how to form the correct bite
Formation of malocclusion in children
Perhaps every person has come across such concepts as correct and incorrect bite. And if
Rules for mixing Proroot mta paste
ProRoot MTA material for restoring dentin in root canals
1932 Filling materials used in dentistry must meet a number of requirements, the main of which are tightness
antibiotics for dental periodontitis
Treatment of periodontitis at home
April 30, 2020 Last revised: September 12, 2020 Gum disease Today, antibiotics for periodontitis
What is Miramistin?
Miramistin for a runny nose: is it possible to spray it in the nose and how to use it correctly
A runny nose is considered not only a source of discomfort, but also the cause of many abnormalities. And competent treatment
Gum burn: types of burns, causes, symptoms and treatment, recovery period and dental advice
Chemical burn of the oral mucosa treatment
Ammonia (ammonium hydroxide) is an aqueous solution of ammonia that has a local irritant and antiseptic effect.
List of medications and effective remedies for sore throat
Antibacterial drugs for the throat
Medicines for children Not all medicines are suitable for children. For the treatment of children in the first year of life
Dental prosthetics
Prosthetics without grinding is a gentle way to restore teeth
Traditional methods of prosthetics require grinding of tooth enamel to ensure proper fit of the crown. This procedure has
Photo: How to prevent epulis from appearing on the gums
Epulis (central giant cell granuloma). Giant cell reparative granuloma of bone Giant cell granuloma
3213 Among dental diseases there are a number of those that can be characterized as tumors. Exactly
swollen lip
What is a boil on the lip, what causes it, what is known about treatment methods and what does a boil look like in the photo?
Types of pustules on the lip and their characteristics Boils on the lip are characterized by the appearance of painful swelling.
A child’s baby teeth hurt – how to help your baby
There are many misconceptions about whether children's baby teeth hurt. Alone parents
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