Top 15 Best Electric Toothbrushes for Adults + 4 Great Models for Kids
No. Name Rating Nomination The best regular electric toothbrushes 1 Oral-B Pro 2 2400
How do abrasive toothpastes affect teeth?
Toothpastes. Abrasiveness
How abrasive toothpastes affect teeth The effect of abrasive toothpastes is similar to the effect of a scrub
Taste of soda in mouth
Sometimes different tastes appear in the mouth or on the tongue that do not correspond to what
Bad breath when your stomach is empty
Every person throughout his life may encounter such a phenomenon as an unpleasant odor from
collection of sputum for analysis
Pneumonia foamy discharge from the mouth
Sputum during pneumonia is a phenomenon that people encounter regardless of age. Costs
Teeth cleaning and grinding
What does poor oral hygiene lead to and how to properly care for your teeth?
Elimination of pathologies for carrying out Every person can carry out a cleansing procedure with a specialist as
Unpleasant taste in the mouth during pregnancy. Unpleasant taste in the mouth during pregnancy: causes and treatment
Every second woman has experienced changes in her body during pregnancy that lead to
tongue cleaning paste
How to properly clean your tongue - choosing scrapers, brushes and other “cleaners”
For a beautiful smile and healthy teeth, it is necessary to perform high-quality oral cleansing every day. However
Hygiene items (toothbrushes, toothpicks, floss). Selection, rules of use, storage. Methods of hygienic oral care. Standard method of brushing teeth using fontome
Proper and daily oral care prevents the formation and accumulation of bacterial plaque, which
Walnut shells for tartar - effective recipes
Regular walnut shells for tartar removal are a proven folk remedy. Its positive properties
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