Dental veneers, what are they, dentures, veneers, removable dental veneers, pros and cons. Ultraneers, ultraneers veneers, lumineers veneers: what are they, pros and cons
To correct defects in the appearance and chewing function of teeth, a variety of prostheses are used: crowns, bridges,
What does the tongue tell you about: what diseases are visible on it?
Geographic tongue is a pathological condition that is characterized by dystrophic and inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of the tongue.
Children's Cholisal instructions for use
September 18, 2019 It’s good that the inventions of modern medicine make it possible not to resort to folk remedies,
What are the types of dental implants in dentistry?
Indications and contraindications Most often, implants are placed for problems with the front teeth, since
Dry mouth at night - why does this happen?
What is xerostomia? Xerostomia is a symptom of dry mouth. This condition develops according to
inexpensive painkillers
Groups and list of painkillers
In the work presented to your attention, we will discuss inexpensive painkillers. Many people probably know the opinion
Chlorhexidine: instructions for use and what it is needed for, price, reviews, analogues
: Incorrect or missing image This article lacks links to sources of information.
What to do if the gums near the wisdom tooth hurt
Wisdom teeth are the last to take part in the formation of the human jaw. By the time they
Metrogyl gel packaging
Metrogyl gel in gynecology: instructions for use.
What is Metrogyl gel? This is a synthetic medicine that has a wide spectrum of antiprotozoal and antimicrobial effects.
Therapeutic effect of Imudon
Imudon to stimulate the immune system in children
Release form and composition Dosage form - lozenges: flat-cylindrical with beveled