593 Today, correct the bite or align the position of individual elements in preschool or younger children
Removal of a wisdom tooth is accompanied not only by painful sensations, but also by swelling and inflammation of the surrounding area.
5536 Constant pain and discomfort in the lower jaw and temples are the first signs
Signs of a burning tongue and accompanying symptoms This phenomenon is usually accompanied by additional symptoms that vary,
Depophoresis is a method of disinfection of affected internal tooth tissues with copper-calcium hydroxide, which is tens of
Nystatin is an antimicrobial agent active against pathogenic fungi of the genus Candida and
Even in the 21st century, when medicine has so many advances, people are embarrassed to discuss some problems
How to get a certificate of oral sanitation? | Dentistry As-Stom | St. Petersburg (SPb) to the doctor
The oral mucosa is susceptible to infection and inflammation due to the many microbes present here. More often
June 26, 2017 Missing tooth Many patients mistakenly believe that tooth extraction is