With the birth of a baby in the womb, a woman radically changes her attitude towards the world around her. AND
Sound-letter analysis of a word: what is the difference between sounds and letters? Before you proceed
Why does your breath smell like rotten eggs? Why does your breath smell like rotten eggs?
Atrophic phenomena in the bone tissue of both jaws occur in every second patient who wants
Today in dental clinics, each patient can choose any material for himself. Happens
In the morning there is plaque in the mouth. The appearance of a white coating on the mucous membranes of the mouth, tongue and inner
What is the difference between a crown and a veneer? Experts classify both crowns and veneers as orthopedic
This unpleasant phenomenon occurs not only during cold season. Purulent lesions of the palatine tonsils especially
What can I do to make the anesthesia wear off faster? Before visiting the dentist's office, you should
Dentists recommend undergoing preventive dental examinations at least once a year. It helps