Pros and cons of Inno implants
Russian Liko implants
1458 The effectiveness of the implantation procedure depends on many things - the professionalism of the dentist, the condition of the oral tissues
Abscess, phlegmon of the submandibular region
Causes of cheek abscess and disease code according to ICD -10 The main provoking factor of formation
Boil on the neck
How to recognize and treat a boil under the skin?
Often we are faced with the problem of the appearance of so-called boils in the cheek area. This and
Tinctures of propolis and calamus for toothache: how to take them and use them for rinsing
Propolis for toothache Propolis for toothache (grandfather’s recipe) - take peeled
XiveBox: answers to your questions
German XiVE dental implants: design features, model range, pros and cons XiVE dental implants
Causes of twitching upper lip
Females are more likely to suffer from involuntary contractions of the lip muscles. If your lower lip twitches
Age-related anatomy of the tooth cavity and age-related characteristics of the pulp
Cellular part of the dental pulp The cellular part consists of many cells, the most important of which are
Treatment of periodontal and gum diseases
September 9, 2017 Periodontitis is the number one cause of tooth loss. This disease is characterized by inflammation
Vokara: instructions for use
Vokara for stomatitis in children
Synonyms: Vocara “Vocara” is an antiseptic anti-inflammatory agent that has an impressive list of beneficial qualities. IN
Surgical intervention
Vincent's ulcerative necrotizing stomatitis
Description of ulcerative-necrotic stomatitis This disease is understood as infection with a spindle-shaped rod or spirochete, which
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