What do black teeth mean according to the dream book?

Negative sign

If you dream of a black tooth, and even with a rotten tooth, such a dream is one of the most negative night visions that fate has in store for a person. And even if in a dream or reality the state of the sleeping person’s oral cavity is normal, such a vision still predicts a lot of troubles.

What such a night vision can promise is, first of all, a harbinger of serious illnesses and quarrels. And how serious they will be - you can judge by the degree of destruction and the blackness of the dentition. So even for faithful spouses or lovers, a dream promises a break in relationships, and someone in the house will get sick. But for the most part, this is an indication of troubles and difficulties for which the sleeper himself is not mentally and physically prepared.

To be more specific, dreams about black teeth are often seen by people with weak immune systems, or by those who, for one reason or another, are unable to establish a common language with relatives or friends. This dream also promises material difficulties, up to complete ruin and bankruptcy, total need.

But if in a dream you see only one blackened tooth in your mouth, this is, so to speak, a prophetic dream given into your hand from above. This is exactly the option in which fate indicates to you that it is time to go to the dentist and have your oral cavity checked by a doctor.

Blackened teeth - expect surprises

Often, according to a number of interpretations of different dream books, such visions indicate surprises. What should you prepare for in advance? It is difficult to answer this question - even the most detailed dream books will not give you a 100% answer to this.

But the only thing they will tell you is to check on your relatives, because they may need help, and don’t forget about yourself, get examined by a doctor, get proper rest and eat, and prioritize your business. And it is quite possible that by doing all this, you will find your mistake and eliminate it in a timely manner, and by eliminating it, you will avoid trouble.

If you see how the tooth itself gradually turns black under the filling, this should alert you. Such a vision acts as a warning from above - they are trying to deceive you, passing off wishful thinking, evil as good and good. But if you see in a dream that your only tooth in your mouth has turned black, do not hesitate in the morning, because it is at this moment that luck accompanies you and Fortune protects you.

Dream Interpretation Why see caries on teeth in a dream?

Agree that teeth damaged by caries are not a pleasant sight. Life experience suggests that the appearance of carious lesions is a sure sign that it is time to go to the dentist and get serious treatment.

Why do you dream about teeth with caries? It is not always easy to understand the meaning of such a dream, but subconsciously a person in most cases feels that such a dream does not bode well. After all, caries is, in fact, rotten teeth, a problem that causes a lot of trouble, especially if it is treated too late. According to most dream books, dental caries in a dream is a bad omen...

It is believed that a dream in which bad teeth are present often acts as a kind of reminder that it is time to take care of your health. Moreover, it often happens that such images are dreamed by a person who has suffered from caries for a long time or has not suffered at all. To better understand such dreams, let's turn to dream books.

In most cases, dream books interpret caries as unpleasant troubles associated with the health of the dreamer or his relatives. It is especially bad when the disease is accompanied by bleeding, since blood symbolizes the leakage of vital force.

There are also opinions that such images can indicate a person’s overwork. In this way, the body tries to communicate that a time out is needed. At the same time, dream books recommend thinking about going on vacation and spending time with health benefits.

Another common interpretation of why a healthy person with a white smile dreams of caries is that it foreshadows the appearance of imaginary friends or dishonest partners who will cause a lot of trouble.

However, if you see caries in a dream, you shouldn’t panic: this is just a warning about the possible appearance of ill-wishers or an impetus for action to improve your health: if there is a problem, go to the doctor, but if not, rest and just listen to your feelings, perhaps what your body is experiencing something is missing.

In general, various interpretations make it clear that caries in dreams is clearly not good.

Dream interpretation of caries on teeth black

Now let’s look at the nuances: let’s look in detail at what the most popular dream books say regarding the image of teeth with caries, as well as other troubles in the oral cavity.

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In these dream books, troubles with teeth are covered in great detail. For example, in the Autumn Dream Book it is said that treating caries in a dream means dental diseases. But seeing a snow-white smile (seemingly a good sign) is a sign of lying.

It also states here:

  • pulling teeth - foretells upcoming physical pain;
  • many spoiled and rotten - to a scandal, most often with your soulmate;
  • removing a nerve - to mental suffering, strong experiences in reality;
  • getting a filling from a doctor means completing an unpleasant task;
  • to see gaps means to become the subject of ridicule in reality.

The summer dream book also states: if you dreamed of teeth with caries, get ready to fight toothache in reality. Severe decay and deep carious cavities may portend the appearance of a serious illness in a relative, but their treatment means the need to make an attempt to prevent possible problems.

Inserting teeth in a dream means losing them, while knocking them out is a sign of confusion, loss of control over the situation. Removing a nerve means the presence in the dreamer’s life of an annoying person who gets on the nerves, installing a filling means constant turmoil in solving problems, and sparse teeth means stupid chatter.

In the Spring Dream Book, a carious tooth is a very bad sign; its appearance means the death of a sick person from the dreamer’s environment. But healthy teeth dream of prosperity. Dental prosthetics means the appearance of new relatives: such a dream can occur, for example, before a wedding or the birth of a child.

Dream interpretation of caries on teeth black

Teeth and blood, according to the Spring Dream Book, dream of a visit from blood relatives, and just a tooth - of the arrival of strangers. Pulling teeth in a dream means losses, removing nerves means fear for loved ones, seeing chips means lying. And treatment at the dentist means meeting your expectations.

This dream book interprets tooth decay as a symbol of the destruction of plans, the appearance of illness or misfortune. Tooth extraction represents hunger, poverty and the threat of death. If the dreamer sees artificial dentures, this means serious difficulties and trials, and the image of a pulled out tooth means a protracted illness.

Seeing your mouth with bare gums in a dream means losing something very valuable in life. Brushing and rinsing your mouth reflects the struggle for well-being, and getting rid of plaque represents successfully overcoming troubles.

A curious interpretation in this dream book is given to a dream in which the next day after treatment a person again sees caries. Such a dream most often means that in reality the dreamer has entrusted the defense of his interests to individuals who are not trustworthy, and he should beware of betrayal.

In this dream interpreter, the image of a tooth is associated with speech: a lot of healthy teeth means a lot of conversations in reality, a lack of them means empty, useless chatter. Dentures mean evil words and deceit, teeth falling out means incessant idle talk.

Dream interpretation of caries on teeth black

But this is what dreams of teeth with caries actually mean – the possible presence of a “dirty” tongue in a person. Perhaps the dreamer often had to lie, slander or insult someone, which resulted in problems in the mouth in a dream.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to Vanga’s dream book, contemplation of teeth affected by caries in a dream or their loss symbolizes health troubles. A mouth completely devoid of teeth means a joyless old age alone.

Loss of a tooth, accompanied by blood, is a sign that there is a threat of losing a loved one.

According to Pastor Loff’s dream book, dreams of teeth with caries mean that a person subconsciously anticipates health problems.

If in a dream you have to lose a tooth painfully and with blood, this means the appearance of a serious illness in a family member and even, possibly, his death in the near future. But if pain is not felt and there is no blood, it means that something previously important to the dreamer will lose its paramount importance.

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