rectal fistula
What does a fistula on the leg look like and how to treat it?
The process of fistula formation is always very painful, especially if it affects such sensitive areas of the body,
Antibiotics for inflammation of the salivary gland - Teeth
How to treat the salivary gland at home? The use of tinctures In addition to modern traditional medicine, gradually
Vinilin (Shostakovsky balm). Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues
Instructions for use of Vinilin Polyvinyl butyl ether is a medical preparation that can relieve inflammation, cleanse
Side puncture
How to pierce your tongue at home without pain
Tongue piercing - what consequences can a fashionable hobby lead to Piercing various parts of the body
Herpes on a girl's lips
Treatment of herpes with folk remedies on the lips quickly at home
The formation of cracks and wounds on the lips that become inflamed and cause a feeling of itching is familiar to almost everyone
Alveoli in the mouth - what are they and where are they located?
The structure of the alveoli in the mouth Alveola is translated as a cell. The term is used in pulmonology, dentistry and
What is the danger of a fistula on the gum and how to cure it
Fistula on the gums in an adult: causes, treatment
A fistula on the gum is a pathological cavity in the soft tissues, formed as a result of prolonged,
Means for the treatment of catarrhal gingivitis
Chronic gingivitis: types, symptoms, treatment
Methods for treating gingivitis in adults Treatment of acute and chronic gingivitis includes 3 components: Sanitation
Mouth rinse for gum inflammation: how to rinse your mouth
Periodontal disease refers to rare but very serious diseases of the periodontium – the tissues surrounding the tooth. He
Stomatitis in children: photo of the disease in the mouth, treatment methods, prevention and consequences
Stomatitis is irritation or damage to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Manifests itself in the form of ulcers and