Toothache is a painful phenomenon, especially when it occurs at night and
1028 Diagnosis of caries is made not only with the help of instrumental or hardware examination. For that
Finding an effective medicine that can quickly eliminate the symptoms of inflammation of the oral mucosa is quite difficult.
Dental treatment under anesthesia has long been common practice in dental clinics. Painlessness of all treatments
Related methods of pain relief The main types of local anesthesia used in dentistry are infiltration and
3377 Inflammatory processes developing in the oral cavity always bring a lot of inconvenience to a person and threaten
A typical childhood disease is enteroviral vesicular stomatitis. To date, the disease has not been studied enough because
11074 Malocclusion is a fairly common phenomenon that can be confidently interpreted as a diagnosis.
Antiseptics for the throat and mouth Rinsing with antiseptic solutions is one of the prescribed
When removal is indicated Modern dentistry strives to preserve teeth and their roots whenever possible, but