The best toothpaste according to dentists

Every person follows the rules of personal hygiene, which is why toothpastes are widely distributed in various compositions around the world. Calcium and fluoride provide complete protection against caries to teeth, but the latter substance is often questioned by modern researchers, which has allowed products only with calcium-containing compounds to gain popularity. Which toothpaste with calcium is most popular among domestic consumers and why will be discussed below, but first you should understand other, no less important issues.

Benefits of calcium

It is this substance that is responsible for the strength of bone tissue in the human body, from which teeth are made. The lack of this compound inevitably leads to the destruction of tooth enamel, tooth fragility and the appearance of caries. All this reduces the functionality of the oral cavity and causes aching toothaches and increased tooth sensitivity.

Good toothpaste with calcium

Calcium enters the body mainly from food, but even with regular use there is no guarantee that all the substance will be absorbed and benefit the person. To speed up the process of mineralization of teeth and quickly obtain the effect, it is necessary to act locally.

Benefits of toothpastes

Dentists advise regularly cleaning your mouth, but many perform the procedure only in the morning and do not find time for it in the evening. There are also those who never pick up a toothbrush at all, but their teeth remain intact until old age, but such cases are rare. Most people need to regularly carry out hygiene procedures, otherwise unpleasant diseases may begin to develop - periodontal disease, periodontitis, etc.

Interesting! More than a hundred years ago, teeth were cleaned with powders based on sand, chalk and other components. The substances included in their composition have proven their effectiveness, so many of them are included in modern pastes.

It is recommended to undergo preventive examinations with dentists several times a year.

The choice of toothpaste is huge, but dentists recommend purchasing well-known brands.

It is simply impossible to overestimate their advantages; they include the following:

  • suitable for strengthening enamel;
  • destroy pathogenic microorganisms;
  • get rid of bad breath;
  • prevent the development of dental diseases.

In fact, not all toothpastes are as safe and effective as they show us on TV or tell us in the pharmacy or hospital. On the modern pharmaceutical market you can buy many pastes that do harm, not good.

Harmful components

Many people probably know that the chewing organs consist of hard tissues, which are located in the very thickness of the gums. The top layer is especially vulnerable to microbes; under the influence of acids or other substances, its destruction occurs first. The main components in the enamel structure are fluoride and calcium; with their normal concentration, teeth are healthy.

A harmful component found in many toothpastes is lauryl sulfate.

The main effect of toothpastes is to get rid of imperfections in the oral cavity. Unfortunately, many manufacturers do not take into account the fact that many components can be dangerous.

For this reason, everyone should know how to choose a good toothpaste and what components it should not contain:

  1. Lauryl sulfate is a foaming agent found in many modern detergents. During chemical transformations, it converts oxides and nitrates, they settle in the human body and become the cause of the development of allergies, which manifest themselves in the form of burning and itching.
  2. Propylene glycol is a solvent found in antifreeze and brake fluid. When it enters the body, it accumulates in the liver and kidneys, gradually promoting the destruction of the membrane and cellular proteins.
  3. Triclosan is an antibiotic that kills pathogenic microorganisms. In medical practice, the substance can be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor, as well as under his supervision. The substance has a detrimental effect on the condition of the kidneys, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Paraben is a preservative used to increase the shelf life of products. When accumulated in the endocrine glands, it can cause the development of malignant tumors.
  5. Polyphosphates are water softeners and reaction stabilizers added to many laundry detergents. The components increase cholesterol levels and cause the development of an inflammatory process in the oral cavity.
  6. Fluoride is a necessary component for tooth enamel, but it can only be added to the toothpaste with the permission of the dentist. If its concentration is increased, the teeth become dark in color and fluorosis may develop.

A component that must be used with extreme caution

These are not all the harmful substances that can be added to toothpastes. Even if the need to use them arises, it is strictly prohibited to do so on a daily basis.

Benefits of pasta

Toothpastes with calcium help in a short time to strengthen the enamel of teeth, reduce their sensitivity and completely relieve all the unpleasant sensations that accompany increased sensitivity. Of course, you can get results only if you regularly use hygiene products. A decrease in the sensitivity threshold occurs within a few days and a person can safely eat hot and cold food.

At the initial stages of caries development, when dull spots simply appear on the teeth, toothpaste with calcium helps prevent the development of the disease and completely restore demineralized areas.

Citizens living in regions with high concentrations of fluoride in drinking water and those who suffer from fluoride intolerance should pay special attention to such hygiene products.

Rules for choosing pasta

It is difficult to meet a person whose teeth are completely healthy. Even if there is no periodontal disease, caries or other diseases, tooth enamel may be destroyed and may lack calcium, fluoride or other components. If you abuse bad habits or drink coffee frequently, your teeth acquire a different color and are constantly in need of prevention.

When choosing toothpaste, you should listen to the opinions of dentists

It is best to consult your dentist about choosing the right toothpaste. If the product is purchased correctly, it will quickly get rid of plaque and prevent the appearance of tartar, caries and other diseases.

There are several types of toothpaste, it all depends on what effect it should have on the oral cavity:

  1. For sensitive teeth, cleaning should be high-quality and gentle; natural protection should not be damaged. Due to the destruction of enamel, dentin is exposed, and in the future the tooth may be destroyed. It can only be protected by placing a filling or applying fluoride. The paste is needed in the future in order to provide good protection. For especially sensitive teeth, you should choose a toothpaste that contains potassium salts and strontium chloride, which make tooth enamel stronger. Dentists advise paying attention to the packaging of the paste; the RDA index should be at least 75.
  2. Darkened teeth require toothpastes with a whitening effect, but they can only be used if the enamel is strong. The frequency of using such products is a maximum of three times a week, otherwise in just a few months the enamel will begin to deteriorate. The abrasiveness index in such pastes should be above two hundred. Dark enamel will become lighter, but naturally you should not expect a snow-white effect. A manufacturer who claims such a result is just advertising his product; in reality, this cannot happen. Remember, if whitening pastes contain chalk, this will cause destruction of the neck of the tooth.
  3. Antiseptic pastes. Perhaps everyone knows that the oral cavity contains the largest number of bacteria. It is important to regularly cleanse your mouth of them, otherwise your teeth will begin to decay.
  4. Anticarious - they should contain sodium fluoride, amino fluorides, calcium glycerophosphate. The amount of fluoride should not be large, because it is already in the water, and if there is an excess, nothing but harm can be expected. If there is not enough calcium, you should give preference to those pastes that contain calcium glycerophosphate; over time, it will not wash off from the enamel.
  5. Children's pastes - the requirements for this category of pastes are special. This is exactly the case when you cannot trust only one package. The components in the composition should be gentle, avoid silicon dioxide and dicalcium phosphate. The index should not exceed fifty.

When choosing a toothpaste, you should carefully study its composition.

As mentioned above, there are also pastes that are recommended for smokers and coffee lovers. They are directly similar to bleaching agents, but as an addition they provide a refreshing effect.

Why do teeth become sensitive?

Many people complain that their teeth become extremely sensitive, but not everyone knows what is causing this.

Most often, the person himself provokes such problems:

  • failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene in the oral cavity;
  • poor nutrition;
  • frequent consumption of coffee;
  • abuse of bad habits;
  • use of low-quality toothpastes.

Due to the thinning of tooth enamel, teeth become extremely vulnerable; when eating hot or cold food with liquid, a person feels severe discomfort.

Numerous problems arise from thinning tooth enamel

In order to avoid such sensations, you should adhere to simple rules, which include the following:

  1. Regular sanitation of the oral cavity. Movements when brushing your teeth should be soft and smooth; it is forbidden to put pressure on the toothbrush.
  2. You should choose the right paste and brush. The product should not contain aggressive bleaching components or other aggressive substances. The hardness of the brush should be medium.
  3. Drink as much fluid as possible. In addition, you should eat cottage cheese, milk and cheese. Avoid combining hot and cold drinks, otherwise your tooth enamel will begin to erode.

In order to never experience toothache and maintain your health for a long time, you need to take a responsible approach to oral hygiene.

Active ingredients of pastes

Depending on the concentration of the active substance, products are preventive and therapeutic. As such, the composition is identical, so the choice of paste is based only on the presence or absence of areas of enamel demineralization.

The onset of carious tooth decay requires an immediate response from the individual. If a child has a similar problem, then you should definitely buy children’s toothpaste with calcium to prevent serious problems in the future.

Toothpaste containing calcium

To get results from using a calcium-containing hygiene product, you should choose a paste only with bioavailable compounds in the composition:

  • hydroxyapatite;
  • calcium salt of citric acid;
  • calcium glycerophosphate;
  • calcium salt of lactic acid;
  • calcium pantothenate.

Calcium can also be represented by calcium carbonate, but this substance is an abrasive and does not provide any benefit. Its effect on tooth enamel is only external; the powder is similar to chalk and is not able to penetrate the tooth tissue. When brushing your teeth with a paste containing this component, microdamages remain on their surface, which only increase the degree of destruction of the enamel and its sensitivity. A good toothpaste with calcium will never contain this substance and it can only be found in cheap products.

Calcium and fluoride content

Many trusting buyers, seeing such a combination of useful compounds in the composition of a hygiene product, immediately purchase it for personal use. In fact, a toothpaste that simultaneously contains both fluoride and calcium will not bring any benefit to your teeth, since the interaction of these components provokes the formation of insoluble salts. As a result of this procedure, the teeth simply will not receive any microelements.

To truly benefit from the procedure, you should purchase a calcium toothpaste without fluoride.

Advantages of calcium over fluoride

To restore the mineral composition of enamel, fluoride or calcium is added to toothpastes. The first one has a number of disadvantages:

  • Negatively affects health. When choosing fluorine-containing products, you need to pay great attention to the dosage of the active component. An excess can lead to the appearance of fluorosis on the surface of the teeth and a general disruption of the bone structure. That is why the dosage is always indicated on the packaging, which is selected depending on the person’s age and the condition of the enamel.
  • Not allowed with fluoridated tap water. In this case, toothpaste containing fluoride leads to an excess of the mineral in the body and causes disease. But this does not mean that you are getting enough minerals from the water. Therefore, they need to be restored in other ways.

Calcium-containing preparations do not have such disadvantages. They are safe and suitable for regular daily use.

Domestic pasta

Russian is the largest manufacturer of products for comprehensive oral hygiene. Additionally, the company also produces other products, but the main focus is dental care.

Children's toothpaste with calcium

“Biocalcium” is a toothpaste containing active calcium. The component is obtained from egg shells, so it is completely safe for humans. The second active substance of the product is hydroxyapatite. The compound is an inorganic bone tissue obtained synthetically. This component can be safely called the main building material for teeth, therefore, in combination with active calcium, it helps to quickly restore damaged enamel, increase its density and relieve sensitivity.

The benefits of the product include its ability to fill microcracks on the surface of teeth like a filling. Regular use of the paste noticeably saturates the enamel with minerals, teeth become whiter, the pH of the mucous membranes in the mouth is normalized and plaque is removed. All this is due to the content of sodium bicarbonate, polydon, papain and a special whitening complex developed by the company.

This toothpaste with calcium costs about 150 rubles in any supermarket or pharmacy.

Are fluoride toothpastes harmful?

In addition to being found in oral hygiene products, fluoride is found in water and some foods. In some regions of the country, there is an excess of the substance in tap water, which can cause an overdose, which is especially dangerous for children. Since fluoride is toxic and can accumulate in tissues, including tooth enamel, for these reasons it is not recommended to use products with it all the time. An excess of fluoride in medicine is called fluorosis. Stains form on the tooth surface, which darken over time and corrode hard tissues. This phenomenon requires specialist intervention. In such situations, dentists make appropriate appointments, which include a remineralization procedure. You will also have to switch to special oral care products that will facilitate the rapid restoration of damaged tissue.


The personal hygiene product from the most popular manufacturer does not contain any dyes, antiseptics or fluoride. The product is rich in magnesium, phosphorus, silicon and active calcium. The toothpaste has all the components in an ideal ratio, and the presence of xylitol in the composition enhances the anti-caries effect.

Toothpaste active calcium

There are still abrasive particles in the paste, but their size is so minimal that even people with hypersensitive teeth can use the product.

ROCS Active Calcium is popular among consumers for its pleasant taste and cost-effectiveness. The cost of a 94 g tube is about 210-250 rubles, which cannot be called an affordable price for everyone. Also, among the disadvantages of the paste, reviews indicate the presence of sodium lauryl sulfate in the composition. This substance has a negative effect even on hair, so it is not welcome in shampoos, and in toothpaste it can cause irritation of the oral mucosa or allergic reactions.

Rating of toothpastes with calcium for children

Dentists do not recommend using calcium-containing products to clean baby teeth. But high levels of fluoride also have a negative impact on health. Therefore, the drugs should be used by adolescents. For children only if there are obvious problems with their teeth.

ROCS kids

Hygienic products have a low abrasiveness. This makes it possible to carefully but effectively care for children's enamel. Calcium glycerophosphate with xylitol strengthens it and prevents the appearance of caries.

Thanks to the presence of linden and chamomile extracts, it is possible to restore periodontal tissue. The composition reduces bleeding and pain, reduces the risk of the appearance and development of gum disease.

Splat Baby

The active formula of the toothpaste includes dicalcium phosphate dihydrate. It destroys plaque with daily cleaning and restores the surface after mechanical impact. The LUCTATOL complex, based on licorice extract, has a special effect. It creates a protective layer on the teeth that prevents the deposition of dirt and the development of diseases.

The effectiveness of the products has been tested in extensive clinical trials. The composition is suitable for children's teeth from birth to three years.


The hygiene product is designed for children from 2 to 12 years old. It has a pleasant taste that makes it appealing to kids. They do not experience negative emotions during the cleaning process and willingly switch to independent hygiene. Moreover, only natural substances are used in the recipe. They are safe even if swallowed.

Low abrasive particles do an excellent job of removing dirt. Calcium-containing substances restore the mineral structure. Vitamin E nourishes the gums.

splat biocalcium toothpaste reviews

Product from "President"

Toothpaste from an Italian manufacturer contains calcium pantothenate, papain, glycerophosphate, lactate and xylitol. The last component is responsible for neutralizing the acidic environment in the oral cavity and normalizing the pH level. The substance also destroys caries bacteria. Teeth sensitivity is reduced due to the presence of potassium salt in the paste, and papain accelerates plaque removal.

Toothpaste with calcium PresiDENT Unique can also have a healing effect on the gums, strengthening them, thanks to aloe vera extract and vitamin E. The abrasive substances in the paste have a very low level, so the product is suitable for daily use. All calcium compounds in the composition are easily absorbed and the paste quickly provides a feeling of cleanliness and smoothness to tooth enamel. You can purchase the product at any pharmacy or store at a price of about 200 rubles per package.

Which medicated toothpaste is better to buy?

Toothpaste helps maintain oral hygiene. For a cleansing effect, abrasive substances are added to it.

In medicinal formulations, their concentration should not exceed RDA 80-100. However, not all manufacturers indicate the abrasiveness index on the packaging. More often than not, buyers have to look for this information on the Internet.

Medicinal pastes differ from hygienic pastes in the presence of active additives and herbal ingredients. They have an antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect.

Formulas with a complex of algae, pine needle extract, kelp extract, spirulina or medicinal plants (chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, sage, calendula) have proven to be most effective.

The effectiveness of medicated toothpastes is higher than conventional fluoride-containing ones. They not only carefully clean the enamel, but also protect against caries 2-3 times better. With regular brushing with such compositions, tooth enamel becomes more resistant to cariogenic bacteria.

If you have problems in the oral cavity, you need to consult a dentist, he will advise which components to choose a paste with. The doctor will also tell you how long you can use it, since not all formulas are intended for permanent use.

Among preservatives, manufacturers often choose parabens. Here the opinions of experts differ.

Some say that this component can lead to cancer and other serious diseases. Others argue that their amount in toothpaste is insignificant, which means that the preservative is easily absorbed by the body.

Recommendations: 10 best children's toothpastes

14 Best Whitening Toothpastes

18 best toothpastes

Other pastes

An equally popular product among domestic consumers is the Liquid Calcium paste from TianDE. Its composition pleasantly freshens breath, cleanses the surface of teeth and treats mild inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes. If your teeth are sensitive, it is not recommended to use the product due to its high abrasiveness.

A domestic toothpaste containing calcium, but without fluoride, is presented at a low price. This hygiene product perfectly removes plaque from teeth, strengthens enamel and reduces its sensitivity. The taste of the paste is pleasant and fresh.

Toothpastes with calcium reviews

Himalaya Herbals paste gently cares for the enamel and cleanses it of plaque and tartar, which allows beneficial substances to better penetrate the dental tissues.

Products from the German brand Elmex are represented by lines of toothpastes for both adults and children. Their composition relieves inflammation of the gums, strengthens the enamel, protects teeth from the appearance of carious formations and whitens them. The abrasive properties are moderate, so the product is not recommended for hypersensitive teeth.

One of the most popular toothpaste brands is Colgate. Its product “Anti-caries” is aimed at strengthening tooth enamel, gentle cleansing and protection. The paste can be used by all family members over 6 years of age.

The Best Inexpensive Whitening Toothpastes

In this group we will consider toothpastes in the price category up to 200 rubles. Many of them are suitable for daily use. If we look at the composition of the products, we can see that even for a relatively low price we get a good product for intensive teeth cleaning. After one use, you most likely will not see a significant change in the color of the enamel, but with regular use of the paste there is a chance of getting a visible effect.

5 Natura Siberica Pearl of Siberia

In 5th place is the Pearl of Siberia toothpaste from the Russian brand Natura Siberica.
The brand produces organic cosmetics, which contain extracts of Siberian plants. She has her own laboratory where the process of studying the beneficial properties of herbs takes place, after which the best becomes the active component of the product. The toothpaste comes in a white foil tube with shades of mint and silver in the design. Its volume is 100 ml. The product is distinguished by its natural composition, the absence of SLS and the presence of many herbs. There are extracts of Rhodiola rosea, St. John's wort, and geranium. There are also cedar oil and Altai sea buckthorn oil. The cleansing component in the paste is sea salt, and herbs have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Regular use of the paste will give fresh breath, protect against plaque and tartar, restore the whiteness of the enamel, and eliminate gum inflammation.

The product is white in color and does not have polishing particles or other inclusions. Some buyers note a sharp mint taste, for others, on the contrary, it is mild and does not sting the tongue. Foaming is average, but the whitening effect is still not that strong.


  • Natural composition.
  • No SLS.
  • No fluoride.
  • Availability of herbal extracts and oils.
  • Well refreshing.


  • Slight whitening effect.

Toothpaste Natura Siberica Pearl of Siberia

4 Colgate Optic White Instant Whitening

In 4th place is Colgate's Optic White Instant Whitening Toothpaste.
The brand produces both more expensive and more budget-friendly oral care products and constantly updates its range. The paste comes in a bright red tube with a convenient flip-top cap. Its volume is 75 ml. Giving snow-white teeth occurs through whitening granules. The manufacturer claims that the effect will be noticeable after the first use. Regular use of the product will help fix this result and prolong the preservation of white teeth. The product can be used every day, but at the same time it is not recommended for persons under the age of 7 years.

The paste looks impressive, gray-blue in color with a pearlescent sheen and dark granules. The granules are non-abrasive and dissolve. As you brush your teeth, the foam turns a bright blue color. Users note good cleansing and freshness after using it. The granules may remain on the sink, but are washed off with plain water without the use of additional products. As for whitening, it is noticeable, but after several applications.


  • Can be used daily.
  • Refreshing.
  • Cleans well.


  • Not recommended for children under 7 years of age.
  • Does not provide instant whitening.

Colgate Optic White Instant Whitening Toothpaste

3 Splat Professional Whitening Plus

In 3rd place is Professional Whitening Plus toothpaste from SPLAT.
This company appeared in 2001 and has confidently gained a foothold in the market. Now it actively produces not only oral care products, but also household chemicals. Toothpaste options:

  • Standard tube 100 ml.
  • Mini version 40 ml.
  • Mini version 40 ml complete with folding toothbrush.

The product is intended for adults only. The composition contains papain and sodium phosphate, which cleanse teeth of plaque. Potassium ions reduce the sensitivity of tooth enamel. The whitening effect is achieved due to round particles and a special Polydon component. The result should be visible after 4 weeks of use. In this case, as the manufacturer notes, the teeth become 1.5 shades lighter.

Buyers like the quality of cleaning tooth enamel. They also note that the product is uniform in consistency and does not contain any noticeable abrasive particles. The taste is pleasant and the paste foams well. The whitening effect for most users is not as strong as we would like.


  • Suitable for daily use.
  • Potassium ions in the composition.
  • Cleanses and refreshes well.
  • Pleasant mint taste.
  • Does not contain SLES.


  • Cannot be used by children.
  • Weak whitening effect.

Toothpaste SPLAT Professional Whitening Plus

2 Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe Whitening Booster

In 2nd position is the Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe toothpaste Whitening Booster from the German brand Procter & Gamble.
The product comes in a 75 ml white foil tube, which is decorated with gray diamond edges. The most important thing you need to know about this paste is that it does not protect against caries and is used only after basic teeth brushing. The manufacturer suggests using any Blend-a-med paste. The purpose of the product is to enhance the whiteness of teeth and maintain the result.

One of the complaints from customers is the lack of specific instructions on how to use the product. It is not clear whether it is suitable for daily use, whether they need to brush their teeth twice a day, or whether it is enough to use it only once to get results. The paste contains solid particles, so it may not be suitable for those with sensitive teeth and gums. It has a pleasant taste and cleans well thanks to the abrasive. Opinions about its effectiveness differ: some people's teeth become noticeably whiter, others don't see any results at all.


  • Pleasant taste.
  • Cleans plaque well.
  • Economical use.


  • There are no clear instructions for use.
  • Not everyone has whitening results.

Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe Toothpaste Whitening Booster

1 Lacalut White

In 1st place is Lacalut White toothpaste.
The German brand was founded in 1925. Only proven components and modern technologies are used in the manufacture of products. The company annually releases new dental care products and constantly monitors their quality. The product presented is in a 75 ml tube. It contains sodium fluoride. There are no chemical bleaches or aggressive abrasives in the composition. Toothpaste carefully removes plaque, preventing the development of tartar and caries, polishes and strengthens the enamel. It is suitable for daily use. The manufacturer recommends including it in dental care for smokers, coffee lovers and tea lovers.

Buyers note that the product has a uniform consistency without abrasive particles. It is praised for its pleasant, not harsh, minty taste. There are no complaints about the quality of cleaning. Opinions about whitening differ: some see the result, while others do not notice it. For its small volume, the price may seem overpriced to some.


  • For daily use.
  • Pleasant taste.
  • Suitable for smokers and coffee lovers.
  • No chemical bleaches.


  • Not everyone has whitening results.

Toothpaste Lacalut White

Tips for maximum effect

For calcium toothpaste to bring real benefits, it is not enough to simply purchase it and use it at your discretion. To increase effectiveness, dental hygiene products must be used in combination.

What toothpaste with calcium

Before brushing, it is recommended to use dental floss to remove any food debris between your teeth. Next, you should brush your teeth with the selected paste, but for at least 3 minutes. Only during this period will the active components of the composition be able to penetrate into the dental tissue and bring the desired benefit. At the end of the procedure, you need to use a rinse aid. To enhance the effect, you can choose a product containing calcium or containing sodium fluoride. This substance will help to better absorb calcium from the paste.

Some experts recommend alternating toothpastes with fluoride and calcium - one in the morning and the other in the evening.

Consumer Opinions

Reviews of toothpastes with calcium are mostly positive. The list of all products containing calcium presented in the article is, of course, not complete and is compiled based on the most popular products.

According to buyers, “New Pearl” paste is the cheapest option of all the high-quality products on the market. It perfectly cleans the surface of teeth and has a pleasant mint aroma.

The “Liquid Calcium” product from TianDe is actually a gel, not a paste, so it finds its consumer mainly based on this characteristic.

Toothpaste with calcium without fluoride

The product perfectly cleanses and whitens enamel, but in some cases it can increase tooth sensitivity.

ROCS toothpaste is the most expensive of the options described, but at the same time the most effective. Women note that the product perfectly restores teeth even after pregnancy.

Despite the recommendations of experts not to use toothpastes containing both fluoride and calcium, many still prefer such products. Pastes from the manufacturers Colgate and Blend-a-med have good reviews for the price-quality ratio. Buyers note their pleasant aroma and gentle cleansing.

The best toothpastes for bleeding gums

To treat gums, toothpastes with enzymes are used that relieve inflammation, heal wounds and relieve pain. They should be used only during periods of exacerbation of periodontitis or other oral diseases.

ROCS “Bionics” for gum health



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

See review▶

ROCS medicinal paste is indicated for increased bleeding and inflammation of the gums. 94.2% of the composition are ingredients of natural origin, the rest are synthesized analogues of compounds of the human body.

The formula is approved for pregnant women and children under 6 years of age. It contains no fluoride, sulfates, parabens, dyes, alcohol or antiseptics.

A complex of plant extracts removes inflammation, kills bacteria and reduces gum bleeding after just a few brushings. Bioavailable minerals protect against caries.

The abrasiveness of the formula is low (RDA 50.9), making the paste suitable for people with sensitive teeth. ROCS “Bionica” is sold in 74 g laminate tubes with a hinged cap.


  • natural composition;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • protects against caries;
  • relieves inflammation and bleeding gums in a few days;
  • convenient packaging.


  • not everyone likes the taste of licorice;
  • high cost (on average 200 rubles per tube).

Dentists recommend alternating ROCS “Bionika” with pastes for the prevention of caries.

Asepta "Parodontal Active"



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

See review▶

Asepta Parodontal is a therapeutic and prophylactic paste with low abrasiveness RDA 60. Its formula does not injure inflamed gums and does not damage the enamel. The composition was tested by clinical studies at the Institute of Dentistry, the results confirmed its safety and effectiveness.

The formula contains no antiseptic ingredients or fluoride, which allows it to be used for a long time.

A complex of herbs (calendula, sage, St. John's wort) provides an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Papain breaks down plaque, making teeth truly clean.

Pyrophosphates prevent the formation of tartar and restore the natural whiteness of enamel. Xylitol provides protection against caries, and mint and lime give the paste a pleasant taste, freshening breath.


  • does not contain fluoride and antiseptics:
  • gently cleanses;
  • relieves gum inflammation;
  • pleasant taste;
  • prevents the appearance of tartar and caries.


  • the price is above average (about 220 rubles for 75 ml);
  • difficult to find on sale.

Buyers note that the paste cleanses enamel well and quickly eliminates bleeding. For maximum effect, you can additionally use Asepta Parodontal rinse aid and gum balm during the day.

Lacalut Active Herbal



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

See review▶

The preventative German paste Lacalut Aktiv is made on the basis of a complex of medicinal herbs. It is recommended for the treatment of bleeding and inflammation of the gums. The paste has a mild mint taste and aroma. It foams well and keeps your mouth fresh all day after brushing.

Bleeding decreases within a few days after starting use. Lacalut is sold in convenient 50 and 75 ml tubes with a wide screw cap.

It contains aluminum lactate, which gives the formula an astringent effect and helps stop bleeding. Chlorhexidine is used as an antiseptic.

Bisabolol, fennel and sage relieve inflammation, heal wounds, allantoin accelerates gum regeneration. Eucalyptus kills bacteria and germs in the mouth, while star anise, chamomile and myrrh have a soothing effect.


  • sold in many stores and pharmacies;
  • quickly relieves inflammation and bleeding gums;
  • pleasant mint taste;
  • convenient packaging;
  • can be used every day;
  • There is a protective membrane on the tube.


  • expensive (about 150 rubles for 50 ml);
  • A bit runny.

Buyers note that Lacalut Aktiv Herbal has too liquid a consistency - not everyone is comfortable applying it to the brush. However, even a few drops are enough to effectively clean your teeth.

Dental Clinic 2080



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

See review▶

Korean medicinal paste Dental Clinic is indicated for gum diseases. The composition includes ginkgo biloba extract, which has an antibacterial effect. It is used to prevent periodontal disease and prevent bone tissue destruction.

Laboratory studies have proven that Dental Clinic reduces the number of P. gingivalis bacteria by 99% after the first brushing.

The formula strengthens enamel and effectively cleanses the entire oral cavity. Fresh breath lasts throughout the day. The manufacturer also promises that the paste will prevent the appearance of tartar and caries.

The line offers several paste options: with Himalayan salt, mint, ginkgo and green tea. So every buyer can find a composition to his taste.


  • several tastes;
  • can be purchased at most stores;
  • suitable for daily use;
  • kills bacteria;
  • prevention of periodontal disease;
  • freshens breath;
  • Convenient packaging with a wide lid.


  • price (215 rubles per 120 g);
  • no protective membrane;
  • Not everyone likes pasta colors that are too bright.

The taste of Dental Clinic is quite unusual, but customers claim that you quickly get used to it.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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