Possible causes of swelling of the upper and lower lips

Associated symptoms

Symptoms can be mild or severe and indicate a number of possible causes. Common symptoms include the following:

  • Increased size (bloating)
  • Numbness
  • Pain
  • Density and dryness
  • Tingling, itching, inflammation
  • Redness and discoloration of the skin
  • Lip blisters and cracks
  • Purulent bumps or discharge
  • Fever, chills, stuffy or runny nose.

These are not the only symptoms. There are many others that depend on the underlying cause.

The child's upper lip is swollen. Child's lips are swollen

Girls, hello everyone. Tell me why a child’s lips may swell? 2 years old child. Red, swollen. They often swell during sleep. We suffer from bronchitis, we are treated with antibiotics “Flemoxin salutab”, inhalations “Berodual” and “Ambrobene”. We talked about lips to a pediatrician, even two. They throw up their hands, prescribe suprastin and that’s it. And yesterday my lip was also cracked and swollen. I myself have been sick for a month and a half, I took a culture test - Staphylococcus aureus, apparently my daughter brought it from the garden too. Could this be from him? Now we’ll get everything done, tests, until this culture is ready.



The child's upper lip is swollen. Child's lips are swollen

Gynecological massage - fantastic effect?

Irina Shirokova published an article in Gynecology,

Have you heard about such a medical procedure as gynecological massage? It is considered quite common to massage sore muscles of the head, legs, and back. It would seem quite logical to resort to massage for “female” pain, because muscle tissue is also present in the genitals.


Injuries and surgeries

Lip Trauma
The most common causes of a swollen upper lip are trauma and surgery, which include blunt force trauma, surgery, dental procedures, lip piercings, biting, kissing, burns (such as hot food), braces injuries, injections, Botox, gaming. on musical instruments, etc. d.


Allergic reaction manifested as aneuretic edema
Allergic reactions are another common cause of swollen lips. Can be triggered by various allergens, such as food, latex, certain medications, pet dander, various lip care products, etc. Allergies may also be accompanied by additional symptoms such as swollen face or eyes, watery eyes, runny nose and etc.

For example, if your upper lip swells after eating a certain food, you may be allergic to some product. One must get proper treatment and avoid consuming this food.

Infections of the mouth and lips

Ulcers on the lip mucosa with stomatitis can cause swelling

Herpes simplex virus - painful blisters are a characteristic symptom.
Stomatitis, herpes simplex type 1, wounds and sores, cheilitis, and other infections can cause swelling.

Acne and pimples

An inflammatory reaction around a pimple can cause a
swollen lip. Having acne (pimples) can also cause swelling of the lip, both lower and upper, especially if you have cystic acne, which tends to be larger and more painful.

Sunburn and weather conditions

Blisters on Lips from Sunburn
Exposure to too much sunlight can cause not only swollen lips, but also chapped or blistered lips. Similarly, exposure to very dry, windy and cold weather conditions can be dangerous and can negatively impact your lips and lead to puffiness.

Swelling of the lips against the background of urticaria

The cause of swelling on the upper lip can be when urticaria is present on the body. This is a fairly serious allergic reaction, “a skin disease characterized by the rapid appearance of intensely itchy, flat, raised, pale pink blisters, similar in appearance to nettle sting blisters” [Wikipedia]. It can occur on any part of the body, including the lips.

Other reasons

There are other causes, such as ingrown hairs, abscess, especially after piercing, eczema, myxedema, lip cancer, organ failure, blood transfusion reactions, herpetic sore throats and many others.


Only a clear definition of the cause and extent of the disorder itself will allow the doctor to prescribe the most effective and correct treatment. A doctor's advice on what to do if your lips are swollen will help you quickly restore their shape and return to full functionality.

Even before prescribing any medications, the damaged area of ​​skin should be treated with an antiseptic, such as hydrogen peroxide. If there are painful wounds inside or outside, they should be cauterized with iodine. All further therapeutic methods are carried out in accordance with the established cause of the disease.

  1. Bruise or injury. During the first minutes, apply ice wrapped in a napkin or a piece of clean cotton cloth to the hematoma that forms. Keep the ice for no longer than 15 minutes to avoid causing hypothermia. Instead of ice, you can use a bottle of cold water. Alternatively, the doctor may recommend the use of pharmaceutical bodyagi, for example, in the form of a powder, which must be diluted with water according to the instructions, and then applied as a compress to the damaged area.
  2. Allergy. First you need to find out what exactly was the allergen and completely eliminate its impact. This can be not only pollen or a food product, but also medicine and substances that are used in cosmetology. As an antihistamine, the doctor may recommend taking Claritin, Suprastin or Diazolin.
  3. Inflammation. If the tumor occurs after dental work, the pathology itself should be treated by a professional dentist or surgeon, who will not only detect the mistake, but also correct it. Treatment in such cases should be immediate, since the accumulating purulent discharge can enter the brain and lead to death. Any rinsing or washing of the oral cavity in such cases is considered ineffective, since the discharge accumulates inside the periosteum or jaw. If there are open wounds, an antiseptic must be used, for example, Miramistin, Actovegin or Chlorhexidine. At home, pharmaceutical medications can be replaced with tea tree essential oil.

  4. Lip tattoo procedure. Treatment methods for non-compliance with lip care rules after the procedure itself consist of maximum protection of the wounds from infection. If swelling does not go away within 4-6 days, there is a risk of contracting herpes viruses or fungal infections. Therapy in such cases is prescribed exclusively by a doctor and requires strict adherence to all the specialist’s recommendations on the part of the patient. Additionally, you may need to stop eating and smoking.
  5. Infection. If the disease is accompanied by pain, discomfort and the presence of ulcerative wounds on the mucous membrane, the patient must be prescribed antiviral medications, for example, Arbidol, Tamiflu or Vibrukol. If you have herpes, then it will be more effective to use Gerpevir, Acik or Acyclovir ointments, the effect of which is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process and drying out the wounds. For a bacterial type of infection, treatment of purulent wounds with Levomycetin, Ichthyol ointment or Akriderm may be prescribed.
  6. Stomatitis. For stomatitis, a diet must be prescribed with a complete abstinence from hot and spicy foods, as well as alcoholic beverages. Among painkillers, Dentinox-gel, Kamistad or Kalgel may be recommended. Depending on the cause of the disease, antifungal or antiviral drugs, as well as antibiotics with a predetermined duration of the treatment course, may be prescribed.

Sudden swelling of the upper lip

Sudden swelling of the upper lip in a child
The main culprit for sudden swelling of the upper or lower lip is an allergic reaction to various ingredients, including lip care products (such as lip gloss, lipsticks or balms), food allergies, latex allergies, certain medications and pet hair, as well as other allergens.

If your lower or upper lip is suddenly swollen for no apparent reason and there have been no insect bites, try taking antihistamines.

My lip pouted, what should I do? What to do if your upper lip is swollen?

In order to best protect yourself in the future from such discomfort as swelling of the upper lip, you should heed some recommendations and adhere to them:

  • If you are in nature, you should protect yourself and your loved ones from bites of various insects and mosquitoes using special means.
  • If there is swelling of the upper lip (and if it is accompanied by pain), do not delay visiting the doctor so as not to worsen the situation.
  • Try to get rid of bad habits.

But still, what to do if your upper lip is swollen? Any disease takes a person by surprise. A thrifty patient has in his first aid kit tools that can provide assistance in each specific case. But if this is not the case, then before seeking advice from a doctor, you can use available means to alleviate the pathology.

To do this, you can turn to the old, proven advice of our ancestors:

  • You can use aloe juice. For maximum effectiveness, you must use a plant that is at least three years old. Grind the leaf, extract the juice, moisten a cotton swab in it and apply it to the disturbing area for 15 - 20 minutes.
  • Get a paste-like scrub by adding a small amount of water to baking soda. Then apply it to the disturbing area. After leaving for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Make a mixture of equal proportions of Fuller's earth and turmeric, and use water to bring it to the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the medicine to the swelling, hold for about 20 minutes, then wash with warm water.
  • Apply a thin layer of honey to a cotton swab. Keep this compress for 20 minutes, then cool. Perform the procedure several times.
  • You can also use a regular tea bag and hold it as a compress on the sore spot. First, the bag should be immersed in warm water for a few minutes, then squeezed lightly and you can use it.

Treating Herpes Virus Symptoms

The problem that herpes can cause swelling of the lips and cheeks is quite common, so when asked how to relieve such swelling, there is far more than one answer. In addition, many folk remedies have been invented to combat this disease.


There are several types of such drugs: tablets and ointments. If the lip is swollen due to herpes, the second option is most often used. Since in this case additional consultation with a doctor is rarely required, the instructions contained inside the drug package are sufficient. From it you can learn about all the contraindications, as well as the correct method of use for swollen cheeks or other areas of the face from herpes. However, if the lip is swollen quite extensively, you should consult a doctor and take additional medications orally. External ointments are often used:

  1. Zovirax. Apply directly to the affected area 4-6 times a day. If you apply this ointment when the first symptoms appear, its healing effect will be much stronger. In this case, most likely, the patient’s lip does not even swell;
  2. When the lip is swollen due to herpes, Flucinar is often prescribed. Eliminates not only the swelling itself, but also relieves the patient from itching and inflammation. Use 1-2 times a day (depending on severity) for a week.
  3. Acyclovir. This is a specialized antiviral medication that prevents the multiplication of the disease-causing virus in cells. Available in several forms - ointment and tablets. Application schemes are as follows:
  • Pills. 5 times a day with equal time intervals, 200 mg, food intake does not matter.
  • Ointment. 5 times a day.

In addition, the following drugs are no less popular if the lip is swollen due to herpes:

  • Gerpevir;
  • Valacyclovir;
  • Fenistil Pentsivir;
  • Penciclovir;
  • Oksolin.


A lot of remedies have also been invented to relieve lip swelling due to herpes using folk methods:

  1. Garlic. Apply the cut to the problem area, but be careful, it can burn healthy areas. Lubricate them with fatty cream first;
  2. You can make a mixture of soda and salt (1:1), dilute them with water to a mushy state and lubricate the affected area (the blisters will dry out and the swelling will go away);
  3. Aloe helps in this case too. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates tissue healing. Lubricate the affected areas with its juice 2-3 times a day;
  4. Ice wrapped in a scarf will help directly relieve swelling (this is necessary so as not to frostbite sensitive skin).
  5. If you are caught by herpes, your lip is swollen and a rash has already begun to form, you need to use natural antiseptics:
  • Honey;
  • Citrus peel (lemon, grapefruit);
  • Essential oils of fir, lemon balm, lavender or tea tree.

If your lip is swollen from herpes, not only your doctor, but also the pharmacist at the pharmacy can tell you what to do. However, in difficult cases (extensive damage), still seek the help of a professional.

How to quickly remove swelling from a split lip

Yesterday I was drying the baby after a bath, I leaned over him, and he jumped up and almost knocked my front teeth out with his head.
So everything is fine, only my lip is blue and swollen. How to quickly remove a tumor (you can paint over the blue). Knock the top one of the watchdog so that it is even) But in general, I love you!

First you need to stop the bleeding, which happens a lot when the lips are damaged. A hydrogen peroxide solution is perfect for this, which is probably found in every home, especially when there are children in it. Cotton wool or a cotton pad soaked in peroxide should be applied to the wound every hour or two. Cold also relieves edema and swelling very well. A piece of ice should be wrapped in a clean cloth and applied to the skin for 5 - 10 minutes throughout the day. Usually the tumor subsides and does not increase. Until the wound has completely healed, it is not recommended to use any cosmetics, such as lipstick, to avoid infection and pain.

This kind of injury is quite common and brings a lot of trouble - a swollen lip has never made anyone more beautiful. What should be done:

  • apply something cold to the injured area. To do this, you can use ice (this is the best case) or frozen food from the refrigerator (the last resort), the main thing is to put the “freezer” in a clean PVC bag to avoid infection; apply for no more than 10 minutes, doing this 4 times a day for 2 days. What is the point of this procedure? We reduce the lumen of blood vessels (narrow them), which will not allow large edema to form; Next, we apply heat - this can be a boiled egg (still warm) or heated salt. What gives? Increases blood circulation and accelerates regeneration in the damaged area; if tissue rupture occurs, then it is necessary to lubricate with an alcohol solution, for example, calendula, and also rinse the mouth with chamomile decoction.

http://www. otekstop. ru/raznoe/7686-kak-ubrat-otek-s-guby-posle-udara. html

http://dentazone. ru/rot/gub/oteki. html

http://www. bolshoyvopros. ru/questions/1922414-kak-bystro-ubrat-opuhol-razbitoj-guby. html

Herpes on the lip symptoms

Herpes is an extremely contagious (virulent), fairly common and studied disease. The main visual signs are painful blisters that appear on the upper and lower lips. In aggravated circumstances, they can cover not only all the lips, but also appear on the face.

Extensive symptomatology is worth considering throughout the entire disease cycle.

Redness, inflammation and itching. After the herpes virus first enters the body and adapts in it, it makes itself felt in about a week, and maybe later. It all depends on the resistance of the patient’s body.

Then herpes quickly begins its offensive development, as evidenced by an itchy, swollen lip. This stage can last from several hours to two days.

Important. Without missing this moment, with the help of medications you can localize the development of the disease and significantly facilitate its further course.. Prodromal period

In places where itching was felt, small transparent blisters appear. Then it becomes noticeable that the bubbles on the lips have swollen, they have become elastic, the liquid in them accumulates and becomes cloudy, and the lip is even more swollen. This period is not only extremely painful, but also dangerous.

Prodromal period. In places where itching was felt, small transparent blisters appear. Then it becomes noticeable that the bubbles on the lips have swollen, they have become elastic, the liquid in them accumulates and becomes cloudy, and the lip is even more swollen. This period is not only extremely painful, but also dangerous.

The danger primarily concerns children. They have an irresistible desire to scratch the sore spot, which can cause the thin film on the wound to rupture and lead to infection with far-reaching, serious consequences.

Burst of blisters and formation of painful wounds. This usually happens after three days. Then the wounds gradually dry out and the healing process begins.

Important. It is worth especially noting that at the moment of rupture of the vesicles and the formation of open wounds, the patient is most dangerous to others.. Stage of wound healing

Observations show that this happens around the fifth day. It is different for all patients, depending on the resistance of the body. The wounds dry out and become covered with a thin crust. Do not be afraid if you feel discomfort, pain and tightness for some time - this is natural during the skin restoration stage

Wound healing stage. Observations show that this happens around the fifth day. It is different for all patients, depending on the resistance of the body. The wounds dry out and become covered with a thin crust. Do not be afraid if you feel discomfort, pain and tightness for some time - this is natural during the skin restoration stage.

Skin restoration – it is this period that, according to visual signs, characterizes complete recovery. It lasts about a week.

Important. Do not try to remove the crust yourself

It should come down naturally and in its own time. This is dangerous not only due to infection through unformed skin, but also fraught with the formation of scars that will adorn your face for the rest of your life.

How to quickly relieve swelling

Do you need both cleansers and makeup removers?

The swelling of the lips takes you by surprise. The main thing is not to panic. A few simple steps will help relieve swelling:

  1. Apply a cold compress to the sore spot (ice cubes, a piece of cloth moistened with water).
  2. Use aloe. Cut the leaf lengthwise and place the gel-like side on the swelling. Aloe has anti-inflammatory properties, relieves pain and swelling.

Depending on the cause, you need to take medications. Antihistamine tablets (Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, Diazolin, Claritin) will help remove the resulting swelling from the lip due to allergies. They relieve inflammation, pain, reduce nervous tension, and help relieve itching and burning.

Herpes and other infectious diseases are treated with antiherpetic ointments (Zovirax, Acyclovir). Apply to the swollen area 4-5 times a day.

For microtraumas and burns, antiseptic solutions are prescribed (Chlorhexidine, Actovegin, Miramistin, essential oils). Treatment is carried out several times a day. After the procedure, apply a sterile bandage.

In case of a bacterial infection or the presence of blisters with pus on the lips, antibacterial drugs are prescribed (Akriderm, Dioxidin, Ichthyol ointment, Levomycetin).

Stomatitis is treated with diet therapy (exclude hot, spicy foods, alcohol). Painkillers with lidocaine (Kamistad, Kalgel, Dentinox-gel) are prescribed. To enhance reparative processes, you can use Solcoseryl, Actovegin gels, Vinilin balm. Depending on the etiology of the disease, appropriate drugs are prescribed (antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal).

Swelling of the lips caused by cosmetic procedures requires referral to specialists to prevent complications.

If an infiltrate with pus, an abscess or phlegmon has formed on the lips, surgical treatment is necessary. The surgeon opens the abscess under local anesthesia and removes the contents of the cavity. Afterwards, an antibiotic ointment and a sterile bandage are applied.

Home remedies will come to the rescue if the pharmacy is far away, or swelling occurs at night. Folk remedies:

  1. Take baking soda and warm water, mix and apply to the affected area. Wash off after 10 minutes.
  2. Apply a layer of honey to a cotton pad and apply to the swelling for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 4-5 times a day.
  3. Use used tea bags as compresses.
  4. The juice of celandine and plantain is applied to a cotton swab and applied to the inflamed area. Keep the lotion on for as long as possible. You need to do 2-3 procedures a day.
  5. Wrap ice cubes in a handkerchief and place on the swelling. Or use a cold spoon. Place it in the freezer for a few minutes. A cold water bottle is another alternative.
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