Can a tooth hurt due to the weather?

Reasons why a tooth hurts from hot food

Thinning enamel is one of the causes of increased tooth sensitivity.

Why does enamel react to heat? Teeth hurt from hot temperatures due to a number of reasons, which include the following:

  • damage or thinning of the enamel. Dentin can deteriorate due to using too hard a toothbrush or eating too acidic foods. Also, thinning of the enamel is observed if the patient has certain dental diseases: caries, periodontitis. When the enamel wears away, the canals leading to the pulp, where the nerve is located, are exposed. This is what causes pain when interacting with food or drinks with a high temperature, teeth ache, and discomfort is felt;
  • pulpitis. With this disease, the dental nerve becomes inflamed. It is with pulpitis (in particular, the purulent type) that the pain upon contact with hot food or liquid is especially sharp and severe. It can occur and last from 15 minutes to 3 hours;
  • disorders of calcium metabolism in the body. In this case, there is not enough calcium in the bone tissue, which also extends to the teeth. They become fragile and overly sensitive to temperature stimuli;
  • carrying out teeth whitening procedures. These manipulations thin the enamel, making the tooth too sensitive to temperatures;
  • carrying out dental treatment procedures . When preparing a tooth, installing crowns or removing the dental nerve, depulping, the doctor may make a mistake, which subsequently manifests itself in increased sensitivity of the teeth to hot.

Note! Increased sensitivity of teeth to hot can develop due to alcohol abuse, smoking, hormonal imbalances, and increased acidity in the oral cavity.

Preventing headaches due to weather changes

In order not to be tormented by the question of how to treat a headache due to the weather, you can adhere to effective preventive measures. Let's list the most effective ones:

  1. Get enough rest. The frantic pace of life contributes to a decrease in immunity and the development of weather dependence.
  2. Go to bed early, no later than ten o'clock in the evening.
  3. Walk daily. The duration of walks should be about forty minutes.
  4. Adjust your diet. You will need to eliminate fatty, salty, and sweet foods. Before purchasing products, you need to pay attention to the quality and expiration date.
  5. Keep your living space and work area well ventilated.
  6. Minimize psycho-emotional stress.
  7. Drink enough clean water, about two liters per day.
  8. Stop smoking tobacco and alcohol-containing products.

The best thing to do when you have a headache due to the weather is to go to the hospital. Only under the supervision of a knowledgeable specialist can the patient’s condition be alleviated.

Why do teeth hurt from cold?

Teeth can react to hot and cold due to tooth decay.

Upon contact with cold liquid or cold food, toothache can occur due to mechanical damage to the tooth, caries, the action of food additives, or inflammation of the tooth tissue.

Also, increased sensitivity to cold can be associated with diseases of the endocrine system, stomach diseases - ulcers and gastritis.

In some cases, toothaches arise from hot heat, but are relieved by contact with cold. This happens with caries or periodontitis, when the dental nerve is exposed.

Can a dead tooth without a nerve hurt when it comes into contact with cold or hot? This phenomenon is observed when:

  • cystic formation of the gums. In this case, it is not the tooth itself that hurts, but the tissues surrounding it;
  • caries;
  • poor quality filling.

Important! If you have toothaches associated with high or low temperatures, you should immediately contact your dentist.


People often react to weather changes by feeling unwell. So, before the rain, many people have aching joints, headaches, and “humming” bones. This is due to a sharp change in atmospheric pressure and disturbances in adaptation mechanisms.

Most often, people with disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, arterial hypertension and other general systemic diseases suffer from weather sensitivity.

Pain in the jaw that is perceived as toothache does not occur in the teeth at all. It appears as a result of changes in the size of the bone canal of the mandibular nerve or branch of the trigeminal nerve.

It can also arise due to a sharp change in climate, which is again associated with a difference in pressure, which with modern means of transportation, namely, high-speed airplanes, certainly has a dramatic effect on well-being.

What to do

Remineralization of tooth enamel.

After identifying the cause of increased sensitivity of teeth to temperatures, the patient is prescribed the following measures:

  • remineralization procedures. The bottom line is to enrich the tooth surface with calcium, a deficiency of which can worsen the condition of the enamel;
  • coating of enamel with Fluorvarnish. In this case, solutions of fluoride and calcium hydroxide are applied to the teeth. The surface is treated with each component separately. This coating reliably protects the enamel from damage and irritants;
  • elimination of the defect – malocclusion. For treatment, special designs are used - plates or braces;
  • laser therapy. The laser beam seals the ends of the dentinal tubules, so the movement of fluid inside the tooth is limited.
  • installation of seals. If the reason lies in carious lesions, the teeth must be filled.

You can also reduce the sensitivity of teeth to temperatures using various toothpastes and rinses. The most popular means include the following:

  • Sensodyne toothpastes “Restoration and Protection” and “Instant Effect”. The first type of paste is used to saturate the enamel with nutrients and restore it. In addition, Sensodyne "Restore and Protect" protects teeth from caries and tartar. The second type of paste has a quick effect, effectively relieving discomfort;

Sensodyne Paste “Restoration and Protection”

Sensodyne "Recovery and Protection"

Sensodyne paste “Instant effect”

Sensodyne "Instant effect"

  • Oral-B Sensitive Original toothpaste. The active ingredients of this paste strengthen dentin and reduce enamel sensitivity;

Oral-B Sensitive Original

  • ROCS Sensitive paste and gel. They have a double effect, not only suppressing excessive sensitivity, but also whitening the surface of the teeth. The paste directly affects the dentinal tubules;

ROCS Sensitive paste

ROCS Sensitive

  • PRESIDENT Sensitive paste. The product makes the enamel less sensitive to irritants, gently removes plaque, and reduces the level of gum inflammation.

Paste PRESIDENT Sensitive


Over-the-counter remedies may also be helpful for hypersensitivity to hot and cold foods and drinks. This:

  • Remodent powder. The product contains zinc, calcium, magnesium. Based on it, solutions are prepared for applying compresses and rinsing the mouth;

Remodent powder

  • Fluocal gel. This drug is applied to the surface of the teeth for a few minutes, then the remaining substance is spat out. During this time, the drug manages to saturate the enamel well with fluoride;

gel Fluocal

  • Dipelen. It is a film that is glued to the surface of the teeth. It saturates the enamel with fluoride and promotes its restoration. In addition, Dipelen is a prophylactic agent to prevent gum disease and the development of caries.

Dipelen tapes

Popular folk methods that combat sensitivity include the following:

  • solution with tea tree oil. You need to take a glass of warm water and add 3 drops of essential oil to it, mix. Rinse the mouth with the resulting mixture after meals;
  • propolis. Small pieces of propolis should be applied to areas where discomfort is localized;
  • solution with soda and iodine. In a glass of warm water, combine a teaspoon of soda and two drops of iodine. Rinse your mouth, paying special attention to your teeth, 2 times a day.

Important! Before using any method to treat hypersensitivity, you should consult your dentist.

Possible diseases

There are a number of pathological processes that are characterized by seasonality, when there is a transition from winter to spring or from autumn to winter.

In this case, teeth that have a violation of the integrity of the enamel or damage as a result of caries or pulpitis hurt due to the weather.

Pathological conditions in which the patient notices toothache when weather conditions change may include the following diseases:

  1. Exacerbation of trigeminal neuralgia. It has three branches that provide innervation to the facial part of the head. The second branch runs along the upper jaw, the third innervates the lower jaw. The pain symptom in this pathology is pronounced and resembles an acute toothache. Very often the patient associates this symptom with the body’s reaction to the onset of cold weather. In addition, the process is accompanied by colds as a result of hypothermia.
  2. ENT pathologies in which an inflammatory process develops in the ear canal (otitis media). In this case, pain in the teeth of the upper jaw is perceived by patients as pulpitis. And they associate it with the change in weather. However, undergoing a treatment course with an otolaryngologist allows you to get rid of the clinical picture that has arisen.
  3. Diseases resulting from inflammation of the mucous epithelium that lines the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis or sinusitis). This development of the clinical picture occurs due to the anatomical structure of the bones of the skull. The paranasal sinuses are located in close proximity to the roots of the molars. In this case, exacerbation of sinusitis is accompanied by toothache, which is poorly relieved by conventional analgesics. The patient, in this case, associates the symptom that has arisen as a consequence of changes in atmospheric pressure. Because, according to his expression, his whole jaw is aching. The appearance of this sign is used in the differential diagnosis of dental pathologies and diseases of the paranasal sinuses.

In each of these cases, an x-ray is required, and based on its results, the doctor will be able to determine the true cause of the deviation.


To prevent the occurrence of unpleasant sensations, you should follow these recommendations:

  • include foods rich in microelements and vitamins in your diet;
  • refuse aggressive cleaning and enamel whitening agents - lemon juice, soda, and professional pastes;
  • timely filling of teeth affected by caries;
  • rinse your mouth with water after each meal containing acid;
  • Avoid frequent consumption of citrus fruits and sweets;
  • use a toothbrush with a suitable hardness level;
  • do not chew hard foods and objects.

If your teeth hurt from hot temperatures, this may indicate dental problems. In some cases, the phenomenon is associated with diseases of the internal organs. To cope with the problem, you need to see a dentist and undergo the necessary examinations.


Diseases of organs adjacent to the teeth can provoke painful sensations in the jaw. Thus, pain in the area of ​​the upper teeth can be provoked as a result of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses - sinusitis - or ear tissue - otitis. In this case, timely treatment of the culprit diseases will help relieve pain.

Often a cold is called inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the apex of the tooth root. Periodontitis is popularly called by a number of names: cyst, granuloma. It can also manifest itself in the form of a fistula, that is, the release of pus, as well as gumboil. But this is most often one disease - inflammation of the gum tissue, associated with the presence of infection in the area of ​​​​the roots of the teeth.

The most common causes of gum pain

  • Inappropriate toothbrush for tender gums;
  • Poor quality filling of root canals;
  • Tartar left without timely removal;
  • Wisdom tooth growth;
  • External factors that damage the gums, facilitating the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the gums;
  • Incorrect or insufficient oral hygiene;
  • Side effects of certain medications;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Smoking;
  • Disturbances in the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, etc.;
  • Allergy;
  • Toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • Malocclusion;
  • Eating spicy, cold and hot food.

    At the dentist

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