What is better for stomatitis, Kamistad or Cholisal?

Stomatitis can be called one of the most common

pathologies of the oral cavity. During the development of stomatitis, ulcerative formations are formed, which can be located on the mucous membrane of the cheeks, lips and pharynx. Usually the main cause of the disease is infection. As a result of exposure to pathogenic microorganisms, an immune response begins, resulting in the appearance of ulcers. Stomatitis is accompanied by a painful and unpleasant condition that requires timely treatment. Most often, special gels and ointments for stomatitis are used to carry out the necessary therapy.

Cholisal gel or Kamistad, which is better?

Published by admin on 05/07/2019

When pain of any kind occurs in the oral cavity, there is only one way out - go to the dentist. But it is not always possible to do this immediately: you cannot leave work, an important event, or the dentistry is far away and closed at night. In such cases, it is necessary to have a painkiller on hand that will temporarily relieve discomfort. Such drugs include Kamistad. Reviews, instructions for use, indications and contraindications, side effects and other useful information will be described in this article.

What is Kamistad? General information and characteristics

The drug belongs to the pharmacological group of antiseptic and local anesthetic drugs. This is a combined action drug with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and regenerating properties. The composition is intended for the treatment of painful and inflamed areas of the mucous membrane of the mouth and lips.

Available in gel form. “Kamistad” is placed in an aluminum tube that contains 10 g of the product. , Stadstrasse, Germany. Representative office in Russia: Nizhpharm, Nizhny Novgorod.

Composition of the drug

Gel for topical use contains the following components:

  • 2 percent lidocaine;
  • 98 percent formic acid;
  • 96 percent ethanol;
  • purified water;
  • cinnamon oil;
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • carbomers;
  • chamomile tincture;
  • trometamol;
  • sodium saccharinate.

There is also a special baby teething gel - “Kamistad Baby”. Its composition differs to some extent from the drug intended for adults. It includes:

  • polidocanol;
  • disodium EDTA;
  • karion;
  • glycerol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • carbomer;
  • chamomile extract;
  • acesulfame potassium;
  • purified water;
  • cooling and honey flavors.

Substances in gels for children and adults are designed to relieve pain, eliminate inflammation and prevent the development of an infectious process. Chamomile helps cope with the latter symptoms perfectly. The Kamistad gel contains lidocaine and polidocanol as an anesthetic. Additional components give the drug the ability to be quickly absorbed and begin to act in the first seconds after applying the drug to the affected areas of the mucous membrane.

Differences in indications and use

Both dental gels are used to relieve inflammation and reduce pain in damaged oral mucosa (stomatitis, periodontitis, gingivitis). Comistad - a German-made gel has a better analgesic effect, Cholisal has a more pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect (produced in Poland and Russia), is indicated for a wider range of problems with the oral mucosa, in which its competitor is not used, namely:

  • candidiasis (“thrush” of the mouth),
  • lichen planus (itchy dermatosis localized in the mouth),
  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome (not as a primary, but as an auxiliary remedy).

In children's forms, Cholisal and Kamistad are used for teething. “Adult” Kamistad is not recommended for these purposes due to its lidocaine content, but the line has a special form Kamistad Baby, which does not contain lidocaine, so it is better to use it. For a child, it is enough to squeeze out a little gel (about half a centimeter) onto a cotton swab or clean finger and rub lightly into the gums 2-3 times a day. “Children’s” Cholisal is used with the same frequency and in the same quantities, preferably before feeding and/or before bedtime.

Cholisal for children (15 g)

Indications for use and options for use

The gel is used to treat injuries to the oral cavity, for various dental diseases, after surgical orthodontic intervention or procedures. The drug is intended not only to relieve pain - it is a factor that prevents the development of an infectious-inflammatory process.

  • injury to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and lips due to wearing braces, dentures and mouthguards;
  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • cheilitis;
  • inflammatory process on the oral mucosa caused by various factors;
  • performing surgical interventions and medical procedures in the oral cavity;
  • eruption of wisdom teeth, milk teeth and molars.

The gel is used exclusively externally no more than three times a day. You can use a strip of gel no longer than 5 mm at a time. The drug is applied to the affected area with previously washed hands. In this case, the composition must be gently rubbed so that it is absorbed into the painful area.

In some cases, the number of applications per day may be increased by the doctor. "Kamistad", reviews of which are posted in this article, is used until it reduces pain and relieves symptoms, after which treatment with it should be stopped immediately.

"Kamistad" can be prescribed by a doctor as an aid in getting used to dentures. The gel is applied to painful areas, after which the prosthesis is immediately put on.

Difference in composition and action

The main difference in the composition of the compared drugs, which you should pay attention to first of all, is the presence of lidocaine

in Kamistad for adults.
In dentistry, it is used in local anesthesia, but this is not done too often or without prior testing (first application in a small amount). The main soothing active ingredient is a completely harmless chamomile
. In addition to lidocaine, formic acid can also be found in the medicine, albeit as just an auxiliary element. Due to its fast and fairly strong anesthetic effect, Kamistad may be a more suitable option for severe pain.

Despite the fact that Cholisal does not contain lidocaine, it also relieves pain quite effectively. The main active ingredients are cetalkonium chloride

choline salicylate
anhydrous. The first component disinfects the surface of the mucous membrane (antiseptic effect), the second has an analgesic and “calming” effect on irritation (anti-inflammatory effect). Among the ingredients that distinguish it from its rival, which are worth paying special attention to, are anise oil and ethyl alcohol. Although the oil is only an auxiliary substance, the amount of which is small, its presence is still important for people with allergies (the same goes for chamomile extract in the opponent).

In the Cholisal line there is also a variant of Cholisal Dental, produced in one and a half times larger volume (15 g). It contains peppermint oil and propylene glycol. It is indicated not only for inflammation and infectious infections, characterized by irritation and swelling of the oral mucosa, but also in the case of ulcerative and purulent processes. Does not contain sugar. Otherwise, the composition does not differ from regular Kholisal. In general, this option is preferable if you choose what is best for stomatitis.

Gels are applied 2-3 times a day before meals (if it hurts to chew) or after (after rinsing your mouth), as well as before bed.

The difference in shelf life is almost double - Kholisal has a shelf life of 3 years, Kamistad 5 years (although tubes of 10-15 g are unlikely to last that long). Both should be kept away from heat sources and not exposed to sunlight.

Neither one nor the other gel should be cooled or even frozen, even if you want to enhance the analgesic effect with coolness - this will negatively affect the effectiveness of the components.

What to choose?

The decision which is better - Cholisal or Kamistad, primarily depends on the purpose and degree of pain. When teething, children's forms of both are suitable; Kamistad's composition is more “natural” in this regard, the main thing is to make sure that the child is not allergic to chamomile.

For adults with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, it is better to choose Cholisal (regular or Dental), since its composition is more focused on disinfecting and relieving inflammation.


https://lekhar.ru/lekarstva/stomatologicheskie-sredstva/holisal-ili-kalgel-chto-luchshe/ https://irecommend.ru/content/chem-luchshe-kamistada-foto https://mymednews.ru/holisal -ili-kamistad/

Contraindications for Kamistad

The use of the gel is excluded in case of hypersensitivity to one or more components of the drug. Intolerance to lidocaine and chamomile is especially common. The following conditions are also contraindications for use:

  • hypertension;
  • bradycardia;
  • renal and heart failure;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • violation of intraventricular conduction;
  • liver damage and serious impairment of its functionality.

"Kamistad Baby" should not be given to children under 3 months of age. The drug for adults is not suitable for use by children under 12 years of age.

Possible side effects

If you follow the recommendations specified in the instructions and specified by your doctor, as well as in the absence of individual intolerance to the Kamistad gel, side effects in the form of an allergic reaction can be avoided. In rare cases, hyperemia, burning or itching may occur in the areas where the gel was applied. If signs of allergy appear, it is recommended to stop using the drug.

Overdose is possible, but no such cases have been reported to date. However, you should be aware of the following manifestations:

  • apnea;
  • bradycardia;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • cyanosis of the skin.

"Kamistad" for children

A special gel can be used to eliminate pain during teething in infants from 3 months. It should be borne in mind that the drug causes numbness and impairs the ability to swallow, and also causes increased salivation - a predisposing factor for choking with saliva. Given the danger to the baby's life, it is not recommended to use the gel for a long time. After using it, it is better to monitor the baby.

In addition, increased salivation can cause irritation of the facial skin. When applying the gel, since it provokes numbness, the child may bite his lip hard, which will subsequently hurt.

In reviews of “Kamistad” for infants, one can often find negative speeches from mothers who consider lidocaine to be an absolutely harmful substance for the child’s body. The components of many medications have a negative effect on fragile babies, so any product from the pharmacological industry should not be given to a child without first consulting a pediatrician. By the way, “Kamistad Baby” does not contain lidocaine, but polidocanol, which, according to medical luminaries, is harmless. However, the side effects from its use can be even worse than from lidocaine. All this speaks only of one thing - do not further traumatize the baby’s body, do not give him medications if possible. And we’re not just talking about Kamistad.

Why is it better than Kamistad + Experience of use in children and adults (Photo)

Our first birthday was overshadowed by the fact that our daughter developed a “teething cyst” on one of her teeth. This is an abscess on the gum associated with the eruption of a tooth, which for some reason cannot come out in time and, due to stagnation in the gum, an inflammatory process occurs. I was shocked, since all previous teeth erupted without such problems. Dentists opened this abscess, within 2 days a tooth quickly emerged from this place, but the gum was very painful, it was swollen, my daughter experienced discomfort, and did not sleep well at night.

I started smearing my gums with the legendary Kamistad, which is in every young mother’s medicine cabinet, but it didn’t really help. Then I called the doctor, and he prescribed the dental gel Cholisal , explaining that Kamistad only relieves pain, and Cholisal, in addition to relieving pain, has an anti-inflammatory effect. In other words, Cholisal eliminates the cause and source of pain, therefore, for more serious problems than ordinary teething, Kamistad is much more effective. Therefore, it is also used for stomatitis and even injuries to the oral mucosa.

About the product: It is a classic transparent gel only with a more viscous consistency. It has a non-pungent anise aroma, which reminds me very much of the smell of a treatment room from my Soviet childhood. The taste is bittersweet. When applied, a quick-passing burning sensation of the gums is first noted.

Result of use in children: After anointing the child’s sore spot with Cholisal for several days, I saw positive dynamics - the pain went away, the swelling subsided, my daughter became cheerful and calm again, and stopped “getting into” her mouth. We didn’t go for a follow-up appointment with the dentist because there was no need. He also cured my child’s stomatitis in a few days, which the useless Solcoseryl dental paste could not cope with. Now (I’ll add to the review) my daughter is already seven years old, the active replacement of baby teeth has begun. The eruption of permanent teeth is accompanied by discomfort, and we, based on our first experience, also resort to the services of Kholisal, which removes this unpleasant discomfort in a short time.

Experience of use in adults: I myself started having problems with my gums. Between the sixth and seventh upper teeth, a so-called gum pocket formed, that is, a depression into which fibrous food constantly fell, which had to be difficult to remove using dental floss. These manipulations severely injured the gums, causing inflammation and bleeding of the gums, accompanied by an unpleasant aching pain. The doctor prescribed me Metrogyl Denta , but it did not solve my problem. Then I decided to anoint the inflamed gum with my daughter’s Cholisal. And, lo and behold! Cholisal was very gentle and quickly healed my inflamed gums. Only now Cholisal has become available in a different package, but this has not affected its properties in any way.

Read also: What can you drink for a toothache?

Conclusion: Holisal helped me and my daughter more than once. First, at one year old, when problems arose during the eruption of the first teeth. By the way, the rest of the teeth came out without any problems. Kamistad has not been used since then; they trusted Cholisal as a more powerful remedy. We had another dental gel - Kalgel , I have never seen a more useless product, it’s still just lying around in the medicine cabinet. Now, at an older age, we use Cholisal again during the change of milk teeth to permanent ones. As it turned out, Holisal also copes well with “adult problems”; it helped me a lot in treating inflamed gums.

Cost of the drug

Kamistad gel is sold in many pharmacies and is available without a doctor’s prescription. Before use, it is still better to consult a specialist, especially if we are talking about a child.

The advantages of the gel, in addition to its effectiveness, also include its relatively low cost. The drug is imported and is sold in foreign and Russian online pharmacies at different prices. On average, the cost fluctuates around $4. In Moscow you can buy the drug at a price of 240-250 rubles.

Reviews about "Kamistad"

The general opinion of people who have used this medicine for inflammation and soreness of the gums and oral mucosa is that the gel is very effective and helps to get rid of discomfort for a while. There are also reviews about “Kamistad Baby”. The drug is no less effective at helping babies get rid of teething pain.

In both cases, it is worth remembering the possible danger. It is not recommended to give the medicine to children without first consulting a pediatrician. Adults must check the product for the presence or absence of an allergic reaction. This can be done by applying a small amount of gel, and if no negative effects are observed within 24 hours, then you can safely use it.

Advantages and disadvantages of this drug

The advantages of the drug include:

  • quite good anesthetic effect;
  • unlike most ointments, the gel adheres well to the oral mucosa. Cons of Kamistad gel:
  • has insufficiently strong anti-inflammatory properties;
  • has a slight antimicrobial effect (it is not recommended to use the product for inflammatory processes of the gums);
  • Kamistad can be applied exclusively to the intact mucous membrane of the oral cavity (due to the antiseptic benzalkonic chloride it contains; if applied to ulcers or erosions, their healing process will be disrupted);
  • Benzalkonium chloride is not absorbed through the mucous membranes of the mouth, but at the same time, when it is swallowed along with saliva and enters the body, it has a spermocidal effect, that is, it contributes to the destruction of sperm.

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What is better: Cholisal or Kamistad

Many mothers use Kamistad gel during teething in children, but for adults this drug also provides invaluable benefits. Using Kamistad gum gel you can significantly reduce pain in most dental diseases and even completely get rid of some of them.

Composition of Kamistad gel

Dental gel Kamistad is valuable primarily for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties. A similar effect is ensured by the complex effect of the drug components:

  • lidocaine hydrochloride (lidocaine);
  • chamomile flower extract;
  • benzalkonium chloride solution;
  • camphor cinnamon oil;
  • sodium saccharinate;
  • carbomer;
  • trometamol;
  • formic acid;
  • ethanol;
  • water.

The analgesic properties of the drug are achieved due to the influence of lidocaine on the membranes of neurons, thereby reducing the penetration of sodium ions through it. Simply put, this component of Kamistad prevents the passage of the pain impulse, and we do not feel pain. This substance does not have medicinal properties. Chamomile extract is responsible for relieving puffiness, reducing inflammation and accelerating tissue regeneration. The antiseptic effect is achieved through alcohol, formic acid, benzalkonium chloride and camphor cinnamon oil. The latter component also provides the product with a pleasant smell and taste. Sodium saccharinate is also used for sweetener purposes. The remaining components are responsible for the consistency of the product, ease of use and shelf life.

Instructions for use of the drug Kamistad-gel

This medicine can be used for any dental diseases accompanied by pain. Kamistad-gel showed itself especially well for stomatitis. The drug can also be used when installing dentures and during the period of getting used to them. Here is a short list of possibilities for using the medicine:

  • gingivitis (inflammation of the gums);
  • stomatitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • cheilitis;
  • damage to the oral mucosa;
  • injuries from wearing prostheses, the process of getting used to them;
  • erythema of the lips;
  • irritation from braces and plates;
  • period of wisdom teeth eruption;
  • oral care after dental and orthodontic operations.

The method of using Kamistad is quite simple: 0.5 cm of gel should be slowly and carefully rubbed into the gums as close as possible to the site of inflammation, or covering the problem area. You can close your mouth only after the medicine begins to take effect (usually 2-5 minutes are needed). It is permissible to carry out 3 procedures for applying Kamistad per day, but cases of overdose have not been recorded, and the product has practically no side effects.

In rare cases, with prolonged use, an allergic reaction may develop, which is accompanied by itching and redness. In this case, treatment should be stopped immediately; if symptoms do not disappear within a few hours, consult a doctor. Also, when using the product, you should be careful when applying the gel; it should not come into contact with your eyes. Therefore, after the procedure, you should immediately wash your hands with soap. Preferably several times.

Contraindications include allergic sensitivity, pregnancy and lactation. Use the drug with caution in renal and heart failure, as well as hypertension.

Some doctors believe that treating children with Kamistad is permissible only after they reach the age of 6 years, but some pediatricians prescribe the drug to children starting at 4 months of age. There is no consensus on this matter, but no cases of negative effects of the gel on the child’s body have been recorded.

Analogues of Kamistad-gel that completely replicate the composition of the product are not produced, but there are several drugs with a similar effect:

  • Dentinox;
  • Holisal;
  • Pansoral;
  • Metrogil-denta and others.

Review of the best drugs

Name: Sonya Skripkina Review: When my grandmother’s gums hurt, I buy her Holisal. It relieves pain, inflammation, bleeding, and swelling well. It can be used for a long time and is inexpensive.

Name: Elena Korabchuk Review: My little niece recently started teething. Her mother and I have probably tried all the remedies (my sister sits at home with her daughter, and I’m on hand if anything happens, if anything happens, I go to the first aid kit or store at full speed). In short, we tried all the gels that were only sold in pharmacies.

Name: Galina Myskina Review: I will share my experience. After my son’s gums started hurting, I “probably ran around all the local pharmacies.” I bought a bunch of products, from simple rinses to various painkiller tablets. The only product that really heals and instantly relieves pain is Cholisal gel, now my mother advises everyone so that they, like me, do not empty out all the pharmacy windows and do not spend money on the complex

Name: Emily….Review: Bit the inside of my cheek! Dropsy formed and was very painful, and every time it caught my teeth it increased…. nothing helped! with Cholisal it took 1 day!

Name: Ekaterina Nasonova Review: My husband has had periodontal disease for several years. As a preventative measure, he uses Cholisal; he says that, compared to other drugs, the effect is visible much faster, and it can be used regularly (and not in courses, like similar drugs).

Name: Kolya Litov Review: The child developed stomatitis on his cheeks, he neither eats nor drinks. We bought Cholisal at the pharmacy. They came, smeared it, and expected it to numb the pain, but it turned out the other way around! The child began to shudder from screaming that it hurt! I decided to try it on myself, I smeared it on my gums and a strong burning sensation began, almost to the point of tears! Side effects on all family members? Fake? In general, I don’t recommend it, or be careful, otherwise the price is high, but you can end up in a situation like ours

Name: Mu sya Review: So you’ve never had gingivitis or periodontal disease, it doesn’t go away on its own, at least for me.

Name: Tatyana Verolomova Review: My gums were bleeding (without pain). The doctor prescribed Cholisal-gel. At first I just felt a burning sensation in my gums. After three days of use, stomatitis appeared, the entire palate became swollen, my teeth began to hurt, and the pain has not gone away for five days. I won’t use this gel again, the burns are terrible, the pain is terrible. But the blood still remained.

Name: Marina Borisenko Review: I would like to share my experience of using Cholisal gel, I first learned about it when the pediatrician prescribed it to my daughter for teething. And I want to say that we smeared it on my gums and my daughter calmed down after that, she wasn’t so capricious, apparently due to the fact that it relieves pain well. And I cured my stomatitis with this gel, everything went away, I didn’t even notice.

Name: Galina Orlova Review: Thanks everyone for your feedback. My gums started to become inflamed, so I decided to try this remedy in Delhi. I bought Cholisal gel and started using it. With every day of use I saw that my inflammation was getting less and less. In the end, it went away altogether, and my gums are fine now. If it starts again, then of course I will use the proven one myself, Cholisal.

Name: Elena Logunova Review: Hello! Has anyone used Cholisal for stomatitis?

Name: Zhanna Artemyeva Review: Elena, I never had such a problem, and neither did my child. But when teething, we only use Cholisal, since I know that it does not contain dangerous lidocaine, and in addition to the analgesic effect, this product also has an antibacterial effect.

Name: Valeria Fedorova Review: Hello! Has anyone used Cholisal for stomatitis?

Name: Ekaterina Volkova Review: We also have problems with teeth, and I don’t know what we would do if we didn’t use Cholisal gel. So even if I smear the child’s gums (the two lower teeth are cutting at once), the child is calm. We sleep all night and are not capricious.

Name: Stanislav Prikazchikov Review: I treated stomatitis with this gel. I felt almost no pain with it, it relieves inflammation well and kills germs, so the disease did not get worse.

We invite you to read: Candidal stomatitis in adults: symptoms and treatment

Name: Stanislav Prikazchikov Review: Excellent gel, helps with stomatitis.

Name: Victoria Filatova Review: Cholisal once helped me cure gum replenishment. I applied it several times a day. the gel has a triple effect - analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial! Due to this, we managed to get rid of inflammation. Now I keep this gel in my home first aid kits just in case of a fire.

Name: Tatyana Ermak Review: The youngest one had a very difficult time teething, the whole family was simply exhausted. Didn't let me sleep at night, the whining was endless. With the Cholisal gel it became much better, it relieves pain really well, even everyone slept at night)) What a pity that it was not recommended to us from the very beginning.

The best dental medications for stomatitis are described below. Let's take a closer look at each of them.


The drug is a gel for stomatitis and superficial lesions with a pronounced regeneration effect. Solcoseryl for stomatitis is able to normalize the nutrition of cells in the affected tissues and relieve pain.

What is better for stomatitis, Kamistad or Cholisal?

It is produced from the blood of calves, which explains the regenerative properties of the medicine. If the stage of stomatitis is more severe with extensive ulcerative formations, the gel ensures rapid necrosis of the destroyed areas, drying and scarring of the tissue.

Since the active component of the Solcoseryl gel is of animal origin, the list of contraindications is very short. These include the presence of an allergic reaction to the components of the composition, as well as pregnancy in the first trimester.


In the case of the initial stage of development of stomatitis, the disease can be cured with the help of Cholisal gel. The drug is able to reduce and eliminate the inflammatory process, as well as eliminate pain. Before using this gel, you must rinse your mouth using an antiseptic solution.

The medicine is suitable for both children and adults, as it has a sweet taste and no odor. Use is permitted from one year of age. 2-3 minutes after application, the pain subsides and the patient feels much better. Read more about the use of Cholisal gel for stomatitis here.

Among the positive properties of Cholisal are:

  • antipyretic effect;
  • effective elimination of all inflammatory processes;
  • eliminating itching;
  • anesthetic effect;
  • tissue regeneration in affected areas.

Cholisal is approved for use by pregnant women, as it is considered a practically safe remedy. The course of treatment is determined by the treating specialist. Read more about the treatment of stomatitis during pregnancy in this material.


What is better for stomatitis, Kamistad or Cholisal?

Kalgel is a complex synthetic agent for eliminating pathologies in the field of dentistry, including stomatitis. The antiseptics contained in the composition fight pathogenic microorganisms. Another active ingredient, lidocaine, eliminates local pain and discomfort that accompanies this disease.

A small amount of the drug should be applied in a circular motion to the affected area. The maximum number of applications per day is 6 times.

Contraindications for the product include individual intolerance to fructose and lidocaine, pregnancy and lactation, severe heart, kidney and liver diseases. Kalgel is approved for use by children from 3 months.


Kamistad dental gel contains an anesthetic - lidocaine, herbal components - chamomile, as well as cinnamon oil, ethanol, formic acid and auxiliary components:

  • Lidocaine provides an anesthetic effect.
  • Chamomile has a local anti-inflammatory effect and also helps in the process of tissue regeneration.
  • Benzalkonium chloride is a component with antiseptic properties.

Kamistad for stomatitis is used at the initial stage of the inflammatory process for an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. It helps well in the treatment of catarrhal stomatitis. In addition to its detrimental effect on bacteria in the oral cavity, Kamistad perfectly anesthetizes the affected area. The drug is suitable for treating children, but the amount of the drug is halved.

Rarely, an allergic reaction may occur, so you should pay close attention to the condition of the body and, if there are signs of swelling, stop using the gel. The lidocaine contained in the composition is not a safe component for everyone, so you should consult a doctor before use.


Levomekol gel is an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial agent that effectively affects various types of microorganisms. In addition, the active components help speed up the healing process of ulcers. Levomikol does not provide for the use of the composition in the field of dentistry, however, in case of purulent formations in the oral cavity, including stomatitis, the drug has shown its best performance.

The gel substance is applied in a circular motion to the affected area, 3 times a day. After application, it is prohibited to eat or drink for 30 minutes.


What is better for stomatitis, Kamistad or Cholisal?

Panavir is a more expensive analogue of oxolinic ointment. The drug is especially effective for herpes stomatitis. An antiviral agent that protects the oral mucosa from the effects of pathogenic bacteria and neutralizes viruses, including herpes. A targeted effect on inflammatory areas and deep penetration of the active components ensure not only the elimination of the symptoms of the disease, but also the treatment of the disease itself.

Contraindications are individual intolerance to the components of the drug, pregnancy and lactation. Panavir can be prescribed to children from the age of two.


What is better: Cholisal or Kamistad

Many mothers use Kamistad gel during teething in children, but for adults this drug also provides invaluable benefits. Using Kamistad gum gel you can significantly reduce pain in most dental diseases and even completely get rid of some of them.

Composition of Kamistad gel

Dental gel Kamistad is valuable primarily for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties. A similar effect is ensured by the complex effect of the drug components:

  • lidocaine hydrochloride (lidocaine);
  • chamomile flower extract;
  • benzalkonium chloride solution;
  • camphor cinnamon oil;
  • sodium saccharinate;
  • carbomer;
  • trometamol;
  • formic acid;
  • ethanol;
  • water.

The analgesic properties of the drug are achieved due to the influence of lidocaine on the membranes of neurons, thereby reducing the penetration of sodium ions through it. Simply put, this component of Kamistad prevents the passage of the pain impulse, and we do not feel pain. This substance does not have medicinal properties. Chamomile extract is responsible for relieving puffiness, reducing inflammation and accelerating tissue regeneration. The antiseptic effect is achieved through alcohol, formic acid, benzalkonium chloride and camphor cinnamon oil. The latter component also provides the product with a pleasant smell and taste. Sodium saccharinate is also used for sweetener purposes. The remaining components are responsible for the consistency of the product, ease of use and shelf life.

Instructions for use of the drug Kamistad-gel

This medicine can be used for any dental diseases accompanied by pain. Kamistad-gel showed itself especially well for stomatitis. The drug can also be used when installing dentures and during the period of getting used to them. Here is a short list of possibilities for using the medicine:

  • gingivitis (inflammation of the gums);
  • stomatitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • cheilitis;
  • damage to the oral mucosa;
  • injuries from wearing prostheses, the process of getting used to them;
  • erythema of the lips;
  • irritation from braces and plates;
  • period of wisdom teeth eruption;
  • oral care after dental and orthodontic operations.

The method of using Kamistad is quite simple: 0.5 cm of gel should be slowly and carefully rubbed into the gums as close as possible to the site of inflammation, or covering the problem area. You can close your mouth only after the medicine begins to take effect (usually 2-5 minutes are needed). It is permissible to carry out 3 procedures for applying Kamistad per day, but cases of overdose have not been recorded, and the product has practically no side effects.

In rare cases, with prolonged use, an allergic reaction may develop, which is accompanied by itching and redness. In this case, treatment should be stopped immediately; if symptoms do not disappear within a few hours, consult a doctor. Also, when using the product, you should be careful when applying the gel; it should not come into contact with your eyes. Therefore, after the procedure, you should immediately wash your hands with soap. Preferably several times.

Contraindications include allergic sensitivity, pregnancy and lactation. Use the drug with caution in renal and heart failure, as well as hypertension.

Some doctors believe that treating children with Kamistad is permissible only after they reach the age of 6 years, but some pediatricians prescribe the drug to children starting at 4 months of age. There is no consensus on this matter, but no cases of negative effects of the gel on the child’s body have been recorded.

Analogues of Kamistad-gel that completely replicate the composition of the product are not produced, but there are several drugs with a similar effect:

  • Dentinox;
  • Holisal;
  • Pansoral;
  • Metrogil-denta and others.

Kamistad price, where to buy

In the treatment of stomatitis, its analogue, Kamistad gel, is often used. Its advantages:

  • excellent analgesic effect;
  • the gel adheres well to the mucous membrane;
  • fights inflammation, ulcers.

The downside of Kamistad is its weak antimicrobial effect, which is explained by the presence of tsetalkonium chloride in the composition. To destroy harmful bacteria, you will need to use an additional drug.

Photo 1. A well-known analogue of Cholisal is Kamistad gel for topical use, manufactured by STADA, in a 10 g tube.

We suggest you read: Frequent occurrence of stomatitis in the mouth in adults

The second known analogue of Cholisal is Solcoseryl. Benefits: Effective wound healing, fights harmful bacteria, easy to use. The disadvantage is the inability to use the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Important! Of the three drugs against stomatitis, Cholisal stands out because it has more advantages. The product is superior to analogues in efficiency and speed of tissue healing. Able to fight inflammation and bacteria, has a complex effect.

The main purpose of Solcoseryl is to accelerate regenerative processes. He is capable of:

  • activate cell division and growth;
  • normalize oxygen supply to tissues and cellular respiration;
  • restore blood supply;
  • improve oxygen transport to cells;
  • accelerate the restoration of mucous membranes and skin.

Solcoseryl is used as follows:

  • dry the mucous membrane with a sponge;
  • apply a strip of paste 0.5 cm thick to the affected surface;
  • The product is lightly moistened with a damp cotton swab without rubbing.

Stimulates the restoration of mucous membranes and skin.

You should use the paste every time after meals and before bed until symptoms disappear. It is advisable not to eat or drink for half an hour after application. The product forms a protective shell on the surface of the mucosa, which lasts 3 to 5 hours.

The paste should not be prescribed to pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 18 years of age. The cost ranges from 370 to 450 rubles.

The drug with the most powerful analgesic effect. This is achieved due to the presence of lidocaine hydrochloride in the composition.

It also has anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effects. They are provided with a squeeze of chamomile flowers, benzalkonium chloride, formic acid, and ethyl alcohol.

"Kamistad" is widely used in dentistry. He is appointed:

  • for the treatment of stomatitis, erythema, gingivitis, cheilitis;
  • during teething;
  • to relieve irritation due to injury from dentures and braces.

Has anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effects.

The medication must be applied three times a day until symptoms disappear. One procedure requires a strip 0.5 cm thick. If necessary, for adults the frequency of use can be increased.

Kamistad costs an average of 200 to 300 rubles.

Ointments for stomatitis are used in complex therapy together with other drugs: antiviral, immunostimulating, antibacterial. They are prescribed to reduce inflammation and relieve pain in the affected area. The most popular and effective are oxolinic and nystatin gels, Kamistad, Metrogil Denta.

Kamistad is a drug (gel) that belongs to the category of dental drugs. The instructions for use highlight the following features of the drug:

  • During pregnancy: contraindicated
  • When breastfeeding: contraindicated
  • In childhood: contraindicated

Reviews about Kamistad for teething, as well as when using the gel to treat other diseases, are mostly positive. Parents note that the gum gel helps reduce irritation and pain, which helps calm the child. As a rule, after lubricating the oral mucosa with gel, the child calmly falls asleep.

However, reviews note that it is advisable to use the gel after a doctor’s prescription, since a specialist can tell you in detail how to use the product correctly. The ease of use of the gel is also noted, since it does not spread over the surface on which it is applied, therefore, it is easy to apply it pointwise.

The reviews also talk about the use of Kamistad for adults. The drug effectively relieves symptoms of stomatitis, injuries of the mucous membrane, etc.

The price of Kasmistad gel (10 g tube) averages from 140 to 170 rubles, depending on the place of sale. The price of Kamistad in Ukraine is on average 40-50 hryvnia.

Name: Valeria Kovalenko Review: Yes, these teeth are a real salvation, I remember what roars there were until they told us to buy kamistad, anointed us - the child is calm. I also noticed it myself later, when the last wisdom tooth came in... The first three were somehow imperceptible, but this one completely exhausted me, well, the kamistad remained from the children’s teeth) and it was the only thing that saved me.

Name: Nina Semyonova Review: Yes, I also used it for myself, in a similar situation, after all, teething is a painful process. We are still fine, we can only endure 4 teeth at most, unlike children. When my gums hurt and ached, I immediately remembered how my son suffered, and about kamistad by analogy. I bought it and was saved by it until the process was completed. A good fast-acting gel, I advise everyone to have it in their home.

Name: Olga Antonova Review: It’s good that kamistad exists, we used it, and indeed - everything is removed in the blink of an eye, and without it there is screaming and crying in the apartment, I can’t imagine how mothers used to live without kamistad, when a child is teething, it’s so difficult to calm him down !

Name: Lesya Review: we are 4 months old. is it possible to use this drug{amp}amp;e we have all the symptoms of teething

Name: Sveta Svetlana Review: I pray the same for him now. When children have chickenpox, they sometimes develop a rash in their mouth. The child does not eat or drink. I took a risk and treated the wounds in my mouth…..at least we ate. Girls, take note.

Name: Ramil Garifullin Review: In the new Kamistads, the contraindications say that children under 12 years of age are contraindicated...

Name: Lyubov Suleymanova Review: The drug is good, instantly relieves pain during teething, we are 1 year 5 months old, teeth are still emerging, but the gel has run out. I went to the pharmacy and they said that it is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. I wonder what is the reason for this change in instructions??

Name: Natalya Leonova Review: When the eldest had gingivitis, the only way to escape was by kamistad. And I used to smear it on my youngest when teething, but now apparently the dosage has changed, and it’s only allowed for children over 12 years old...

Name: Inna Jazz Review: I was only saved by kamistad when the wisdom tooth was erupting, and two years ago, when the teeth were cutting, they smeared it on the child, but now they seem to write that from the age of 12 you can...

Name: Olga Prokopenko Review: Yes, these teeth are a real salvation, I remember what roars there were until they told us to buy kamistad, anointed us - the child is calm. I also noticed it myself later, when the last wisdom tooth came in... The first three were somehow imperceptible, but this one completely exhausted me, well, the kamistad remained from the children’s teeth) and it was the only thing that saved me.

Name: Anton Glaskov Review: We are 6 months old, teething. We bought Kamistad (of course it says that it is possible from 12 years old, I didn’t know about this and the pharmacy didn’t ask anything). I consulted with the pediatrician, she was very surprised that the instructions had changed. After When I went to the doctor, I specifically looked at the composition of Kamistad for children.....and voila.

Name: Galina Purygina Review: Why should 6-month-old babies push all sorts of chemicals into their mouths? It’s good that in our time there was nothing like this. And our children cut their teeth, this is a natural process, and they did without chemicals. And now they almost immediately shove all sorts of drugs on these little ones, when they need it and when they don’t. There is a situation where you can do without drugs, no, they still shove it. Poor children.

Name: Ekaterina Savchuk Review: Why should 6-month-old babies push all sorts of chemicals into their mouths? It’s good that in our time there was nothing like this. And our children cut their teeth, this is a natural process, and they did without chemicals. And now they almost immediately shove all sorts of drugs on these little ones, when they need it and when they don’t. There is a situation where you can do without drugs, no, they still shove it. Poor children.

We suggest you read: Antibiotics for stomatitis in adults in tablets

Name: Lidia Korelina Review: written for children under 12 years of age, but in the comments they write that they are used specifically for small children when teething.

Name: Shaira Masimova Review: very good drug.

Name: Timur Zhakiev Review: in general, there are kamistad (from 12 years old) and kamistad baby (from 3 months). Doesn't anyone really know this?

Name: Nurdi Magomadov Review: actually, it’s spelled like this, with a hyphen GENERALLY))))))))))))))))))

Name: Svetlana Lesnikovskaya Review: 5 days have passed since the installation of the dental implant. The jaw bone was very painful. Now the pain there has subsided, the scars hurt, the stitches cut most of the gums, they tried to put another one, but there the nerve made itself felt... so the pain got to me and I took the gel out of the refrigerator and applied it (after reading the instructions again) - it helped quickly. Even the headache subsided.

Name: bride of the wind Review: It’s amazing that when there is a discussion, all the grammarians begin to tell the rules of the Russian language, while forgetting the essence and topic of the discussion. Grammar. and poke your nose at my mistakes

Cholisal gel or Kamistad, which is better?

Published by admin on 05/07/2019

When pain of any kind occurs in the oral cavity, there is only one way out - go to the dentist. But it is not always possible to do this immediately: you cannot leave work, an important event, or the dentistry is far away and closed at night. In such cases, it is necessary to have a painkiller on hand that will temporarily relieve discomfort. Such drugs include Kamistad. Reviews, instructions for use, indications and contraindications, side effects and other useful information will be described in this article.

What is Kamistad? General information and characteristics

The drug belongs to the pharmacological group of antiseptic and local anesthetic drugs. This is a combined action drug with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and regenerating properties. The composition is intended for the treatment of painful and inflamed areas of the mucous membrane of the mouth and lips.

Available in gel form. “Kamistad” is placed in an aluminum tube that contains 10 g of the product. , Stadstrasse, Germany. Representative office in Russia: Nizhpharm, Nizhny Novgorod.

Composition of the drug

Gel for topical use contains the following components:

  • 2 percent lidocaine;
  • 98 percent formic acid;
  • 96 percent ethanol;
  • purified water;
  • cinnamon oil;
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • carbomers;
  • chamomile tincture;
  • trometamol;
  • sodium saccharinate.

There is also a special baby teething gel - “Kamistad Baby”. Its composition differs to some extent from the drug intended for adults. It includes:

  • polidocanol;
  • disodium EDTA;
  • karion;
  • glycerol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • carbomer;
  • chamomile extract;
  • acesulfame potassium;
  • purified water;
  • cooling and honey flavors.

Substances in gels for children and adults are designed to relieve pain, eliminate inflammation and prevent the development of an infectious process. Chamomile helps cope with the latter symptoms perfectly. The Kamistad gel contains lidocaine and polidocanol as an anesthetic. Additional components give the drug the ability to be quickly absorbed and begin to act in the first seconds after applying the drug to the affected areas of the mucous membrane.

Kalgel for children: instructions for use

Prevention of pain and inflammation during the eruption of the first teeth.
Teething in a child is often accompanied by unpleasant painful sensations that cause severe discomfort to the baby. This greatly affects the general condition of the baby - he behaves very restlessly, is capricious, has a fever and swelling of the gums.

And in order to alleviate his condition during this period, pediatricians recommend lubricating the gums with Kalgel gel. After applying the product, the pain is completely relieved and the baby feels much better.

But before you start using Kalgel, you should carefully study its properties and analogues. price for them, and consult a doctor for a prescription.

The drug Kalgel is available in the form of a dental gel. The consistency is yellow-brown gel without impurities. Sold in aluminum tubes of 10 grams. 1 tube is packed in a cardboard box.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is ensured by the content of two main elements:

  • lidocaine in the form of hydrochloride. One gram of gel contains approximately 3.3 mg of this component;
  • cetylpyridine. This element is included in the form of chloride. There is 1 mg of this substance per 1 gram of gel.

In addition to the main components, there are also additional components - glycerol, sorbitol and ethyl alcohol. Sometimes other auxiliary elements are included in the composition of the medicine - xylitol, macrogol, sodium saccharinate, hyaetellose, sodium citrate, levomenthol, flavorings.

Beneficial features

Kalgel refers to combination medications that are used to reduce discomfort during teething in young children.

So what positive properties does it have? It is worth highlighting the most important ones:

  • after application, lidocaine penetrates into the deep layers of the gums, has a blocking effect on sodium channels, all this causes inhibition of pain signals through receptors. For this reason, the child experiences a rapid decrease in discomfort;
  • has an antimicrobial effect, so the child is completely protected from inflammation, fungal, infectious lesions and other pathological processes;
  • After lubricating the surface of the gum mucosa, the baby experiences a decrease in irritation.

Kalgel or dentinox which is better

It is recommended to use Kalgel no earlier than 5 months. Typically, many children experience the appearance of teeth at this age, pain and swelling of the gums often occur.

Cost in pharmacies

The drug is usually sold in many pharmacies only upon presentation of a prescription from a doctor. The price may vary greatly. On average, one tube can be purchased in pharmacies for 240-250 rubles. Sometimes the cost of a medicine can reach up to 300 rubles.

Cheap analogues

For some reasons, many are interested in analogues for children, cheaper than Kalgel, and their prices. And there may be several reasons - the high cost of the original, low efficiency, the manifestation of side symptoms. As for efficiency, this issue is controversial. The product works for some, but not for others. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Only a pediatrician should prescribe medications to reduce teething pain. It is the specialist who will be able to choose the appropriate remedy that will not harm the baby’s body.

By prices

Kalgel is quite expensive, so not everyone can afford this product. For this reason, you definitely need to know analogues that cost less. These include the following similar drugs.


Kalgel or dentinox which is better

The product can be purchased in pharmacies for 150-220 rubles. Its cost is much lower, but the drug has the same effect as Kalgel for children.

The analogue contains chamomile extract, which helps reduce the inflammatory process. In addition, lidocaine has a long-lasting analgesic effect during teething.

1 gram of this medicine contains 150 mg of chamomile extract, 3.4 mg of lidocaine hydrochloride monohydrate, 3.2 mg of polidocanol 600.

Kamistad gel

The cost of the drug in many pharmacies starts from 120 rubles and can reach up to 220 rubles. The composition of this medication differs from Kalgel, but it has the same effects - analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory.

Can be used for adults. For small children, it is recommended to use Kamistad baby, which is approved from 3 months.


This medication contains the main element - lidocaine hydrochloride. Additionally contains chamomile tincture. In addition to the active components, there are auxiliary components - carbomer, sodium salt of saccharin, camphor laurel oil, formic acid, ethyl alcohol, purified water.


Kalgel or dentinox which is better

This product can be bought in pharmacies for 40-50 rubles. Compared to Kalgel, this analogue is the cheapest for children. The composition contains only plant components - chamomile flowers, marigold, yarrow. It is used to eliminate various diseases, lesions of the oral cavity, and also to reduce pain.


The gel can be purchased for 160-180 rubles. It is recommended to use to relieve pain in diseases of the oral cavity. It is also prescribed as part of the complex treatment of periodontitis, gingivitis, stomatitis and other gum pathologies.

By composition

In pharmacies you can find other effective analogues of Kalgel.

Doctor Baby

This product is in high demand among many mothers; they speak positively about it. The composition contains only plant elements - chamomile, calendula, echinacea, plantain, marshmallow root. Due to its natural composition, the use of this drug is absolutely safe for children. Quickly relieves pain and discomfort.


This product contains cetalkonium chloride and choline salicylate. The medicine can be used to reduce pain in teeth and gums, as well as to treat various diseases of the oral cavity.


This product is available in the form of lozenges. Can be used for small children and adults. Provides quick relief of pain, and also has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Kalgel or dentinox which is better

“When my son started teething, we just didn’t know what to do. During this period he was very restless, constantly crying and capricious. After his gums became swollen and his temperature rose, I immediately called a doctor.

After the examination, he wrote us a prescription for the drug Kalgel, saying that this remedy would help reduce pain in the gums. But he recommended that we use this remedy together with Nurofen.

Indeed, as soon as we started using the gel, my son’s pain decreased and he began to behave much calmer. The pain disappeared approximately 15-20 minutes after application. But still, its cost is quite high.”

“Our daughter’s teething went quite easily, although there were times when she woke up at night and could not sleep for a long time due to pain in her gums.

It’s good that our pediatrician wrote us a prescription for Kalgel. This remedy helped us cope with discomfort in our gums, but I find that it does not last very long.

In general, Kalgel helps eliminate discomfort during teething in children. When used correctly, you can not only quickly eliminate discomfort, but also reduce severe swelling. However, this remedy is not suitable for everyone, for this reason it should only be prescribed by a doctor after examining the patient.

Just recently you became the happy parents of a little miracle. Day after day, the baby grows and now comes the period of teething.

What to do? How to help your baby overcome this test without tears and whims? Which painkiller should I choose? Just recently you became the happy parents of a little miracle. Day after day, the baby grows and now comes the period of teething.

What to do? How to help your baby overcome this test without tears and whims? Which painkiller should I choose? In this review, we will take a closer look at the drug “Kalgel”.

Composition of "Kalgel"

This dental medicine is a combination medicine and therefore can simultaneously kill germs and act as a pain reliever. That is why Kalgel is often used to facilitate the teething process in babies. It is based on two active substances - lidocaine hydrochloride and cetylpyridinium chloride. Each of them has its own effect on the body:

  1. lidocaine makes the teething process almost imperceptible, removing pain by blocking sodium channels;
  2. Cetylpyridinium chloride acts as an antiseptic, which prevents a number of bacteria and fungal flora from multiplying and growing.

According to the properties of the included components, Kalgel quickly relieves pain during teething in babies.

Kalgel or dentinox which is better

From what age is it permissible to smear the gums of a baby - from 5. It is from this age that it is permissible to use the drug for young patients. Although pediatricians often recommend using it when the baby is only three months old. Kalgel is not prohibited from being applied to inflamed gums even during pregnancy.

The appearance of baby teeth in infants is often accompanied by severe pain. To get rid of them and facilitate the process of teething, various local painkillers have been created. One of them is Kalgel. When can it be used in children, will it cause harm to the little one, and what can replace it with if necessary?

The drug is produced in the form of a dental gel, which some parents call ointment. It looks like a yellowish-brown homogeneous substance without any lumps or grains. The gel has a specific odor and is packaged in aluminum tubes. One tube contains 10 grams of medicine.

The therapeutic effect of the gel is provided by two active compounds:

  • Lidocaine in the form of hydrochloride. One gram of medicine contains 3.3 mg.
  • Cetylpyridinium. This substance in the form of chloride is contained for each gram of gel at a dose of 1 mg.

Indications for use and options for use

The gel is used to treat injuries to the oral cavity, for various dental diseases, after surgical orthodontic intervention or procedures. The drug is intended not only to relieve pain - it is a factor that prevents the development of an infectious-inflammatory process.

  • injury to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and lips due to wearing braces, dentures and mouthguards;
  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • cheilitis;
  • inflammatory process on the oral mucosa caused by various factors;
  • performing surgical interventions and medical procedures in the oral cavity;
  • eruption of wisdom teeth, milk teeth and molars.

The gel is used exclusively externally no more than three times a day. You can use a strip of gel no longer than 5 mm at a time. The drug is applied to the affected area with previously washed hands. In this case, the composition must be gently rubbed so that it is absorbed into the painful area.

In some cases, the number of applications per day may be increased by the doctor. "Kamistad", reviews of which are posted in this article, is used until it reduces pain and relieves symptoms, after which treatment with it should be stopped immediately.

"Kamistad" can be prescribed by a doctor as an aid in getting used to dentures. The gel is applied to painful areas, after which the prosthesis is immediately put on.

Preparation for use

The preparation process for applying the gel is as follows. Before using the gel, treatment of the mucous membrane is necessary. To do this, you can use a cotton swab soaked in sea buckthorn oil or rosehip oil. Sea buckthorn oil for stomatitis allows you to disinfect and soften the mucous membrane.

Then the mouth must be rinsed. To do this, use decoctions of nettle, chamomile or calendula. To eliminate discomfort and pain, it is recommended to include antiseptic solutions in the treatment.

What is better for stomatitis, Kamistad or Cholisal?

You need to know the rules for applying the gel. Many people apply the drug only to the ulcers, but for maximum effect the mucous membrane must be completely treated. After application, do not eat or drink for an hour. Only by following these simple rules is it possible to obtain a therapeutic effect.

Contraindications for Kamistad

The use of the gel is excluded in case of hypersensitivity to one or more components of the drug. Intolerance to lidocaine and chamomile is especially common. The following conditions are also contraindications for use:

  • hypertension;
  • bradycardia;
  • renal and heart failure;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • violation of intraventricular conduction;
  • liver damage and serious impairment of its functionality.

"Kamistad Baby" should not be given to children under 3 months of age. The drug for adults is not suitable for use by children under 12 years of age.

Possible side effects

If you follow the recommendations specified in the instructions and specified by your doctor, as well as in the absence of individual intolerance to the Kamistad gel, side effects in the form of an allergic reaction can be avoided. In rare cases, hyperemia, burning or itching may occur in the areas where the gel was applied. If signs of allergy appear, it is recommended to stop using the drug.

Overdose is possible, but no such cases have been reported to date. However, you should be aware of the following manifestations:

  • apnea;
  • bradycardia;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • cyanosis of the skin.

"Kamistad" for children

A special gel can be used to eliminate pain during teething in infants from 3 months. It should be borne in mind that the drug causes numbness and impairs the ability to swallow, and also causes increased salivation - a predisposing factor for choking with saliva. Given the danger to the baby's life, it is not recommended to use the gel for a long time. After using it, it is better to monitor the baby.

In addition, increased salivation can cause irritation of the facial skin. When applying the gel, since it provokes numbness, the child may bite his lip hard, which will subsequently hurt.

In reviews of “Kamistad” for infants, one can often find negative speeches from mothers who consider lidocaine to be an absolutely harmful substance for the child’s body. The components of many medications have a negative effect on fragile babies, so any product from the pharmacological industry should not be given to a child without first consulting a pediatrician. By the way, “Kamistad Baby” does not contain lidocaine, but polidocanol, which, according to medical luminaries, is harmless. However, the side effects from its use can be even worse than from lidocaine. All this speaks only of one thing - do not further traumatize the baby’s body, do not give him medications if possible. And we’re not just talking about Kamistad.

Comparison of side effects of Cholisal and Kamistad

Side effects or adverse events are any adverse medical event that occurs in a subject after administration of a drug.

Kholisal has almost the same level of adverse events as Kamistad. They both have few side effects. This implies that the frequency of their occurrence is low, that is, the indicator of how many cases of an undesirable effect of treatment are possible and registered is low. The undesirable effect on the body, the strength of influence and the toxic effect of Cholisal are similar to Kamistad: how quickly the body recovers after taking it and whether it recovers at all.

Cost of the drug

Kamistad gel is sold in many pharmacies and is available without a doctor’s prescription. Before use, it is still better to consult a specialist, especially if we are talking about a child.

The advantages of the gel, in addition to its effectiveness, also include its relatively low cost. The drug is imported and is sold in foreign and Russian online pharmacies at different prices. On average, the cost fluctuates around $4. In Moscow you can buy the drug at a price of 240-250 rubles.

Reviews about "Kamistad"

The general opinion of people who have used this medicine for inflammation and soreness of the gums and oral mucosa is that the gel is very effective and helps to get rid of discomfort for a while. There are also reviews about “Kamistad Baby”. The drug is no less effective at helping babies get rid of teething pain.

In both cases, it is worth remembering the possible danger. It is not recommended to give the medicine to children without first consulting a pediatrician. Adults must check the product for the presence or absence of an allergic reaction. This can be done by applying a small amount of gel, and if no negative effects are observed within 24 hours, then you can safely use it.

Kalgel: analogues, instructions for use, price, reviews

Description of the drug

Kalgel is a dental gel used in pediatric practice. It is prescribed to small patients to improve their well-being during teething. During this period, the wounds on the gums can penetrate:

  • pathogenic fungi - causative agents of stomatitis;
  • pathogenic bacteria - staphylococci and streptococci.

This causes the development of the inflammatory process and the appearance of symptoms of general intoxication of the body. The child's temperature rises, digestion and peristalsis are disrupted.

Kalgel or dentinox which is better

Timely use of the drug helps prevent infection of wounds and avoid the occurrence of hyperthermia. Parents often ask pediatricians how long Kalgel lasts.

Its duration depends on the frequency of feeding, the degree of tissue damage, and the individual characteristics of the child’s body.

Kalgel is part of the group of local anesthetics. But the presence of several active ingredients allows it to be classified as an antibacterial and antifungal agent. Dental gel is also characterized by pronounced analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

The active ingredient of the drug is cetylpyridinium chloride, which exhibits antiseptic activity.

It penetrates bacterial cells and is embedded in membranes, increasing their permeability to potassium ions. Microorganisms lose their ability to grow and die.

The chemical compound moisturizes the mucous membranes of the mouth, penetrating into the deepest tissues. Cetylpyridinium chloride also effectively destroys:

  • some enveloped viruses;
  • Candida fungi and Saccharomycetes.

The intense analgesic effect of Kalgel is provided by its active substance lidocaine hydrochloride. It blocks sodium channels in the sensory endings of nerve fibers, inhibiting conduction. Levomenthol enhances the analgesic effect. After applying the product to the gums, a slight cold is felt due to irritation of specific receptors.

The active ingredients are absorbed by the mucous membranes and bind to plasma proteins. They are transformed in liver cells, but about 10% are evacuated unchanged. Metabolites of cetylpyridinium and lidocaine are excreted from the body with each bladder emptying.

Kalgel is produced by a Polish manufacturer in the form of a transparent gel with a thick consistency.

Pharmacological standards exclude the content of any foreign particles in the drug. Primary packaging is an aluminum tube containing 10.0 g of the drug. It is placed in a cardboard box along with instructions for use.

The active ingredients of Kalgel are lidocaine and cetylpyridinium chloride. To give the gel a sweet taste, manufacturers added to its composition:

  • sorbitol;
  • sodium citrate;
  • citric acid;
  • sodium saccharinate.

A pleasant smell is provided by caramel and herbal flavors. To form a gel base, macrogol, glyceryl hydroxystearate, and hyaetellose are used. The auxiliary ingredient levomenthol also exhibits therapeutic activity, providing a cooling effect. All components complement each other, enhancing and prolonging clinical effectiveness.

When purchasing, parents often ask the pharmacist if Kalgel can be stored in the refrigerator. This is not necessary, since the product does not change its physicochemical properties at room temperature up to 25°C.

The optimal storage location is a shelf in the closet, where direct sunlight does not penetrate. Small children who are attracted by its aroma and taste should not have access to the drug.

After opening the Kalgel package, pediatricians recommend not using it for more than 2 weeks. The appearance of lumps, changes in color and odor indicate deterioration of the medicinal product.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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