When you need drugs for gum inflammation Inflammation of the gums in medicine is called gingivitis. Disease
What do suspicious red spots on the tongue mean and should you sound the alarm?
Advantages of electric toothbrushes One of the main advantages of such devices is that
What does the taste of blood in your mouth mean? The appearance of blood in the mouth or its taste
Causes Depending on the age of the child, the acetone smell can be observed in children in different ways.
Strong teeth are the key to good health of the whole body for many years, so
"Rocks" is the result of the collective work of Swiss and Russian scientists working in
1407 An unpleasant odor that appears during breathing is a phenomenon in itself
Sanitation of the oral cavity in children Most diseases can be cured in a very short time
Types and causes of Throat diseases (photo presented below) can be triggered by a variety of factors.