Why are the lips itchy on the face?

A fairly common problem in the intimate area in women is itching of the labia minora and majora. It becomes so intolerable that it significantly affects the quality of life. A woman cannot normally go about her business during the day and sleep at night. But this is not an isolated symptom. Most likely, the following will also join:

  • redness and swelling of the genitals;
  • the appearance of discharge with a specific, unpleasant odor;
  • cracks and small abrasions that occur due to mechanical impact on the external genitalia (a woman simply cannot help but itch “there”, since the sensations, frankly speaking, are hellish);
  • due to the presence of damage, pain and burning occurs during urination;
  • painful sexual contact.

In the normal state of the genitourinary area, in particular the external organs, there are a priori no such sensations. So what do these symptoms indicate? Why do the labia itch?

Causes of the phenomenon

Genital itching can indicate many problems in a woman’s body, including diseases of the genital area. But the reasons for this manifestation are very diverse. First, let's consider subjective factors that directly depend on the person and can be eliminated even before such a clinical picture appears, if you know about them.

  • First of all, treatment with some drugs is uncontrolled, independent, unjustified or inadequate. This group includes drugs that affect the microflora of the whole body (antibiotics, sulfonamides and some others). Very often, women resort to their imaginary “help”, based on previous experience of treatment that was once prescribed by a doctor. But even with the same disease, a person can be treated with different means at different periods of a person’s life. This must be taken into account and you must contact a specialist.
  • Using low-quality or unsuitable personal hygiene products. This includes toilet paper, pads, both for critical days and daily. If the use of pads during menstruation is not questioned, then “daily pads” are a disaster for the female body, according to all gynecologists without exception. Especially if they are changed less often than once every two hours. An environment favorable in all respects is created for the development of pathogenic and opportunistic microflora. Also, allergic reactions may occur to these products, especially with fragrances and impregnations.
  • Allergy to contraceptives, mostly condoms. They are coated with a special lubricant, which can cause both irritation and a more serious reaction in the body.
  • Tight synthetic underwear creates a “greenhouse effect” and bacteria “stand up and applaud” such careful treatment of them. The result is itching on the labia.
  • Frequent changes of sexual partners lead to disruption of the vaginal microflora, which causes discomfort. You can also note rough sex, during which microtraumas of the mucous membranes of the genital organs are possible, both inside and outside.
  • Poor or excessive genital hygiene. The Polish proverb is fully at work here: “Too much is not healthy.” Both infrequent hygiene procedures and too frequent ones, using aggressive products for intimate areas (radically affecting the pH of the skin) lead to an imbalance of microflora.
  • Depilation of the deep bikini area. The method and location of the procedure does not matter much. Individual characteristics of the body, skin sensitivity, and the presence of accompanying factors can provoke itching, even if the manipulation was not performed for the first time.

Now let's look at the objective factors (although if you look at them, they can be classified as conditionally subjective, since their presence entirely depends on an adequate response to the early manifestation of the problem).

  • changes in hormonal status (puberty, pregnancy, menopause, some hormonal pathologies, long-term use of hormonal contraception);
  • a small amount of vaginal lubrication - can occur both due to hormonal imbalances and as a physiological feature;
  • infectious pathologies transmitted through sexual contact without barrier contraception, sexually transmitted diseases;
  • fungal and bacterial infections of the mucous membranes of the genital organs;
  • metabolic disorders, weakened immunity;
  • stressful situations that arise regularly or prolonged stay in a state of psychological overstrain, prolonged depression;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs, gastrointestinal tract (especially accompanied by dysbiosis);
  • blood diseases and oncology.


Before a dermatologist makes an accurate diagnosis and prescribes treatment, a diagnosis is required. It includes a visual examination by a therapist, as well as medical tests.

A dermatologist or therapist should provide the results of blood tests for hormones, which are taken in the morning on an empty stomach (5-7 days after menstruation for women). You will also need to conduct a biochemical blood test, through which you can determine whether there is an inflammatory process in the body.

If the rash around the mouth looks like a scattering of small red pimples, causing the skin to take on a pinkish-red hue, your doctor may diagnose perioral dermatitis. With this disease, a symmetrical pattern is formed, but a free strip of healthy skin remains around the lips.

Pimples around the mouth

Itching without discharge

Itching in the labia minora and majora without discharge may indicate a pathology such as vulvodynia. This is a non-infectious disease, the nature of which is allergy or neuropathy.

Symptoms of the pathology are itching and pain in the intimate area, causing severe discomfort. Sensations arise out of nowhere, mainly in women of fertile age. The causes of the pathology are different: childbirth, abortion, rough sex, genital trauma. There is a high probability of this disease occurring due to stress or depression.

If the disease is caused by an allergen, it is important to find out its nature and eliminate its presence in everyday life. The itching will become less and eventually disappear altogether.

But often women with precisely this pathology require the help of not only a gynecologist, but also a psychotherapist or neurologist. Not only antihistamines, baths and local remedies for itching, but also antidepressants can be prescribed.

The meaning of signs for a girl

For the fair sex, itching on the lips has a completely different meaning than for men:

  • Itches on the left - there will be bad news;
  • Discomfort in both lips at once - you should wait to meet a nice guy who will hit on a lady. Also, this symptom can mean a bright adventure of a love nature. This event will be one of those incidents that remain in memory for a lifetime;
  • The right corner itches - a new day will bring good news;
  • The lower lip itches - there will be a meeting with one of the relatives. The girl will kiss this man in her own way.


Itching in the middle of the lip means failure in love and despondency caused by loneliness.

Itching with discharge

Due to changes in hormonal levels, unpleasant symptoms in the groin area such as itching and vaginal discharge may develop. The perineum itches, swells, and unpleasant-looking and smelling discharge appears. This phenomenon is observed in women during pregnancy, after childbirth during breastfeeding, in teenage girls at the stage of formation of the menstrual cycle and in women during menopause.

It is necessary to seek help even if the symptoms themselves begin to gradually disappear. It is necessary to find out the cause of the phenomenon and prescribe adequate treatment so as not to cause complications. This is especially important while expecting a baby, since a mother can infect her child, if not in the womb, then during birth.

Another serious pathology, which may be indicated by symptoms such as itching with discharge, is endometritis. In this condition, the walls of the uterus grow as the inflammatory process progresses. The labia majora swell and body temperature rises. The causes of this condition can be either banal inflammation or the presence of neoplasms, including cancer.

Itching, burning, swelling and the presence of discharge are also noted with the development of a number of pathologies. Their timely treatment will relieve a whole heap of problems. And for women of childbearing age, it will eliminate the risk of infertility.


Almost 80% of women at least once in their lives have encountered a symptom where the labia minora itch, so intensely that it is impossible to sit quietly. In addition, white discharge appears, reminiscent of sour milk or cottage cheese. The smell is appropriate - sour, unpleasant, sometimes with onion “notes”. This is candidiasis, or simply thrush.

The causative agent of the disease is a representative of the opportunistic flora, a fungus of the genus Candida. It lives in the body of almost every healthy woman, without causing her any trouble, but for the time being. And this time comes along with a decrease in the level of lactobacilli, which “play the first violin in the orchestra” of the microflora of the genital organs, the vagina in particular.

The following signs of pathology are also present:

  • burning and pain when urinating;
  • swelling of the labia minora and majora;
  • redness of the entire perineum, accompanied by unpleasant sensations;
  • the formation of plaque on the genitals, reminiscent of sour milk.

It is preferable to treat the disease at the initial stage, then you can get rid of it within 3-5 days. And you don’t need to believe the advertisements of ultra-modern and very effective drugs that promise relief in almost one use. Perhaps some of this is true. But if therapy is inadequate or incomplete, you can “jump” until the disease becomes chronic.


Most of the itching of the labia majora is caused by a herpetic infection. Small ones are also involved in the process, but it is the big ones who take the main and first “blow”.

All women face delicate problems in the intimate area. Sometimes their labia are very itchy, painful, or flaky. These conditions should not be ignored.

Why do the labia itch?

Conventionally, there are two main reasons that cause itching. The first is safe for women’s health. It is associated with third-party factors. This is irritation of delicate skin in response to poor-quality items, linen, and depilation.

The second group is disruptions in the functioning of the body. Itching is caused by gynecological pathologies, sexually transmitted diseases and diseases of the endocrine gland (diabetes mellitus).

Based on the pathology, women have pain and itching of the labia majora (external) or minor (inner) labia. In some cases, a burning sensation accompanies both the labia and the vulva.

When is itching safe?

Often, a burning sensation is caused by extraneous factors that do not cause serious harm to health. In these cases, itching is not accompanied by any additional symptoms (for example: no unusual discharge or pain when urinating).

The main causes of burning include:

  • Unsuccessful depilation of the bikini area - the outer labia not only itch, but can also swell. Sometimes a burning sensation appears a few days after hair removal. Hair begins to grow back and irritates delicate skin.
  • Poor-quality intimate area care products - if soap or gel causes an allergic reaction, you should discard them and take any antihistamine.
  • Synthetic underwear – a similar reaction is caused by wearing tight panties and frequent use of scented panty liners.
  • The outer labia swell during pregnancy - they become filled with blood, swell and cause mild itching.

A burning sensation can be the body’s reaction to stressful situations or manifest itself as an allergy to any irritant.

Which doctor should I contact?

A dermatologist will help identify the cause of itching of the upper and lower lips. He will prescribe a comprehensive diagnosis and find out the origins of the phenomenon that bothers you so much. Accurate diagnosis is the basis of competent treatment.

It is imperative to consult a doctor when, along with persistent inflammation and swelling, the body temperature rises. If reactions occur after using hyaluronic acid or drugs based on it, you need to contact your cosmetologist. He may decide to remove the injected filler.

If the allergic reaction is caused by insect bites, you can consult a general practitioner, and subsequently an allergist. This specialty has become quite common, since a large percentage of the population suffers from allergies.

Diseases of female organs

Vulvitis in diabetes mellitus

In this case, itching is one of the symptoms of gynecological diseases. The vaginal microflora includes beneficial microorganisms and opportunistic ones. Under favorable conditions (decreased immunity), bacteria begin to actively multiply, causing itching.

Common illnesses that cause burning include:

  • Vaginitis is a disease in which the lips and vagina become inflamed. Develops after an unsuccessful abortion, if the reproductive organs are injured, or as a result of a malfunction of the endocrine system. Women experience copious discharge with a pungent odor and impurities of pus.
  • Thrush – vaginal candidiasis occurs due to the active proliferation of Candida fungi. The disease develops with a persistent decrease in immunity (for example: after using antibiotics). Thrush is accompanied by striking symptoms: cheesy discharge, severe itching (lips major and minor are itchy), pain during and after sex, swelling and redness in the intimate area.
  • Vulvitis is an inflammation in which the upper labia swell. The infection is caused by staphylococci, streptococci or other microorganisms. The lips are red and itchy, women feel pain when emptying the bladder, and plaque is noticeable inside the labia majora.
  • Ganderellosis is a pathology characterized not only by a burning sensation, but also by discharge with a strong smell of rotten fish.
  • Acute period of endometriosis - this disease has an endocrine nature, but during the period of exacerbation, patients complain that their genitals are very itchy and bleeding is possible.
  • Leukoplakia is a pathology accompanied by the appearance of white plaques on the genitals.
  • Bartholinitis – the bartholinitis gland is located next to the vagina. When it becomes inflamed, the genitals suffer. The vagina, lips and clitoris become red and swollen. Purulent ulcers appear on the vulva. Possible pain during sex and urination.

Causes of redness in the corners of the lips in adults and children

If the corner of your lips turns red, this may indicate:

  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • depressed immunity;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic intestinal pathologies;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • damage to the oral cavity by yeast-like fungi or streptococcal infection.

The oral mucosa is characterized by increased sensitivity to the effects of negative factors.

Therefore, redness of the corners of the lips can also lead to:

  • frequent licking;
  • prolonged course of dental pathologies (caries, inflammation of periodontal tissue);
  • sudden change in climatic conditions;
  • negative environmental impacts (cold wind, heat, etc.);
  • incorrect bite, due to which the corners of the lips are damaged during a conversation.

Severe stress and prolonged use of hormonal and antibacterial drugs can lead to redness. Cheilitis also develops due to the action of allergens on the skin.

Venereal diseases

Itching accompanies most sexually transmitted diseases. Some of them are transmitted only through sexual contact, while others can be infected even by using the patient’s personal belongings.

Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases is prescribed only by a doctor (venereologist or gynecologist). Self-therapy will worsen the condition and can lead to infertility.

Trichomoniasis and gonorrhea

Severe burning is accompanied by copious discharge with serous-purulent contents and a pungent odor. In women, the labia, vulva and even the urethra hurt and swell.


The disease can be transmitted through household means. Additional symptoms: women have pain in the lower abdomen and perineum, and the amount of discharge increases greatly. Itching begins after urination and sexual intercourse. Similar symptoms are observed with ureaplasmosis.

By day of the week

When your lips begin to itch, you can decipher the sign by paying attention to the day of the week. This interpretation will be more accurate.


For girls, the day symbolizes traveling in the company of a lover or a man who is a potential partner. This period may bring improvement in your personal life.

Men need to prepare for an important dialogue with their superiors. It will lead to a promotion, an increase in wages or workload. The result depends on the man; concentration is required.


If it itches under the lower part of the lips, then there is a risk of a quarrel with a loved one. The sign warns of gossip spread by ill-wishers. Rumors can lead to a showdown.

A person’s behavior should be calm; aggression will aggravate disagreements. It is recommended to refute false information, treating the claims made with understanding.


To understand why a person’s upper lip itches on Wednesday, you should associate this day with a sexual mood. The powerful energy of midweek requires you to be more attentive to sexual relations.

Relief from itching

If unpleasant symptoms appear, consult a gynecologist. After making a diagnosis, he will tell you how to treat the disease. The treatment regimen is individual and depends on what microorganisms caused the disease, the general condition of the woman, contraindications and a number of other factors.

Most sexually transmitted infections are treated with penicillin or cephalosporin antibiotics. After recovery, itching and other symptoms disappear.

To treat gynecological diseases, suppositories, creams or other local therapy products are usually used. Sometimes doctors recommend that patients take antifungal tablets (for example, Fluconazole, Itraconazole). After treatment, the microflora of the vagina and intestines should be restored with the help of probiotics.

The treatment regimen for endocrine diseases is prescribed by an endocrinologist, based on the general well-being of the patient and the form of the disease.

During therapy, you should not have sex, avoid drinking alcohol and stick to a diet: limit fried, spicy and fatty foods, baked goods and sweets.

Therapeutic measures and prevention

The complex of medications is aimed at eliminating the source of inflammation. At the same time, the causes that caused the disease are also removed. Treatment is based on performing various procedures.


  1. Baths with tinctures of medicinal herbs: medicinal chamomile, St. John's wort flowers, calendula.
  2. The girl's external female organs are washed with solutions containing antiseptic compounds. Potassium permanganate and Furacilin are suitable.
  3. Sanitation of the area of ​​the internal vaginal cavity using special devices (irrigator).
  4. Anti-inflammatory drugs. Treatment with ointment and gel mixtures, use of suppositories, sedatives.
  5. The bacterial form requires the use of antibacterial compounds.
  6. Fungal forms are supplemented with local agents.
  7. Vulvovaginitis – surgical measures.
  8. Helminthic infestation is based on deworming.

To eliminate the possibility of inflammation development, a preventive set of measures is carried out. Children are taught to be neat from an early age. Carrying out basic hygiene procedures will guarantee cleanliness and the impossibility of penetration of viruses and microbes.

Hygiene is based on the usual care of sponges before going to bed after cleansing the intestines (defecation). Girls are taught to wash themselves so that the water does not flow into the body. Individual hygiene products are purchased for children: soap, washcloths, towels. They are taught to use only their own equipment. Change them, wash and dry them.

In addition to observing hygiene rules, girls are advised to be attentive to clothing and nutrition. Fabrics must be of high quality, loose and clean. Nutrition is balanced and healthy.

Following simple rules will allow you to avoid inflammation of the vagina and not find out what vulvitis is.

Why do my lips itch?

Lips are red, flaky and swollen. More than one of us has had to face such a situation. What could have caused this phenomenon, we will find out in this article. From it you will learn why your lips itch.

Preventive measures

Prevention will help reduce the risk of itching of the labia. However, this is not a panacea; in rare cases, these measures are powerless.

The main preventive measures include:

  • wearing underwear made from natural materials (linen or cotton). Even if you wear lace panties, the gusset should be made of cotton;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene, but do not overdo it with the use of care products, they can cause irritation;
  • use barrier methods of contraception, especially when having sex with a casual or unfamiliar partner;
  • Strengthen your immune system: balance your diet, drink mineral and vitamin complex regularly, eliminate bad habits.


Recently, unbearable itching began in an intimate place, the labia were swollen and red. For a couple of days I was embarrassed to go to the doctor, but it was impossible to endure any longer. The gynecologist examined me and took tests. It turned out that it was vulvitis. Now I'm getting treatment. The itching still continues, but not as severe.

I recently had thrush. My entire vaginal area was swollen, my labia and the crotch between my legs were itching. I inserted Diflucan suppositories, and within a day the burning sensation was gone.

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