less, physically and thermally. That is, smile, laugh, kiss less, do not touch with your hands, massage, refuse to visit saunas, swimming pools, alcoholic beverages, spicy and hot food. After all, the injection area needs time to heal.

If there is any discomfort or pain at the injection site, consult a specialist.

How to enlarge lips using cosmetic techniques

Exercises using a vacuum massager to increase lip volume are a healthy alternative to injections. Also, a vacuum allows you to achieve faster results than simple workouts without a simulator. The device can not only increase the volume of your lips, but also eliminate wrinkles present in this area and stimulate the formation of collagen fibers. The vacuum creates a pressure difference in the device, which improves blood microflow in the lip area. The latter become fuller and acquire a bright shade.

The vacuum simulator can have different shapes. But the basis of any device is the principle of intense rarefaction of the air inside, under the influence of which the flow of blood to the mouth area increases and the lips can increase up to 50% in volume.

The vacuum device has a number of advantages: it is painless, does not have harmful consequences, allows you to achieve quick results, and has an affordable price.

Among the disadvantages is the relatively short period of increasing lip volume. However, the rejuvenating effect tends to accumulate.

How to lift your upper lip so that your teeth are visible?

Before enlarging your lips with exercises with a vacuum massager, carefully read the instructions for your specific device. However, the essence of training does not change depending on the type of simulator.

The approximate exercise scheme is as follows:

  1. Before starting the procedure, lubricate your lips with hygienic lipstick or moisturizer.
  2. Bring the device to your lips and press it firmly against your skin.
  3. To create a vacuum inside the machine, slowly pull out the piston.
  4. Hold the pump at maximum vacuum for several seconds in a row, then slowly return it to its original position.
  5. Repeat the procedure about five times with pauses of 3-5 seconds.

To achieve a lasting increase in lip volume, the vacuum trainer should be used regularly. Try to adhere to this gymnastics scheme for plump lips:

  • For the first two weeks, use the device twice a day for 20 seconds. The swelling effect will last for about 12-24 hours.
  • For the next week, use the machine three to five times a day for five seconds.
  • Next, use the device once a day for five seconds, and the result will last for several days.

It is not recommended to use a vacuum trainer if you have injuries in the mouth area or herpes rashes. Carefully monitor the timing of the procedure. Exposure to a vacuum for too long can cause bruising or damage to the skin. It is best to use a vacuum trainer before important events. In this case, you will achieve an excellent effect and will not damage your lips.

You can visually enlarge them with the help of decorative cosmetics. Try some simple tricks to help make your lips look fuller:

  1. Using a pencil, outline the contour of your lips, slightly adjusting the shape. It’s okay to deviate a little from the natural contour, but you can’t go too far beyond it unless you want to look like a clown. The shade of the pencil should match the color of the lipstick or be half a tone darker.
  2. Using a white cosmetic pencil, draw a line above the upper lip that follows its contour and blend thoroughly. Next, apply gloss or light-colored lipstick. Instead of a pencil, you can use a highlighter.
  3. Remember that glossy lipsticks and glosses add more volume to your lips. If you are using matte or satin lipstick, you can apply a little colorless gloss on top of it.
  4. Master the amber lip technique. To achieve this effect, place a darker shade of lipstick in the corners and along the contour, and a lighter shade in the center. Borders are carefully shaded. This technique will help add visual volume to your lips.

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Rubbing your lips with herbal cubes from the refrigerator can also have a positive effect on your shape. But you should not get carried away with the procedure, since cooling can cause redness along the contour, after which the skin will begin to peel off. Therefore, cosmetologists advise alternating rubbing with ice with masks.

How to lift your upper lip so that your teeth are visible?

A decoction of oak bark and corn cobs smooths out wrinkles. After freezing it, you can rub it along the contour of your lips. A decoction of chamomile and horsetail is antibacterial and fills the skin with vitamins. You can also apply wiping with regular ice, which may also result in a slight swelling effect.

But as for how to raise your upper lip for a long time, here you need to work on your lips regularly and systematically, rubbing with ice cubes and doing exercises.

Folk remedies for lips

Simple recipes help achieve results, but sometimes their use can cause discomfort. Therefore, you should first read reviews and only after that try something on yourself.

According to reviews, one of the ways to lift the upper lip is to use pepper tincture. It is prepared as follows:

  1. Grind the hot red pepper (1 pod) in a blender along with the seeds.
  2. Add a little (1-2 drops) of iodine, then pour half a glass of hot water and let it brew for several hours.

To use, you need to moisten the napkin and apply it first to the upper and then to the lower lip for 20-25 seconds. Due to the local irritating effect, the effect appears quickly, but not everyone can withstand the discomfort from the burning sensation.

An alternative to this would be to mix pepper with petroleum jelly. The latter slightly softens and nourishes the lips due to its density and oily structure. There is no need to use pepper too often, because it provokes allergic reactions and wounds due to constant skin irritation.

beautiful lips

Ginger ointment with honey also adds swelling to the lips, but the burning sensation is not as strong as after pepper. The method of use is similar: apply crushed ginger, mixed with honey in equal proportions, to your lips and wait a few minutes. Then rinse with warm water. For a quick cosmetic effect, you can use toothpaste instead of honey; it will not only make your lips plump, but also add a little redness to them.

Surgical correction of the upper lip and upper frenulum

The surgical method consists of excision of a section of the mucous membrane on the inner surface of the upper lip and further attachment of the muscle fibers of the lip slightly lower than their original state.

If the cause of excessive visualization of the gums - and errors in eating and speaking - is a greatly shortened upper frenulum, which forms a dense cord and does not allow the upper lip to be lowered to the desired level, it is corrected.

After the surgical field has healed, the desired visual effect is achieved.

Comparison table of characteristics

In the table below we list the main characteristics of the products in question. By relating them to each other, it will be easier for you to choose fillers that meet your needs and are right for you.

Filler brand nameManufacturer countryEffect durationForm of production
SculptraFrance25 months1 bottle x 2ml
Belotero intenseGermanyfrom 9 months to 1 yeartransparent sterile viscous gel in a syringe
Princess FillerAustriafrom 6 months to a year1 capsule x 1 ml
Juvederm Ultra 2Francefrom 3 to 8 months1 syringe
Yvoire classicSouth Korea7-9 monthssyringe with clear gel
SurgidermFrancefrom 6 to 18 monthssyringes with gel
Restylane LippSwedenfrom six months to two yearssyringe with biogel

Additional recommendations to maintain results

If we decide on an interesting and promising experiment and enlarge our lips with gymnastics, to increase the results, be sure to do everything in front of the mirror, observing every movement. Their number must be increased gradually; heavy loads can lead to the opposite result.

With this they read: eyelash lifting.

Excessive tension and unusual movement can cause the thin skin on your lips to crack. To prevent this, be sure to apply colorless lipstick to your lips before starting a workout, and after exercising, remove it and moisturize your skin with warm honey.

How to choose a filler

Preparations for lip augmentation are synthetic and biological. The latter are safe and have a short-lasting effect. You should entrust the selection of filler to your cosmetologist or plastic surgeon.

The choice of filler largely depends on the following factors:

  1. injection technique;
  2. presence of cosmetic defects;
  3. list of contraindications;
  4. number of previous procedures to increase.

Today, preparations based on phosphorus and calcium and hyaluronic acid are especially popular. They have a minimum of side effects and take root well, actively retaining moisture. Some cosmetologists choose injections with collagen and polylactic acid.

It is prohibited to augment your lips with filler yourself. Even after a high-quality procedure, it is important to follow all the specialist’s recommendations.

To some, the prices for fillers seem exorbitant. Firstly, high cost is a subjective concept for every buyer, and secondly, the company’s assortment includes products that are quite affordable for girls with a modest budget.

All that remains is to choose the option you like. The rating of drugs that qualitatively correct the shape of the lips will help with this. Knowledge about modern fillers will be a significant advantage for an ordinary girl who comes for a consultation for the first time.

Why does a gummy smile appear?

In 90% of cases, a smile without teeth is diagnosed in childhood, the remaining 10% can be found in adult patients, but the causes will be recent injuries to the facial area or incorrectly performed plastic surgery.

In such cases, the mandibular and maxillary ganglia are affected, and the mouth opens and closes problematically. With this problem, the lips may rise too high in a smile; it seems that the patient is always smiling.

When correcting a cleft lip, the patient is still left with an uneven upper lip. The same situation can be observed with beauty injections; with certain disorders, the edge of the lip or its middle may be raised. The popular “forever smile” procedure, where women try to get rid of signs of aging and lift the “drooping” corners of the lips, can be accompanied by too much excision of muscle tissue, which also exposes the gums.

Other factors that lead to gums being visible when smiling are:

  • malocclusion;
  • disproportionate development of facial skeletal elements;
  • shortened upper lip;
  • insufficient height of the upper front teeth;
  • high upper jaw.

Impaired muscle activity of the upper lip can cause an anomaly. The contraction does not occur correctly, and when a child or adult smiles, the muscles pull the lip upward and the upper jaw can be seen exposed.

Correcting the situation is much easier in childhood.

The Best Collagen Lip Fillers

The filler is made from animal or human collagen. The result lasts about six months.


Rating: 4.9


The filler is produced by Artes Medical. Biogel has been used in Europe for more than 10 years. It has received approval from the US Department of Health. The main components are polymethyl methacrylate and bovine collagen. They help smooth out wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, and give volume to lips. The formula includes lidocaine to make the procedure painless.

The duration of the effect ranges from six months to five years. Pleased with the absence of sodium chloride in the composition, which provokes severe swelling. Reviews about the drug are mostly favorable. In rare cases, patients have developed allergies to animal collagen. Price – from 6000 rubles.


  • instant effect;
  • results up to several years;
  • speed of the procedure (about 15 minutes);
  • reasonable price;
  • ease of use;
  • proven safety.


  • There are no serious disadvantages.


Rating: 4.8

Cymetra filler is produced in the USA. Its main substance is produced from human donor tissue, carefully selected on the basis of allografts. The product is sold in powder form, which requires dissolution and is enclosed in a syringe. Cosmetologists note the high effectiveness of the filler, long-lasting and excellent effect. They claim that the material takes root well and eliminates the external signs of aging in the lip area.

As a result of the procedure, the regenerative process in the tissues is stimulated, its own collagen is produced, and the elasticity of the dermis is restored. Compared to other fillers on the market, Cymetra is an effective and affordable product with a minimal set of contraindications and side effects. The price of one dose is 5-6 thousand rubles.


  • adequate price;
  • thoughtful composition;
  • minimum side effects and prohibitions;
  • stimulation of own collagen;
  • tissue regeneration.


  • No.


Rating: 4.7


Unlike previous participants in the rating, Ziderm contains sodium chloride. This is the reason for frequent swelling after the procedure. The product contains animal collagen extracted from cow skin. The filler retains the result for 4-6 months. An improvement in the condition of the dermis is observed immediately after the injection.

The filler is actively used for insufficient lip volume and light superficial wrinkles. It has several contraindications, including open wounds, pregnancy and lactation, and the acute phase of chronic diseases. The cost range for the administration procedure is between 6500-15000 rubles. Ziderm is used in more than 35 countries.


  • acceptable durability;
  • instant results;
  • proven effectiveness;
  • plumps up lips and smoothes out fine wrinkles;
  • convenience of the procedure.


  • high risk of side effects;
  • The duration of the procedure is about 1 hour.

Effective treatments

Methods for eliminating the anomaly will depend on the cause of its development. Both corrective orthodontic devices and surgical intervention are used.

The following treatment options are possible:

  1. Correction of gum height. Either partial removal of gum tissue, gingivectomy, or restoration of its normal condition, gingivoplasty, is used.
  2. Bite correction. With the help of various orthodontic appliances, a normal relationship between the upper and lower jaws and the correct position of the teeth are achieved over time.
  3. Correction of muscle activity is achieved through surgery: muscle fibers are excised in several areas, which allows you to forget about the anomaly.
  4. Correcting the frenulum of the upper lip will lengthen it slightly.
  5. Botox. When Botox is injected into the nasolabial fold, the defect in appearance is corrected due to the fact that the nerve endings are blocked and the upper lip becomes less mobile.
  6. Lip augmentation using gel - beautiful lips hide the defect due to the volume that appears.

In extreme cases, when other manipulations do not bring sufficient effect, deficiencies will be corrected with the help of surgery of the facial bones. A maxillary osteotomy allows the teeth to be moved so that they are at a higher level.

Modern dentistry and plastic surgery in many cities, including Moscow, have developed sufficiently to relieve patients of most shortcomings; a gummy smile is no exception. The main thing is to contact us on time, so that there is an opportunity to correct the problem without major surgery.

Lip contouring procedure

Lip contouring with fillers is performed on an outpatient basis according to a standard algorithm.

  1. Application of light external anesthesia, which is designed to minimize pain.
  2. Injection of the selected drug subcutaneously into the correction area using a microneedle.
  3. Carrying out a light massage to evenly distribute the filler under the skin.

Immediately after the procedure, lips become fuller, moisturized, and beautiful. The slight swelling will go away in a few hours.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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