How telescopic dentures work
Telescopic system for fixing the clasp prosthesis Shcherbina Pavel 381 gr. - presentation
1683 Telescopic prosthetics is a practical and one of the best ways to restore dentition. Design
Superline implant Korea
What are Implantium implants?
Product Features The high rating of Dentium systems on the Russian dental market was achieved due to a number of
How to unfill a resorbed tooth
Educational and methodological manual for students of medical universities Kazan, 2013
Resorcinol-formalin method or the story of one tooth. Patient's view. Possibility of using formaldehyde in treatment
Why do humans grow shark teeth?
What does a shark tooth contain, and what effect does it have on life?
2966 The “shark teeth” anomaly is not at all as harmless a joke of nature as it might be
Treatment of chronic tonsillitis
Folk remedies for treating tonsillitis in adults
Conservative treatment of chronic tonsillitis Conservative therapy allows you to treat chronic tonsillitis at home. At
Photo of a dental implant
How to correctly implant, implant or implant
Period of osseointegration The average period of engraftment of titanium roots with classical implantation is about six months, however
Clasps for dentures: classification, types, manufacturing
Technique for bending a double-armed wire clasp.
Clasps for dentures are part of an artificial structure that ensures its fixation and support.
Application of triple-curing hybrid glass ionomer cement Vitremer™ (3M ESPE) for the restoration of a tooth with an abnormality in the structure of hard tissues
Glass ionomer cements as cements consist of a main component of glass and an acid component and harden
Turunda what is dentistry – Oral health
How to prepare iodoform turunda
Requirements for dressing material in dentistry After tooth extraction, the dentist voices simple,
Treatment of neuralgia of the ear node, treatment with folk remedies
Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve treatment with folk remedies
General description Lesion (neuralgia) of the glossopharyngeal (IX) nerve (G52.1) is neuralgia in which attacks
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