Every person throughout his life may encounter such a phenomenon as an unpleasant odor from
The correct choice of drops during the eruption of the first teeth in children During the formation of the primary bite
11/20/2019 From January 1, 2020, in accordance with Federal Law 61-FZ “On turnover
The best ointment for healing wounds on the skin is one that has a quick effect and simultaneously disinfects
Even scientists are still arguing about how the trigeminal nerve is treated. Inflammation
Contents Tooth decay is an unpleasant event that requires immediate response. This can happen due to injury,
Denture – what is it? Many people are scared by the very word “prosthesis,” but in vain. Exactly this
The frenulum of the tongue is a special fold on the mucous membrane of the mouth that connects the middle of the tongue
Every day, the skin becomes contaminated as a result of the production of subcutaneous sebum and the negative effects of external factors,
Sputum during pneumonia is a phenomenon that people encounter regardless of age. Costs